MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1296 Founder's analogy

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When the monkey saw that the big yellow dog was crazy, he hurriedly ran away and climbed up the tree three or two times.

The dog could not get on the tree, barking under the tree for a while, and determined that the rogue monkey was not coming down, so he yelled angrily and left unwillingly.

When the dog left, the monkey hurried down and went back to the mountain.

Seeing this, the red baby hiding in the distance was relieved, and the bodyguard task was completed perfectly. Go home!

"Master, that dog is so fierce, don't touch it," said the monkey pitifully.

Founder Road: "You go empty-handed, of course I will not touch you."

The monkey puzzled: "What do you mean?" Then raised an eyebrow: "I see!"

So the monkey went to the back kitchen and took a crystal rice dumpling down the mountain.

It didn't take long for the barking of dogs to sound again under the mountain.

"Well ..."

"For you, do you still bite me? Not a good dog!" The monkey climbed to the tree again!

The big yellow dog turned underneath for a while before leaving.

The monkey went back to the mountain with great depression.

When the big yellow dog came home, he suddenly saw a crystal rice dumpling, raised his eyebrows, ran over and ate, and said muttering: "Where is it delicious? It's delicious ... haha ​​..."

The red baby squatted aside and saw the scene, covering her face, and muttering, "I thought this dog didn't eat crystal rice dumplings. It turned out that it didn't look good. I didn't see ... poor monkey."

The monkey stood pitifully in front of Fang and said, "Master, I failed again."

Founder put down his Hanzhu piece and said, "Do you know why it failed?"

The monkey shook his head and said, "I don't know. I gave him food, and he bit me. The dog is crazy!"

Fang Zheng shook his head and took a kitchen knife from a bag beside him and handed it to the monkey. "You take this, and when you come back, tell the teacher."

The monkey froze, knife? Is this going to touch the dog or kill it?

But with a knife in hand, the monkeys are not afraid, what a big deal is to do it! Who's afraid of who!

So the monkey arrogantly descended the mountain.

The big yellow dog was basking in the sun, and suddenly heard a shout from the door, looked up, and the monkey came again!

The big yellow dog got angry, got up, and listened to the monkey bullshit, and rushed directly to prepare to bite!

Barking ...

An angry dog ​​barked, and the monkey was a little scared looking at the aggressive yellow dog, but he took the kitchen knife out of the back and was ready to hit!

Almost as soon as the kitchen knife was taken out, the big yellow dog suddenly widened his eyes, braked suddenly, and rolled over in front of the monkey!

Monkey Heart said, "Good guy, still want a tackle?"

The monkey raised a kitchen knife, and the big yellow dog lay on the ground with its homeopathy, spread his limbs, retrieved his teeth, spit out his tongue, shook his tail, and pulled his ears. I was very cute and irritated ...

Then the monkey froze, rubbed its eyes, looked up at the front, and then looked at the pudgy dogs on the ground, brightened their belly, and waited for the harassing dogs ...

The monkey had a feeling of being in a dream, and finally shook his head and touched the dog's belly, and muttered, "Sure enough, no matter how high the martial arts are, they are afraid of kitchen knives ..."

When the monkey was gone, the big yellow dog quickly got up, hid his tail in his arms, and whispered while running: "Emma, ​​I was scared to death. The owner only wiped several chickens in front of me with that stuff yesterday. Neck ... if I didn't respond quickly, 80% of my neck would be wiped. "

The red child hiding behind scratched his head and said, "Good guy, no wonder Master asked me to come back with a kitchen knife from Sun Qiancheng's family. The feeling is that this dog has seen Sun Qiancheng kill a chicken with a knife, and he is afraid of it!"

The monkey came to the mountain again and handed the knife to Founder, saying, "Master, I have completed the task. But I still can't figure it out, what does this have to do with the question I asked you?"

Founder received the kitchen knife, and said lightly: "People are cheap, the Chinese people are so kind in their bones, it's like you, holding crystal rice dumplings in the past to feed the dog, and the dog should only fall from the sky, it has nothing to do with you It's time to bite you and bite you. But when you go over with a kitchen knife and be afraid of him, he will shake his tail to please you.

Although this metaphor is a bit excessive, but human ...

Whether Westerners or Easterners, everyone has the same inferiority. That is, prefer to play with powerful people, especially those who can bully, or have bullied him. As if playing with such a person, you can look very strong.

Country R was once strong, and country M almost played a white flag. Their fierceness scared their courage, so they were willing to play with these fierce people. "

The monkey suddenly realized: "Isn't this cheap?"

Founder chuckled and laughed: "So, dignity is not courteous, it is beaten. When the dog finds that it can't beat you, it will lie down and communicate with you, then call it Equality, they are friendly. Otherwise, even if your performance is harmless to humans and animals, you will only be treated differently. This is the so-called double standard. The same touch on the belly, but the results are completely different. "

Monkey said: "Uh ... well, I understand a little bit. Master, does that mean there is no future for being a good person?"

Founder Haha laughed: "For the teacher, it is about historical origins. As for now, force is still a prerequisite for equality. However, politeness is also important. I have to admit that after nationals of country R have plundered sufficient funds, Education has caught up with Europeans who also become rich by plundering. In addition, country R has a very shallow culture and is almost a blank piece of paper, so they learn what they are exposed to. They are very good at learning, imitating, and even surpassing them. So, country R, ​​after showing its force and proving its strength, used the polite card to open up the markets of other countries.

We in China are different. The culture of 5,000 years, 56 nationalities, and the span of several latitudes and longitudes have created people in each place, each with their own cultural differences and cultural influences behind them.

The same thing we thought was right, the Europeans seemed wrong, so he said you were rude.

In addition, modern China is an invaded country. People who have suffered have just climbed out of **** for less than a century. Coupled with its vast size and large population, even if God is here, education cannot be universalized to the point where everyone can catch up with developed countries.

But the economy chased behind their ass, so when this group of people appeared in front of foreigners, because of lack of understanding, because of their own habits, coupled with the identification and magnification of colored glasses, they finally have what they are now. result.

Of course, there are more political factors in it ... Once the emperors were in the mountains, the former peasants had to stand on their heads, which they could not bear. They are like the woman who is about to be raped. In the face of this brave man, they scold the **** in their mouths, being indecent and shameless, but have to face the painful reality. In order to make the reality better, then curse more fiercely ... "