MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 804 : parting gift

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Mingyue frowned. It was undeniable that what the veteran said was not a lie.

Mingyue can feel that if this road continues, it will be a dead end with no turning back.

She couldn't figure out why the real phoenix was here and opened up a road to the underworld.

What is the implication?

Does it represent the will to be reborn from the ashes?

Putting it to death and rebirth, the road of cultivating immortality itself cannot be turned back. Perhaps Senior Zhenfeng left this road in the past to let those who come after them understand that this road is difficult.

Mingyue was silent, she fell into self-doubt for a while, and kept asking herself in her heart.

Is it really the right way to go all the way to the end?

Seeing her serious eyes full of doubts about the way of life, Ye Qiu couldn't help but hold her hand tightly.

He comforted her with his eyes, as if to say that no matter how difficult this road is, he will silently accompany her along the way.

Seeing this look, Mingyue smiled! The smile is very bright, and the smile is alluring.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior! Dare to ask senior, how should we get out of here..."

As soon as she cupped her hands, Mingyue offered a big gift first, and then asked.

This time the journey is over.

Although there are thrills, the rewards are also great, counting the time... They have already wasted more than half a year here.

If there are no accidents, there are still a few months until the Butian Dabi, and it is time for them to go back.

This big competition is the most grand event in Butian Pavilion, and they cannot be absent.

The old soldier looked at Mingyue with a smile, his heart was full of relief, and he was full of expectations for the little girl in front of him.

She is excellent! With her by Ye Qiu's side, the veteran was very satisfied.

He couldn't guarantee things in the future, he could only pray that they would continue walking side by side, this was the veteran's last hope.


With a relieved laugh, the veteran said, "It's actually not difficult to leave here. If you noticed it from the beginning, you will find that there is always a door to leave behind you, but you never leave here." Take a look back at it."

Hearing this, the two were startled, and looked back stupidly, this was the first time they looked back.

Just as the veteran said, behind them, hidden in the yellow sand, there is a mysterious door.

Perhaps, there is the only way to leave the other side of the underworld, hidden in the most inconspicuous place.

The veteran had no reason to lie to them, because with his strength, one thought was enough to want the lives of Ye Qiu and Ming Yue.

Don't doubt that the gap between the Dao of Sacrifice and the Dao of Sacrifice is a world of difference.

Even if there is only a small gap, it is an insurmountable moat.

Therefore, the falseness of this sentence is almost zero.

"Thank you, senior! Let's go now, senior, take care."

After hesitating for a while, Ye Qiu immediately cupped his fists, not planning to stay here any longer.

This road is too dangerous, and no one can guarantee that if you go down, what kind of terrifying existence will you encounter.

Above the sacrificial road is not the limit of this road, Ye Qiu has a hunch that there is something more terrifying at the end of the road.

Therefore, there is no point in continuing to go on. Sometimes, turning back does not mean failure, but there is another better choice.


Seeing that Ye Qiu was holding Mingyue's hand and was about to leave, the veteran suddenly stopped them.

The two turned their heads in doubt, only to hear the veteran smile and say: "The two little guys have gone through untold hardships to come here, are you planning to leave empty-handed like this?"

"Senior, what do you mean by this?"

Ye Qiu was puzzled, but the veteran continued to say with a smile: "In this world, there are only a handful of people who can come here, but there are even fewer people who can get out of here alive."

"You are able to come here, it is doomed that this is God's arrangement, a fateful thing."

"Besides, there is still cause and effect between you and me. Does this also prove the fate between you and me?"

Ye Qiu's expression was slightly surprised. He vaguely guessed what the old soldier meant, but he couldn't quite believe it.

"Hehe...don't be surprised, kid. You are the master's disciple and my junior. If you really pay attention, I have to call you young master."

"In the dark, God let you and I meet, this is the fate between you and me, and because of your arrival, I untied the knots in my heart for many years and brought me the news of the master."

"For fate, for love, I have to repay this karma."

After speaking, the veteran looked at Ye Qiu with a smile, and then turned his hand away, only to see a cloud of blood mist suddenly spread.

In the midst of the sky full of yellow sand, a Huangquan fruit tree growing on the Huangquan embankment began to shake violently.

Suddenly... in the gust of wind, a yellow spring fruit fell from the tree and flew straight towards Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu reached out and grabbed it, feeling shocked and even puzzled.

That Huangquan fruit tree barely produced a single fruit after tens of thousands of years of catastrophe.

This veteran has waited here for tens of thousands of years, and the main reason why his fascination persists is because of this Yellow Spring Fruit, which gave him the strength to wait.

Ye Qiu was shocked. At this moment, there was nothing left on the fruit tree except a few unripe

In other words, when the veteran gave him this fruit, it was tantamount to giving up himself.


At this moment, Ye Qiu was moved! Looking at the veteran in disbelief, he saw a trace of relief and loneliness in his eyes.


After a long sigh, he said after a long time, "Son, don't worry about me! I have survived for tens of thousands of years, and everything in the world has long been looked down upon."

"It is the greatest comfort to hear the news that the master is still alive before parting."

"As for life and death, I have long stayed out of the matter. Maybe... I should also pack up and go down to meet my brothers."

The old soldier replied to Ye Qiu in a very lonely tone. Losing Huang Quanguo also meant that he lost a chance to continue waiting for Emperor Zhenwu.

Because it will take at least 10,000 years for the next fruit to mature.

Looking at him with such a lonely expression, Ye Qiu couldn't let go of it. Looking at the fruit in his hand, he couldn't regain his senses for a long time.

He was very curious about what kind of group of men they were, and what kind of ideal they insisted on.

That should be a particularly romantic and supremely heroic ideal.

To be honest, Ye Qiu's demand for Huangquan fruit is not very great. Judging from the quality of this fruit, it doesn't even have half the quality of the one he originally had.

If Ye Qiu deprived a veteran of his obsession for many years because of this fruit, it would definitely become a knot in his future cultivation path.

"Ha ha…"

After thinking about it, Ye Qiu suddenly smiled.

It is said that heroes cherish heroes. From the moment the veteran chose to give this fruit to Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu finally opened his heart and no longer had any vigilance.