MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-~ Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 protagonist: Return it to me.

The owner of the purple-eyed eyes, under the sullen eyes of the Lord of Halpas, picked a demon to the extreme arc.

A strong sense of crisis shrouded the heart of the city of Halpas. He knew that what he should do now was to go backwards, but the magic knife in his hand could not be pulled back - how a magician can fight with the soldiers. Only the Lord of Halpas was reluctant to burn his hands, and for some reason, he was reluctant to let go of the magic knife with its shining light. The moment of reluctance, the resulting end is almost fatal. The Lord of Halpas only felt a pain in his waist. Even though he used petrified skin care magic at that moment, there was still something sharp to break his hard petrified skin, cut into his flesh and blood, and almost pulled out his intestines. !

The crisis of death finally freed the city of Halpas from the control of the burning of the desire, and let go of the devastating magic knife and slammed it to the side, like a rolling meatball danger to avoid the attack. He never felt that death was so close, in order to save the life of the city of Halpas, he couldn’t even stand up on the ground, began to sing magical spells, and countless thorns came out from the ground, no difference. Attack the Quartet.

I have to say that this move really saved the life of the Lord of Halpas. The attacker snorted and said that he was unhappy. He threw the flesh and blood in his hand to one side, and picked up the unconscious black youth in one hand and jumped with the magic knife in one hand. In midair. A pair of black bat wings broke open the shirt and drove a few times in the air, which made the man tall.

When the city of Halpas climbed up from the ground with gray and gray face, he saw the blood that had been dug in his stomach hurting. He looked up angrily, but he was inevitably paralyzed when he saw the figure in the air. Not only him, almost all the demons are staring at the figure incredulously, just now, a gnome has become...the devil?

The huge batwings swayed in the back, and the two corners of the black hair that opened were exposed, and the beautiful faces were bright and radiant. No matter from which point of view, the air repair is an authentic demon. The Mozu held his belongings and licked the blood marks on the magic knife. Looking at his arm, it is no longer a slender and thin hand of a gnome. The shape of the muscles is slightly arched, and the power contained in it makes him satisfied. The injury to the abdomen did not hurt so much, but it was like a catalyst that made him feel more excited. Now he can escape the encirclement of these demons, but... not reconciled.

Not reconciled, unwilling, not reconciled -

The burning whispered and whispered insignificantly.

If you are not willing, then do it.

Staring at the bottom of the city of Halpas, he picked up the purple.

Dan looked at the slender figure and looked good. He hadn't met the creatures that made him so interested for a long time. And the city of Halpas did not think so at all, how can it become a demon, what was it like a gnome, and now he only wants to take him to a piece of flesh and blood!

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!!!"

Under the roar of the Lord of Halpas, the Mozus had just to act, but at this time Dan was lightly floating, but the voice was not loud, but every Mozu in the room heard it clearly.

"Oh, I don't know the rules too much. Didn't you see that the demons are 'challenging' the urban master?"

The Mozu stopped their movements and looked at each other, and the city of Halpas was green. The Mozu is a strong and weak food, advocating personal strength, so in the seventy-two cities, the city owner must be the strongest demon in the region - as long as you are the strongest, the Mozu in the region will spontaneously support you. If you want to be a city owner, it is very simple to launch a "challenge" to the city owner. As long as you defeat the current city owner in front of the twenty senior demons, you are the new city owner. It sounds like it’s unfair to the current city owner, but the incumbent city owner has three rejections in a month, and as long as he defeats a challenged democrat, he won’t have to accept any challenges in January. Most importantly, the city owner can seriously hurt or even kill the challenger, and the challenger cannot kill the city owner. In any case, the challenge is sacred to the Mozu, only one-on-one duel, no one can intervene.

Just twenty-five senior devils at the scene, the city of Halpas had refused three challenges this month because of his concentration, so this time he had to accept the "challenge" of repair. Do not know these rules, but he did not stupidly refute after seeing the actions of other Mozu, but looked at Dan with a meaningful look. Dan noticed the gaze of the repair and said with a smile: "You can put your baby down, no one will touch him during the challenge."

The city of Halpas took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. After he solved this uncle who was not so tall, he went to the **** businessman to settle accounts. The attention of the repairs is not here, and the Lord of Harpas took out a magic scroll from his arms, which is a life-saving scroll that he bought at a great price from other places.

The repairer placed Du Ze on a high mountain rock and simply handled the wound of Du Ze. The other Mozu did not stop his behavior. It was at this time that the voice of the Lord of Harpas sang the magic spell. He no longer hesitated, turned and jumped down the rock, and leaned over to the main city of Halpas.

Seeing repairs came to him almost in an instant, and the city of Halpas decisively triggered the magic scroll in his hand. The transparent air ring emerged from the perimeter of the city of Halpas, pushed outwards, and jumped into the air, trying to avoid the air ring. However, the gas ring almost changed its orientation at the same time, and it was too late to pass through the repair. It did not cause too much damage to him, but pushed him far away.

