MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 590 Children's Film Festival

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Another Friday, the weekend is coming, and the weekends that the children are expecting are just around the corner. However, for the children of Luhua Primary School, what they are looking forward to is not a weekend, but a list to be announced soon.

The fisherman in the amusement park turned the small movie held every weekend into the Luhua Village Children's Film Festival. As long as you are a student of Luhua Primary School, you can participate in this Children's Film Festival. The films played at this festival are all animated films made by the scripts written by Luhua Elementary School students.

If you can, Zhou Yu hopes to play every student's work, and it is a very interesting thing for the children to have a movie they are involved in. However, the enthusiasm of the students to participate in this film festival is too high. When they submitted their papers to Luhua Primary School, they received thousands of copies of the manuscript.

If you make a movie, even if you can reduce it to a small movie with only 30 minutes, you don't know when to go. So, be honest, pick the most representative works from the drafts you have collected.

The selection of the manuscript is the scriptwriter that the amusement park has cultivated by itself. Now it has grown to ten people. Hao Hao as the team leader personally checked.

Anyone who knows the boss of the Zhou Zhou fishing scorpion knows that it is difficult to get him to do things right. First of all, it is difficult to find him. But in this strange ‘small thing’, he is able to work hard. Over time, it seems that this problem has also spread to people who are animated, and the participation in this Luhua Village Animation Film Festival is simply not high.

Ten scriptwriters plus one Zhou Yu, each manuscript must pass the hands of eleven people. After I saw it, I felt that I could do it. I felt a little embarrassed and made a triangle. If there is no animation value, I will make a fork. Finally, select the volume, from the bottom row to get the most circle, select the top three best scripts.

This is the method of ancient imperial examinations, but a film festival cannot be just three movies. So in addition to the top three, I have to pick out other scripts that are excellent in some respects but not good overall, such as the best fantasy script, the best sci-fi scripts and the like.

Don't look at just a joke-style children's film festival, but the whole selection process is absolutely serious, even serious enough to give people a sense of absurdity.

Just playing with a group of elementary school students, is it necessary to make such exaggeration?

In exchange for outsiders, this situation will basically think so, but in the amusement park, this seems to have become a very common thing. Even Uncle, who has always been doing things, has also begun to arrange the venue for the Children's Film Festival.

Without him, I am used to it.

However, this Children's Film Festival is not a whimsy of Zhou Yu, but Xiaoyun Xiaoxia has been in the first grade, and should be in touch with the world of two dimensions. Since it is a 2nd-century princess, you can't help but understand the 2nd dimension, no matter how they will use the convenience of 2nd dimension in the future. Therefore, Zhou Yu turned the small film festival held every weekend into the Luhua Village Children's Film Festival. The intention was to let Xiaoyun Xiaoxia participate.

Although there is this selfishness, Zhou Yu is not blushing at all. Parenting, isn't it the best learning environment for your children? As long as this children's film energy-saving causes children's interest in the two-dimensional three bases, it is worthwhile to spend more money.

Xiaoyun Xiaoxia naturally participated in the selection, but unfortunately, their manuscripts were removed at the first level. After all, today's Luhua Primary School is no longer the primary school in the small mountain village. With the development of the region, the education level here is gradually increasing. Xiaoyun Xiaoxia, the two first-year students, is only normal for those who have been in the fifth and sixth grades.

Zhou Yu also deliberately took the manuscript of two people, the neat eleven forks above, indicating that the two manuscripts are not animated.

"How, my two princesses. Your glory in the weekdays, now know your own weight?"

Zhou Yu’s father’s appearance was not sarcasm, let Xiaoyun Xiaoxia’s teeth tickle, but there was no way. Whoever wrote the composition he wrote was really not written well.

However, Zhou Yu’s glory did not take long, because Xiaoyun Xiaoxia also knew how to deal with the old man, crying his nose to find the ‘mother’’s complaint, and then he would see the old lady being stunned by two mothers.

One thing is falling.

However, due to this defeat, it finally aroused Xiaoyun Xiaoxia's rebelliousness and began to seriously learn how to tell stories with the 2nd-dimensional scriptwriter. This hard work is not in vain.

Although the daughters’ work did not come to power this time, Zhou Yu’s interest was not diminished, and the children’s film festival was still busy. After all, it is the big man in the animation base. It is no problem to ask the leaders in the animation base to help me through the name of the film festival.

Since the leaders have come, the CEOs of the animation base naturally have to come over and cheer, and the style of the children's film festival will be high.

It’s Zhou’s consistent style to do things in a noisy way.


On the day of the Children's Film Festival, the amusement park was arranged in the same way as the real international film festival, and even the red carpet was ready. However, the focus of the day was not a star, but the ten children who were selected this time.

The champion and the first to cross the horse to swim, this small champion is naturally not immune, but the cross is not a horse, but the ‘land **** turtle’ just trained in the amusement park.

The high-grade land-riding tortoises were only seen after the upgrade of the Land Knight Academy to the advanced level. After a lot of reproduction in the amusement park, there are now more than twenty ethnic groups.

The tortoise's attacking power and defensive power are not critical, and the size is also the Big Mac level. Unfortunately, the speed of the movement is too bad to enter the football team. But letting it act as a guard role is really a good fit, and this body is enough to be daunting. There are several important places in the amusement park, all of them are used, and basically no one dares to approach.

The tortoises equipped with saddlery, very nicely walked to the children, gently with their heads, urging them to sit on their backs.

These tortoises have long been known, and children from amusement parks hope to ride a ride. However, only a few lucky winners have the opportunity to be selected every day and enter the performance field to interact with the tortoise.

Therefore, the students of these Luhua Primary Schools were excited one by one, and they climbed up their own tortoises, step by step on the red carpet and enjoy the glory under the flash.