MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 19 Chance! (third change)

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  Chapter 19 Chance! (third change)

  In the small woods.

   Shua Shua

   Accompanied by the sound of two breaking winds, the two Anbu, who were responsible for protecting Naruto and Sasuke, quickly rushed to the explosion site in the woods.

   At the center of the explosion point.

  The disheveled Xiang Lin was sitting on the ground blankly, his eyes lost.

  Beside her was a Konoha ninja who was covered in blood and seemed to be seriously injured.

  The two Anbu ninjas looked around vigilantly, and immediately stepped forward and asked Xianglin, "What happened?"

  Xiang Lin pointed in one direction: "Someone attacked me suddenly. Fortunately, Mr. Mizuki was nearby, and that person injured Mr. Mizuki and ran over there!"

  The two Anbu ninjas immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

   Xianglin is registered in Anbu, and all Anbu ninjas know that this little red-haired girl is the orphan of the Uzumaki clan.

  Someone dared to kidnap the orphan of the Uzumaki clan in the village!


  The two Anbu looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding.

  They decided that one of them would return to Naruto and Sasuke immediately to prevent Naruto and Sasuke from being assassinated, while the other would deliver the news and chase the murderer in the direction indicated by Kaorin.

   Shua Shua

  In an instant, the two Anbu disappeared in place.

  By the small river.

   Seeing that there were no more abnormal noises coming from the grove, Sasuke looked away, and then weighed the stone in his hand.

   Naruto on the other side looked eager, waiting for him to throw the stone over.

  Looking at Naruto's clear eyes and hearty smile, Sasuke raised the corners of his mouth and smiled for the first time after the Genocide.

   Then, he swung his arm away and hit the stone in his hand towards the opposite bank.


  The thrown stone bounced several arcs on the water surface and flew towards Naruto precisely.

  Naruto happily reached out his hand to catch it.


  Almost at the same moment as the flying stones, countless detonating symbols were swept by a gust of wind, rushing towards Naruto from all directions.


   Anbu, who had rushed back from the woods, was shocked when he saw this scene!

  In the apartment.

  Shinji washed up early.

  Going back and forth to the land of cats all day is really exhausting, so he plans to rest early tonight.

   Finally counted the ninja tool bag, sorted out the ninja tools and detonating symbols replenished in Cat Village, and then lay down on the bed.

   "Every day."

   Shinji slowly closed his eyes.

   Boom boom boom!

  Suddenly, there was a series of huge explosions in the distance.

   Lying on the bed, he could even feel the whole bed trembling!

   Stand up and look out the window.

  I saw the night outside, reddened by the flames all over the sky, as if the sky was burning!


  He knew that the village would not be peaceful during the Chunin exams, but he never expected that the peace would come so fast and so violently!

  The drowsiness was awakened instantly, and his mind started to work rapidly.

  An explosion of this scale is definitely not an ordinary attack. There will definitely be riots in the village tonight.

   Check the ninja bag, change clothes, and put on the mask.

  Shinji's full set of movements, done in one go!

   Then he turned the doorknob lightly and left the apartment.

  He didn't care about the explosion in the distance, but used the woods and shadows all the way to sneak to the area he had circled on the map before, which was most likely the area of ​​Danzang's root base.

   "It should be this one."

  He hid in a bush, calmly observing the surroundings, looking for clues.



  Suddenly, two figures passed by his field of vision and rushed towards the place where the explosion just happened.

  The opponent's speed is extremely fast, and his actions are hidden. If he didn't have a pair of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he might not have been able to find it.

   "There shouldn't be an Anbu stationed in this kind of place."

  He beamed.

   Given the current shortage of manpower in the village, it is impossible to waste manpower in this area without any important facilities.

   Moreover, the two people who rushed to the explosion point just now were extremely fast, and they were not ordinary Anbu at first glance.

   Such elites are even more impossible to deploy in this area.

  So the two people who rushed to the explosion point just now are very likely to be the direct subordinates of Danzo, and the base of Danzo is also very likely to be in this area.

  But he quickly lost his joy.

  Danzo's current subordinates are definitely not too many.

  But they should all be his direct descendants, they will be very elite!

  So breaking into the root base by force is no easier than breaking into the Anbu building, and it is even more dangerous to break into the root base by force!

  Because Anbu needs to be responsible for the safety of the village, in the event of an emergency, it will dispatch personnel to deal with it.

  Kanzang's root, but will not bear these responsibilities.

  Although Danzo said that he was guarding Konoha in the dark, in fact, Konoha encountered crises several times, and he chose to stand still.

  The two roots just now are mostly just going to the spot where the incident happened to investigate the situation.

  So Shinji moved slowly in the grass, like a hunter, carefully and patiently looking for the entrance of Danzo's root base.


   His pupils shrank.

  Because he saw Danzo in the distance walking out of a very old-looking building with four subordinates, and rushed towards the explosion point.

   "There it is!"

   Obviously, there is the entrance to Danzo's lair.

   Just seeing that even Danzo hurried to the scene of the incident, he suddenly became a little puzzled, what happened to him, and even Danzo couldn't sit still.

   But he quickly pulled back his thoughts.

  My own business matters!

   With such a big Konoha, he can't solve any troubles, and there is no need for him, the remnant of Uchiha, to worry about it.

  So he immediately bit his finger and made seals with both hands: "Spiritualism!"


  Amidst a puff of white smoke, the briquettes came out poking their heads.

  It looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Shinji, what are you doing here at night, you have a psychic?"

   Shinji whispered his plan to the briquettes.

  Ball's eyes widened: "Is this too risky?"

  It didn't expect its contractor to be so courageous.

  Obviously just a student of a ninja school, not even a ninja, he has the guts to sneak into Danzo's root base to steal things.

   Shinji shook his head slowly: "This is the best opportunity right now. Once you miss it, you may never find the same opportunity again in the future."

   Seeing the briquettes hesitate, Shinji asked, "Are you scared?"

  Ball sneered: "Hey, I'm the great ghost of the cat town. The darling of the night. The elf under the moon. The ghost. The shadow dominates. Maru, I will be afraid of such a small scene?"

   Shinji asked, "Then why are your legs shaking?"

  Ball quips: "I'm excited!"

   Shinji looked at the entrance of the root base in the distance, and comforted: "Don't worry, I will try to avoid fighting as much as possible. If there is a battle, I will try to lure the enemy away and create opportunities for you."

"All right!"

  The briquette nodded, and then the knot seal cast 'Transcendence', and hid in the shadow under Shinji's feet.

   The third update is here, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets to support! Students, new books are not easy, we need your help!



  (end of this chapter)