MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 812 The precarious Xiangjiang banking industry (7K large

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  The Hang Lung Bank run was caused by the Xie Liyuan Gold Shop run.

  Two days have passed, Xie Liyuan Gold Shop has chosen to lie flat, no matter what, anyway, there is only such a small amount of money in the company's account, they can take it away, and they can't do anything if they can't line up or take it away.

  Seeing the attitude of Xie Liyuan Gold Shop, everyone has already understood that Xie Liyuan Gold Shop has started the countdown to its closure!

  Xie Zhichao has passed the state of despair at this time, but now he has calmed down instead.

   "Isn't Guo Guandong from the Imperial Fashion Group coming back tomorrow?"

  Even at this time, Xie Zhichao no longer went to the company, but stayed in his villa in Repulse Bay.

  For the current Xie Zhichao, he doesn't want to do anything, he just waits for Guo Guandong to come back, and if the price is acceptable, he will directly sell Xie Liyuan Gold Shop to the Imperial Fashion Group.

   Lin Jiamin nodded and said: "I have confirmed with Guo Guandong's office again, the other party will return to Xiangjiang tomorrow morning, and then they will tell Guo Guandong about it!"

  Xie Zhichao leaned on the sofa, the cigar in his hand was curling up with smoke, and said calmly: "Since this is the case, then wait for him!"

  At this time, Xie Zhichao was able to calm down his mentality to this state because he knew that Xie Liyuan Jinpu would definitely not be able to keep it no matter what. If he couldn't keep it, he could only give up.

   Fortunately, their Xie family has other assets. Even if they lose the Xie Liyuan Gold Shop, they can guarantee that their Xie family can continue their current wealthy life.

  But some people cannot do it as easily as Xie Zhichao, this person is Peng Lizhi, the financial secretary of Xiangjiang.

  The life and death of Xie Liyuan Gold Shop can only involve Hang Lung Bank, a bank. Even if there is no external force deliberately targeting Hang Lung Bank, Hang Lung Bank can get through this difficulty by itself.

  But once Hang Lung Bank can't get through this difficulty, it is very likely to cause a wave of bank runs in the entire Hong Kong banking industry.

This was the case during the first squeeze in Hong Kong in the 1960s. At that time, the Hong Kong stock market was at its peak. In particular, Kowloon Bus and Jardine were listed one after another, which stimulated the growth of the stock market. The citizens of Hong Kong withdrew money to buy stocks. , leading to double the pressure on the cash system of the banking system.

   At this time, Liao Chongxing Bank was already at great risk because of the unhealthy loan-to-deposit ratio. At that time, the liquidation trend of Liao Chongxing Bank had already formed, but it was still possible to find a way to stop it.

  As a result, because of a piece of false news, Liao Chong Hing Bank caused the bank run in Hong Kong in the 1960s.

   At that time, it was reported that a well-known banker in Hong Kong has now become the target of police investigation and has been notified to leave Hong Kong!

  Although the police came forward to refute the news, they could no longer stop the depositors of Liao Chongxing Bank from frantically running to Liao Chongxing Bank to withdraw money.

  Combined with the showy operation of HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank, Liao Chongxing Bank was eventually acquired by a foreign bank.

But in the next few years, Xiangjiang broke out one after another group bank run incidents, including Mingde Bank, Guangdong Provincial Trust Bank and other banks. Of course, the most important one is Hang Seng Bank. In the wave of liquidation, Hang Seng Bank changed its banner, making HSBC the largest shareholder.

   It is precisely because of the previous lessons that Peng Lizhi does not want this situation to become a repeat of the bank run in Hong Kong in the 1960s.

  In addition to the request from the British side, Peng Lizhi has already planned to let the Hong Kong government take over Hang Lung Bank.

   In fact, not only Peng Lizhi is paying attention to this matter, but Hong Kong Governor Youde is also paying attention to this matter.

   "So, your Financial Secretary has decided to take over Hang Lung Bank?" Youde asked Peng Lizhi, looking at the report sent by the Financial Secretary.

Peng Lizhi nodded and said: "That's right, what is needed now is Mr. Governor of Hong Kong. In the name of the Governor's Office, you convened a meeting of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and passed the "Hang Lung Bank (Takeover) Regulations", allowing our Financial Secretary to authorize foreign exchange transactions." The Fund Management Authority and the Banking Supervision Office used foreign exchange funds to take over Hang Lung Bank."

Now the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has not yet been established, and the two departments of the Exchange Fund Administration and the Banking Supervision Office are actually the predecessors of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. By 1993, these two departments will be merged into the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. .

