MTL - The Marvelous Dragon Balls-Chapter 28 Kill trick! scissors!

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After all, Instant pointed to the tablet on the table, and finally said: "The picture in this video is that I borrowed Danny Rand's iron fist to cure the poisoned dying Colleen Wen, As for what I did, why Tekken could cure the poison, sorry, these are all secrets. "

The situation is better than people. Even if Phil Coulson is deliberately asking, at this moment, he can only nod his head helplessly, took the tablet, and opened another video: "Mr. Li, I have another question, Colleen Wen What's her identity? Those who took Danny Rand right, she called? "


Because Sainte hesitated a little bit, avoiding this problem intentionally, but felt that he had escaped from the first day, not fifteen, and after a little silence, he finally said the truth: "They are hand-to-hands and talk to Colleen That person is her master 'Botu' and one of the 'five fingers' of the hand union. "

"It seems a bit contradictory, right?"

科尔 Fil Coleson frowned, questioning directly: "You said before that Colleen Win was injured because of the rivalry."

"No contradiction."

Quinn Saint shook his head slightly and explained intricately: "Coleen didn't know that she played for the Handicraft Association. She always thought that 'Bozi' runs a charity."

Phil Coulson nodded doubtfully, hesitated, and finally asked: "Mr. Li, if you don't mind, I want to ask, what do you guys like" Gui Xian Liu "play in this? Roles?"

"It's nothing for us."

Yin Shengchao said with some scrutiny: "Our Guixian Liu is different from Kunlun. It is a completely hidden hereditary sect. There are no external personnel at all in the world. As far as I know, the Guixian Liu who entered the WTO so far Disciple, I'm the only one, and if Colleen Wen is my old friend, I can't see death and I won't save it, and I won't mix in the grudges of Kunlun's association with the hands. "

"Do you mean, does Kunlun have outsiders? How big are they?"

"No comment, ask Danny Rand."


科尔 Fil Coleson turned his head silently, and exchanged a look with Melinda May, after seeing her vaguely affirmative, quietly reached into his arms to get another pistol hidden in a tactical vest.

"Agent Coleson, don't rush to pull the gun first."

Because Sainte called out and stopped Phil Coulson's small gesture, while his face changed greatly, he pointed to the direction of the shop door: "I know that the backup you secretly called has arrived outside the door, and most of it is With your instructions, they are all equipped with sunglasses that block strong light, and I want to ask you a word before you signal them to rush in. "

"Are you ready to let them sacrifice?"

Because Sainte uttered this sentence with a murderous face, and raised his index and middle fingers of his right hand, pointed his finger at the table in front of him, and made a light stroke, a light blue arc light. The blade quietly formed in the air with the cutting action that he pointed like a knife, and then, with a thunderbolt, he silently cut on the table, almost without being blocked, just click Zi cut the entire solid wood table from beginning to end in half!

Guess Boxing: Scissors-Condensate Qi at your fingertips and release it. You can either draw the air blade horizontally or stab the air sword longitudinally. The speed, sharpness, and range of the air blade and air sword are all related to the output air Proportionately, it is the strongest killing force in "Guess Fist: Stone Scissors Cloth"!

This kind of powerful and horrific killing method is obviously not suitable for use when the life and death are fighting. At this moment, it is used by Saint Saint to show determination and as a further deterrent, the effect is extremely significant. Phil Cole Sen with a horrified expression, shouted into the headset in a hurry: "Stop action! I repeat it! All members stop action!"

"Wise choice."

In Sainte sneered and stood up, pointing at the group of special service soldiers who had fallen to the ground before, saying: "I did not hurt their lives, not because I was soft-hearted, nor because I couldn't do it, but because New York was me. Family, I just want to live here peacefully, and do n’t want to trouble myself. You better not break the peace, otherwise! You need to think about the consequences!

Phil Coulson took a deep breath, calmed his mind a bit, and argued reasonably, "Mr. Li, your ability is really strong, but it is precisely because of this that we cannot let you go , Once your ability is out of control, the harm caused will be inestimable, and I do n’t know how many innocent lives will be ... "


Because Sainte blew his nose, interrupting Phil Colson's words: "Agent Coulson, have you misunderstood something? The ability is out of control? Do you think my strength, UU Reading is Did you get it out of thin air like a mutant? Don't make a joke! The air blade just now is one of our entry skills for "Kui Xian Liu". Do you know how long it took me to learn? "

"Ten years!"

Because Saint-Terby gave a sign representing "ten": "I have practiced for a full ten years before I have the strength today. Every trace of" qi "in the body is obtained through daily hard work. , Completely under my control, I ask you, as a trained combatant, would you accidentally go out when you hold a gun? "

当然 "Of course not, after a long time ... oh, I see what you mean ..."

Phil Coulson showed a clear expression: "You mean, just like I can fully control the firearms in my hand through training, you can also fully control your own abilities through practice. You will not lose control. "

"That's the truth."

Yun Yin nodded, and threw the option to Phil Coulson: "So Agent Coulson, please tell me now, do you still insist on handcuffing me?"


Phil Coulson thought for a while, raised his head and said, "I can't give you a reply right now. The development of things is beyond my authority. I will report your situation to the superior truthfully. It's up to them to decide what to do. "


Quinn nodded in understanding and made a "please" gesture: "You are free, but before today passes, you'd better give me a clear statement."

"it is good!"

科尔 Phil Coulson rose to his feet and pointed to the unconscious agents: "Can I call someone in and take them away?"