MTL - The Marvelous Dragon Balls-Chapter 14 Insent

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黑 The gangster hit by Yin Shengte had a scar like scar on his face. He waved the axe in his hand in an attempt to force Yin Shengte out, and he cried out loudly, "Come and help me!"

However, at this time, the position on the court was exactly due to the situation between Saint and the other three gangsters. There were one scar face and three scar face companions. There was no way to support the first time. With a sweeping leg of Saint, kicking Scar's face to the ground, then stood up and jumped on him to make a knife ... Oh no, it was a fist ...

In contrast, Scarface should be considered lucky, because Santan directly gave him a punch and did not feel much pain. He passed out cleanly. As for whether he would have a concussion, that is exactly what happened. What's next ...

With only three gangster thugs, Instant suddenly stood up from the scar face with **** fists, and suddenly took a step backwards, exchanging a look with each other, all from the eyes of the other party, Seeing a deep fear-who is this TM? So vicious? After knocking people down, do you have to make a knife? Too cruel!

Who is the gangster who licks the blood with the knife?

The courage of the three gangster thugs has been vented, and all of them are resigned. If not for the three companions who fell down, they ca n’t wait to turn around and run. One of the young thugs wearing earrings turned his eyes and rushed towards With an open door, Li's Chinese restaurant shouted, "Drag him! I'll catch someone!"

This idea is very good, but unfortunately, the earring man forgot a very realistic situation, that is, under the blessing of "qi", because of the power and speed of Saint, it is completely beyond the ordinary person's category, holding the group, They barely have the ability to compete with them, once they leave the team, they must kneel on the spot!

I could n’t keep up with the two gangsters who were in the footsteps of Yin Shengte. I saw that he caught the earring man in three or two steps, raised his fist and waved toward his back, and punched him directly with a punch. It's up!

The studded male body fell to the ground, "Wow!" A great splash of blood spewed forward, let alone rushed into the store, and even the blood he spit did not reach the side of the door frame. !!

At the next moment, the whistle of the whistle sounded in the distance, and when I heard this warning sign, the two gangsters who were still alive at this time changed their faces and looked like they were relieved. They looked at each other and acted very tacitly, shouting in unison: "Put your hands together! The wind is tight! Shout!"

Because Sainte looked at the two who turned and ran, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and did not think of chasing them at all. After the four people were brought down one after another, the "qi" in his body was running low, even "Guessing: Stone "It is impossible to sustain it. If we continue to fight with them, we will not lose, but it will definitely be a hard fight.

After seeing the two gangster thugs run away, Yin Sheng walked back to the shop without thinking of the other four on the ground or in a coma or a sorrow, shouting: "Come out, all right."

On hearing the noise, Joey Mitcham poked her head from under a table. The girl was also sincere. She was hiding under the table because Santa had let her lie on her back ...

Quinn stepped forward and pulled her: "Ms. Mitcham, don't you go out without a bodyguard?"

"I don't like anyone following me."

Joy Mitcham took In Saint's arm, stood up, and patted the dust on the body: "Call me Joey, you are my life-saving benefactor, I can't afford a lady."

"Okay, Joey."

Yan Yin nodded casually, pointing at the four gangster thugs lying at the door: "Who are they? Why did they attack you?"

"It seems to be HONGKONG's axe gang, I think ... maybe because of business conflicts. Just recently, we, the Rand Group, bought a dock they wanted."

I bought a pier ...

Yin Yin twitched at the corner of Santa ’s mouth. What you said is like buying a piece of clothing. I do n’t really understand the rich world ...

At this moment, Lorna and Peter came over from behind the shop, with a look of shocked Peter, and said, "Oh, boss, you said that this neighborhood is not flat, but it's not a joke, eh? Why didn't I see the police? Is it ... the one, two, three, four underworlds at the door are all bosses you killed alone? Oh! God! That person vomited a lot of blood! How did you make him like this? Is it true? It's Hua Kung Fu? It turns out that you're not cheating the boss ... "

"Peter! Shut up!"

Ryan interrupted Peter's chatter and turned to look at Lorna. "Lorna, how are you?"

You know, because Sainte is keeping the shop door and not letting the gangsters come in. Only a small part is for Joey. For more reasons, in fact, it is worried that Lona, a powerful mutant, will be stimulated because of this. Caused his ability to get out of control and demolished his shop ...

"Boss, I'm fine, I just got a little scared."

Although Lorna said so, UU read the book because of Sainte's uneasy turned on "breath induction", until "see" Lorna's "qi" is stable, this relieved, but also After making a decision, you should find an opportunity to have a frank talk with her. Otherwise, it is always a matter of preventing her from acting as a time bomb ...

"It's all right, Peter, go and clean the broken glass on the ground."

Hearing Instant's words, Joey, who stood silently, reacted suddenly and stepped forward: "Mr. Li, the whole thing happened because of me, and I will be responsible for repairing this door."

"Thank you, then, Joey, by the way, I'll call your name by all means, and you can call me Insanity."

Because Sainte didn't quit, he pointed at a police siren, and slowly parked at the police lane in front of the shop. "Joy, help people to the end, I don't want to go to the police station for tea. "

"of course."

Joy nodded proudly and walked towards the outside of the store. He said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of the police."

The last name of Mitcham is obviously very palatable in New York police. Joey and the two patrol officers who stepped off the car, after a few words, the whole incident was defined as legitimate defense, but there was no question of "defensive too much" It rang, and even Yin Saint himself was not required to show up. In the police records, the people who subdued the four gangsters on the ground were just "Joy Mitcham's bodyguard."

Soon after, two ambulances rushed to the scene under the call of two patrol officers, and pulled away four seriously injured gangsters with a stretcher. Subsequently, the two patrol officers also returned to the car and accompanied the ambulance to the rush. The hospital, so far, this matter has come to an end.