MTL - The Public Enemy of Tower Defense-Chapter 429 Cerebral girl

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Under the leadership of the blood-sacred mermaid Meris, Dobu Zhengshen pursued the giant brain worm in the territory of the Holy Machia Empire. The giant brain worm's strength had not yet recovered, and he did not dare to resist directly, and fled all the way to the Asa Empire.

The Asa Empire was protected by the star envoys under the yellow sky, and the giant brain worm was detected by the star envoys before it caused much damage, and then 24 star envoys joined forces with the 35 righteous gods of Doubu from the City of Elysium to chase and intercept the giant brain worms.

Zhao Zilong was in the Asa Empire, and he also made a strong move, causing huge damage to the giant brain worm.

The giant brain worm was also tenacious, broke through the encirclement several times, and finally fled into the Mangchuan mountain range.

The pursuit of the Star Envoys ended here, but the 35 Doubu righteous gods still pursued, and Zhao Zilong also joined the pursuit team. After another month, the giant brain worm was repeatedly injured, but finally got rid of Zhao Zilong and Doubu Zhengshen pursuit.

On this day, in a place called Qingling Lake to the east of the Mangchuan Mountains, a giant brain worm in the shape of a meat moth landed.

This giant brain worm has many wounds on its body at the moment, many of which have rotted flesh and pus, it let out a painful roar, and its body rolled violently on the ground. It took half an hour to calm down gradually, and then A sarcoma gradually grew out of the center of his back.

Suddenly, with a bang, the sarcoma broke open, and a tender white arm stretched out from it. The arm stretched out with all its strength. After a while, the owner of the arm, a black-haired girl, crawled out of the sarcoma.

This girl looks like an ordinary human being, with black hair and black hair, naked body, but if you look closely, her child's hole presents the image of a moth.

In fact, this is the new type of cerebrum transformed by Zerg players. Its body preserves the complete gene sequence of Zerg players, and it also has all the knowledge absorbed by Zerg players.

Theoretically, she could rebuild a Zerg hive, as well as reproduce a large colony.

But the Zerg player has fled so far, and has a new idea, she wants to hide for a while as a human.

"From... now... onwards, my name is... mantis chrysalis, and I am a... human being."

The girl spoke crappy human language, and according to the memory he absorbed, he tore off some skin from the moth giant brain worm, made it into simple clothes, and then walked towards the other side of Qingling Lake.

There is a human village and town, from a distance you can see several smoke from cooking.

There is a small courtyard with stone walls outside the village. In the courtyard, some vegetables are grown like weeds. The houses are obviously newly built, but the construction is quite rough.

A man in a coarse coat and trousers came carrying water. He poured the water into the water tank, wiped his sweat-free forehead, looked up at the sky, and sighed: "I am a dignified black emperor, why did I become a black emperor?" Cutting firewood and carrying water here? I don’t want to retire to the rivers and lakes, I should settle Krulu as soon as possible.”

The man in coarse clothes was none other than Zissinger.

A person walked out of the hut, also wearing a coarse cloth dress, but she was naturally beautiful, it was Krulu, who carefully peeked at Zissinger, coughed a few times, and tried to pretend to be weak.

In fact, Krulu woke up less than a day after being in a coma that day. She knew that something happened to Kesusu. Maybe the big devil really wanted to recover in his body, but she didn't take it seriously at all. Kesusu With the boss of the city lord watching, there is no need to worry about it. I finally found Zissinger, who has no conscience, so I can't let it go.

However, Kruru did not confess his identity to Zissinger, but instead said that he was a new player joining Elysium, and even pretended to be seriously ill, letting Zisinger take care of him along the way.

During this period of time, Krulu lived very comfortably. She felt that she had read the right person. Zissinger was a person worthy of entrustment. Apart from the wooden fish head and the occasional crime, he was still very responsible. Also kind, although full of complaints, but has been taking good care of himself.

Of course, she had already informed the city lord of the matter on her side through her spiritual thoughts, and took a long vacation, saying that she would not return in a short time.

"Sister Xiao Ke!"

Zissinger saw Krulu and said, "You can actually get up by yourself, and you seem to be recovering well. I'll explain to the village head and old man tomorrow. You can cultivate yourself here. I'm leaving now. This world of flowers and flowers is still waiting for me to break through."

Krulu coughed hard, pretended to be weak, and said, "I'm with you."

Zissinger hurriedly said: "You are a sick child, or a girl, I don't have time to take care of you, and it's not suitable for us to be together, listen to me, you can rest here with peace of mind, or I will pray to Lei Chi, Tell him to send someone to pick you up?"

Krulu said: "Don't abandon me, I can do your laundry and cook for you!"

"Don't!" Zissinger quickly waved his hands, "It's fine if I don't serve you!"

"It seems that you regard me as a burden!"

Krulu burst into tears immediately, the pear blossoms were raining, which was really distressing.

Zissinger was afraid that she would be like this, so he hurriedly said, "Again! Why are you crying, you are obviously a burden, so why don't you let people tell you..."

Seeing that Kruru was crying even harder, Zissinger softened and said, "Okay, don't cry, I'm upset by crying, you really depend on me, right?"

Krulu laughed through his tears and said, "Who made me helpless now!"

Zissinger sighed, and said: "I can tell you, don't have any unreasonable thoughts about me, I already have a family and have more than 600 children, and women will only affect my cultivation. The speed, I will not find mistresses or mistresses!"

Krulu chuckled, cursed in a low voice, and said to himself that your more than 600 children should call us mom!

Zissinger sighed again, cursing and saying: "If I hadn't been unable to return to the City of Bliss for some special reason, I would have sent you back a long time ago. I really don't know what's going on in your head. Wouldn't it be nice to stay in the City of Bliss? Don’t want to go back? By the I have to tell you, Bai Yuqing and Jiang Chengzi are two perverts, you must be careful in the future in Elysium City, but if they are courteous, they must be greedy for you Lei Chi is considered a half-honest man in the entire Bliss City, he doesn't seem to have any interest in women, it is said that he likes men, we don't know if it's true or not... How about this, if you feel better, we'll leave tomorrow!"

At this moment, the Zerg player with loose hair came to the outside of the small courtyard. She glanced into the courtyard, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes very quickly.

"What a strong body? This is a human player? His body seems to contain good energy. If I can swallow him, I will definitely get a great harvest."

The Zerg player looked at Zissinger with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but licked his lips.

Krulu in the small courtyard noticed the unexpected visitor, she squinted her eyes, and the undetectable flashing light in her eyes immediately scanned Krulu's body.

"What is this?"

Krulu clearly saw the body structure of the mantis chrysalis, and there were countless alien eggs hidden in her body, which were definitely not human beings.