MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 15

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Guo Zhi was so busy in the next week that he had no time to think about these common thoughts.

She has a project in hand, the shape and background have been basically finalized, and the model has been set, and she is about to enter the shooting session. At the same time, Shengyuan's project officially started. Guo Zhi has been meeting with people from Shengyuan for a whole week, communicating every detail, and digging deeply into the intentions that customers want to express. It wasn't until Thursday that the proposal was finally finalized. Guo Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Have a meeting in the company on Friday to assign specific tasks, and begin to enter a tense preparation stage. At the same time, the selection of models will begin next week. It is conceivable that next week will still be busy with Qiqiaoshengyan.

However, Guo Zhi is a person who works harder and more energetic. She felt energized all over.

In the evening, when everyone else got off work, Guo Zhi was still looking through the model files he had accumulated in the office.

This project of Shengyuan is a young brand of Shengyuan, and the models you need are also young. She flipped through what she had in her hand and was not particularly satisfied.

Suddenly turned to alex.

It's still the first bad photo with no features. If Guo Zhi is not already familiar with alex, just looking at this photo will definitely turn the page and jump over.

I have to tell Alex when I look back, she thought, what a bad photo. He has to communicate with his agent, how can he send such photos out, what is going on with this agent? Hey, think about it, if you can take a photo of this level as an agent for an exam photo, let's ask Alex another day to see if he needs to change his agent. Too unreliable.

She has such a close relationship with Alex, so she can only be regarded as a buddy at most. He is so young, and she also subconsciously wants to take care of him.

She put down the folder and opened the phone album. In the photo album, she created a special folder for Alex and named it "Little A". It's full of pictures of Alex.

Since the two of them were in a relationship. Alex also stopped sending photos to the circle of friends, he sent them directly to Guo Zhi. When I wake up every day, I send Guo Zhi a "Sister Guo, morning", and then come to Zhang Shuai's spring sleep will wake up. Often stimulated, Guo Zhi was full of energy early in the morning and plunged into the busy work.

Guo Zhi flipped through a few sheets and felt that Alex's image was very much in line with the requirements of the Shengyuan project. She turned it over and over, slowly with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and re-read it from beginning to end if she was not careful.

Exhaled, she closed the album and sent a message to her group full of agents: under the brand of Shengyuan, young, cool and handsome. Audition next week. See the eil I posted today for details.

Immediately someone replied: Received. , I know, Lao Guo. and many more.

After a while, Limbo called directly: "Look, I have two children, both of them newcomers. The image is suitable, I just sent you a photo, you can take a look. Make an appointment. time audition"

Guo Zhi clamped the phone between his shoulders, opened his small notebook, and looked at the schedule. While watching, he said, "You're really fast. I'll be at the company on Tuesday, and we'll be unified on Wednesday."

She and Limbo settled on a specific time, and Limbo changed the subject: "Do you have any plans for the evening?"

Guo Zhi paused. She knew that if she said "no", Limbaugh would say "then I'll go look for you". In fact, she really didn't have any plans for the evening. She's been too busy these days, so she didn't care about arranging any activities. But she didn't know why she didn't want to accept the invitation from Limbo.

"Forget it today, I have to work overtime, I'm tired." She said.

The so-called close friends of the opposite **** are not one-to-one, and she and Limbo have never restricted each other.

Is it true that Limbo worked overtime and couldn't verify, but he heard the song and knew the meaning of elegance, and understood the meaning of rejection.

"Okay, I'll have a meal together when I have time, long time no see." He said.

"Okay." Guo Zhi said.

Hang up the phone and Guo Zhi went to the tea room to pour a cup of coffee, she thought that it would be fine anyway, and if the class finished these trivial things at hand, it would be easier next week.

Going back to the desk, he habitually glanced at his mobile phone, indicating that there is new news on WeChat. Open it up, it's alex.

alex: Sister Guo, Sister Guo came out to play on weekends oo

Playing again, really young

Alex's group of people's gameplay, Guo Zhi felt that he was not very active. Occasionally it's okay, Zhou Zhou is like this, she really can't.

When she was alex's age, she also liked to play these. But now, she is drinking, and she likes to clear it. She was a little uncomfortable with a noisy place like X.

In view of the unspoken rules of male big and female small in this society, men of her age are still willing to go to such places to pick up girls, and women of her age are mostly with older men together. And those more mature men are less likely to come to such places.

In each age group, social objects and social forms are different.

For example, Guo Zhi and her friends get together and drink. But older men like Boss Xu from her department, Boss Jing from Qingxia Department, and President Qiu from the company gathered together and seldom drank. Together, they often drink tea and are more keen on health preservation. That's the difference the age gap makes.

