MTL - The Rebirth of 88s Begins with a Carpenter-Chapter 15 There is no free Simmons in this world

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  Chapter 15 There is no free Simmons in this world

  The married girl returns home the first day, and the new uncle is the biggest.

  However, as soon as Wu Yuan arrived at Yang Zhishu's house and called out his father and mother, Yang Zhishu called him to the back room, and his second uncle Yang Guozhu was already waiting there.

   "You told your second child yesterday that you wanted to set up a furniture factory, is it true or not?"

"Father, Second Uncle, the factory must be established. Now I have received a lot of orders for combination cabinets and Simmons, and I am only pointed to. I am busy day and night, and I can't be busy. It's just that the conditions are not yet mature. "

   "What conditions are required?"

  Wu Yuan lit a cigarette for the two elders, and then said with reason: "I won't talk about the venue, personnel and funds. The most important thing is the policy and wind direction from above."

  As far as he knows, although the upper echelon encourages self-employment, there are still restrictions on the number of workers recruited.

   At most, we can set up a family factory, not a big one.

  Yang Guozhu proposed after hearing the words: "With the eldest brother here, you can directly set up this factory in the name of the village, can't you?"

  This question does not wait for Wu Yuan to explain.

   Yang Zhishu was the first to veto it: "In the name of the village, what about the ownership? The ownership is not clear. Once Xiaoyuan makes the factory bigger and stronger, it will be impossible to stop the blood-sucking leeches."

   Regarding the issue of ownership, Wu Yuan actually has a solution in mind.

   But before he has a certain right to speak, he does not intend to take this path.

  Yang Guozhu couldn't think of it, so he was speechless.

   After all, the office is still there for speculation. No one can say where the world will go.

   Yang Zhishu turned around and suggested again: "In the name of recruiting apprentices, you can find a few people to help, can't you?"

  Wu Yuan nodded: "Father, that's fine. It's just that I've just graduated as a carpenter, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for anyone to come to apprentice me soon."

   Yang Zhishu slapped his chest loudly: "This is not difficult, it is easy to find some smart and willing boys for you."

   "Then thank you dad."

   "One family does not speak two different languages. I have nothing to do with your second uncle. You go to the bar first."

  Wu Yuan got up and left.

  After the door was closed, Yang Guozhu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Brother, you have found a good son-in-law. In the future, I am afraid that he will be better than you."

Yang Zhishu leaned back, not without complacently saying: "I'm just a village cadre who looks after the house, what can I achieve? But among the juniors, Xiaoyuan is indeed the number one, even better than Chen Yu's elementary school. The headmaster is much stronger. Luoyan is also lucky to marry such a good boy with potential. Haha..."

   Chatted with the two elders, the rest of the meeting is just a cutscene.

   What's more, with Yang Luoyan, the daughter-in-law who protects the calf, the guests invited by the Yang family didn't dare to drink too much of Wu Yuan's wine.

   It's just frequent invitations, so it won't be cold.

   Full of wine and food.

  Liu Hui pulled the little girl into the room, and asked sullenly, "Is he treating you well?"

   "Mom, it's alright."

   "Now your father and your second uncle are full of praise for him. Don't spoil him, let him ride on your head."

   "Mom, what are you talking about, we are doing well."

  Liu Hui said no more.

  The young couple is very sweet now, and she knows that what she says now is useless.

  The noon sun had just left, and there was a chill in the air.

  The young couple went back to their own home.

   Surprisingly, I brought back more gifts than I brought over.

   It made Yang Luoyan feel embarrassed.

   On the road, they ran into his second brother Yang Meng, who was so drunk, and his elder brother Yang Ben, who was sweating profusely from his torment.

  The young couple got out of the car quickly and showed concern.

  Yang Ben hated that iron could not be made into steel, and when he caught his unconscious second brother, he gave him a lot of blame.

