MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 775 Acquisition of chaebols (7K large

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  Chapter 775 Acquisition of chaebols (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  In the evening, Chun Doo-hwan's home.

  Beside the luxurious mahogany dining table, Chu Huan, Quan Douhuan, Quan Zaiguo and others sat together. It was not South Korean food, but a Western-style dinner.

   "Mr. Chu, I'm very sorry. You also know that the suppression of the Gwangju incident has just been completed during this period. There are many things that I need to deal with at the Blue House, so I waited a long time for Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu will not be unhappy because of this, right?"

   Quan Douhuan held his own red wine glass and preached to Chu Huan with a smile on his face.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "How could it be? Commander Quan is a big figure in charge of a country's affairs. He should be busy with his duties. Besides, as partners, if I can't even understand this, then what kind of partners are we? "

   "Haha!" Quan Douhuan laughed loudly and said, "Mr. Chu is worthy of being a big business man, and he sees things clearly."

   Clink glasses!

Afterwards, Quan Douhuan continued to speak: "I personally had some doubts about what President Chu said in Xiangjiang before, but looking at it now, if public opinion is in the hands of some unnecessary people, it will indeed bring us a lot of trouble. Some troubles, my colleagues in the Blue House and I have worked hard for the development of South Korea, but some people interfered with the policies issued by our Blue House because of some false reports, which is really distressing!"

  When Chu Huan and Quan Douhuan met for the first time, Chu Huan talked to Quan Douhuan about the media. At this time, Quan Douhuan said this, obviously paying attention to the importance of the media to him.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "The media industry is the throat of a country's external propaganda. If you can't control it in your own hands, it will always bring some troubles to people like Commander Quan who want to do things seriously for South Korea. Yes, especially some news that cannot be released to the outside world, it is easy to be led by the media industry, so if this matter cannot be handled properly, it will definitely bring more troubles to the commander in the future."

Quan Douhuan nodded, and said: "Mr. Chu is well-informed and has a lot of business in Europe and North America. I believe he must have a better understanding of this. I don't know if Mr. Chu has any good suggestions. ?”

Chu Huan said: "It's very simple. The media must be in their own hands. Only in this way can the people truly understand the decisions of the Commander-in-Chief and others. Even those that are not easy to disclose to the public can be guided by public opinion to make the public more aware." I really understand the thoughts of Commander Quan and the others!"

"That's right!" Quan Douhuan immediately said with a smile: "I thought so too, but I'm not afraid that President Chu will laugh at you when I say it. Although I have already controlled the situation in South Korea, I just stabilized the current situation. In fact, there is still a lot of resistance behind the scenes.

Let's just talk about the "Central Daily News". Relying on their relationship with the former president, the Li family and his son actually spoke for those in the opposition party in the Gwangju incident. I also thought about starting a newspaper to speak out for the government, but after investigation, I found out that the sales channels of newspapers in South Korea are basically controlled by those people. It is really difficult to do it! "

Although what Chu Huan wants now is South Korea's largest newspaper "North Korea Ilbo", but in fact, Chun Doo-hwan did not do anything to "North Korea Ilbo" after he took the stage. Instead, he took care of Samsung's "Central Ilbo". The "Central Ilbo" was forcibly dismantled almost by violent means and merged into KBS.

Chu Huan laughed after listening, and said: "Actually, I also encountered this problem when I was in Xiangjiang. If there is a contradiction, they unite with the distribution association in Xiangjiang to ban the distribution of my "Zhenbao"!"

   Quan Douhuan knew that "True Pao" is the newspaper with the largest circulation in Xiangjiang. Hearing what Chu Huan said at this time, he knew that Chu Huan must have solved this problem at that time, so he asked Chu Huan.

   "I don't know what method Director Chu used to solve this trouble?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "It's actually very simple. Just at that time, I had established Yunhai Group in advance. With the help of Yunhai Group's strong sales network, even without the help of the distribution association, our "Zhenbao" can still buy every Xiangjiang person. hands.

  When the people in the distribution association found that their ban didn't work, and also cost them a fortune, they naturally compromised.

   To put it bluntly, everyone has their own interests, and if the other party cannot meet those people's interests, then they will naturally turn against each other! "

   "Haha!" Quan Douhuan laughed again, and said, "Sure enough, it is a good idea. However, unlike Xiangjiang, South Korea has the help of Yunhai Group in Xiangjiang, but there is no Yunhai Group in South Korea!"

