MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 117 do something

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"Are you from the white wolf clan?" Luosang exclaimed, looking at the piper in shock.

The piper froze for a moment, and stopped the movement of his hands.

"How do you know the White Wolf Clan?"

The White Wolf Clan has been exterminated for many years, and few people know about the White Wolf Clan.

How could the orc in front of him know?

He looked up and down Luosang, the color of his eyes gradually changed.

"Because I am also of the white wolf clan."

"Are you from the white wolf clan?" The Piper's expression changed drastically, "Then you should be even more damned."

After the words fell, the piper threw the spiritual power ball in his palm towards Luosang with all his strength.

Fei Li wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Seeing that the spiritual power ball was about to fall on Luosang, it suddenly dispersed when it approached Luosang.

Wu Ze rubbed his eyes to make sure he read correctly.

The spiritual power ball with a fierce offensive disappeared?

No time to care about the whereabouts of the spirit ball, Fei Li returned to Lausanne, "Are you okay?"

Luosang shook his head and staggered a step forward.

"I know who you are now, you are the ink seal, right?"

Hearing this name, the Piper's eyes immediately became sharp, and he said viciously: "Don't mention this name to me. While speaking, he raised his leg and stomped hard.

The cave trembled, and they almost lost their balance and fell to the ground.

"Mo Feng, don't you remember me?"

Lausanne's voice changed, as if he had become another person.

Hearing this, Fei Li looked back at Lausanne, his eyes full of doubts.

Ignoring everyone's doubts, Luosang walked towards the flute player, the ink seal, as if no one was around.

Mo Feng shook his head, and the hostility all over his body suddenly disappeared.

His eyes were flushed, "How come? Who are you?"

"I'm Fengming."

"Are you Fengming? Are you really Fengming?" Mo Feng became agitated.

Wu Ze was dumbfounded, when did Lord Luosang become Feng Ming?

Who is this Fengming?

Wu Ze quietly approached Fei Li, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with Lord Lausanne? Do we want to make a move?"

"Need not."

The two remained silent, and continued to look at the strange Luosang and Mo Feng.

Luosang stopped a step away from the ink seal. At this moment, a vague white shadow emerged from Luosang's body. The white shadow floated towards Mo Feng, and said in a reunion tone after a long absence: "Yes, it's really me."

Mo Feng stared at him in disbelief, his shoulders trembling unconsciously.

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault at the beginning. If I had come back earlier, those things wouldn't have happened to you."

A thin layer of mist formed in front of Mo Feng's eyes, and the eyes that looked at Feng Ming suddenly became gentle.

The two stood in place, looking at each other affectionately.

Fei Li remembered that he and Luosang found the bones of Luosang's father in the Fox Clan.

And Luosang's father, as a spirit beast of the white wolf clan, gave all the remaining spiritual power to Luosang.

He looked at the white figure floating out of Luosang's body, could it be Fengming or Luosang's father?

Looking up at Luosang, from Luosang's expression, he confirmed his guess.

"No, I don't blame you, it's their fault, it's all their fault." Mo Feng seemed to recall some painful things.

"At the beginning, I sensed that the tribe was in trouble in advance, and wanted you to take Luosang away, but I didn't expect that everyone would treat you like that..." Feng Ming mentioned the dust-laden past, and he also became indifferent. just as painful.

It turned out that Feng Ming back then was a spirit beast of the White Wolf Clan, with the special ability to perceive the future in advance.

He sensed that the tribe had a rare time and was practicing.

When he rushed back to the tribe, he was told that Mo Feng had betrayed the tribe and was driven out of the tribe by the leader.

He and Mo Feng are good friends, so of course he doesn't want to see Mo Feng become a wandering orc.

Before he had time to plead for Mo Feng, the tribe was invaded by a powerful foreign enemy, and he was in a weak stage, unable to resist the foreign enemy at all. In the end, the White Wolf clan was wiped out.

And he used his last strength to protect Lausanne.

As for why Mo Feng was expelled by the leader, no one knows.

A desperate smile curled up on the corner of Mo Feng's mouth, "The tribe is gone, and no one can clear my innocence."

"But I believe in you." Feng Ming said firmly.

Mo Feng threw away the bamboo flute in his hand, holding his head in pain.

Immediately, he walked towards Feng Ming, smiled as if he was relieved, "It's good to see you again, I've lived alone for so many years, and I'm tired."

After the words fell, he closed his eyes and mobilized his spiritual energy.

"Mo Feng, don't." Feng Ming suddenly roared.

Afterwards, everyone heard a loud noise, and immediately found Mo Feng's body lying on the ground.

"Mo Feng, why are you bothering?"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Mo Feng sighed: "Seeing old friends, I don't like being alone anymore, let's leave here together!"

Mo Feng's body began to glow with white light, gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared.

When Fei Li came back to his senses, he found that Feng Ming had disappeared as well.

He thought that Feng Ming should have left with the ink seal.

After thinking about it, he strode towards Luosang, "Are you okay?"