  If the Financial Secretary wants to take over Hang Lung Bank, he must go through these two departments.

Youde naturally hopes that the Financial Secretary's Office can implement this matter as soon as possible. In fact, he came up with a solution to Hang Lung Bank within two days. This is already a matter for the Hong Kong government and the Financial Secretary's Office. Things went very quickly.

   "If this is the case, even if the original regulations of the Xiangjiang Banking Industry are amended, this matter is likely to cause some media attacks!"

  Youde just took office as Governor of Hong Kong, and he didn't want to be attacked by the Hong Kong media as soon as he came up.

Peng Lizhi said seriously: "Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, HSBC, Standard Chartered, and Jiaku have made it clear that they will not help Hang Lung Bank through this difficulty. If we don't take action, Xiangjiang is very likely to Triggering the most serious bank run after the 1960s, it will be even more unfavorable to us!"

Hearing what Peng Lizhi said, Chu Huan's figure instantly appeared in Youde's mind. Of the three banks that could solve this problem, two belonged to Chu Huan. No matter how dissatisfied Youde was with Chu Huan in his heart, he had no choice but to accept it.

  Because I am not the opponent's opponent at all.

   "Mr. Governor, this matter can no longer be delayed!" Peng Lizhi saw that Youde did not answer his suggestion at the first time, thinking that the other party was still weighing the pros and cons, so he could only continue to preach.

"Now, Diners Club Finance, Dejie Finance, Weihao Finance, North American Panama Finance, and Xingtong Finance have all closed down one after another. The run of Xiangjiang has already taken shape. If there are other disturbances, there is no way for us to save the current situation. This situation is over!"

Diners Finance is the introduction that completely triggered the run of Hang Lung Bank before. With the public execution of the reporter of "Sheng Bao" at the press conference of Hang Lung Bank, not only did Hang Lung Bank become the first unlucky person in the run of Hong Kong Bank, The same Diners Club Finance is not immune to the disaster.

  The financial teams of major lending institutions settled in Diners Finance, and investigated the critical time of Diners Finance. Diners Finance’s largest client, Yida Group, announced a debt restructuring.

  However, because all the media in Xiangjiang were paying attention to the situation of Xie Liyuan Gold Shop and Hang Lung Bank at this time, they ignored this matter instead, which also made the news of Yida Group's debt restructuring not noticed by many people.

   "I see, I will solve the problem in the Legislative Council!" Then Youde ordered his secretary to inform the director of the Legislative Council and the members of the Legislative Council to hold a meeting of the Legislative Council tomorrow!


  Hang Lung Bank Headquarters!

  Zhuang Rongkun and Zhuang Qingquan were completely out of energy at this time, and they sat slumped on the sofa. In fact, they have been in this state for the past two days.

  There are many things that they haven't figured out yet.

  The loan-to-deposit ratio of Hang Lung Bank is relatively healthy, but how did it become the current situation?

  At this time, the situation of Hang Lung Bank and Xie Liyuan Gold Shop is the same, and it is no longer something that holders can solve.

   In fact, it is very simple to solve the current crisis of Hang Lung Bank. As long as they have enough cash to buy here, they can appease the depositors of Hang Lung Bank, but they don't have so much cash now.

  If the only difference between them and Xie Zhichao of Xie Liyuan Gold Shop is that they are still at the headquarters of Hang Lung Bank, while Xie Zhichao no longer goes to Xie Liyuan Gold Shop.

   "Chairman, according to statistics, the company has withdrawn 1.28 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash in the past three days, but this has not dispelled the nervousness of the depositors."

  Zhuang Rongkun's secretary came in and preached helplessly.

In fact, from this point, it can be seen that Hang Lung Bank's financial situation is still relatively good. It can withdraw 1.28 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash within these three days, but the most difficult situation for Hang Lung Bank now is that they only have money and no deposits. .

Everyone knows that the amount of deposits in a bank is limited, and they also know that a large part of the bank's business comes from loans. Now those who come to Hang Lung Bank to withdraw money are more worried about their own money. It became the last tranche of Hang Lung Bank's cash, and who knows when the remaining loan will be recovered?

  Zhuang Rongkun sat down on the sofa, and said helplessly: "Continue to prepare funds. The Financial Secretary has just called. The Hong Kong government will announce the decision to take over our Hang Lung Bank tomorrow, and everything will be over by then!"

  The Hong Kong government's takeover of Hang Lung actually means that Zhuang Rongkun, Zhuang Qingquan and others have completely lost Hang Lung Bank.

