MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 430 Mysterious treasure

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After the quarrel between the four, Zhang Yang and Xiao Lizi broadened and cleared the meridians for Liu Biao, which made Zhang Yang more and more surprised that although Liu Biao had not reached the realm of the strong, the strength of the meridians had surpassed Ah Ze small plums.

This is an incredible thing. You must know that a person's martial arts and meridians are directly proportional. This is like the electric current in a wire. The thicker the wire, the larger the current carried by the wire. The size of the high-voltage line and the low-voltage line is not comparable at all. Surname, but Liu Biao is the opposite. Liu Biao has a poor current, but the wires are horribly stout.

I have to say that Liu Biao is a heterogeneous.

An ordinary master can fight against the strong, just like an undead goblin. Moreover, after every battle that surnames his life, Liu Biao has made a breakthrough, but this breakthrough is not close to the realm of the strong. It is a breakthrough in confrontation.

Zhang Yang noticed a little clue. Obviously, what Liu Biao needs is to be strong in battle. Self-cultivation is no longer necessary for him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing. No wonder Liu Biao is now training less and less, and sleeps all day, instead he is full of interest in fighting. Obviously, this is a subconscious behavior of Liu Biao, but he doesn't know it.

"Liu Biao, how do you feel?" Zhang Yang asked, letting his arms loose and opened his eyes.

"Yes, yes, hey, I just want to fight!"

Sure enough, like Zhang Yang's speculation, Liu Biao's fighting has become more and more intense.

Now is the time to train Liu Biao.

Perhaps, Liu Biao could make his own way in the battle ...

"Okay, we set off immediately and hunted down the two strong ones!" Zhang Yang stood up suddenly, his eyes tightened, and a ray of coldness shot from his pupils, which made people extremely heart-wrenching.

"it is good!"

Liu Biao, A Ze, and Little Plum stood up at the same time, a war of thoughts burning in the air.

Now, they are three strong men plus Liu Biao, a master who is infinitely close to the strong men. It is no doubt easy to hunt the two injured strong men.

Moreover, Liu Biao challenged these two strong men to be relatively safe. Through one battle contact, they had a certain understanding of each other.

Of course, the deeper reason is that the four are not gentlemen. The so-called gentleman revenge is not too late for three years!

None of the four were gentlemen. Naturally, it was impossible to wait for three years. Liu Biao and Zhang Yang were the masters of revenge. At the time, they were revenge immediately when they were hunted down by Maimaiti. Little Li Zi takes Wei Xiaobao as an idol, and his revenge mentality can be imagined. If the revenge is the weakest among the four, it is Azer. Although Azer is tough, he prefers to plan and move. He For revenge on the killer who killed his brother, he can live for years ...

The four had nothing to worry about, and the task of a group of black bodyguards was also completed. This time, the twenty black bodyguards came out mainly to satisfy Liu Biao's vanity. By the way, exercise them and let them have a long experience.

During this trip to China, no doubt, the twenty bodyguards have greatly enriched their experience as a bodyguard, and also learned the true strength of their boss.

In fact, Zhang Yang's most loyal subordinates are these 20 people. These 20 people added jealousy to what they saw and heard, exaggeratedly told their partners and subordinates, and circulated among their clans.

Zhang Yang, Liu Biao, A Ze, and little plums existed like a myth in their hearts.

Ten years later, the Somali forces are in a state of fragmentation and smokyness, but the base established by Zhang Yang is surprisingly united, and its political influence in Somalia is also extremely strong.

Among them, the most unexpected thing for Zhang Yang was that Muhammad actually entered the speed political center of Somalia, and had a very strong influence on the political situation. He was the president for half a year at the most brilliant time. Moreover, as long as the Somali mine resources developed by the agent are developed, there is almost no resistance in the capital of Somalia. Some legal approvals can be completed in two months and as short as two weeks, and the power of some clans is also Willing to cooperate with some mineral investors introduced by Zhang Yang, because the credibility of these merchants is quite good ...

Since it was decided, the four members acted immediately because the two strong men had left for more than fifty hours.

The four rushed to the airport immediately.

The last time Xiaoyinmei disappeared was at the airport. The specific location where the aircraft flight was parked was checked based on the time when Yinyue disappeared, and then Zhang Yang's calculations quickly found Zhang Yang's whereabouts.

What surprised Zhang Yang was that these two people actually went to Vietnam.

In Zhang Yang's mind, the two strong men should choose Japanese or the United States.

Of course, it is not surprising to choose Vietnam, because Zhang Yang estimates that one of the two strong is Vietnamese and the other is Indian.


If it is more troublesome for a Chinese person to go to other countries, then it is not a problem for a Chinese person to travel to Vietnam than to travel in his own country. As long as he has a legal identity certificate, he can apply for a temporary visa at any time on the border.

Obviously, the two strong men went to the capital of Vietnam after being injured, and it was certain that the four of them would not be able to go directly to the capital of Vietnam from the mainland of China. This requires a process.