He looked at Luosang's wound, "Your wound..." Hearing this, Luosang touched his own wound, and the bleeding wound was healed!

Luosang raised his head and let out the unique cry of a white wolf.

Not long after, the same cry echoed in the air, seeming to be responding to him.

Uze and Fei Li didn't speak, letting them communicate in their own language.

After a while, Luosang returned to his normal expression.

Luosang turned around and smiled at Fei Li, "I'm fine."

Fei Li pointed to the wolf orcs lying on the ground, "You are fine, but they still have something to do. The one named Mo Feng is not from your white wolf clan. Why don't you let him save everyone?"

Hearing this, Luosang looked at everyone who was unconscious.

"When relatives meet, I forget about it when I get excited."

"But with you here, I'm sure they'll be fine.

Luosang looked at him with confused and confident eyes, and had high hopes for him.

No way, who made himself not only a witch doctor, but also the leader's man?

Regarding everyone's situation, he had thought about it on the way here.

Everyone didn't eat anything along the way, so the problem must be the tree.

After thinking for a while, he took out the bark cut from the big tree from his arms, and gave the bark to Wu Ze.

"Grind the bark into powder for me."

Wu Ze took the bark, found a few stones, and began to grind the powder.

While Uze was grinding the powder, Fei Li checked Luosang's body. Fei Li didn't feel relieved until he was sure that Luosang's health was fine. After a while, Wu Ze came back with the ground powder and handed it to Fei Li.

Fei Li divided the fans into three parts, and each of them got one part.

"You put these powders in everyone's mouths."

Wu Ze looked at the powder made from bark and looked disgusted, "Are these powders useful?"

"I don't know." He said truthfully.

When they came, they saw nothing but the forest.

And this forest has nothing but some trees.

He remembered that he read a case in an ancient book, that is, someone accidentally ate the juice of a big tree.

In the absence of any antidote, the bark of a large tree is used as medicine.

Now their situation is the same as that mentioned in the ancient books, he can only use this method.

Wu Ze looked at the powder in his hand, then at the unconscious orcs, and finally turned his attention to Lausanne.

The leader didn't speak, he really didn't dare to use everyone's life to make a joke.

Luosang tightly held the powder in his hand, walked straight to everyone, and fed the powder into everyone's mouths.

Seeing this, Wu Ze also took action.

With the effort of a cup of tea, the bark powder is fed to everyone.

"When will they wake up?" Wu Ze asked curiously.

Fei Li looked towards the entrance of the cave, observing the tilt of the sun, and guessed the time, "It's coming soon."

The three of them waited in place, and the unconscious wolf orcs on the ground began to move around.

Wu Ze stared at everyone excitedly, refusing to look away for a moment.

Mao Li woke up first and moved his sore limbs.

Seeing Fei Li and Uze, Mao Li was shocked, "Why are you here?"

After the words fell, Maori looked up and observed everything around him.

"Where is this place? Why are we here?"

At this time, the comatose orcs woke up one after another, and everyone was puzzled.

Fei Li looked at Lausanne and found that he didn't want to talk, probably he didn't want to let everyone know what happened just now.

"D sheep??,, this a sheep!

Fei Li immediately changed the subject, "There are sheep outside the cave, let's go out and have a look."

Everyone walked out of the cave, only to find that the originally gloomy forest was penetrated by sunlight, and there were flocks of sheep shuttling through the forest.

Seeing this, everyone had smiles on their faces.

"Great, we finally got food." Maori was gearing up, eager to turn these flocks into food entrances immediately. Fei Li looked at Lausanne, and then at everyone, "What are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

It was already three days after Fei Li and the others returned to the tribe.

Knowing from Simi that Fei Li and Wu Ze left the tribe in a hurry, everyone was very worried, for fear that something might happen to their partner. At this time, Maori's friend Hench, Anan's friend Xiaochun, and all the beastmen's friends are waiting at the gate of the tribe.

I look forward to your safe return.

Seeing their partner returning, Xiaochun, Henchy and the others stepped forward to embrace their partner.

What's more, I can't wait to take my partner home and applaud for love.

This is the most primitive way to express your feelings here.

Luosang pulled Fei Li close to his ear, "Should we also go back and do something we should do?"

Fei Li is not a fool, of course he understands Chi Guoguo's hint.

"That...I..." Before Fei Li finished speaking, Luosang picked him up and walked straight towards home.

After everyone left, Uze and Aura were left on the scene.

Ola also couldn't tell why he came to the tribe's mouth. He had no partner, and he didn't have to wait for anyone.

But when Simi told him that Uze and Fei Li had suddenly left the tribe, his heart sank suddenly.

At this time, seeing everyone returning safely, especially after seeing Wu Ze, he understood why he was worried. He looked up at Wu Ze, and found that Wu Ze happened to be looking at him too.

The two looked at each other from a distance.

It's too late for the author to say something!

In the future, the update time on Wednesday should be at noon, okay!