MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 307 Plotting from the DC Universe, newcomer

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  Chapter 307 Conspiracy from the DC universe, newcomer

  DC universe dreamland.

  The solar system in which the Earth is located.

  Yellow sun interior.

  Yimeng, the incarnation of the ancient Doomsday, which is close to the appearance of a young man in the real world, his eyes are burning with endless flames of destruction, his body showing perfect muscular curves is like forged from silver-white steel, and his right index finger has turned into a dazzling golden color.

  Yimeng had an illusion that using the current energy, force field, spores, qi, and even the golden fingers that fit perfectly together with the physical body, could poke and explode the celestial body!

   This is probably not an illusion.

  After all, the last time he just used the golden doom nails, he broke through the peak Darkseid clone, the moon's celestial body, and the space barrier of this DC universe in one fell swoop.

  So, Yi Meng didn't try rashly.

  Borrowing the yellow sun, Goldfinger ushered in a perfect transformation, which is indeed far more advanced and perfect than the current ancient Doom Day.

  However, it is limited to gold fingers.

   Except for the right index finger, other parts of the body are still silver-white bones that have not undergone a perfect transformation.

  This will lead to the fact that Yimeng, the ancient destroyer, cannot perfectly control the golden finger of his right hand, and almost shatters his entire body just like last time.

   "The affairs of DC Earth can be handled by Superman and Black Adam."

   "In the DC dreamland, with the body of the ancient Doomsday, complete the remaining golden transformation of the whole body in one fell swoop!"

  Yimeng secretly made up her mind on the ancient destruction day.

  He has decided not to leave the current core of the yellow sun until his whole body turns golden.

  Even if you leave the dream and return to reality, you can continue to absorb the energy of the yellow sun for transformation next time.

   "It's not in a hurry to wake up now, you can continue to spend some time, so that the incarnation of the ancient Doomsday ushers in the perfect golden color of other parts."

  Yi dreamed here and closed her eyes again.

  The young man with silvery white brilliance and strong aura is surrounded by the heat and energy of the yellow sun core, as if he regards the sun as a hotbed for growth, and the light of the golden finger illuminates the depths of the outer universe!

  The power of a single golden finger is still the same.

  What if a palm turns golden?

   What if the entire arm, even the entire upper body, and even the ancient doomsday body, including facial features, bone spurs and internal organs, ushered in such a perfect level of golden transformation?

  Even if it is as strong as the current ancient Ruin Riyimeng, there is enough expectation and horror for this.

   It may take a long time for the whole body to transform, but once the transformation is completed, it will definitely surprise him!

  Imeng closed his eyes, and the endless solar energy around him rushed towards his body, continuing to transform.

  But, at this moment.

   A strange feeling came from behind him, and with Yimeng's astonishing reaction speed surpassing Superman's, it was too late when he noticed it.

  A hand appeared in the inner core of the sun without any warning, smashed Yimeng's slack superhuman field, and pressed it directly on his silvery back.

   That moment.

  Yimeng felt a bone-piercing icy coldness, which was enough to suppress the temperature of the sun's core, as well as the blazing heat of the ancient Doomsday's own body.

   After that, there was no chance of any reaction.

   Before Yimeng, the ancient destroyer, had time to look back, she was sent flying by the force from her palm, and the space in front of her was shattered like a mirror!

  The next moment.

   It fell forward like a meteor.

   Yi Meng, who was constantly rolling at extreme speed, let out a low cry, silver-white bone spurs burst out from the young man's body, powerful energy and aura swept out, and the superhuman field almost made him stop himself in an instant!

  Like a small sun fixed in the sky!

  However, almost at the same time when he came to a complete stop, his back inevitably smashed into a pile of surprisingly hard skeletons, and an indescribable sense of attraction pulled the body of the ancient Doomsday!

  Yi Meng subconsciously exerted force, but was unable to break free. He suddenly realized something and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

   The huge wall that traverses the universe has no beginning and no end, it is the end of the boundary of the universe.

  On the wall, countless large and small biological skeletons are adsorbed and inlaid, and there are some supreme beings who have not turned into bones, but are still alive but have fallen into eternal sleep.

   Right now.

  Imeng was also stuck on this wall, surrounded by countless biological skeletons.

   "Here is... the Wall of Origin."

  Yimeng's mind rang in the words Greer said a few days ago.

  The Wall of Origin.

  The boundary of the known universe, the isolation of parallel universes, also known as the wall of souls.

  Beyond the wall is the answer to everything and the source of all existence!

  All the beings who want to cross the wall of origin are stuck on it and cannot escape!

  Yimeng never expected that he would come into contact with the Wall of Origin again so soon, and at an intimate distance without gaps!

   "Damn it!"

  Yimeng's eyes immediately flashed with destructive flames, and looking forward, it can be seen that the broken space has been recombined.

   Clearly, he was tricked.

  The opponent deliberately attacked, trapping him on the wall of origin with one blow!


  Lonely, dark, cold...

  This is what the ancient destroyer Yimeng felt when he was stuck on the wall of origin for ten seconds. During these ten seconds, he used the strongest strength and energy, but he still couldn't break free from the wall.

  The wall is not just a pure traction, but it seems to be connected to the entire universe. If you want to break free from the wall of origin, unless you have the power to destroy the universe.

  The movement of him hitting the wall of origin seemed to have awakened many living beings who were also stuck to the wall and had not died so far.

   "A newcomer is here?"

   "It seems to be from Krypton, and being able to touch the wall of origin shows that the strength is good."

   "No matter how strong you are, you can only be trapped here forever."

   "Yeah, welcome to the multidimensional purgatory at the end of the universe!"

   "Introduce yourself."

   "Little guy, talk to us about what happened outside."

   "No fun, go to sleep."

   A dozen powerful thoughts chatted on the wall of origin, and soon fell silent again.

  The ancient destroyer Yimeng ignored them. After being angry and failing to save himself, he kept his energy and calmed down again.

  He can feel that the wall of origin is absorbing its own energy all the time. Once the energy is exhausted, the end should be a member of the sea of ​​skeletons in the wall of origin.

   Fortunately, what the Ancient Doomsday needs most is energy, which can be continuously regenerated.

   But as long as you are trapped on this wall of origin, there seems to be no difference between death and immortality, and they will live forever and cannot break free!

  Yimeng, the ancient destroyer, naturally did not give up. He was still thinking about ways to save himself, and then he felt drowsy.

  Ancient Day of Doom never sleeps, nor does it need to sleep.

   This is obviously also the power of the law of the wall of origin. After sticking to the creatures, it will absorb the energy from them and hypnotize them into a deep sleep!

   Once you fall asleep, maybe you wake up next time, millions of years have passed outside.

  Some creatures, perhaps after a deep sleep, never woke up again, turned into a skeleton and stayed on the wall of origin.

  Ancient Destroyer Japan dreamed of resisting slumber, but was defeated by sleepiness with power. That sleepiness was not only the power of the mind, even Marvel's spiritual immunity could not be avoided.

  The destructive flames of his eyes continued to dim, and like other powerful beings, he fell into a deep sleep on the wall of origin, and everything returned to darkness and loneliness.

  (end of this chapter)