   When he said the last time, Quan Douhuan had some helplessness in his tone.

To be honest, Chun Doo-hwan is still very envious of Chu Huan's influence in Xiangjiang at this time. Just relying on his identity as a businessman, he can become the number one person in Xiangjiang, but he wants to become the number one person in South Korea. It was barely successful after going through a bloodbath.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "That depends on your decisiveness, Commander-in-Chief. As long as you think about it, I can guarantee that within a year, there will be Yunhai chain stores in all parts of South Korea. When the time comes, the sales of newspapers will naturally There is no need to worry about it!"

  Quan Douhuan took a deep look at Chu Huan, and said with a smile: "It is not a small investment to open Yunhai convenience stores all over South Korea within a year?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Nowadays, the business situation in South Korea has basically stabilized, but these consortiums in South Korea have all grown up with the support of Presidents Syngman Lee and Park Chung-hee. In addition, these consortiums also have capital from North America. The background exists, Commander-in-Chief, how much respect do you think these people will give you after you sit on the throne of president?

In my opinion, the only way to break this stalemate is to inject fresh blood and let these people understand that South Korea's economy cannot continue to develop only by relying on them. In such an environment, those people will fully realize your deterrent power, Commander-in-Chief, and they will naturally move closer to you when the time comes! "

  Although Chun Douhuan knew that Chu Huan's remarks were intended to make his investment in South Korea larger, Chun Douhuan had to admit that what Chu Huan said was not wrong.

Nowadays, these conglomerates in South Korea rely on themselves to control South Korea's economic lifeline. Even when facing themselves, they don't seem to respect them so much. This kind of attitude of obedience to others makes Chun Doo-hwan very uncomfortable. satisfy.

And just as Chu Huan said, if new strength enters South Korea, it will definitely change the current economic environment in South Korea. The most important thing is that I have shares in Sun Investment. When the time comes, Sun Investment’s business in South Korea will grow bigger. The more benefits you can get on your own side.

   No matter how you look at it, it is a two-fold thing.

  But Yunhai Group is Chu Huan's own company, so it has nothing to do with Sun Investment now?

"Commander Quan, if you allow the Yunhai Group to enter South Korea, then the South Korean branch of the Yunhai Group will be jointly invested and established by Xiangjiang Yunhai Group and South Korea Sun Investment. We also hope to make some contributions to South Korea's economic development. Come!"

  Chu Huan guessed what Quan Douhuan was thinking, so he smiled and preached at this time.

   Only the combination of interests can make the relationship between the two parties more reliable!

   Sure enough, after Chu Huan made this suggestion, Quan Douhuan's eyes immediately shone with brilliance.

   "However, Mr. Chu, South Korea's commodity manufacturing is basically distributed in the hands of those consortiums. Even if the Yunhai Group is successfully established in South Korea, if there are no products on the shelves, wouldn't it be more dangerous by then?"

   Quan Douhuan asked Chu Huan.

Chu Huan didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "It's simple, these conglomerates in South Korea are not monolithic, they also compete with each other, we only need to recruit some to come in and cooperate with us, and then suppress the other part. People can do it naturally.”

  Quan Douhuan couldn't help but nodded, pulling and stepping, this is the most common tactic in political alliances, and now it is not expected to be used by Chu Huan in business.

  Chu Huan continued to speak: "At the same time, the products in Yunhai chain are not limited to South Korean products, but also imported products. We just need to make up for each other!"

  At this time, Quan Zaiguo couldn't help asking: "Mr. Chu, it's a lot of investment to establish Yunhai Chain in South Korea within a year?"

  Chu Huan laughed at this and said: "Young Master Quan, don't worry about this, Yunhai Group has already prepared for the financial matter, and all you need is Commander Quan to nod!"

Quan Douhuan sat there and did not answer Chu Huan's question immediately. Although Chu Huan's proposal moved him a little, Quan Douhuan also understood that if this is the case, then according to Chu Huan's strength and his own With help, Yunhai Chain is likely to become in the same position as Xiangjiang in the end, forming a monopoly position on South Korea's retail industry.

   It is a very bold idea for a consortium outside South Korea to monopolize the retail industry in South Korea, and it is impossible for Chun Doo-hwan not to seriously consider the pros and cons of this!

