MTL - The Path Toward Heaven-Chapter 15 The difference finally arrived

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Sorrowful, Jingui Jiu asked, "What?"

At the age of ten, Yanliu said nervously: "If you are a spy of another sect, then you go away quickly, I will not tell anyone."

Kusui Jiu now understood what he meant, shook his head with a smile, and dropped the grain of sand between his fingers.

Twenty years ago he asked Liu why he still stayed with him when he was ten years old.

At the age of ten, Yanagi refused to answer, and did not seem to understand, but Jingjiu knew that he could understand his own problem.

At that time, Liu was already suspicious of him at the age of ten, and even deliberately arranged that Q & A, in order to allow him to make some contributions to the martial arts, in order to plan for the future, this idea and arrangement is really naive, naive, What else can a boy ask for?

After that day, Liu was ten years old and never talked about related topics. Until today, he finally asked.

Because he was about to enter the inner door, he became a real disciple of Qingshan Sect, not just a boy of Jingjiu.

I was not disappointed with this, and I was not angry, but I felt a little cute.

It has nothing to do with betrayal, just growth.

So he smiled.

笑 He smiled very well, like the frozen ice that lasted for thousands of years was finally melted by spring, and then a beautiful lotus flower was born from it.

At the age of ten, Yanagi shook his eyes with his smile and sighed, "My son is still so beautiful."

Kusui Jiu looked at the face reflected in the porcelain plate and said, "Yeah, it's been two years, and I'm still not used to it."

Tamarix woke up at ten and asked uneasily, "Who are you, son?"

"I don't want to tell you."

Tamarix was a little downcast at the age of ten, oh.

Sakurai looked at him like this and comforted him, "I'm not a spy anyway."

At the age of ten, Yanagi seriously thought about it and found that it was so, so she no longer worried.

How could a person as beautiful as a son be a spy? And he was ... so lazy.

How can there be such a lazy spy? Staying in the courtyard all day, what can I inquire about?

Uh ...

Uh ...

All the external disciples of Taonan Songting came to the Jiantang, and those deacons also came.

At the age of ten, Tamarix stood on the stone steps and looked back, feeling a little nervous, not because of those who were looking forward to or jealous, but because Jiu Jiu did not come.

Master Lu Lu patted his shoulder and said, "No problem."

He knew that he was not the first to discover that Liu was ten years old, but he brought it back from the small mountain village himself. In this year, he gave Liu ten years old the greatest attention and protection. He believes that he also knows Liu is ten years old. This child is not only very talented, extraordinary in spirit, but more importantly, sincere, diligent in practice, and has a solid foundation. Today, he has a great chance of passing the internal assessment.

He thought of another person who was also very optimistic about him, and that was Jing Jiu. In his opinion, Jing Jiu's talents are ordinary and his spiritual roots are average, but his understanding and intelligence are very good, far beyond ordinary disciples, and even far better than him, but ... the young man is too unmotivated-he used to I watched it once with sword knowledge and found that Jing Jiu had not cultivated Taoism, which made him extremely disappointed.

Master Lu Lu no longer thought about it, and said to Liu ten years old, "Remember, it's most important to have no distractions."

At the age of ten, Yuliu nodded vigorously, and, following the sight of the teacher and his colleagues, walked into a seemingly ordinary room deep in the sword hall.

I was in charge of this assessment by an immortal teacher sent by Sixth Peak Xilaifeng, as well as the recruited immortal teacher Ming Guoxing who was outside the gate of Nansongting Mountain.

"I've seen Uncle Ming, I've seen this Uncle."

Until today Liu was ten years old, he hadn't entered Jiufeng, but he already had a great reputation between Jiufeng.

The natural Taoism is bound to be the key cultivation target of Qingshan Sect. Who dares to despise?

The old uncle from Xilaifeng nodded gently, Ming Guoxing was very happy, and patted his shoulder with a smile.

I want to know Liu's ten-year-old name, but he wrote it on the roster by himself. In the future, this child will be famous in the world, and it will be his glory.

Tong Ming Guoxing was thinking about the beautiful and ridiculous white boy of the day, and asked, "How is your son?"

Tamarix was ten years old and didn't know how to answer.

The old uncle from Xilaifeng glanced at Ming Guoxing and asked with his eyes.

Tong Ming Guoxing made a gesture with his right hand on his face. The uncle Feng Shi knew who he was talking about immediately, smiled, and said nothing.

"Regardless of whether you can pass the assessment later, the specific assessment content, especially its insights, must not be shared with others."

昔 The old uncle Feng smiled and looked at Liu when he was ten years old.

Tong Ming Guoxing was also very serious, adding: "Including your son."

Tamarix was silent for ten years before answering.

Tong Ming Guoxing and the uncle walked out of the hut and closed the door.

Tamarix came to the case at the age of ten and took a breath.

There was a shelf on the case. There was a strip-shaped object on the shelf. It looked dark, but the surface was very smooth, and there was a very cold breath faint from it.

This is the sword tire.

Tamarix was ten years old in a calm mood, put his palm on the sword, closed his eyes, and started to trigger the flow of true elements in the meridians.

The sword sword can sense the number of true elements of the practitioner, and it can trace back to the top, giving the most subtle reflection of the spiritual sea of ​​the practitioner.

Only when the Linghai is filled, can it provide sufficient nutrients for Taoism and form sword fruit.

There is no practitioner who hopes to become a sword fruit, and naturally is not qualified to enter the inner gate of the Qingshan Sect.

Uh ...

Uh ...

A buzz.

I heard the sound dull, UU reading is actually very clear, as if countless swords collided at the same time.

Ming Guoxing outside the yamen and the former uncle's master looked at each other with shock and joy.

Sure enough, it is a legendary Taoist species that can make sword fetuses resonate so strongly!

I know that it takes only one year for the child to practice, and now he is only twelve!

Uh ...

Uh ...

Twenty-five hours later, Liu stepped out of the sword hall at the age of ten.

Master Lv, his disciples, and deacons outside the Jianjian Hall had heard the Jianming, but still looked at him nervously.

Tamarix nodded at the age of ten, then smiled happily.

Master Lu Lu was very pleased, and those outside students were shouting with excitement, and the cheers spread far away.

The cheering sounds came to the small courtyard deep in the woods, Jing Jiu smiled.

He never thought that at the age of ten, he could not pass the internal examination, so he was too lazy to go and see.

A natural Taoist species, built a base six months in advance, and ate a purple xuandan, if this is not successful?

除非 Unless this person has a bottomless spiritual sea like him, but where on earth is he going to find a second one?

The courtyard door was pushed open, and Liu ran in at the age of ten, but was speechless.

He doesn't know how to express his mood.

It was hard to come by, Jing Jiu stood up from the bamboo chair.

He raised his hands and looked at Liu at the age of ten. He said calmly and earnestly: "The avenue is long and dangerous. Few travelling to the end. You have already been on the road, but you need to concentrate on it. It is natural to forget this year. It's so beautiful. "

At the age of ten, Tadowyu realized what he was talking about, and said angrily, "I won't forget."

Uh ...

Uh ...

(No matter, continue in the evening, put pressure on yourself, restore two more.)