  Thinking about how a few days ago they were giants in the banking industry of Xiangjiang, but now they are about to become bereaved dogs. I am afraid that only the two of them know the complicated feelings! .

"Boss, according to the investigation department's situation, Zhong Zhengwen's Yida Group has announced debt restructuring, and Zhong Zhengwen met with Chen Songqing before. Although I don't know what the two talked about, depending on the situation, Zhong Zhengwen Wen should have discovered Chen Songqing's background and had a showdown with him!"

  Xu Yi took the news she had just received and came to report to Chu Huan.

  After hearing this, Chu Huan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "This Chen Songqing is a bit of a loser, and Zhong Zhengwen has been able to investigate clearly in such a short period of time?"

In the second step of Chu Huan's plan, the matter of Carrian will be involved. However, Yida Group, which has the closest cooperation with Carrian, chooses debt restructuring at this time. It is very likely that the accounts of the room will be investigated clearly, and the big ship Carrian may sink into the sea by then!

Xu Yi analyzed: "According to my analysis, I think that according to the abilities of the two of them, Zhong Zhengwen should not be able to investigate Chen Songqing's situation so simply, it is more because the two parties have cooperated on too many projects. , This led Zhong Zhengwen to discover in the accounts that Chen Songqing's Carrian did not actually have such a deep source of funds, and he was already suspicious of Chen Songqing, so I think he also took a risk! "

  Comparing Zhong Zhengwen's ability with Chen Songqing's ability, the two are actually one in the sky and the other in the ground. It is not that simple for Zhong Zhengwen to thoroughly investigate Chen Songqing's situation.

  In fact, even if it is to restructure the debt of Yida Group, this is not what Zhong Zhengwen thought of himself, but the way he found out by asking his own finances.

   "What is Chen Songqing doing now?"

   Chu Huan asked.

Xu Yi replied: "The people who followed him reported that Chen Songqing had been in contact with people from HSBC and Great Eagle during this period, and he also contacted people from Yumin Finance, but because of Ibrahi's The reason is that the number of times is not as high as that of HSBC and Great Eagle!"

   "Eagle Lord?" Chu Huan was taken aback for a moment.

Xu Yi nodded and said: "That's right, in fact, Chen Songqing found HSBC very easy to understand, and now it is getting closer and closer to the construction time of their second section of Xiangshan Building, although Carrian has announced that it will pay dividends, and the Hongmian Building The good news of sales and leasing has raised Carrian's stock price, but the current stock market in Xiangjiang is like this, and the increase has not increased much, so Chen Songqing will definitely need to make up for the land premium of the Xiangshan Building with a loan from HSBC , otherwise there is no way to start work.

   In addition, they were looking for Great Eagle to seek the possibility of joint development. After all, besides Yida Group, Great Eagle Group is the group that has the closest cooperation with Carrian! "

Chu Huan couldn't help smiling, and said, "Bailibao under the Eagle Group has taken away the management rights of CMB from us, and I thought it was to trouble them after this incident is over. Yes, but I didn't expect that I would send it to my door!"

The current Carrian is a huge time bomb, which has been prepared to explode by Chu Huan on time. It can be said that in the entire Xiangjiang at this time, only Jiaku has the strength to swallow this bomb, and the rest no matter who encounters it A bomb will be blown to pieces.

  Eagle is no exception!

  Xu Yi nodded and said: "Luo Yingshi has always been known for his calmness and calmness in the Xiangjiang business circle, but he didn't expect that it would be greedy in the end!"

  Chu Huan said: "Let them get in touch first, I also want to see how much noise Carrian can make this time!"



   "The wind and rain are precarious!"

  Feng Jingxi no longer has the high spirits that he had when Sun Hung Kai Bank was established, but has a sad expression on his face.

   "A Huan, do you think the Hang Lung incident this time will affect other banks?"

  Feng Jingxi came to Chu Huan's office in person today, and his companion was not Feng Yongfa who was more familiar with Chu Huan, but Feng Yongxiang.

Feng Jingxi is still very interesting. Some time ago, Chu Huan and Feng Yongxiang met alone. Although Feng Jingxi is still in his prime, he is old after all. With Feng Yongxiang, Feng Yongfa and Feng Yongfa are both starting to be alone, so Feng Jingxi also started He put the matter of his successor on the agenda.

  However, according to what Feng Yongfa told Chu Huan, their family has reached a consensus that Feng Yongxiang will take over Feng Jingxi's Sun Hung Kai family business, and Feng Yongfa will take over all the cooperation projects between the Feng family and Chu Huan.

