MTL - The More They Object, the More It Means I Did the Right Thing-Chapter 14 Count Carlo: How about you teach me?

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Chapter 14 Count Carlo: How about you teach me?

Count Carlo observed Anzu for several days. He was both satisfied and quite dissatisfied.

 The mood is very complicated.

 The satisfaction is that Ansu finally started to stay up all day and night, hanging out with the maid until early in the morning before going home. With such an elegant demeanor, the day when he can come to Count Carlo to have his grandson is not far away.

Count Carlo also specifically asked Enya about the situation and asked what this kid did every night. The answer he received was:

 ‘It’s the bad things that Master Ansu didn’t let me say’.

Count Carlo felt confident and understood everything, and smiled with relief.

  What I am quite dissatisfied about is that this kid has to study as soon as he gets home and takes a shower. He works like this every night, and his efficiency and speed in solving questions are actually faster.

 Is this guy’s energy unlimited?

Even when he comes back from fooling around every night, his complexion gets better and better, his face becomes more radiant, and his body becomes stronger. Logically speaking, women generally don’t get more energetic and look good the more they do, okay?

  How come when it comes to your own son, the opposite is true? Could it be that this kid is born with a special talent?

 I really can’t figure it out.

If it weren't for the sake of face, he would even want to ask his son for advice.

 After middle age, many things begin to fail.

Count Carlo thought of this, put down the newspaper in his hand, and turned his peripheral vision to his son who was dining at the dining table.

Ansu is enjoying a serving of caviar. He gently scoops up a spoonful and spreads it evenly on freshly baked cranberry bread.

The sun shines through the blinds and leans slantedly on Ansu's body. The pure white shirt reveals the latter's smooth skin and faint outlines.

  Even though he didn't return home last night, Ansu was quite energetic.

 Over the past few days, he has gradually adapted to the painful blessings of the Mother Goddess of Life.

Although it hurts, it feels refreshing, so it hurts and makes me happy. It’s really refreshing when it hurts.

However, during these few sacrifices, he did not see the same vision of the sea of ​​blood as last time.

 This is quite strange.

 In just one week, Ansu has destroyed three esoteric cultists' dens.

 A total of forty first-level mystics and two second-level priests were sacrificed. In addition to the experience bonus of the "Newborn" title, he gained a total of twenty life points.

In terms of the amount of his achievements, he is a real pioneer in cracking down on gangs and evil.

 Spent ten points to redeem the "Gift of the Mother Goddess of Life" that I had always wanted, and used the name-changing magic to delete the three characters "Mother of Life". The remaining ten life points were all used to strengthen my body.

 The whole person’s energy and energy are better.

 My waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and I no longer breathe heavily when walking.

 It’s really radiant.

Ansu felt that if he continued to waste life points so extravagantly, sooner or later he would be able to gain the warrior talent.

 He also discovered an advantage. In addition to the improvement of physical fitness, the memory and reaction ability of the brain have also increased.

 This is especially obvious when reading and studying. Knowledge that originally took a week to master can now be memorized in one day.

For the Vatican written examination next week, Ansu's original mental expectation was to just pass, but now he feels that he can sprint towards a wave of excellence.

 Read books during the day, perform sacrifices at night, and become a top student in the new era of sacrifice.

The dark magic "God's Gift" combined with the previously obtained holy light magic "All Things Grow" can summon a void creature from the enemy's belly and survive on the field for one minute - this is considered the first trump card of the Ansu School. .

But this combination cannot be used casually. Firstly, it is more lethal when used, and secondly, it consumes too much mana, so he also needs to prepare some magic books for daily use.

And from the Holy See, he also received many rewards.

 Forty first-level soldiers and two second-level soldiers are equivalent to half a month's performance of a small team of saints.

 The total is fifteen faith points, plus the five points saved in the past few days, the total is twenty points, which can increase one's mana by two points.

 That’s six o’clock blue.

 The growth of all things costs four mana points twice, and the gift from God costs two mana points, which is exactly six points in total.

 Just reached the threshold for display. But for Ansu, six points of blue are simply not enough if he wants to unleash his ability as a light and dark priest.

 Being a second-level magician is the only way to be safe.

 The minimum requirement is ten magic points.

 As for the Mother Goddess, he also has several important magic books to get.

 With these preparations, you can pass all the tests of the Holy See one week later without fail.

 So so far, the number of esoteric cultists offering sacrifices is not enough, and the quality is not high enough.

 Efforts must be stepped up.

 Faster, better leveling.

 It would be too slow and inefficient for the Tantric cultists to take the initiative to kidnap him.

 It also lacks the most important subjective initiative of Chinese players.

At the same time, maybe the nearby esoteric cultists heard something, or maybe they noticed that the accomplices who kidnapped Ansu were sending messages inexplicably. After hearing these terrifying rumors, they gradually began to wait and see.

 The esoteric cultists are not fools, they have vaguely noticed that Ansu is fishing.

 In the past three days, only one fool came to kidnap Ansu.

Since the esoteric believers did not take the bait and the fish did not come to him, he took the initiative to find the fish.

 The blood moon is coming soon, and it’s time to enter the second phase of the plan.

 On the day of the blood moon, which is also the birthday of the Mother Goddess, the effect of the sacrifice is increased by 30% and lasts for three days.

 That’s why many esoteric believers make sacrifices during the blood moon days. In the past few days, the reason why Ansu did not take the initiative was to wait for the arrival of the Blood Moon Day.

 Ansu will be more efficient, more industrialized, more programmed, and more streamlined in sacrificing esoteric cultists.

Compared with the traditional Holy See's witch hunt, Ansu has the information advantage of new industries and can bring into play the advanced thinking of people who have traveled through the new era. This is the enterprising spirit that the Holy See lacks.

 In layman's terms, if he clearly remembers the Tantric dens around the border city, and gives him a map, he can mark all the dens.

  After all, he was a top player in Week 17 in his previous life, so he must be familiar with the place where monsters in the novice village are spawned.

 The refresh location of the back monster is a basic skill for speedrunning players.

 This is Anzu’s biggest advantage.

 Ordinary witch hunts by the Holy See to find out the strongholds of the Esoteric Cultists often consume more manpower and material resources and take longer than formal witch hunts. After all, the Esoteric Cultists are really good at hiding.

With the decision made in his mind, Ansu devised his next plan.

After finishing the bread in three gulps and wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, Ansu stood up, took the coat from Enya, and said to his father, "I'm leaving first."

 He was about to go out in a hurry.

Count Carlo stared at Ansu with a complicated expression, and then glanced at Enya. His thoughts were uncertain, and he opened and closed his mouth. He seemed to hesitate for a long time before he said slowly,

 “Pay attention to your health, young people still need to exercise moderation”

  I don’t understand what dad is talking about.

Ansu felt very baffled.


 What is moderation?

  What should be restrained in leveling up?

He subconsciously turned to Enya, suspecting that the maid and the father had instilled some incomprehensible words.

But she saw the maid turning her face sideways, her eyes always falling on the sycamore outside the window. She pursed her lips slightly, as if she was deliberately pretending not to notice Ansu's eyes.

The warm and clear sunlight passed through the thin pleated skirt, and the lead-thin and smooth black hair was scattered in the air, entangled with the light.

 That delicate side face is reflected in the window, as if it had been carefully painted by the light.

"Let's go." Ansu gave up thinking and said to her, "It's time to go to the Holy See to pray."

 (End of this chapter)