  Chu Huan did not urge Quan Douhuan, he understood Quan Douhuan's thoughts, but Chu Huan was not worried about Quan Douhuan's final decision.

It is true that Chu Huan really wants to monopolize the retail industry in South Korea in a certain period of time in the future, but even though Chun Doo-hwan understands this, he still has a high probability of cooperating with him in the end of.

  Just like the previous cooperation between Chu Huan and Chun Doo-hwan, it is true that Chun Doo-hwan will become the president of South Korea, but each of these South Korean presidents counts as one, and none of them can dedicate everything to this country wholeheartedly.

   Even Kim Young-sam, a literati, vigorously launched a corruption investigation into the country of South Korea when he was in power, and disclosed his net worth, but in the end, his son was still involved in corruption.

   What's more, these conglomerates in South Korea really don't have that much support for Chun Dou-hwan. Chun Dou-hwan himself knows this, otherwise, after he officially took office, he wouldn't immediately attack these chaebols in South Korea.

   On the other hand, although I am not from South Korea, my investment in South Korea at this stage is the most supportive of Chun Doo-hwan.

  At Chun Doo-hwan’s level, it’s useless to talk to him about patriotism. Everyone values ​​their own interests more.

Sure enough, after a brief consideration, Quan Douhuan agreed to Chu Huan's suggestion: "We in South Korea have always welcomed and supported foreign investment in South Korea. If President Chu's Yunhai Group can enter the South Korean retail market , can not only bring a lot of tax revenue to our country, but also help us solve a lot of employment problems, which is a very good thing!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "We also hope to make some contributions to South Korea's economic development under the leadership of Commander Quan!"

   Allowing Yunhai Group to enter the South Korean market is just a preparation for both of them to better grasp South Korea's media industry.

  So after this matter was finished, the two of them brought the topic to the media industry again.

Chu Huan continued: "Commander Quan, with all due respect, if a new newspaper is being established, it will be difficult to turn it into an influential newspaper in a short period of time. In my opinion, a better way is to acquire South Korean newspapers. One or two newspapers, only in this way can we speak out for the commander-in-chief's ruling policy in the shortest possible time!"

Speaking of this, Chu Huan paused for a moment, and then added: "Of course, in order to appease the South Korean people, the purchase of South Korean newspapers will not be done by Jiaku, but by Sun Investment, which is based in South Korea. At that time, I believe that the South Korean people will be more receptive to such things!"

  Quan Douhuan said noncommittally: "Since Chairman Chu said so, it means that Chairman Chu must have made a suitable choice in his mind?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Didn't Commander Quan already talk about it before? "Central Daily" did not speak up for you, Commander Quan, in this Gwangju incident. If we can take over "Central Daily", then the market will There is one less newspaper that criticizes the current commander-in-chief policy, and one more newspaper that supports the commander-in-chief policy. This is a matter of 1+1 greater than 2!

In addition, I have also investigated, and the newspaper with the best sales in South Korea is the "North Korean Ilbo". Since we are doing this, we must be the biggest and strongest. Only in this way can we correctly guide the South Korean people. emotions, so I think Sun Investment's acquisition of "Jongang Ilbo" and "North Korea Ilbo" is the best choice! "

   Quan Zaiguo looked at Chu Huan in surprise. He didn't expect Chu Huan's ambition to be so big. He wanted not only "Central Daily" but also "North Korea Daily"?

  Although the Lee Byung-chul family of the Samsung Group behind the "Central Ilbo" is stronger than the Bang Il-young family behind the "North Korea Ilbo", in fact it is only in the newspaper industry, and the volume of the "North Korea Ilbo" is several times that of the "Central Ilbo".

   "Mr. Chu, it might not be that easy to take down these two newspapers, right? Especially the Li family behind "Central Daily" has a North American background, plus their family's huge strength."

  Quan Douhuan was not surprised by Chu Huan's ambition at that time, even in Quan Douhuan's view, this is a performance that fits Chu Huan's character, either don't do it, or do it the best!

Chu Huan cut a piece of steak, put it in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it, and then said: "Commander Quan, we, Jiaku, came here with great sincerity to cooperate with you. If Jiaku’s cooperation is not suitable, tomorrow Jiaku’s investment in South Korea can be withdrawn, including Sun Investment!”

  Quan Douhuan raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied with Chu Huan's slightly threatening conversation, but he still restrained his dissatisfaction very well. After all, this Chu Huan in front of him was not an ordinary businessman.

