MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 21 snail boy

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At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, the Wanfu store on Locke Street has always been open 24 hours a day, but now that technology and logistics are developed, fewer people come to visit the physical store, and now it is a perennial one No figure can be seen.

However, a customer came tonight.

The half-height vending robot greeted him enthusiastically at the first time, a cute smile appeared on the display screen, and the robot asked: "Hello, guest, may I ask for any help? ?"

After get off work, Ji Cheying looked at the robot in front of him, thinking back to the scene when he ran into Xie Quan here that day, he took out his ID card from his pocket.

Holding it in front of the robot, his voice was calm and capable, "The military requires you to cooperate."

The information in the ID card is quickly transmitted to the intelligent center through the robot's scanner. At this time, the equipment connected to the same intelligent network in the store has obtained this information - "identity information verification is five-star imperial army" The major general, who enjoys the control of civil public equipment, is required to facilitate the passage of this person and provide necessary assistance without endangering public safety."

The eyes on the robot's screen flickered, "Major General, do you have any instructions?"

Ji Cheying asked decisively, "Where is the sales assistant robot No. 0386?"

No. 0386 was the robot that was with Xie Quan when he met Xie Quan in the alley.

What exactly did you do in the alley.

In fact, Ji Cheying had this idea since she found out that there was a problem with the monitoring, but it was temporarily put on hold because of various things. After all, Xie Quan has temporarily ruled out the suspicion of the Beta case.

But Xie Quan's actions today reminded him of it again.

The surveillance screen in No. 0386's main brain was called up, and Ji Cheying adjusted the time to the afternoon of the day he met Xie Quan.

After fast-forwarding, he finally saw Xie Quan's figure.

At that time, No. 0386 was sorting out the goods, but he saw the figure of the young man in the unintentional swing. He was bending over and talking to another robot.

The screen turns, and when it turns back again, the youth is gone.

Ji Cheying fast-forwarded again with an expressionless face. After about twenty minutes, Xie Quan returned to the store and walked to number 0386.

Ji Cheying restored the screen to normal speed.

The young man in the picture is standing in front of No. 0386, bending slightly, as if talking to a child.

Although there is not much expression on his face, but there is a kind of tenderness in those beautiful eyes, even his voice is softer than usual, "I need Do me a favor, can you please come out with me?"

No. 0386 replied: "Okay, dear guest."

Next, Xie Quan took No. 0386 to the alley outside the store.

Ji Cheying frowned.

What is Xie Quan doing to bring the robot here?

Then, Xie Quan looked at No. 0386, looked up and down with his eyes carefully, and then muttered: "Well, is this the arm joint? It sounds like it is very worn ..." While muttering, he took out a screwdriver from his pocket and reached out to No. 0386. After a few seconds, No. 0386's surveillance screen flashed.

When the screen lights up again, Xie Quan stood in front of a man, and No. 0386 asked again: "Guest, hello, do you need any help?"

The camera of No. 0386 wandered among the two, and the other was Ji Cheying who broke in at that time.

Ji Cheying turned the screen back to before the switching screen again.

Looking at Xie Quan's outstretched hand to No. 0386 and the subsequent screen switching, Ji Cheying realized that Xie Quan should have opened the robot's main console with a screwdriver and put the robot to sleep .

Recalling Xie Quan's previous self-talk, Ji Cheying's eyes were placed on the arm of No. 0386 in front of her.

He adjusted the picture again to the time when No. 0386 was sorting out the goods before Xie Quan called out No. 0386.

This time, he turned his voice up to the max.

Then he heard a few small rough 'clicks' in the picture as No. 0386's arm swayed up and down.

He looked forward to some previous pictures, and indeed, the arm of No. 0386 made some strange sounds when it moved.

Ji Cheying had a guess in his heart, he ordered: "Number 0386, wave your hand."

No. 0386 immediately swings her arms up and down after receiving the instruction.

Ji Cheying closed her eyes and listened carefully, the strange 'click' sound in the picture disappeared.

Not only that, Ji Cheying also adjusted the monitoring screen to 0386, when the video recording was restored, and the work after returning to the store.

After confirming carefully several times, I made sure that I did not miss it.

Ji Cheying opened her eyes and looked strangely at number 0386 in front of her.

He had all kinds of guesses, for example, Xie Quan wanted to steal something, or Xie Quan was plotting something.

But he never expected that the other party was actually repairing robots here? ?


Ji Cheying turned his attention to other robots, recalling the scene of Xie Quan talking to other robots that he accidentally photographed before 0386, and a ridiculous guess rose in his heart.

No, Xie Quan repaired all the robots here?

As soon as this thought appeared in Ji Cheying's mind, he clasped his hands and laughed absurdly.

Would anyone do this?

A snail girl who follows in the footsteps of the world?

Oh no, it's a snail boy.

With the thought of disbelief, Ji Cheying confirmed the video records of the rest of the robots.

