MTL - The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return-Chapter 35 Don’t listen to the gods, lose money in front of you

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Donghe Li Zizi, who is six feet tall and dressed in a thick cloth, is lean and thin, but his body is green and bulging. At first glance, he is a person with great power.

"Upper device!" Li Xiaozi raised his hand, and immediately after his disciples handed him a one-footer to use the carpenter to use a long screwdriver, a small screwdriver into his hand, suddenly as the gods descended, the end is the prestige.

"Donghe Li Zizi, he is the Li Yizi who is known as the 'Donghe Iron Turning Lee'?" Hearing this name, he couldn't help but scream and scream, and quickly hugged the box and said hello.

"Jiabao, you are going to introduce Master Li to everyone." Liu Wei was so smart, and quickly got up to remind his son.

"Yes, I am the chief master of exorcism, I am the master of the 100-year-old Lee Kee coffin shop in Donghe City, the master of Li Zizi! The master of Li Zizi is named Jiangdong, and the person who sent the nickname is the big man, the man is here, the evil spirit Will retreat, the home will be safe!" Wan Jiabao looks a sigh, walked to the old man and other people, smug and smug, such as a few treasures, said the head is the road.

"With Master Li, he is the evil spirit of Tianda. He must also be awkward!" Wan Lao and others swept Xue Dongshan to defeat the hurricane, and he smiled.

For a time, everyone worshipped Li Zizi as a **** and admired it.

"I didn't expect Li Zizi to come too!" Zhang Daling, who had always been stable, was also unable to sit still, frowning.

"Zhang Zhenren, is this scorpion very powerful?" Wan Xiaoyu asked in a complicated mood.

She naturally hopes that Li Zizi will dispel the evil spirits and make his father better. But in this way, Wanjiabao became the first heir to Wanjia, and she wanted to take charge of the ear, which is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

Zhang Daling's face is dignified: "Li Zhizi's family has been playing coffin for generations since the Ming Dynasty. Since ancient times, a coffin has been used as a method. This person who plays coffin is very savvy and understands the law of Luban. Demonization is a good hand. The ancestors of Li Zhizi’s ancestors were born, and they could not live. In 1996, there were zombies in Nanchong County, Xichuan Province. Numerous doormen died under the zombie minions and Li Zizi’s town. In 2002, Jiangbei Shili Poor haunted, a red female ghost killed dozens of people in Shilipo, blood flow into the river, alarmed Yanjing No. 1 head, and finally the nephew brother shot, conquered the ghost, calmed the panic."

"In my way of cultivating, there is such a saying, ‘When the scorpion is shot, I know if there is any ‘, he can’t do anything, and whoever comes will be a no-brainer.”

"Oh, I am careless. God knows that Hengli has killed a dead scorpion. I missed this opportunity in vain. It is my fault. It is my fault." Zhang Daling’s slashing armrests are bitter, and the intestines are revered. It is.

He admitted that he was not in the same position as Li Zizi, but because he had not dealt with him before, he was not familiar with the dough, he wanted to take one, and he only started to watch the fire, and he never thought of losing Jingzhou.

Tens of millions of white, just hit the water, the heart and the liver are burning pain!

At this point, Li Zizi has already shot, in accordance with the rules of the Tao, before he did not defeat, the others are not allowed to insert, otherwise it is hurting the human face, it will cause life and death.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be a cheap kid!" Wan Xiaoying was also a very ambitious woman. She couldn't help but sigh.

"You think more, the blind man will die." Qin Hao shook his head and sighed coldly.

"You are a singer, who knows Li Zhizi's means, and he has a rumor." Zhang Daling blinked and yelled.

Unexpectedly, this was heard by Li Zizi, and his eyes were cold. He took the screwdriver and went to Zhang Daling: "This brother, earning money is based on your hand, you are even jealous, you can’t make your apprentice curse. Me."

Zhang Daling waved his hand and succumbed to it. He explained: "Li brother misunderstood, misunderstood, I am not familiar with this person..."

"Hey, if the brother-in-law is dissatisfied, wait for me to drop the evil spirits, how do you privately compare?" Li Yizi certainly wouldn't believe him, sneer, the screwdriver was slammed on the coffee table, one inch thick huanghuali wood board, suddenly A transparent hole was carved out.

"Xunzi, have you played a lot of coffins in your life?" Qin Hao put down the teacup and cocked his legs, arrogantly asked.

Li Zizi intends to show off, and the present is not polite. He is proud to say: "Yes, I have played 3,767 pieces of coffins in my life and sent away 3,767 dead people. Killing evil spirits is not counting..."

"Hold, I am not interested in how many ghosts you killed, I asked you, did you leave a coffin for yourself?" Qin Hao raised his hand and interrupted the self-satisfied Li Zizi, just asked.

"What do you mean?" Li Xiaozi heard his voice outside the string, the iron surface sank, not pleased.

"You should leave a place for your own use, so as not to die without a place of burial. Unfortunately, you have spent a lifetime of good coffins, but you have not been able to facilitate yourself." Qin Yu sympathetically looked at Li Zizi, shaking his head and lamenting.