   "Mr. Chu, what are you talking about? We welcome Mr. Chu's investment in South Korea, but Mr. Chu, you should understand that the problem I just mentioned does exist!"

Chu Huan calmly said: "Commander Quan, although North America has invested in Samsung, you and I both know that whether it is Samsung or North Korea Daily, their biggest weakness is actually the loan from South Korea. As long as the Commander-in-Chief gives an order to stop their loans, then I believe that the two groups will have problems immediately. The Samsung family has a big business, and it will not let it affect the development of the entire group for the sake of a "Central Daily".

So they will definitely abandon the car and save the handsome and give up the "Central Daily". This will not only allow us to get the "Central Daily", but more importantly, it can also deter the Samsung Group and make it understand that you are the commander of this country. Owner.

  As for Fang Yirong of the "North Korean Daily", it is even easier. I really can't understand why the whole commander is so hesitant about a matter that is obviously beneficial to both of you and me. "

The development of South Korean chaebols basically relied on the blood of the South Korean government. Simply put, in the 1940s and 1950s, the economy of South Korea was actually inferior to that of North Korea. Does it sound exaggerated? Just as the situation of East and West Germany is actually the same, the national welfare of East Germany was far better than that of West Germany in the early days, and even the development of East Germany was better than that of West Germany.

  But in the case of the economic wave and the global layout of North America, this situation has changed.

Speaking of South Korea, in the era of Syngman Lee and Park Chung Hee, in order to quickly develop South Korea's economy, they can be said to use the financial resources of the whole country to help these chaebols develop. Even if you don't want money, we have to give you money , anyway, if the money is given to you, you must develop.

  In order not to let the money rot in the bank, these chaebols in South Korea started acquisitions, acquisitions, and acquisitions, and then monopolized all walks of life in South Korea.

   But the money was loaned to them by the South Korean government after all, and the South Korean government can provide them with loans indefinitely, so they naturally don't have to worry about money.

   But if the South Korean government stopped lending to them, then they would be instant targets.

  So the so-called plutocratic rule of South Korea in later generations is just a funny thing.

   Now Chu Huan is letting Quan Douhuan expose this matter!

  Hearing Chu Huan's remarks, Quan Douhuan didn't feel any embarrassment, he just laughed and said, "I didn't expect President Chu to know so much about our South Korean economy."

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Since our Jiaku trusts Commander Quan very much, if we want to invest in South Korea, we must investigate South Korea's economic environment."

Chun Doo-hwan said: "Even if we agree with Mr. Chu's acquisition plan, we still need to be famous after all. Samsung's "Central Ilbo" is easier to say, but Fang Yirong's "North Korea Ilbo" is the largest circulation in South Korea after all. The newspapers, if there is no legitimate reason, rashly attacking them will always cause some criticism!"

  Chu Huan nodded, agreed with Quan Douhuan, and said with a smile: "This matter is actually very easy to solve!"

  Quan Douhuan showed an expression of interest, and asked Chu Huan: "I don't know what you mean, Mr. Chu?"

  Chu Huan smiled and said to Quan Douhuan: "Commander Quan, how much do you know about Pu Zhenxing from Sun Investment?"

   Quan Douhuan looked at Chu Huan suspiciously, and asked, "Isn't Pu Zhenxing our South Korean management talent discovered by President Chu in North America?"

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "Pu Zhenxing is indeed a management talent we found in North America, but in fact he has another identity."

   Then Chu Huan told Quan Douhuan about the grievances between Pu Zhenxing's family and Fang Yirong.

After Chun Doo-hwan finished listening, his expression didn't change much, but his words became serious, "I didn't expect such a horrific and vicious incident to happen in our South Korea. We definitely can't deal with such a black sheep." tolerated!"

Chu Huan knew what Quan Douhuan meant, and said with a smile: "If Commander Quan can really make a fair trial for the misfortune of Pu Zhenxing's family, I believe Pu Zhenxing will be grateful to you, Commander Quan." !"

Quan Douhuan just thought about it briefly, and then he understood what Chu Huan meant. Pu Zhenxing was carrying the family's blood feud, and now he helped him get rid of Fang Yirong, so Pu Zhenxing was no longer just a part of Chu Huan's hands. A pawn, and at the same time he is a **** in his own hand!