For another example, alex sends her wechat every day, but in fact they have no real chat. It's nothing more than alex sending a greeting and a photo showing her abs to tease her. Usually she just smiles back. It's not that she's cold, but it's true, she really doesn't know what to say to Alex. The age gap meant that there was very little to talk about between the two of them.

Compared to the bosses, she is still young, compared to Alex, she is old

Guo Zhi let out a sigh of relief and replied to Alex: No, he still works overtime.

Soon, Alex replied: Sister Guo has worked hard, come on  ̄mouth ̄

Guo Zhi: "" There is not a sentence without facial expressions.

Worked until almost nine o'clock in the evening, finishing all the pieces of work, Guo Zhi packed up his things and left with his bags.

In the elevator, she opened her phone and glanced. Alex posted a message ten minutes ago: Sister Guo, have you finished overtime?

After finishing work, Guo Zhiren also relaxed, looking at this WeChat, his heart moved slightly. Reply: Just finished, go home now.

Go to the basement, get in the car, and look again.

alex has replied: Sister Guo, Sister Guo, I will find you, okay oo

The "Are you okay" and the excited emoji brought back memories of Guo Zhi last weekend. Guo Zhi was a little hot.

After holding back for a while, she couldn't help but quickly reply: Good.

Ask again: Where can I pick you up

alex replied: No, I'm near your house, I'll be there in a while.

Guo Zhi: ""

There really isn't a single faceless expression, but it's really cute Guo Zhi smiled and put away his phone.

Guo Zhi's home is on the edge of the Second Ring Road.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Gu Qingxia. Gu Qingxia wanted to buy a house in the imperial capital, so she took Guo Zhi to see it together, and urged her to buy it too. Guo Zhi didn't have that heart, so she was persuaded. She took out all her savings, and her parents wanted to sponsor some, but she refused with her head held high. She made a down payment and took out a loan to buy this suite.

Her house is not as big as the one Gu Qingxia bought, and it is a tower. But to the west of the house, across the Second Ring Road, is a large park with a very good view. She didn't listen to Gu Qingxia's decision to buy a large apartment next to the Fourth Ring Road with her, and bought this smaller one with a view.

In less than a year after that, the housing prices in the imperial capital skyrocketed like a rocket. If she hadn't bought the apartment decisively at that time, even though her income has risen a lot from that time, she would no longer be able to buy a house in the imperial capital.

Every time I think about it, I feel so lucky.

At this time on Friday night, the East Third Ring Road and East Second Ring Road were all stuck in traffic. Alex actually came to her house before Guo Zhi.

Guo Zhi answered Alex's call, took the elevator from the basement to the first floor, and opened the door for him from the inside. Alex dodged in, with a strong smell of smoke on his body.

"Where did such a big smell come from?" Guo Zhi asked with a frown, and fanned with his hand.

"13." Alex explained, "playing with friends over there." It's not too far away, no wonder she came faster than her.

Although every message in WeChat has emoji, it seems to be particularly lively and enthusiastic. But Alex in the three-dimensional world is still a big boy who doesn't talk much and has a quiet personality. Guo Zhi clearly felt the difference between three-dimensional and two-dimensional.

"I will take the clothes out of the washing machine later, wash them and wear them tomorrow, they will be smoked to death." Guo Zhi complained of being smoked to death, but took the initiative to reach out and hold Alex's hand.

Alex had a smile in his eyes and held Guo Zhi's hand instead.

Guo Zhi entered the house, turned on the light in the living room, and threw the key at the entrance. While taking out his mobile phone from his bag, he said, "I've been working overtime these days, the house is a little messy, please don't"

When he looked up, the voice stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong, Sister Guo" Alex's t-shirt was still on his arm and didn't take off completely, he looked at Guo Zhi.

A solid chest, a narrow waist

Guo Zhi bit his lip and smiled: "It's really fast"

Alex smiled, threw down his clothes, and hugged Guo Zhi: "Don't you think it's smoking?"

He hugged Guo Zhi and turned around, pressed Guo Zhi to the door, and looked down for her lips. The moist and warm lips and the tangled tongue made Guo Zhi feel that there was a flame rushing up in his body.

She remembered the last time she pressed him against the door and kissed him hard. This kid learns so fast

Her tongue entangled with his, sucking each other. He touched her recklessly. The bad boy would send her photos every morning and night to tease her. She had to touch her enough.

When Alex gnawed on her neck and made her breath unsteady, she finally held on and pushed him: "Go to take a bath, the smell of smoke is in your hair"

"Sister Guo" alex was also unsteady, strangled her waist, and said in her ear: "wash together"

Wash together.

Wash together.

Wash together.

This bad boy can always say three words that make her waist sore and legs soft