When the repairs were rid of the influence of magic, the Lord of Harpas had already sang the last mantra: "-the sanctions of the earth!"

The land began to tremble, and numerous blocks of earth were arched. They gathered together with the main city of Halpas. More and more stones were gathered together and finally joined together into a stone giant that covered the sky. Standing in front of the stone giant, it is only comparable to the size of one foot.

The Mozus had some commotion, and they stared at the huge stone giant, and their eyes were full of the pursuit and reverence of power. The stone giant looked at the repairs that were as small as the ants, and lifted his feet and pressed hard - its body was huge, but the movement was unexpectedly sensitive.

The more the purple scorpion is invented, the blood is completely boiled by the battle. He did not avoid the pressed foot, the wings behind him forced a knife, and the knife greeted the front. The sharp magic knife easily cut the foot of the stone giant into two halves, and repaired it from the cut surface, facing the giant giant fist of the stone giant. The student shook a distance to the side, and the backhand cut the stone giant's hand from the wrist.


The repair did not go up, but retreated a distance. On the opposite side, the stone giant was intact, and the cut off place had been re-aggregated by the stone. The horrible resilience was like repairing did not cause harm on it. Over. In the stone giant, the Lord of Halpas laughed: "Hehehehahahaha! You can't beat me! In front of my magic, you are simply an ant! Go to hell!!!"

The stone giant waved his hands, like a mosquito, to repair and shoot. The repair movement abruptly escaped, but no matter how he attacked, the destroyed place would be restored. The repaired slightly narrowed his eyes. At this time, the magician among the stone giants was the most correct, but the stone giant in front of him was too big to know which part of the city of Halpas was hidden.

If you can destroy the stone giant in front of you...

While trying to avoid the attack of the Stone Giant, think about the solution. The body is very powerful now, stronger than any of his previous forms, but he is not familiar with it. He actively awakened this blood, and there is any horrible energy in the body that is fascinating, but he does not know how to stimulate it to accomplish what he wants to do.

If you don't find a way to destroy the stone giant in one fell swoop, you will consume it. The first thing that must fall is him.

Before the rush to cut, the city of Halpas had begun to be impatient. The city of Halpas in the stone giant pressed his abdomen to see the abdomen that could not be grasped, and his eyes were red. His red eyes moved to the distant rock, and the **** Mozu just put the man of the genius there...

The repair once again cut off the giant hand that the stone giant had come over. The stone giant still did not give up his other hand and tried to grasp the repair. It was easy to avoid, and then suddenly felt wrong - with the speed of the stone giant's recovery, this time the other hand has already recovered, why not attack him?

I thought of the trajectory of the stone giant attack, and finally changed my face. At this time, the Lord of Harpas burst into laughter and guided maliciously while attacking: "Ha ha ha ha - go and say goodbye to your human family!"

I did not care about the fist that came up from the top of my head and turned my head back. In his sight, the giant hand that the stone giant took off was able to smash the mountain rock where Duze was located in an instant. With its speed and volume, there is no doubt that Duze and the mountain rock would be crushed. Debris.

For an instant, there is only one moment, and it is impossible for him to rush to the moment.

Time is like pressing the pause button, the space is dyed black and white, and in this solidified time and space, only the heartbeat is amplified a lot of times.

That person - will die?

The heart jerked and screamed with sharp pain. That kind of pain makes the brain have to find a reason to comfort and squeeze your heart.

He won't die, he can resurrect, he...

He will die.

The first time I met, the man said: He can resurrect, but he will die.

He never lied to him.

He will die.

- But I don't allow it.

So destroy it and destroy all that is unsightly.

Hey, pass.

The jumping heart sent the blood back to the whole body, and the bright red liquid seemed to break through the restrictions and became hot, bringing unparalleled power.


The huge light that exploded in a moment stung the eyes of all the Mozu, and the purple-gold thunder broke the void. The horrible destruction of energy immediately destroyed the hands of the stone giant without a trace. The most beautiful lightning has disappeared. All the demons are watching the area where the stone hand disappears. If it is not in the air, if there is a small purple arc jumping, they almost have to wonder if they are dreaming. It is.

Dan finally couldn’t keep his expression of watching the movie. He looked incredulously at the area where the arc jumped: it was clearly and clearly the legendary one--

Dan turned his gaze to the Mozu, who is most likely to be the initiator. Not only him, but almost all the demons cast their sights on the body. When they saw the tip of the repairing occasionally flashing the electric light, their breathing began to rush. His eyes were like sticking to the body and refused to leave, completely immersed in a fanatical worship.

How powerful and beautiful the devil is -

If the challenge is not to allow others to intervene, those who are supremely powerful must apply directly to become followers in front of the repair.

The repair looked back to Du Ze's gaze, looking down at the tiny currents at the fingertips, and the purple arc glared at his hand. He licked his lips and smiled.

Why didn't you find it? This power is too simple and pure.

They are only interpreting a word: destruction, or destruction.