   "Haha, President Chu is being polite. As the supreme leader of South Korea, I can't sit back and watch this happen and do nothing!"

   Chu Huan picked up the wine glass, smiled and said to Quan Douhuan: "In this case, I will thank Commander Quan on behalf of Pu Zhenxing first!"

  After the two parties drank the wine in their glasses, Chu Huan began to talk about another matter.

   "Commander Quan, if you want to ensure Sun Investment's influence in South Korea and make Sun Investment a new consortium to increase your influence, Commander Quan, a single newspaper is not enough!"

  Quan Douhuan still knew that Chu Huan's appetite in South Korea would not diminish, so he would not be too surprised to hear Chu Huan's suggestion now.

   smiled and asked: "I don't know what you mean, Mr. Chu?"

  Chu Huan replied: "Before coming to South Korea, our Jiaku conducted a survey on South Korean consortiums, and found a very interesting consortium, Dongming Timber, headquartered in Busan!"

  Dongmyung Timber was founded by Jiang Seokjin in Busan during the Japanese colonial period in South Korea. At that time, its main business was the production of plywood.

After the liberation of South Korea, he merged the business of producing plywood with the furniture factory. In 1949, he renamed the sawmill to "Dongming Lumber Trading Company". It can only be said that it is struggling to maintain.

  With the outbreak of that war, a large amount of wood was needed for post-war restoration work in South Korea. In addition, plywood became widely known for its high quality, low price, and durability.

  The presence of a large number of North American soldiers in Busan also gave Dongming the opportunity to start the business of North American soldiers.

  At that time, the buyers with the strongest ability to pay in the South Korean market were naturally North Americans. Their orders allowed Dongming to gradually accumulate a large amount of cash flow.

  The North American relationship that was built on this has benefited Jiang Xijin a lot.

  By 1961, Dongmyung became the first South Korean company to export plywood to North America.

  In the same year, Park Chung-hee came to power through the May 16th Incident, South Korea established an export-oriented national policy, and Dongming was even more arrogant.

  In 1967, Dongming Trading Co., Ltd. founded Busan Bank, and opened two new factories in the second year.

In 1970, Kang Seok-jin overtook Lee Byung-cheol, the founder of Samsung, and became the richest man in South Korea. Dongmyung Timber not only held the top spot in the chaebol industry in South Korea, but also became the largest plywood manufacturer in the world in one fell swoop. Top ten export industries.

  Beginning in 1975, Kang Seok-jin made an attack in many fields.

  Dongming Trading Co., Ltd. started to build a synthetic resin factory, a hydraulic equipment factory and a high-pressure hose factory, and established a heavy equipment maintenance factory.

  In 1976, Dongming Export Packaging Co., Ltd., Dongyang Paper Industry, and Dongcheng Shipping Co., Ltd. were established. In 1977, Dongming Development Co., Ltd. was established. In 1979, Dongming Food Co., Ltd. was unveiled.

  Kang Seok-jin himself has been the chairman of the Busan Chamber of Commerce since 1962, and concurrently the chairman of the Busan Port Management Association and the Busan Buddhist Association.

   Enthusiastic about education, he also established Dongming University in 1978 and served as the first president of the school.

   From this point of view, Dongming Timber should be developing well, but in fact, in 1978, due to the sharp rise in international timber prices, Dongming Trading Company encountered difficulties in its operation.

  By this year, Dongming Timber is already facing insolvency.

  10 years ago, Dongming Jiang’s chaebol was calling the wind and rain, but in a blink of an eye, it has reached the point where Jiang Xizhen has to sell part of his property to pay off his debts.

   What Chu Huan has to do now is not to buy part of the assets of Dongming Timber in Jiangxi Town, but to take over Dongming Timber in an all-round way.

In fact, if Chu Huan hadn't appeared, Quan Douhuan would have done something against Dongming Timber. After all, during the process of Quan Douhuan's appearance, Jiang Xizhen had a North American background, and he always disobeyed Quan Douhuan. This made Quan Douhuan's teeth ache so much that he already hated Jiang Xizhen!

   More importantly, Chun Doo-hwan not only let the South Korean government take over Dongming Timber, but also exterminated the Jiang Xizhen family. This shows how much Chun Doo-hwan hates Jiang Xijin!

   And when Chu Huan mentioned Dongming wood at this time, it can be said that he hit Quan Douhuan's arms!

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)