MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 189 Fortunately, I am Doomsday Superman!

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  Chapter 189 It’s okay, I’m Doomsday Superman!

  The scene that took place over Fuyuki City was also synchronously projected to all media online channels from various perspectives by satellites and drones.

  The entire Blue Star, all over the world, regardless of the eastern jurisdiction or the western jurisdiction.

  Hundreds of autonomous prefectures and thousands of cities.

  People who were outdoors stopped one after another, and the cars on the road turned off collectively, watching the live broadcast on the huge advertising screen.

  Indoors, the Union citizens, whether they were working or resting at home, stopped what they were doing and formed a group with the people around them.

  The attention intensity is unprecedented, and it is even more popular than when the motherland made its debut in front of the public two years ago!

  One reason is that this is the first invasion incident in which a city owner was attacked and killed by a superhuman in an autonomous city.

  The second reason is that this is the second trip eastward by the people from the motherland!

   And. Two years ago, the people of the motherland traveled eastward for the first time, and the foggy area was shrouded in fog. Even a video of the process and the aftermath could not be transmitted.

  And this time, under the operation of Mengdi Company, almost all directions without dead ends, allowing the whole world to simultaneously watch what happened in Fuyuki City.

   This made it absolutely impossible for the invading transcendent, ordinary locals, high-level politicians or ordinary citizens to miss this live broadcast.

  Of course, most people have the mentality of watching the live broadcast to see how the people of the motherland take action to punish the extraordinary.


  At this time, when they saw the natives descending over Fuyuki City, they had no time to cheer. Then I saw that the silver-haired young man who was the number one extraordinary criminal in the attack last night was lying on the top floor of the 600th floor of the headquarters of Monty Corporation, basking in the sun.

  Basking in the sun and waiting for the people from the motherland to arrive, Yi Meng then slowly got up from the sun chair and stretched vigorously.

  The motherland was stunned for a while.

   The billions of federal citizens who watched the live broadcast simultaneously were also stunned.

   It's fine if you don't escape, just stay and wait.

   "Isn't this courting death?!" Someone shook his head.

   "Rampant, it's too rampant!" Someone resented.

   "People from the motherland can't escape when they are close to each other." Someone sighed.

   "Don't you think he's handsome?" Someone had a fever.

   "Don't get angry, he's going to die." Someone retorted.

   "It's really the boss's usual style." In the military base, Pan Hu couldn't laugh or cry.

   "Look carefully, the world may change today." Captain Eiko of the local supernatural branch stationed in Fuyuki City said softly.

  Under different voices of discussion around the world.

  The man from the motherland came back to his senses, and he flew forward, with a characteristic smile raised at the corner of his mouth, 50 meters away from the top floor of the headquarters building of Monty Corporation.

   "You are Yimeng, right?"

   "It's not me, anyone else." Yi Meng shrugged.

   "Okay, very good." The people from the motherland looked through their eyes and didn't see any clues from Yi Meng. The muscle strength and cell level were at the level of ordinary people.

He smiled even brighter, standing in the air with his waist in the air, the national flag cloak fluttering, and he said condescendingly: "Imeng. Because of the crimes you committed in Fuyuki City, I hereby represent the Star Dragon Federation and all human beings around the world. You will be judged and sanctioned..."

   "It's up to you?" Yi Meng interrupted him.

   "..." The words of the people from the motherland came to an abrupt end, and the people of Fuyuki City, and even the people watching the simultaneous live broadcast all over the world were completely stunned.

   It is no longer enough to describe it as bold and rampant, but that is a native of the motherland, a god-like extraordinary existence!

   "Just because I am a native of the motherland."

  The smile on the face of the motherland disappeared, and the veins on his forehead were protruding. He suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice.

  Yimeng smiled calmly: "You alone are not qualified to judge me."

   "Then I'll let you see if I'm qualified." The people from the motherland were furious, their eyes slightly red.

   "Wait!" Yi Meng interrupted him with a raised hand.

   "Now, if you want to regret it, or kneel down and beg for mercy, it's already too late."

   "You made me wait for so long. Give me time to change clothes, it should be fine."

As Yi Meng said, he manipulated the smart watch on his left wrist, and immediately a pair of silver-plated square metal backpacks flew out from the hole in the dome of the building, touched his back and immediately spread out along the body surface, turning into a new body. A light silver-white metal battle suit that covers the body from the feet.

  The chest glows with the energy core of the nuclear energy round groove.

   "Ultra-technical metal armor, so this is what you relied on to kill Dracula last night." The man from the motherland seemed to have finally realized something, and he still had a high and proud attitude and smiled sarcastically.

   "Not really, it's really just a piece of clothing. Some people think it's too disrespectful to wear casual clothes in this battle."

  Eimeng, who was wearing a silver metal armor, said sincerely.

  This iron suit is not the early version of the Iron Man Mark armor, it is already the latest armed creation developed by Monty Corporation.

  But for him, the steel armor is the same, and it doesn't have much impact on his combat power.

   "It doesn't matter whether it's clothes or not, goodbye."

  Accompanied by the words of the people of the motherland, just look down at him.


  The two lines of sight turned into red laser beams, cutting through the height of 50 meters in an instant, like the sword of judgment swung down by a god, slashing down at Yimeng who is wearing a silver-white steel battle suit!

  The speed of the hot line of sight was so fast that the people watching the live broadcast saw a flash of red light, and the top of the building where Yimeng was standing had been split!

  Generally, the invading enemies or events encountered are basically the result of instant kills under the thermal sight.

  The face of the motherlander who emitted this divine power changed, and his hot gaze was at that moment, but he didn't really hit the enemy!

   Instead, it was avoided!

  A cloud of white waves and hurricanes swayed on the top of the building. There was no sound of engine braking. The right hand wrapped in the metal battle suit stretched forward, with five fingers strangling the throat of the motherland like lightning.


  The eyes of the people from the motherland are wide open, the muscles of the whole body are tense like never before, and all the hairs stand on end.

   Without waiting for him to react.

  The next moment.

  Yimeng, wearing a silver-white metal battle suit, strangled the motherlander by the throat, and led him to continue to fly at a high speed, from the urban area to the suburbs in an instant, like a missile slanting into the headquarters building of King Quan Biological Company!

  Due to the death of Chairman Wang Xuan, the already empty skyscrapers were directly penetrated by the two, and the reinforced concrete is as fragile as tofu!

  Yi Meng's speed did not slow down, and with the motherlander strangling his throat, he continued to crash into the factory buildings behind the headquarters building.


  Several solid factory buildings collapsed, and a thousand-meter-long deep ditch was plowed out of the vibrating and mourning earth. Hurricanes raged and dust waves swept across the path!

At the end of the deep canal, the face of the motherlander lying on the ground was flushed, and he held the hand holding his neck tightly with both hands, showing an unbelievable expression: "No, no... This is not the power that metal armor can display !"

   "Correct answer. But, no reward."

Yimeng didn't use the nuclear energy and engine power of the metal suit. At this time, the inner part of the metal suit's arm guard, the whole right arm muscle swelled a little, and it was covered with a layer of gray bone derived from its own strength. .

  At this time, the muscle hardness of the right arm far exceeds the hardness of the metal battle suit. It is the steel body of Doomsday.

  The strength is also far beyond the armor engine control energy that nuclear energy can provide.

   There was a click.

  Yimeng and the metal glove on his right hand exploded together, throwing the motherland forward, the sound barrier was easily broken, and several factory fortresses were smashed and collapsed ahead!

   This is the power of Yimeng's own Doomsday Superman!

  (end of this chapter)