MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 16 hurry

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   When it was only the fourth watch and the fifth watch, Mu Shi got up.

  Shu Wanniang woke up and was about to get out of bed when Mu Shi held her down and said softly, "You lie down, I'll do it alone."

  Shu Wanniang whispered, "I'll get you something to eat."

   "No, I'll go to the kitchen by myself, you have a big belly, lie down." Mu Shi got dressed, helped his wife tuck the quilt, and strode outside.

   He had already prepared the things he needed to take on the road, but it was too long on the road, he had to bake two cakes and take them with him, and his daughter had to follow him, so he would not have wronged her.

  Mu Shi measured the rice and came out to cook porridge. While making pancakes quickly, he took out a handful of sauerkraut and chopped it up into a side dish.

   Mu Yangling got up from the bed with difficulty, the little Bowen beside her was sleeping soundly, and when her sister got up, he just turned over and continued to sleep.

Mu Yangling dressed up and came out to see that her father was already busy. She immediately sighed that Mu Shi was really a good man at home. He loved his wife, cared for his children, and was responsible. He was even better than her father in the previous life. She decided to marry someone like this in the future. .

   "A Ling got up? Hurry up and wash your face and come over to have something to eat, we are about to hit the road."

   Mu Yangling nodded, rinsed his mouth with water and washed his face, sat obediently at the dining table and waited for his father to bring the things.

Mu Shi heated the cooked porridge on the stove with charcoal underneath, so that his wife would be able to eat it when she woke up. He brought a pot of porridge to the table and a bowl for his daughter, saying, "Eat more. , we have a long way to go."

   Mu Yangling nodded.

Shu Wanniang still got up worried, she supported her stomach and came out to look at their father and daughter, Mu Shi had no choice but to let her sit down and finish the meal quickly, saying: "After we go out, you can go with Bowen. Sleep, sleep more, and A Ling and I will definitely be back tonight."

   "Don't worry, if you really can't, hire a car to come back. A-Ling is still young, don't tire her out..."

Mu Yangling was also full, put down the bowls and chopsticks, waved his hand, and said boldly: "Mother, don't worry, Dad's strength is not as strong as mine, I don't have to carry things, just walking is not tired at all. "

  Shu Wanniang: "…"

  Shu Wanniang looked at her daughter worriedly, can she really marry when she grows up? It seems that more dowry should be prepared.

  Mu Shi pushed the trolley out, waved at Shu Wanniang, and said, "Go back quickly, remember to lock the door, and go to the cousin if you have any business, I have already entrusted her to take care of you."

  Mu Yangling climbed onto the trolley and sat down, shouting: "Father, mother, it will be dawn if we don't leave. We are just going to a county town, it's not that we won't come back for three or five days..."

"Got it, got it." Mu Shi turned around, raised the trolley and walked steadily. He glanced back at his wife, and when she saw her standing at the door, Mu Shi could only speed up and leave, only when he couldn't see himself, his wife naturally I will go back. This is the time when the dew is the heaviest, so I can't catch a cold.

Mu Yangling sat steadily on the trolley, and soon became sleepy, but when he turned around, he saw his father looking behind him from time to time, and sighed: "Father, what can happen if we just go out for a day, you are too careful. ."

"What does the child know? Your mother is different from us. She used to be the eldest daughter of a daughter, and she was accompanied by servants. Now she is pregnant and has to take care of your brother. It's too close to the mountains and forests. You used to be there. It's okay, you have followed me to the county town today, how can I be at ease?"

  In the past, when Mu Yangling was not old enough to protect his mother and younger brother, he would go to the county town to pick his cousin when he was not busy, so he sent the three of them to Liu's house, and he would pick them up when he came back in the evening.

   But now is the busy time of farming, although I have asked my cousin, but I will definitely not have much time there.

Mu Yangling only felt that the father and mother were too sticky, "Our yard is also made of large blue bricks, so high, even if it is near the mountains and forests, I am not afraid, and I have already told my mother that we will After she came out, she went to Cousin Lang's house to play, what could happen?"

   "As long as your heart is big, it's alright, you can quickly sleep again."