Xiu Yang began to look up, long black hair hanging down, revealing a pair of gorgeous purple eyes, those purple electric light like all gathered in those eyes, faint purple light flow, bright and beautiful. He looked at the stiff stone giant, and the curvature of his mouth was getting bigger and bigger.

Then destroy it -


A small amount of current flashed through the air, and then a series of reactions were triggered by the overthrow of the dominoes. The huge power grid wraps the stone giants, cuts them mercilessly, destroys them, and lets the prey fall apart.

Destroy, destroy, destroy and destroy -

In a bustling city far away from the East, when a Mozu with a single-sided glasses picked up his pen and was about to write something, he was stunned. After confirming that the change of the element of Ray was not an illusion, he stood up and almost overthrew the table and chair: "...Bal Daren?"


When the stone giant was melted to the end, the fleshy ball that fell from the sky was the former lord of Harpas, and his appearance was awkward. Because repairing the control of lightning is not very familiar, so half of the body of Harpas City is hard-burned, and there are some burnt marks in other places. With his body, the whole person is like a rookie chef. Boiled whole pigs.

The victory and defeat have been set. When the demons are about to be excited about the more powerful new city owners, they will see that they have taken the previous step and used the magic knife to reach the throat of the original Lord of Halpas. They almost sighed: "Finally You got it out."

The city of Halpas looked at the repairs in horror, and the voice trembled: "You, you, you can't kill me - according to the rules, you can't-"

The eyes of the city of Halpas were wide, and the unbelief of the face was desperate to talk, but nothing could be said. There was a knife in his throat, and the holder of the knife bent down and said to him, "Give it back to me."

Return to you... what...?

This is a problem that the city of Halpas did not figure out. The huge body fell to the ground, twitching a few times, and it didn't move. The Mozus were in awe. They looked at the magic knife and saw a lot of blood squirting out. They were glued to the magic knife and splashed on the corner of the slightly curved corner.

He has to take back the things that belong to him.

The red light on the silver-burning knife is more and more vivid, like sucking up blood and **.

- Yes, it's all yours, so come back.

In the eyes of the public, he cut the body. He seemed to want to find the esophagus and stomach of the body, but he was frustrated by the over-obese body, so he began to dismember the body bit by bit. All the demons looked at this **** scene in a dull manner, even though the Mozu was cruel, but there were very few such steps.

He is mine, everything - it's mine.

The repair finally found the stomach along the small intestine, but unfortunately, from the part above the duodenum, it was affected by lightning and it was mixed with the flesh and blood around it. This cognition made the repair a little uncomfortable. He destroyed the body and looked up. Among the red-eyed sights, Dan’s figure is particularly vivid.

Dan was insincere at the moment he looked at it. He smiled happily: "Hey, I just helped you -"

"Give it back to me."

Dan knows that the repair is referring to the previous clothes, but the clothes that can be automatically restored have not been researched, and some are reluctant. At the moment when Dan hesitated, he saw a little flash of light on his fingertips.

"I still have me!"

The hair vest was repaired and the familiar smell made the red light in his eyes a little lighter. When he looked again, Dan did not know where to escape. If the surrounding demons are chilling, they will open their wings and return to the mountains.

Duze was still unconscious, so he couldn't see the Mozu around him looking at him with an extremely complicated look. The red in the eye has not completely faded. He seems to have some temptations and wants to do something to prove that he has completely monopolized the person in front of him.

Burning desire to scorn: kill him, this is also an exclusive.

Stretched out the hand with some blood, and put it in the throat of the young black man. With Duze's breathing, the slightly raised larynx trembled, which is the arc of life.

This arc will stop as soon as you apply force.

The more intense the red light on the burning, seems to be looking forward to.

The next moment, the fingers of the repaired around the back of Du Ze, the fingertips felt the familiar temperature and touch, gently stroked.

He did not betray me. The devil satisfactorily thought that he was mine.

The red light in the purple scorpion finally faded. He picked up Duze and flew away from the eyes of a group of demons.


After escaping, Dan patted his forehead with a book on his hand and exhaled: "It’s terrible."

This is what the mouth said, but the green man’s face has no expression of fear. When he put down his hand, he found that the book was stained with blood. Dan wiped his forehead with his hand, and it was a **** mark: his forehead was unconsciously drawn a hole, and he did not find it at all.

Dan looked at the blood and began to smile uncomfortably: "It's so interesting. Is it really worthy to have a blood relationship with that adult? I haven't seen it for a long time, the thunder of the adult." He wiped it with his hand. The mouth on the face disappeared instantly: "If you are not restricted, you really want to play with him, but it is also interesting to continue watching as a bystander..."

"Sure enough, I still like this world, so I definitely don't want to go to the boring gods."



It is the truth that the weak meat is strong.

Aggression, destruction and possession? We are faithful to our own **.

Use the blood of the enemy to make us stronger.

Not satisfied? Go out and play one game.

Strong is our synonym, we pursue strength and speak with strength.

Tianzu? Oh, that is a group of birds.

Us? We are noble Asmodians.

- "Hybrid: Mozu Quotations" excerpt