MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 1016 Baisheng Secret Realm

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Xiao Nanfeng was still thinking, and the idea of ​​the ancient altar came again: "There is only one chance, if you don't do it now, you will never have another chance in the future."

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"Okay, I imprisoned Taishang, and he also imprisoned my power. His heart world merged with my root space to form a secret realm called 'Baisheng Secret Realm'. He even created a mind clone, Fei I tried everything to escape, but I also cut off the ability of his mind avatar to mobilize the world of the heart. Now even I can't enter the secret realm of Baisheng. However, his mind avatar can send things in." The legend of the ancient altar Come to mind.

"Baisheng secret realm?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"He is extremely cautious. After he came out in the past, he used the "Tai Shang Yin Nerve" to spread the word to the world, attracting people to practice, and then sent people who practiced this method into the secret realm of Bai Sheng. I don't know what he is doing, but it must be to get out of trouble. Make preparations. Later, ten thousand years ago, he was discovered by three peerless wizards. Those three peerless wizards caught him and sent him back to the Baisheng Secret Realm. It took him a lot of energy to escape Yes, the price of escaping this time is extremely high, and it was only a few years ago that I succeeded." Said the idea of ​​the ancient altar.

"I know this. Those three peerless geniuses are the Daoist Sanqing. It is rumored that the Supreme Master is their teacher. They worked together to seal the Supreme Master into the ancient altar." Xiao Nanfeng nodded.

"More than 10,000 years ago, the flood of "Taishang Yin Nerve" also made the Heishi tribe discover some things. Maybe the Taishang left some information for the Heishi tribe. Therefore, Sasia ten thousand years ago unraveled I have broken the seal of the Nine Great Laws. I guess, this is also a preparation for the Taishang's escape." The idea of ​​the ancient altar said.

"I see."

"I don't know what he is doing in the Baisheng Secret Realm, but I know that time is getting tighter. And I can't keep an eye on it all the time, I'm afraid it will be locked in reverse. When the time comes, just notify the other Heishi people, and we will There is no chance of a comeback.”

"What's your comeback idea?"

"He spread "Tai Shang Yin Nerve" and let me discover what kind of people he needs. He sent many people into the Baisheng Secret Realm ten thousand years ago, and he has been sending these people since he got out of trouble a few years ago. Humanoids have entered the Baisheng Secret Realm. So, I think our chance to turn the tables is here." Eternal Ancient Altar said.

"Let the chosen person seize the body of the Supreme Being?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"That's right, for this reason, I selected some people whose souls all have qualities that the Supreme Being needs in their souls. I gave them some special treasures for emergencies, and they were successfully sent into the world by the Supreme Clone It is a pity that no one has successfully seized the physical body of the Supreme Being." said the ancient altar.

"Then how do you know I will succeed?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"I'm not sure if you will be able to succeed, but with your strength, you have a greater chance. Moreover, your soul breath is very strange, and it may have unexpected effects." Said the ancient altar.

"My soul breath is strange?" Xiao Nanfeng frowned.

Previously, the Supreme Master found out that his soul came from the Galaxy Immortal Realm, so he thought about it. Now, the ancient altar also found something unusual?

"That's right, I used the power of space to grab some treasures from various fairylands in the depths of the universe, and gave them to those I arranged to mix into the Baisheng Secret Realm. The breath carried by one of the treasures is just like yours. Your soul, no, it should be very similar to your true spirit." said the ancient altar.


"If my guess is right, your true spirit should have been captured by me from a distant fairyland along with that treasure. I gave that treasure to a couple, and you also have the blood of that couple in your body." Breath, you may still be their son." Eternal Ancient Altar said.

Xiao Nanfeng shrank his pupils and said, "What did you say? My parents also entered the Baisheng secret realm?"

"It seems that you are really their son. They entered the Baisheng Secret Realm with the treasure I gave you," said the ancient altar.

Xiao Nanfeng's expression became complicated for a while, he thought that his father and mother were just in some evil secret realm, but he didn't think that his father and mother had gone to the Baisheng secret realm.

"Are you going to the Baisheng Secret Realm? The timing is just right now. Once all the Heishi tribe's army arrives, I'm afraid there will be no chance again. Moreover, you also have many hidden restrictions imposed by him on your body. Once you and him are completely broken , he will definitely activate these prohibitions to destroy your body, and by then, you will only die together." The thought of the ancient altar said.

Xiao Nanfeng took a deep breath, and said with firm eyes, "How do I get to the Baisheng Secret Realm?"

"As long as you are willing to go, there is only one chance. His Taishang Haoyue is the medium, and the candle monster between your body and soul has a certain power of space, which can cover up the traces of my breath. I can help you peel off the candle." , into your soul, at that moment, as long as you touch the Taishang Haoyue, I will activate the power of the law of space and take the opportunity to send you in." The thought of the ancient altar said.

"Will this Supreme Clone chase me in?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"No, it won't be able to get out after entering. Otherwise, he was sealed into the Baisheng Secret Realm by Sanqing, how could he work so hard to get out?" the thought of the ancient altar said.

