MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 197 Marvel's Soul Gem incarnation, Emen

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  Chapter 197 Incarnation of the Marvel Mind Stone, Yi Meng

  After the spaceship of the Avengers left.

  The garden planet after Thanos returned to its usual prosperity. Under the bright and warm sunshine, the garden where Thanos was buried was full of vitality.

  Half of the creatures in the universe were killed, and the universe regained its original balance.

  After a brief period of strife and chaos, a new order and peace emerged.

   Just, from that day on.

  Ordinary creatures inhabiting the back garden planet, when they dream, occasionally see a humanoid existence glowing with a sacred yellow light in their dreams.

  That god-like existence hangs over the back garden, warming people's hearts. Meeting him must be a warm and pure dream.

   Also, from that day on.

  Imeng chose to stay alone in Thanos's back garden. He tried to absorb the psychic energy left on the planet, just like finding the tiny puzzle pieces scattered throughout the universe and putting them back together.

  Yimeng can feel that her own existence is constantly solidifying in the process of absorbing and piecing together spiritual energy.

  In the beginning, he was just a lost terminal, a void signal sent from the past to the future. He hardly existed in this world, and no cosmic creature could perceive his existence.

   Gradually, Yimeng's own existence continued to solidify, never crossing the boundary of reality.

  He is able to enter the hearts of weak and pure creatures when they sleep, and even absorb their negativity and negative emotions as nutrients...

   This is undoubtedly the ability of the mind stone, although it is very weak.

   This can't help but remind Yi of the time when she used the illusion incarnation to attack the soul gem incarnation.

  Did it really fail that time?

   Or was he only half successful at the beginning, but now his consciousness has returned from reality to the dream of Marvel, and by accident, he was able to continue to complete the remaining half of the advancement?

  So, also from that day on.

  Imeng stayed in the back garden most of the time, absorbing the remaining psychic energy when the psychic stone was destroyed. Part of the time is wandering in the universe, looking for the fragments of the mind stone puzzle, passing by in the dreams of weak and pure cosmic creatures or alien babies.

  In the Marvel Universe, there is a legend of a new **** for no reason.

   Of course, Yimeng also went back to Marvel Earth, to the fallen headquarters of the Avengers, and to the vacant house where she lived with Wanda for three years.

  He "attended" the wedding of Iron Man Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, and "witnessed" that Pepper Potts, who was pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl shortly afterwards.

One month later, the baby girl was named "Morgan Stark". Except for the captain of the alien civilization, the surviving heroes basically came to the dinner, including Thor, Captain America Steve, Black Widow Na Tasha, the Hulk Banner, War Machine Rhodes, the Little Brown Bear Rocket of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the new Supreme Master-Wang and so on.

  Most of them seem to celebrate this as a happy event, trying to wash away the trauma caused by the final battle.

  Yimeng’s spiritual concept between non-existence and existence stood quietly in the banquet crowd. No one noticed his existence, not even Thor and the new supreme mage.

  Only the little Morgan in the arms of Pepper Potts suddenly opened his small eyes when he passed by Yi Meng. His blue eyes were as clear as jewels, as if he could see the special existence of Yi Meng.

   "Morgan. You will have a heart as strong as steel. In the countless days and nights to come, even a single person will not have nightmares."

  Imeng stretched out her hand, touched little Morgan's brow lightly, and said softly.

  Little Morgan's eyes were shining brightly, and for the first time, he let out a light and immature laugh, and reached out to hold Yi Meng's fingers, but the immature white hand was empty.

   "Old friends, let's have another drink."

  Yimeng turned around and walked towards the group of heroes under the magnificent lights.

  Yi Meng quietly watched the last drunken heroes, and after the final battle, an era was declining under the influence of the flickering event.

   Just like that, time flies like water.

   In a flash, it was five years later.


  In the past five years, Yimeng has always been the energy concept body of the soul gem, existing in the dream world of Marvel.

  No one knows his existence, but hundreds of billions of creatures know his existence in their dreams.

  During the past five years, Yimeng finally absorbed the energy of the remaining Soul Gem in the garden planet after Thanos.

  He felt that the existence of his concept incarnation was ushering in a transformation again, and he could start to indirectly modify and guide human emotions, and even began to affect some energies of the outer universe.

  Although this is still far from the full ability of the soul stone, it also makes him truly return to Marvel and have an incarnation.

   It's just that, to Yi Meng's surprise, five years have passed, and the turning point of the ending should also come.

  But why, it's been so long...

  Imeng suddenly thought of something. He was the incarnation of his spiritual concept and came to the inner part of Marvel Earth. In a parking lot in New York that had been closed for five years, he found a jeep whose rear trunk was transformed into a small quantum tunnel.

  Five years later, it is still difficult for Yimeng's spiritual concept avatar to affect the real thing, but it has reached the point where it can slightly modify the intelligent system by transforming the energy of the mind.

  As the in-vehicle system of the jeep's rear trunk restarted, the small quantum tunnel opened again, and a man in the helmet popped out of it in the next moment, restored from dust to the size of an adult human.

   That was the second-generation Ant-Man, Scott Lang, who had disappeared for five years and other heroes thought he also died in the flashing event!

  Wearing the Ant-Man uniform, Scott Lang took off his helmet, stared blankly at the dusty indoor garage, and quickly got up and ran out of the garage in shock.

  Yi Meng, who is the incarnation of the concept of mind, stood beside her, quietly watching this scene.

  He knows that a new era is coming, which is also the ending and origin of a cycle of reincarnation.

  The second-generation Ant-Man Scott Lang will bring to the Avengers the concept of traveling through time and space derived from the Quantum Realm.

  Then the surviving Avengers will return to the past and collect six complete infinity gems from the past parallel time and space, so as to snap their fingers to reverse the final battle five years ago, and bring back the other half of the creatures that disappeared in the snap of their fingers.

  Wanda and the others will usher in the resurrection, and Iron Man will die in this battle.

   Then, half a year later, it was the starting point when I first fell into a dream and began to intervene in the Marvel world as an artificial intelligence incarnation.

   "Maybe, I will meet my past self."

  Yimeng pondered for a while, and suddenly realized that this was an unprecedented opportunity.

  He might be able to peek in the dark and learn exactly how he fell asleep in the first place and became the artificial intelligence Friday avatar.

  In any case, from Marvel in 2024, I returned to myself ten years ago, turning around, going through everything as a vision, and I am about to return to 2024.

   For him.

  Marvel's past and future will be completely brought together!

  (end of this chapter)