  Feng Jingxi came to Chu Huan this time, in fact, it was because of the Hang Lung Bank incident that made Feng Jingxi's heart start to beat.

   "The current situation is even worse than the run on Liao Chong Hing Bank in the 1960s. It's only been a few days, and Hang Lung Bank is already failing!"

   Feng Jingxi continued to preach.

  Comparing the wealth of Feng Jingxi and Zhuang Rongkun, Feng Jingxi must have the upper hand, but if we only talk about Hang Lung Bank and Sun Hung Kai Bank, these two banks, Sun Hung Kai Bank is still several grades behind Hang Lung Bank.

  Chu Huan sat there and asked Feng Jingxi, "Uncle Feng, what do you mean?"

  Feng Jingxi said: "Ah Huan, our two families are not outsiders anymore, I think Ah Fa should have told you about our family's situation before?"

  Chu Huan did not hide this. After all, Feng Yongfa took over the project in cooperation with Jiaku, so Feng Yongfa would tell himself about this matter regardless of personal relationship or business.

   "We did meet a while ago!"

Feng Jingxi nodded, and said: "Ah Huan is taking care of you at Ah Fa's side, so I'm not worried, but what's going on at Hang Lung Bank is really worrying, A Huan, you have a long-term view , the analysis of the business environment is also more thorough, I came this time to ask A Huan what you think of the current Hang Lung Bank, and will this matter have a greater impact in the end?"

  Sun Hung Kai Bank has just been established, and its strength is weak. If there is a mass run in the banking industry, Sun Hung Kai Bank will naturally be very dangerous.

  So this time Feng Jingxi not only came to Chu Huan to ask about the development of the current situation, but also to ask for help.

  In fact, in another time and space, this Hong Kong banking run also happened, but the timeline was much longer, and lasted until a few years later, and Sun Hung Kai Bank was also hit.

  In order to keep Sun Hung Kai Bank, Feng Jingxi had no choice but to sell 50% of the shares of Sun Hung Kai Bank to Tanita of France, and gave up his chairmanship.

This incident hit Feng Jingxi very hard, but Feng Jingxi grew up in the environment of various blows, and soon regrouped and continued to develop. Unfortunately, in 1985, when Feng Jingxi was handling official business in Vancouver, Canada, due to sudden He died of a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 63!

  But it’s different now, Xiangjiang has Chu Huan now, and Chu Huan is one of their most important partners of Sun Hung Kai, plus the personal relationship between the two families, Feng Jingxi has no reason to seek help from outsiders.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of his plan, Chu Huan could only answer Feng Jingxi in an ambiguous way: "Uncle Feng, you have actually seen the situation in Xiangjiang now, especially Yinglun has decided to go to his hometown to formally open the discussion on the issue of Xiangjiang." Negotiated, so I am not very optimistic about Xiangjiang's economic situation during this period!"

  Feng Jingxi's complexion changed, and he asked Chu Huan, "The Yinglun side has already decided? Why hasn't it been published yet?"

   If this kind of news related to the future of Xiangjiang has been announced to the public, it will definitely occupy the front pages of the major newspapers in Xiangjiang.

  But now there is no report about this matter in Xiangjiang, so Feng Jingxi was very surprised when Chu Huan said it.

   As a giant in Hong Kong's financial industry, Feng Jingxi knows what this matter means!

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "This matter is only spread in a small circle. If you want to publish it in the newspaper, you probably have to wait until the last two days!"

Feng Jingxi thought for a while, then understood Chu Huan's meaning, and said seriously: "If this is the case, A Huan, if something unfavorable to Sun Hung Kai Bank really happens in the future, I hope that A Huan, your Jiaku Bank, can take action. help!"

  At this time, Feng Jingxi no longer needs to hide it, and just speak out his most fundamental needs!

Although the assets of the Feng Jingxi family are much higher than in another time and space because of the cooperation with Jiaku, in fact, the Feng Jingxi family does not have much cash at this time. After all, most of the cooperation with Chu Huan is industrial. assets, not cash.

Chu Huan did not reject this matter either. Too many banks were affected this time. For Chu Huan, it doesn’t really matter if there is one more Sun Hung Kai Bank and one less Sun Hung Kai Bank. Regardless of the relationship, Chu Huan will still help.

"Uncle Feng, just don't worry, our two families have come together through ups and downs these years, coupled with the relationship between our two families, both public and private, if Sun Hung Kai Bank really has a problem, our Jiaku Bank must be Will sell and help!"

