MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 330 The Return of Iron Man!

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  Chapter 330 Iron Man's Return!

  Marvel Dreamland.

  Earth, on the outskirts of New York, in the tombstone clearing in the middle of the forest.

  A burst of life-filled energy surged outward, and white snow flew.

  The tombstone is in front.

  The middle-aged gentleman's eyes glowed brightly, and his statue-like body trembled slightly, with a dazed look on his face.

  The middle-aged gentleman looked up and looked at a young man and a woman standing side by side in front of him. His sleepy eyes paused on their faces, and he subconsciously asked in surprise, "Vision...Wanda?"

   "What number is this?" Yi Meng stretched out **** and shook them in front of his eyes.

   "Vision." The middle-aged gentleman was obviously speechless after hearing this: "Are you sure you want to ask such a low-level question as an engineer who graduated from MIT with full marks and created artificial intelligence?"

  Yimeng and Wanda looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smile.

  The middle-aged gentleman was at a loss, but felt extremely strange why he was here.

  He realized something, and suddenly widened his eyes: "By the way, Vision, didn't you die five years ago?"

  Wanda chuckled, blinked at Yi Meng, and said in a low voice, "It seems that his cognition is still at a certain stage."

  Yimeng reminded the middle-aged gentleman: "Try to recall, do you still remember what you did in the end?"

   "Finally?" The middle-aged gentleman frowned, and said slowly: "I am not the other members of the Avengers. Through the time shuttle machine, I went back to several pasts and successfully collected the six infinity gems."

   "How about later." Yi Meng continued to guide.

   "Later on, Banner successfully snapped his fingers through the mechanical infinite gauntlet I made, and brought back half of the ashes."

The middle-aged gentleman paused, and he recalled the last key point, which was also the place where the shocking change was ushered in, and his face became serious: "As a result, due to a problem in the process of time travel, the Thanos fleet of a certain past stage also came. Our time and space, me, Thor, and Captain America are not the opponents of Thanos, but fortunately, half of the resurrected personnel rushed to reinforce."

   "But in the end Thanos won the mechanical infinity glove. I was reminded by the doctor and mage, and transferred the infinity stone interception to my armor glove..."

   Having said this, the middle-aged gentleman was stunned, and suddenly stopped talking about reminiscing.

   "There is more!" Yi Meng continued to urge.

   "Also, and... I finally snapped an infinite finger, and my wish is to take away the forces of Thanos who invaded our time and space."

  The middle-aged gentleman closed his eyes, opened them again, and said bitterly: "By the way, I'm dead. Friday finally showed that my life was dying, and there was no possibility of survival. So, is this hell?"

"I won't go to hell, and **** doesn't dare to accept me." Scarlet Witch Wanda raised her nose proudly, stretched out a slender white finger, and pointed behind him: "Tony, look behind you!" .”

  The middle-aged gentleman looked back, staring at the stele in a daze.

   It was a strange and novel experience to see the memorial tombstone after my death.

  Imeng's voice sounded: "You are indeed dead, and nearly a year has passed since the final battle. However, Wanda and I brought you back to life again."


  After the resurrection, Tony Stark looked back in shock: "Can you even do this kind of thing now?"

   "This is technical work." Yi Meng blinked her eyes and said, "You should recognize it, where is this?"

  Tony Stark looked around, although it was winter, and the forest and mountain scenery were covered with snow, how could he forget the seclusion he had personally chosen.

  Here is his real home!

  He really came back, back to this world full of regret and love.

  Tony Stark had tears in his eyes, ignored Emmon and Wanda, and walked straight to the side of the forest.


  Outskirts wooden house.

  In the living room on the first floor, Aunt May and Happy are still taking care of Pepper Potts who is too sad.

  At this time, there was a sudden ringing of the doorbell at the door.

   "Did someone find Morgan?" Aunt May looked out the door, and Pepper Potts, who was half lying on the sofa, also moved her eyelids.

   "You continue to take care of her, I'll go take a look."

  Happy gave an explanation, and hurried to the door.

   Near the wooden door, through the glass on the wooden door, you can see the hazy scene outside.

  Happy was stunned for a moment, and his pace slowed down.

  When he opened the wooden door and saw the existence standing outside ringing the doorbell, his expression was completely dull, and he almost yelled: "BOSS?"

   Then, Happy became angry again, his round face turned red, and asked: "No, Tony died a long time ago, who are you?!"

Facing his questioning, the middle-aged gentleman smiled slightly and twitched his **** beard: "Happy, are you still vigilant, but you are a little fatter than before, and you still have the level of an underground boxer back then ?”

  Happy heard the words, and the hand that was about to lift the other party's tie stopped.

   This familiar ridicule is so similar to the aura of a superior and a superhero—

   No, it's exactly the same!

  But, how is this possible!


  At this time, with the support of Aunt May, the pale and weak Pepper Potts also came to the door, staring blankly at the middle-aged gentleman visitor outside.

   "Pepper, it's me."

   Tony Stark said with emotion, he had passed through the gap next to Happy and came to Pepper Potts.

  Pepper's haggard face was flushed, and she threw herself into his arms with excitement.

   "I'm back, I'm fine." Tony Stark hugged Pepper and patted her on the back.

  Aunt Mei stayed aside, a little at a loss.

Happy came back to his senses, and shouted in shock: "Pepper, wait a minute! That shouldn't be the BOSS, Tony obviously died a year ago, and we all held his funeral with our own hands! How could it be him!"

  Pepper shook his head, reaching out to caress the face of the familiar middle-aged gentleman in front of him: "No, although I don't know what's going on, but he is indeed Tony, and I will never remember it wrong."

  Tony Stark said frankly: "As you can see, I am indeed dead, but now I am resurrected."


  Everyone in the room was stunned.

   This is simply unbelievable. Even if you have witnessed superheroes who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and witnessed the return of half-disappeared human beings, resurrection is still a miraculous and non-scientific concept!

  At this time, outside the snowy doorway, a young voice came again:

   "For this, let us explain."

  Under the attention of everyone, Yimeng and Wanda walked into the house.

  (end of this chapter)