MTL - The Mercenary World of Online Games-Chapter 10 Dark castle

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Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone users enter the address: can not find the book, please leave a message!

If the vampire Count Sindro is a god-like existence in the game, his servant is a veritable servant. Preface to God as a prefix, what is the concept of the servant, think of the Archbishop and the Pope of the Holy See know that they are recognized as near-God in human beings, not as a **** of law, but also as a semi-god-level powerhouse.

I thought that the Earl's minions were small, and I didn't expect even the minions to be boss-level. This is the most vivid one, and the chickens and dogs are ascending to heaven.

The great sage Dioser said: "In the dark castle, in addition to the count's Ji Yun accompanied him to sleep in the hail, there is also an evil scientist. In the field of alchemy, I realized that the achievement can not be with him. Compared to the count, he made me even more taboo."

the scientist? Dawei recalled the picture when he landed the game. After the war of the gods, human civilization began to multiply, and the bustling cities sprung up, and the technology developed.

There is a wide range of science in the game. Alchemy inscriptions, engineering forging, and mechanical archaeology are more or less related to science.

The vampire count is not good at sucking blood, raising a scientist to establish a research team? Dawei is puzzled. Scientists and vampires, his brain hole is no longer a big one.

For his doubts, Dioise explained: "A few hundred years ago, an evil scientist appeared in human beings and created a non-human life."

Creation has its own rules and rules, and even more so in the game, it does not set the existence of the anti-sky, even if there is a certain setting, there is a big constraint. Vampires have near immortal life, but they cannot breed. The scientist in the castle and the count made a deal, and got immortal life from the source of the count's power, at the cost of solving the problem of the child.

The werewolf virus was also studied, and it was based on the power of the Earl, so it possessed the characteristics of immortality and was divided into the category of blood monsters. Therefore, the werewolf was controlled by the count and became the Earl.

The vampire boss gave birth to a large number of sons. As a group of evil forces, it is nothing more than creating a group of vampires to dominate the world. This kind of stalk has no new ideas. Dawei does not need to ask to know that the evil camp can't do anything more promising.

No interest is classified as unpromising, and it must be admitted that the count is an up-and-coming boss with ideas. Mastering the power that can rule the world at any time, it is no wonder that the scientist is more worried than the Earl of the Great.

"Creating life? Isn't that God?" Dawei was surprised. Creating life is the realm of creation. It is not invincible for mortals to master this power. Fortunately, there is a count on it.

Dioise sighed: "Even if you are a god, you may not be able to create life!"

In the field of science, it transcends the gods. Even if it is a scorpion, it is also a super god.

Dawei was extremely depressed, and the difficulty of the task was too great. I thought that the count was a boss, and the result was from the beginning of the boss level, and it was still linked to the **** level!

Leaving the House of the Sage, Dawei followed the curse of the Heihe River and headed upstream. The three armies did not move, and the intelligence came first. He had no clue about the count, and it was necessary to make a general understanding before determining the mission strategy.

It was a long hang-up, killing two bags of instant noodles, and a dark and dark building with a horrible atmosphere appeared in the field of vision, a thick medieval court style.

"System prompt: Players discover dark castles."

"System Tip: Players get information from the Vampire Earl Sindro."

Black high-risk warnings, Dawei has been numb. In the cursed forest map, at the level of his little white, he meets the high energy that detours.

The source of the Heihe River is the Earl Castle. The whole castle is surrounded by the Black River. Dawei has been watching for a long time. It is impossible to get useful information from the outside. It is only possible to sneak into the interior of the castle. The problem with this problem is that the problem is how to safely sneak into the castle.

As a god-level boss, it has its own field of perception. Once you enter the castle, you will soon be sent back to the novice hall by the count.

"How did the werewolf Montico escape from the castle?" Dawei was very clever to find a reference.

Outside of the moonlit night, Monticco had no power to transform and no difference between mortals. He could escape from the castle and explain that there was a way to prevent the count from seeing into the castle.

Dawei touched his chin and began to habitually analyze himself: "There is a scientist in the castle. After scientific experiments, there must be waste and sewage discharge. Monticco often wets and likes to be active in the waters. Can it be Inferred that there is definitely a safe route into the castle inside the Black River under the castle?"

A fierce plunged into the Heihe River, and the system immediately brushed up the information.

"System Tip: The player is currently in the cursed Heihe River, affected by the curse power into a weak state, the curse power has a 70% chance to kill the player!"

"System Tip: Player [Wolf Curse] effect triggers, immune all dark curse effects. Player is currently in underwater environment, beast species attribute trigger, dark environment view +5, underwater environment view +3, player's current field of view +3."

Dawei was shocked and relaxed. The power of God was reflected in all aspects. Even a river was polluted by him and became so dangerous. No wolverine curse, triggering negative after entering a weak state

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