MTL - The President’s Heartbeat: Mermaid Wife is Adorable-Chapter 9 appear

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Biquge, the latest update of the president ’s darling: the latest chapter of Mermaid's Wife Meng Meng!

LaCrosse left the bay in the afternoon and returned to H City.

At that time, Junyao International and Junyue sat in luxurious sofas and listened to the findings of assistant Yang Shuo.

"President, I have checked, there is no 16-year-old girl with blond hair and sea-blue eyes in all Z countries."

The eyes of all people in country Z are black, without sea blue.

"No?" Junyue frowned.

"Yes," Yang Shuo bowed his head back, "I also checked all the monitoring records near the bay. Without such a little girl, she seems to have appeared out of thin air."

In fact, Yang Shuo still has a sentence to say, did his president really meet the Shanghai demon?

Appear out of thin air? Jun Yue's eyes narrowed, and his narrow black eyes narrowed slightly, making people not see what he was thinking.

Yang Shuo held his breath and looked at his distinguished and excellent president.

No matter how many times I watch, the president is so precious.

For a moment of contemplation, Lacrosse's thin lips opened lightly: "You investigate this matter slowly, and continue to trace the whereabouts of Musong."

"Yes, president."

Mousong was hostile to LaCrosse. This person's whereabouts were secretive, often ambushing LaCrosse in secret.

LaCrosse has tracked him for a long time and has been found nowhere.

This incident was planned by him.


Days passed, however, no information was found about the mysterious little baby girl.

Since that day, LaCrosse often came to the bay alone. Looking at the blue sea, Jun Yue's stern face was expressionless.

The little girl suddenly appeared and disappeared. Even his monarch's house couldn't find any clues.

Mysteriously, it almost made Jun Yue think that what happened that night was just a dream of him.

That evening, LaCrosse drove to the bay again. He seemed to be used to it and came here to take a look.

As for why, he himself couldn't tell.

The sun has gradually sunk into the sea. The orange glow turned red into the sky.

Lacrosse's distinct palms were lazily placed in the pockets of suit pants.

The dark eyes were cold.

He stood like this, and the momentum of the world was emanating from him, and it was natural.

As night fell, Jun Yue narrowed her eyes, turned, and wanted to go back as usual.

The light in the corner of my eyes turned around, and at a glance, there seemed to be something floating on the surface of the shallow sea.

Vaguely, it seems to be personal!

With his long legs wide, he walked over there.

Just walking, not as calm as usual, with some urgency.

People floating on the sea have been washed up on the beach.

Long blonde hair scattered around the golden beach. Jun Yue is far away, and he can almost determine who this person is.

Finally approached, Jun Yue clearly saw the face of this person.

It really is that mysterious little girl!

She was still undressed, and her slap-like face was pale.

At this moment, her dazzling sea-blue eyes were closed tightly, and there was no blood on her small mouth.

Even her perfectly white and tender body was full of scars, looking like a lash.

Jun Yue's stubborn heart seemed to be hit by something.

He squatted down and hugged the unconscious girl into her arms.

Her body was soft and waxy, and her temperature was gradually falling.

The deep black eyes of the pupils shrank, and the hand around the little girl was tight, without any hesitation. He took her to stride back to the car and drove speedily.