"Okay, let's do it like this," Xiao Nanfeng nodded, and then he asked again: "Can you leave a letter for my relatives?"

"No, I can contact you because you have the mark I gave you. Now, I can't contact anyone, so as not to leave traces and be traced by the Heishi clan." The idea of ​​the ancient altar said.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded. In order to prevent someone from pretending to be

He, for the three women, has left a physical touch signal. If the Supreme Master goes to the three women, the three women will definitely find out that he is a counterfeit at the first time. However, it is also very helpless for others to have no such preparations.

"Okay! I'm a little curious, what happens every ten thousand years of catastrophe?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"I live and die with the common people, and I also coexist with the Supreme Being. When the common people die, it is when I die. If I die, the Supreme Being I imprisoned will also perish. Therefore, the Heishi tribe slaughters once every ten thousand years. The common people are afraid that our planet will give birth to a peerless powerhouse who threatens them, and they leave the common people's seeds because they dare not destroy the common people, which leads to the destruction of myself and the Supreme Being." The ancient altar explained.

"Thank you for letting me know. I don't have anything to ask now. Time is running out. In order not to notice too much, let's hurry up." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Since that's the case, then I'll start. When you arrive at the Baisheng Secret Realm, you can only rely on you, and I can no longer communicate with you." The thought of the ancient altar said.

"Okay!" Xiao Nanfeng nodded.

At this moment, the space around Xiao Nanfeng fluctuated for a while.

At this moment, Taishang became alert, he thought Xiao Nanfeng was going to use some trick again.

"Are you attracting candles? What do you want to do?" Tai Shang said coldly.

However, Xiao Nanfeng ignored it, and the space around him was still shaking.

The Taishang also aroused the evil candle, and said with a sneer: "It's useless, I can also mobilize your physical body, and I can also mobilize the power of the candle flame, you can't fully control it."

But not long after, Taishang suddenly shrank his pupils and said, "No, what did you do? Why did my control over the evil candle become weaker? This is impossible!"

With a buzzing sound, Xiao Nanfeng's whole body trembled, and countless red lights came out.

"Damn it, what did you do?" Tai Shang exclaimed.

He rushed towards Xiao Nanfeng in shock and anger, but a red light curtain appeared in front of Xiao Nanfeng, Xiao Nanfeng passed through the red light curtain and disappeared in a flash.

"Why do you suddenly have such a huge power of space?" Tai Shang roared and looked at the sky.

But I saw Xiao Nanfeng jumping in space, reaching the side of the Supreme Moon, and touched the Supreme Moon with one hand. But at this moment, Taishang Haoyue also trembled, bursting out with dazzling white light.

"Is it the power of the ancient altar? The power of the ancient altar is hidden in the magical power of the candle? Bastard, when did you contact the ancient altar, why didn't I know? Stop!" Taishang roared angrily.

With a buzzing sound, Taishang Haoyue was stimulated to emit white light, and then, a dazzling white hole appeared beside it. In an instant, endless cold air gushed out from the mouth of the white light cave.

Without hesitation, Xiao Nanfeng rushed into the depths of the Baiguang Cave.

With a buzzing sound, Xiao Nanfeng's main **** space also disappeared in a flash, the sky full of stars and the three bright moons all disappeared.

"You want to enter the Baisheng secret realm? Don't even think about it, the golden tree is cracked, come back to me!" Taishang rushed over and grabbed it.

With a bang, there was a blast from the entrance of the Baiguang Cave, and a ball of golden light was caught in the hand of the Supreme Master, but Xiao Nanfeng had already disappeared deep in the entrance of the Baiguang Cave.

When Taishang reached the entrance of the cave, he stopped abruptly, his eyes spewed fire, and he roared angrily, "Come back, you bastard."

Unfortunately, there was no response from the mouth of the white light cave.

He was full of turned his head to look at Sifang and said, "Eternal Ancient Altar, do you think that sending Xiao Nanfeng into the Baisheng Secret Realm will affect me? You want him to take my body? You are dreaming." , your little trick is useless at all, he will die if he goes in. Also, my subordinates are coming, and then, no one can stop me from getting out of trouble. At that time, it will be your time of death."

He wanted to anger the ancient altar, let the ancient altar reappear, and expose the traces, but the ancient altar no longer responded to him at all, which made him extremely annoyed.

With a wave of his hand, he closed the white light hole. He opened his palm, and there was a ball of golden light in his palm, and in the golden light was a broken golden tree.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, put away the shattered golden tree, and sat cross-legged, staring in all directions while recovering his injuries and vitality.

After a long time, he fully recovered from his injuries, but unfortunately the Eternal Altar never reappeared.

"Eternal Altar, let's wait and see! Hmph!" The Empress snorted coldly.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the space of the main god, and put Taishang Haoyue into his eyebrows, while Xiao Nanfeng's physical body was beside him. He stepped into Xiao Nanfeng's eyebrows, and with a buzzing sound, his soul and body merged, taking over the matter. Flesh.

At this moment, the Taishang, who had seized Xiao Nanfeng's body, had a cold expression, and a fierce evil spirit flashed from the corner of his mouth.