   It was still dark at this time, thanks to the bright moonlight, you could see it even without a torch.

   Mu Yangling giggled, then covered himself with a fox skin and said, "Dad, I'll go to sleep first, and I'll sleep for you when I wake up."

  Mu Shi was noncommittal.

   Mu Yangling got up early in the morning, and was really sleepy. In addition, the road was quiet, with only the occasional sound of birds chirping and the purr of a cart, and soon fell asleep.

   When she woke up again, the sky was already bright. She glanced at the morning glow on the horizon, yawned, and asked, "Dad, what time is it?"

   "The sun just came out, what time did you say? We've only gone one-third of the way."

   Mu Yangling looked left and right, saw the trees on both sides, and said, "Dad, stop for a while, I'm going to release the water."

  Mu Shi slapped his face and lowered his voice: "You are a girl, where did you learn these ruffian words? It is convenient, and you are not allowed to say such words in the future."

   "Yes!" Mu Yangling jumped off the trolley, responded, and ran into the woods for convenience. Didn't he just wake up and didn't wake up, so he used those naughty words from his previous life in the military camp.

   Mu Yangling smiled and said: "Dad, you go, I'm looking at the cart."

  Mu Shi went into the woods with a stern face, and came out with a stern face after a while.

   Mu Yangling said: "Dad, let me push, you go up and lie down for a while."

  Mu Shi didn't refuse, he tidied up the furs on the trolley and sat on it, covered his body with his daughter's fox fur just now, closed his eyes, and said, "If you see a stranger in a while, you will wake up your father, you know?"

   Mu Yangling responded and pushed the car steadily forward.

   Her strength is stronger than Mu Shi's, plus she has been working hard all the time, pushing such a trolley is not tiring, and Mu Shi knows this and is so relieved about her daughter.

   Even a wild boar weighing more than 200 catties went up and down like carrying a vegetable basket. He didn't think how tired he would be with a carload of leather goods plus one.

  The father and daughter were used to it, but the people on the road widened their eyes.

   Mu Yangling only walked forward for more than two quarters of an hour before meeting people who were walking to the county town together. Many of them were picking goods, and some were pushing a trolley like Mu Yangling, but they were undoubtedly adults.

   Mu Yangling's nine-year-old doll was too conspicuous in it, and the weight of the leather goods looked quite a bit, not to mention that there was such a sturdy man on top.

   Many people looked sideways and felt that Mu Yangling had been abused, and looked at Mu Shi, who was sleeping in the car, in condemnation.

   Who knew that Mu Yangling walked faster than them, without any burden at all, and quickly surpassed them.

   Mu Yangling walked for half an hour with a face full of ease. When he felt tired, he stopped, put down the cart, and sat on the side to rest.

   Mu Shi believed in his daughter with all his heart, but he didn't wake up. Mu Yangling struggled for a while, and decisively stepped forward to wake him up, "Father, I'm tired, please wake up."

   Mu Shi opened his eyes, and the sun shook his eyes. He got up and looked at it, and said in surprise, "It's all this time?"

   Mu Yangling nodded, "Father, are we almost at the gate of the city?"

Mu Shi looked around and said, "Come on." He glanced at his daughter and asked, "Tired? Then you quickly get into the car, Daddy pushes you, we have to hurry up, otherwise the sun will be too hot. It's not good to walk."

   Mu Yangling nodded.

  The people around saw Mu Yangling calling Mu Shi his father, and they all despised him. They even asked their daughter to push such a heavy cart, and they still lay on it to sleep...

The father and daughter didn't know what other people thought. Mu Yangling sat in the car, looked around at the people on the road, and curiously looked at the things they brought, most of which were handmade at home, including dyed and woven fabrics at home. Cloth, there are also woven baskets, etc...

   There were also various pickled cabbage jars. Mu Yangling looked at it curiously. Because Mu Shi's feet were fast, he quickly surpassed everyone and ran to the front. After walking for about three quarters of an hour, he saw the city gate.

   Mu Yangling had a big smile on his face and shouted in his heart, "Yinzi, I'm here!"