"Kid, your export is so vicious, you can really be annoyed, I will send you a coffin today!"

Li Xiaozi was furious, and he couldn’t care about fighting the evil spirits. He raised the awl and poked Qin.

Wan Jiabao and others quickly got up and pulled him to a strong one. He persuaded: "Master Li, it is important to exorcise the ghosts, and it is necessary to drive the ghosts! Why do you have a general knowledge of a little boy?"

"Second sister, I know that you are jealous that I have invited Master Li, but everyone is filial piety for their fathers. Please ask the masters with their skills. You are not so small, let your boyfriend come to the streets." Wan Jiabao is not happy. .

"Small, manage your little boyfriend's mouth, and then dare to disrespect the master, don't blame the old man for turning his face." Wan Laoyi patted the table and yelled.

Wan Xiaoyu is also the first two big, she thinks that Qin Yulian and Li Zhizi are not in the eyes of the masters. The words are so mean, and they are not very good at the time: "Master Qin, I am already very embarrassed, ask Don't talk, okay?"

Qin Yu shook his head and smiled. He hinted that Li Zhizi didn't go to death. He didn't expect the mortal Taoist, he had no ability, and he was very tempered. He couldn't listen to a good word.

‘Reading some of your merits in the early years, I’ll give you a sentence, don’t listen to it. ’

Although the bloodthirsty is the most despicable ghost slave in hell, they absorb the quality of the spirit in Hell than the mortal spirit of the mortal world. Some also practice the practice of the Zongmen and the army. Once they come to the mortal world. , leisurely generation, how can you deal with it. Otherwise, there is no need to set up so many powerful enchantments and seals in hell.

Li Zizi hit a few zombies, mortal ghosts, and really took himself as a root, dare to scream with the bloodsucker from hell. Isn't that looking for death?

"Hey! Hey!"

Li Zizi was full of anger, but he saw him chanting a curse, biting the tip of his tongue and spraying a blood on the screwdriver. The screwdriver suddenly raged!

"The burning of the gas, Li Zizi is really a real person!" Zhang Da inspiration.

"Oh, a little bit, there is a decent picture." Wan Fugui smiled.

Although Li Zizi is embarrassed, but the speed is fast, if it is ghostly, the thorns, pokes, and shackles go straight to the rich and powerful, and the people who watch it are shocked. This is in the exorcism, it is clearly killing!

Wan Fugui was a big man, and he was screamed by the fire. He was so embarrassed that his body was broken and he had suffered a big loss.

"Well, a good Li Zizi, it is a good way to turn a corner, good means, true gods!" Wan Laofu must be overjoyed, no praise.

"That is, my son Jiabao has Li Daxian help, and all of your uncles and uncles can take care of them in the future." Liu Wei said something in his words.

"The younger brothers rest assured that the family treasure is so young, they have such a reputation. The talents and heroes of the eight parties will be able to achieve something big." A family of thousands of people nodded.

"Hey, I didn't expect Wan Jiabao to go out of the dog, please come to the dead scorpion, really annoyed." Wan Xiao swears.

Look at the people you invited, one is dejected, one will crow, oh, what is this? I can't meet the living gods like Li Zizi?

The people present, only the square and the old man did not move, as if all of this has nothing to do with themselves, which made everyone think that they completely gave up the heart of the fight, and the heart is even more contemptuous, even a lazy eye to them It is.

"Jiabao, Congratulations, the first heir of Wanjia is not yours." Immediately, Wan family members handed over to Wanjiabao in哟, uncle is polite, please take care of it in the future. . "For a time, Wan Jiabao, with the power of Li Zizi, was very loud and began to toast in the north with a glass of wine."

On the court, the fighting method is getting more and more intense!

"Well, it doesn't seem to be awkward, you are really eye-catching." Waiting for the air, Wan Fugui screamed to jump back and beat the pregnant woman's big beer belly, but see his big belly. The violent undulations contracted and made a loud noise.

"Be careful!" Qin Hao reminded again.

The rise of Li Yuzi’s killing, where the receivers were collected, did not hesitate to lose the real yuan, and then spurted a blood, and the flame was rushed to the extreme.

Suddenly the entire hall was filled with strong flames of heat, followed by a steamer, burning red cheeks of the family.

"Hey, don't listen to the gods, eat the loss in front of you!" Qin Hao secretly sighed.

Wan Fugui hardly caught the flame, licked his stomach and corroded the corpse and turned it into a green smoke. He opened his mouth and went straight to the door of Li Zizi.

Li Xiaozi smelled a stinking scent, and suddenly felt dizzy and screamed, but it was still hiding.

I only heard a burning burning sensation in the door, the pain of tearing my heart, and the body was actually splashed with sulfuric acid, which violently corroded and fell to the ground and screamed.

In no more than half a minute, the original Li Weizi, who was still pretentious, was eroded into blood! It is in the words of Qin Yu that there is no place to die.

"This, this!" Wan family was shocked.

Master Tang Li, just the rise of the killing, the demon is expected, who can think of a moment of death, there is no dead body, the original family is still dumbfounded, the glass of Wanjiabao’s hand slipped to the ground, It fell into a crush.