MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2337 You are the best gift (forty-three)

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Fan Fan's body on the hospital bed was stiff, and the expression on his face did not change much, but his blood color was lighter.

The light in my eyes dimmed for a moment. I saw that Yuliu Liu was a little uncomfortable. He couldn't hold his breath and shook out everything he knew.

"Xiao Ni is ill. I just knew it. I heard that I had a fever, and it burned terribly. I hung up in the hospital for a day and just picked it up."

"She also has a male classmate who came to the door with her parents. I heard that she also brought dozens of car gifts. She said she thanked him, but I looked at the posture and it was almost like a door visit.

"Finally, there is news that Xiao Ni is going abroad. Fanfan, there are certain things that I am not convenient to intervene as an outsider, but I think my mother is right. If you like someone, you should strive hard. Those who have not worked hard or have not asked After the other party ’s intentions, I make the decision that the other party thinks is good for the other party. To put it plainly, it is cowardly and selfish. I ’m not teaching you, I ’m just worried that you will regret it later. ”

Yu Liuliu said a lot, Tang Qianqi was standing beside her, holding her hand.

She also held his hand tightly.

If you dare not say something, as long as two people hold their hands together, they will have strength in their hearts.

This is love.

Love is the most beautiful thing in this world.

If you can hold it tightly, don't let go easily.

Tang Qianqi and Yu until six or six, the two of them started and ended one by one, and then left.

The ward was empty.

The air seemed to be filled with loneliness.

Fanfan drank a few mouthfuls of porridge, tasteless in his mouth, and bitter in his heart. He took a few mouthfuls and set the lunch box aside.

Ears have been echoing what Yu Liuliu said just now.

Fanny is going abroad

She finally decided to let go and start a new life.

Isn't this what he has been looking forward to seeing, why he felt so uncomfortable at this moment

The throbbing pain in my heart seemed to be hollowed out.

Van Fan reached out from the drawer of the bedside table, took out his wallet, and opened it gently. The mezzanine in the wallet contained a small photo.

The edge of the photo is already a little yellow, with traces of Capricorn. It is already an old photo.

The young girl in the photo smiled.

Bent eyes, deep dimples, only one glance, makes people reluctant to look away.

This is the girl he watched growing up, and finally, going out to fly.

He should be happy for her.

A radian evoked in the corner of Fanfan's mouth, like a smile, and like self-deprecating.

What came to mind, in addition to Vanni's stubborn expression ~ ~ and the day at Zhong's house, he went to the grandfather to confess.

In order to consolidate the high society, it is common for big families to marry each other.

Fanfan knew in his heart that Grandpa introduced him to the object, not to marry him, but to care about him.

He didn't want to go around in front of the old man.

"Rui is a good boy. You really don't like her." Father Fan Fan heard that he was here to remarry, and the first reaction was to stop.

Seeing Vatican's resolute attitude, his old eye blinked several times and asked seriously.

"Since you don't like her, why did you agree to associate with her in the beginning?"


After all, Mr. Fan is a person who has lived for nearly a century. Many things can be seen at a glance.

In any question, the van Gogh could hardly parry it.