With the confirmation of the young man holding a screwdriver from these videos, Ji Cheying finally gave up and realized that there really are such people in this world.

The real snail boy.

Ji Cheying rubbed her eyebrows with some headache and sighed. Why did he try to understand Xie Quan, the more he found that Xie Quan was incomprehensible?

Rewind the screen to the beginning again and click play.

The screen ends, click Reverse again to continue.

Time is passing little by little, Ji Cheying is sitting on the lounge chair prepared for customers in the store, he is still looking at the picture placed in the air for the third time, the young man in the picture is talking to the robot gently and patiently on.

The pictures are the first perspective of the robot, Ji Cheying suddenly had an illusion, as if Xie Quan on the picture was talking to him.

The soft line of sight also fluttered through time and space like a feather and fell directly into Ji Cheying's eyes.

This shows that Xie Quan must have looked into the eyes of the robot and was talking.

That's right, he'll even bend down to meet the robot's eyes.

Does this guy know that when he talks and looks at people like this, he is abducting children?

Recalling that Xie Quan had stains on his face and clothes when he saw Xie Quan at that time, Ji Cheying thought that something had happened to the other party, but now it seems that it was probably when he was repairing robots got it.

Ji Cheying leaned on the back of the chair with her back stretched, and looked at the picture with her deep eyes. The young eyes were shining like the morning after the rain. Unconsciously, Ji Cheying's resolute mandible line softened a lot, and her lips also had a shallow but extremely gentle arc.

It was the first time he saw Xie Quan like this, as if he had been infused with a soul, with a vividness different from usual.

Does Xie Quan like robots so much?

Looking at it, Ji Cheying frowned suddenly and her lips tightened.

Because he suddenly discovered one thing - Xie Quan had never seen him like this.

Is he not as good as these dumb robots?

I don't know what purpose, Ji Cheying watched these images a few times, and when he looked at it, he suddenly noticed something.

Pause on the screen where Xie Quan put the robot to sleep, Ji Cheying looked at the time in the lower right corner at 15:35.21, and when the robot was activated again, the time in the lower right corner was 15:49.10.

The time in between is less than 15 minutes.

This has to exclude Xie Quan's preparation time, the time when the robot resumes operation after restarting.

In other words, Xie Quan completed the disassembly and restoration of the robot's parts in about 10 minutes?

Ji Cheying is not a mechanic, but as a qualified mecha fighter, he still has some mechanical knowledge. While in the military, he also took courses in mechanical design.

Even if he has not learned it, he can know that it is a very human thing to complete the disassembly and restoration of robot parts in 10 minutes.

Ji Cheying suddenly remembered what Xie Quan said to herself here at that time.

"I'm not very smart, my brain is not good, and I'm fired every time I don't work for too long."

When Xie Quan helped him fix the dishwasher in the apartment before, or when Xie Quan resolved Xie Yi's troubles in a few words, he should have realized - where is this guy Are the words 'not too smart, not good at mind' matter?

Remembering her answer at that time, Ji Cheying smiled sarcastically.

No wonder Xie Quan's answer was too similar to his own.

It's not that they are similar, the two of them have been put together.

However, at this moment, Ji Cheying's communicator suddenly rang.

As soon as it was connected, the voice of his subordinate came out.

"Major General, there is a report, that Xie Quan was kidnapped."


The time was turned back to a few hours ago. After Xie Quan was tied to the car by Marquez, the man next to him forcibly took away Xie Quan's optical brain and other electronic equipment, and also searched Searching Xie Quan's pockets, when the man took out a universal screwdriver, a utility knife, a small pliers, and a screw of different models from Xie Quan's left and right pockets.

The man asked: "Hey, who is this kid?"

He threw those things away in disgust.

Marquez glanced at what was found and frowned, "Don't worry about it, there's nothing else on you, right?"

"Well, it's gone." Everything that can be used as a weapon and used for communication has been taken out.

Xie Quan looked at the tools that were thrown aside at will, and sighed in his heart. He was really a group of people who didn't know how to cherish.

Fortunately, he didn't carry his own backpack today, otherwise he would be in trouble if they saw what was inside.

The next second, Xie Quan was blindfolded.

After about an hour and a minute drive, the vehicle stopped, Xie Quan was roughly dragged out of the car, and when he got out of the car, he smelled a fishy and salty smell.

is the port.

No boats were heard.

Presumably an abandoned port.

Xie Quan was half pushed and half pushed into a closed place.

At this time, the cloth on Xie Quan's eyes was lifted.

The dim environment made Xie Quan's eyes adapt quickly, blinked, and then quickly looked at the current environment.

At this time, Marquez walked up to Xie Quan, he grabbed Xie Quan's chin with one hand, then sneered, and then slapped him fiercely—

The author has something to say:

Ji Cheying: I can’t compare to these robots? ?

Xie Quan: Well.

Ji Cheying: ? ? ? ?


If there is no accident, it will be updated at 9:00 pm every day. See you tomorrow~ Go to bed early.