   Then he pulled Wu Yuan and said sullenly: "Brother-in-law, your bed is well made. Even the big cities in the south are not as western as you. Especially the cushion, which is much more comfortable than a simple spring cushion."

   "Brother, do you want to make one too?"

   "Think, it will cost a lot of money, right?"

   "Money comes second. The problem is that I can't afford it right now. Many people have made an appointment with me in the past few days. I can't even turn them down when they ask for 800 yuan in wallets, labor and materials."

   "800 yuan?"

   Yang Ben fell silent.

   After a while, I came back to my senses, "Okay, I'll get your second brother back first, and we'll talk about it later."

   "Hey, okay, brother, please go."

  The young couple returned home.

  Xiong Gang is taking the people who have helped in the past two days, and opened two tables to eat.

   After eating this meal, the marriage is considered to be completely over.

  Everyone greeted the young couple to eat together, Wu Yuan did not refuse, pulled his daughter-in-law, and toasted a round of wine.

  The kind that really drinks.

  He is really grateful, especially to the third sister and his wife.

  It's four o'clock.

  Everyone was full of wine and food, and brought some leftovers and wedding candies back to their respective homes.

  Wu Xiuhua left a lot of good things, and handed them over to Yang Luoyan one by one, keeping the two of them to have a good year.

  Xiong Gang called Wu Yuan to the main room, and checked and handed over the expenses and gift money for the past two days with him one by one.

  The gifts are not heavy these days, most of them are three or five yuan.

  In addition to eating two rounds of running water seats, so in the end, it is still a loss of money.

   As a result, Xiong Gang's account for Wu Yuan was perfectly smoothed out.

   This is amazing.

Wu Yuan laughed at that time: "Third brother-in-law, you and my third sister want to subsidize me, I understand in my heart. But you don't subsidize like this. Just tell me how much is the difference, and I will pay it back slowly. "

  Xiong Gang was still stubborn, "There is no subsidy, it's really just right."

  Wu Yuan took the account book, stood up and said: "Anyway, the gift book can't be faked, so I'll check the expenses one by one?"

   "Don't tell me, the real expenses are here."

  Wu Yuan checked and found that he had lost more than 120 yuan.

   Not a big problem.

  Adding the 650 yuan added by the previous four sisters, and once married, the total debt is more than 770 yuan.

   Still not a big problem.

  Thanking Xiong Gang, Wu Yuan got up to find some gifts for Third Sister to take back.

  Wu Xiuhua pushed and shoved for a long time before reluctantly accepting it.

   Then, just as he was about to send the third sister and his wife away, Wu Yuan discovered that there was a tall man in the yard who was dismantling the open-air earthen stove.

   "Ma Mingjun?"

  The tall man heard the sound and looked over, just smiled, and he was extremely simple and honest at first glance.

  Xiong Gang also remembered: "This kid, you work really hard, do you know him?"

  Wu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

   This is the big apprentice he accepted three years later in his previous life, how could he not recognize him?

   It's just that in this life, this old boy unexpectedly appeared ahead of schedule.

   Beckoned Ma Mingjun to come over, and asked straight to the point: "Tell me, what do you want?"

   "Master Yuan, I have nothing to do, I just want to help, I can endure hardship."

   "If you don't say it now, you will never say it in the future."

   "Don't, don't, don't. Master Yuan, I want to take you as my teacher and learn carpentry from you."

   Wu Yuan patted Ma Mingjun, who was one size stronger than himself, and said, "Okay, I'll accept you."

  Ma Mingjun couldn't believe his ears.

  Watching others worshiping a teacher, they must offer tea, kowtow, and give gifts.

  When I came to my master, I agreed with one sentence.

  But Ma Mingjun is not honest enough to save money if he can, "Master, I will go back and prepare for the apprentice ceremony."

   "No need for red tape."

   "No, my father said, etiquette cannot be broken."

   The third shift is over, and we will wait for you at the same time tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)