  After getting Chu Huan's guarantee, Feng Jingxi was obviously relieved, "I am relieved with your words, A Huan. You don't know, I can't eat or sleep these few days!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Uncle Feng, don't worry too much, Xiangjiang's development will definitely get better and better, and our company will definitely be the same!"

Feng Jingxi nodded and said with a smile: "I'm old, I'm not like you young people anymore. If I were twenty years younger, even if I encountered such a situation, I wouldn't be so worried. At worst, I would just start over. But now As you get older, you lose your courage, and Xiangjiang will be dominated by young people in the future, so A Huan, I hope you can take care of me in the future!"

  Feng Yongxiang also had a smile on his face at this time, and said modestly: "Chu Dong, please take care of me from now on!"

  Feng Yongxiang is two years older than Chu Huan, but even so, he would not call Chu Huan A Huan, but Director Chu.

  Chu Huan nodded and said with a smile: "You're welcome, if it weren't for the support of Uncle Feng's Sun Hung Kai Securities, I would not have succeeded so easily!"

   After the business chat was over, Feng Jingxi also got assurance from Chu Huan, and his mood was not as tense as before, and the chat between the two parties naturally became much more relaxed.

   At this time, Xu Yi walked into Chu Huan's office.

   "Boss, Hu Sheng called and said he has something to ask for you!"

   After finishing speaking, Xu Yi added another sentence, saying: "The voice seems to be quite urgent, as if something bad happened!"

  Hearing what Xu Yi said, Feng Jingxi took Feng Yongxiang up and said, "Since A Huan still has something to do with you, we won't bother you. After this matter is over, let's sit down!"

  Chu Huan nodded, smiled and sent Feng Jingxi, Feng Yongxiang and his son to the door of his office.

  After the two of them left, Chu Huan returned to his desk, picked up the phone, "Hu Sheng, what's the matter?"

  In Chu Huan's impression, Hu Yingxiang is a very calm person, now being told by Xu Yi what urgent matter Hu Yingxiang has, this makes Chu Huan a little curious.

Immediately, Hu Yingxiang's anxious voice came from the phone, saying: "Ah Huan, you must help me this time, I have already called Brother Huo just now, Brother Huo should have activated his relationship by now, Now I'm waiting for you, Ah Huan!"

  Hu Yingxiang's nonsense words made Chu Huan not understand, and he didn't know what it was that made him first look for Huo Tsar, and now he came to look for himself.

   "Hu Sheng, why don't you talk about the specific things? Could it be that there is something wrong with our investment in our hometown?"

   All Chu Huan could think of was the situation in his hometown.

  Hu Yingxiang said: "It's not my hometown, it's Ah Xin from our family, this morning."

  Chu Huan found out why Hu Yingxiang was so worried. It turned out that Hu Yingxiang’s son, Hu Minxin, was kidnapped when he went out this morning. Now the other party has called Hu Yingxiang, demanding a ransom of 2 million Hong Kong dollars.

  Speaking of it, the rich in Xiangjiang is actually a high-risk industry, and there are endless things about the rich in Xiangjiang being listed.

  The most famous one is of course the Bandit of the Century.

  Actually, apart from this gangster of the century, there are many things that have been marked by wealthy families in Xiangjiang.

  In the 1940s, Fu Laorong, the second-generation gambling king of Haojiang, once encountered a bid.

  In the 1960s, Shao Yifu's son was enlisted in Singapore.

  In the 1970s, Xiangjiang Funeral King Xiao Ming was listed as a candidate.

  In the 1980s, besides Hu Minxin, Guo Henian’s cousin was also listed in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

Of course, the most famous thing among these things is the matter of Wang Dehui of Huamao Group being marked. According to the situation of his being marked, he can almost apply for the Guinness Book of World Records. He has been marked three times in total. The next time, the person completely disappeared!

   "I know the matter, and now I will notify some members of the community and ask them to help find the news!" After hearing what happened, Chu Huan directly preached without hesitation.

  Hu Yingxiang was also in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, Director Chu, I won't talk about unnecessary things, and I have to make a statement with the police!"

  Chu Huan nodded and hung up the phone, and then told Xu Yi about Hu Minxin.

   "Let the security department inform the major associations in Xiangjiang. If there is news about this matter, please report it to the security department immediately. Hu Yingxiang will naturally give the reward when the time comes!"

  Xu Yi nodded and said, "Understood!"

   Just like that, the day ended amidst these messy things, and on the second day, Hu Minxin's situation had not been answered yet.

  The new Governor of Hong Kong, Youde, convened a meeting of the Legislative Council to discuss the Hong Kong government's takeover of Hang Lung Bank.