MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 17 Here comes the killer [Recommended is the motivation]

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Entering the school's library, Zhang Yang felt like being in the world every other year. I remember when I came to the library last time, it was more than two years ago.

There are no people in the library, and they are still the same. The old woman with glasses is still sitting at the desk as she did two years ago to sort out the broken books. Her attitude is very devoted, and the desk is full of stickers, etc. Tool of. She is the administrator of the library. It is said that she is single, never married, and has been working here for some years.

Zhang Yang walked into the library without even raising her head.

Zhang Yang went directly to the place where the mathematics books and periodicals were. There was a teacher-like person looking at the bookshelf. Zhang Yang was too lazy to talk. He was not familiar with the teachers in the school except his department.

When Zhang Yang picked up the first book and immediately invested in it, the digital world once again fascinated him. The richness of the books here is naturally not comparable to Xiao Yiran's.

Time passes little by little ...

Zhang Yang didn't know that his actions had long caught the attention of the teacher around him.

The old man taught mathematics. At first, he didn't pay attention to Zhang Yang, but when Zhang Yang constantly changed books and read, reading and changing books quickly caught his attention.

The boy in front of me felt too weird. He had changed four books since less than two hours after he came in. At the beginning, he sat down after changing the book. When he got behind, he was too lazy to sit and read directly. , Change books immediately after reading ...

At first, the old man thought that Zhang Yang wanted to find a book he liked, but soon he knew it was wrong, because after Zhang Yang picked up the book, he read almost one page without missing, but the reading speed was a bit outrageous. .

If it wasn't for Zhang Yang's obsessed and focused look, the old man would have thought that Zhang Yang was doing something. The old man who was about to leave suddenly became interested in Zhang Yang, and found a book to sit near Zhang Yang to read. Take a look at it from time to time ...

Time goes by one second. When people are extremely engaged, time will seem very fast, and Zhang Yang is now the phenomenon. He has read here for more than four hours, and he does n’t know how much As long as the book in front of him is a math book, he can't help turning it over. The obvious reading speed is faster, and the esoteric speed will be slower.

Stretched and stretched, and stood tired for four hours. Depressed, his stomach was hungry again. Zhang Yang set his eyes on the bookshelf and wanted to find another book before returning to the dormitory.

"How about this?" The old man went to Zhang Yang and handed him a book.

"Oh ... thank you ... Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics ..." Zhang Yang looked up without picking up the book. Immediately, he was attracted to this book. This is a very famous mathematical book. The author is Wessling, the Netherlands. .

The old man smiled and didn't speak. He was observing. He believed in his intuition. The teenager didn't do it, but really liked the book. His concentrated expression reminded him of his enthusiasm for computing in his youth.

"Not bad……"

Hunger once again pulled Zhang Yang out of the book, and now the only way to get Zhang Yang's attention away is to be hungry.

"Why didn't you watch?" The old man froze. He clearly saw Zhang Yang's reluctant expression on his face. He was a bit puzzled. Since he liked it, why not take it away.

"That ... I'll see it tomorrow, my library card is lost ..."

The old man nodded and didn't speak, and watched Zhang Yang walk out of the library with a thoughtful expression on his face.


After coming out of the library, Zhang Yang ran to the Chinese Department to find a circle without seeing the girl, and went to the dormitory with a depressed face. What a society? Isn't it that everyone is well-off, why am I still running around for three meals?

It seems that only to find a roommate to get this dinner first, Zhang Yang touched his cooing stomach again, he didn't know how many times he touched his stomach. The more hungry I want to touch.

Zhang Yang feels that her body is changing, and she is particularly prone to hunger, which was unimaginable before.

Of course, Zhang Yang did not expect that the mental energy consumption of his whole body is no less than that of dry physical labor. Of course, it is not just mental labor that causes Zhang Yang to have such a strong sense of hunger. There are various reasons. The countless elite minds in Zhang Yang's brain are also one of the causes.

"Zhang Yang, someone is waiting for you in the dormitory."


As soon as Zhang Yang walked downstairs, the old man who looked at the door of the dormitory immediately jumped up from the lounge chair. Zhang Yang was immediately overjoyed. Not many people were looking for him. Ninety-nine percent of them were Liu Biao. In the recent period, there was no news at all, and now it is time to come!

Zhang Yang didn't want to talk nonsense with the old man, and hurriedly climbed to the fifth floor. He had already made a secret decision. Today, he would go to a restaurant outside the school to spend extravagantly and eat a lot of food.

"Zhang Yang, someone is looking for you ..."

"Zhang Yang, come back to the dormitory. Someone has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Zhang Yang, you are finally here ..."


Immediately, Zhang Yang found that something was wrong. Every time he met someone on the stairs, he would be told that someone was waiting for him, and his face had a mysterious expression. Of course, to use Zhang Yang's words to describe it, it was Yin Dang Expression.

Who on earth is it?

Zhang Yang can't help slowing down, his head works like a computer, but he can't think of anyone other than Liu Biao who would come to the dormitory to find him.


Zhang Yang's heart tightened for a while, was Xiao Yiran killed?

Zhang Yang felt his heart beating, but he had to go back, even if he came to the door, he could not avoid it for a year, nor would he go back to the dormitory to sleep.

A soldier can be killed!

Zhang Yang secretly pumped herself up, but her movements were getting slower and slower, and I wished that these floors would climb for ten or eight years.

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