Of course, it doesn't hurt four people.

The four flew directly to Kunming, and entered through the long border between China and Vietnam. As long as they reached the capital of Hanoi, Zhang Yang believed that Silver Charm could soon be traced to the two strong men.

When the four arrived in Kunming, it was all the rage to find revenge for the two strong men suddenly, because Kunming ’s beautiful natural scenery, brilliant historical monuments, and gorgeous national customs deeply attracted the four. Between the bustling city and the beautiful mountains and rivers, the four people lingered and were intoxicated.

During this period of time, many people visited dozens of national and provincial scenic spots such as the Shilin Global Geopark, Dianchi Lake, Anning Hot Spring, Jiuxiang, Yangzonghai, and Jiaozi Snow Mountain, as well as the World Horticultural Expo Park and Yunnan Ethnic Village. Key scenic spots.

Although it ’s a bit of a trance, the four are extremely happy. Of the four, Liu Biao is the most transparent of the people, and Aze followed the tribal people in the country to kebabs, which is the most common. Well-informed people, and Zhang Yang has the most knowledge. It is important to see some places of interest. He can tell these estimated origins. The worst is little plums. He spent his twenties in Yucun. I'm obsessed with martial arts all day, I haven't gone out at all. On this way, I'm most excited ...

When a group of people traveled to Ruili along Dali, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered something that was sealed in his memory.

The sixty-second boundary marker of x county x village in Kunming!

In this place, there is a mysterious safe, and this safe is on the top of a tree ...

"Liu Biao, do you remember that Zhou Sheng who was locked up with you?"

"That drug dealer Zhou Sheng?" Liu Biao's eyes brightened and he immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Yang.

"Yes, that's him!" Zhang Yang laughed.


Azé and Xiao Li heard something inexplicable. Until Zhang Yang explained it, they immediately became emotionally more excited than Liu Biao.

Human beings have an innate exploration of the unknown and the search for treasures **.

The four immediately acted, and bought an old-fashioned Yanjing jeep locally, spent 122,000 oceans, purchased some dry food and water, and wild survival tools such as tents ...

To Zhang Yangxin's comfort, there was no traffic police on the way. You know, Liu Biao was driving, and Liu Biao seemed to have only a motorcycle license, that is, the motorcycle license has been expired.

Along the way, people who swim in mountains and rivers are also at ease.

Eighty-one boundary monument!

Seventy-nine boundary markers!

Seventy-three boundary pillars!


The four people asked the local villagers while driving while holding the map. You must know that there are usually few roads next to the boundary monument. To find a specific location, you must ask the local villagers.

Of course, the four did not expect that they asked all the way down, but it attracted a lot of people's attention.

Night fell again.

Light and darkness are like twin brothers, one managing day and one managing night.

At 8:30 in the evening, they were close to the 62nd boundary monument, and the four were ready to find a more secret place to abandon the car and search for the 62nd boundary monument.

However, at this time, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly, there was countless police lights flashing in the vast darkness in front, and just behind the car, I didn't know that a police car flashing with police lights came out of that fork.

Almost at the same time, the police car remembered the harsh chirping.


Liu Biao was listening to the rock music in the broken radio, and he suddenly saw the flashing police lights suddenly flashing in front, startled, and suddenly stepped on the brakes.

"Brothers, it's not good, the wind is shouting!" Liu Biao still has a subconscious fear of the police. She is almost conditioned to prepare to rush outside. There is no master style.

"What are you running?" Zhang Yang sat in the co-pilot, his eyes were fast, and Liu Biao was pulled by a car.

"Ah ... yes, what am I running?" Liu Biao looked blank.

"Yeah, what are you running?" Sitting back lightly.

"I said, what am I running, I just prepare to continue to urinate!" Liu Biao suddenly realized that he was not a national wanted criminal now.

"Get off, border inspection!" A border police officer walked to the window with a look of majesty, followed by four armed police fighters with hand-held miniature submachine guns, and in the distance and behind, there were several armed police fighters waiting closely, it seems As long as something is wrong, they will shoot.

"Check your hair and wait for Laozi to pull urine!"

"Well!" Liu Biao got out of the car and fell heavily on the door.

"..." The defense police there did not expect this guy to be so arrogant, he was stung, and where he stood, looking at the fierce face of Liu Biao, he took out the "murder weapon" and started spraying. The police only reacted when they were on the policeman's body, and took a step back, angrily.

"Please get off the bus and show your ID!"

After waiting, Liu Biao fought a cold war and shuddered a little, the police said.

The four looked at each other without speaking, but took out their ID cards and handed them to the police officer.

The police inspected the four ID cards very carefully, entered them into a small laptop and checked them before returning them to the four.

"Are you going there?" The police did not relax their vigilance.

"Xi Di! Lao Tzu is a dignified Chinese, and I still want to report to you when walking on Chinese land?"


The policeman couldn't speak out of Liu Biao's rude reply.

"Have you finished? You have to hurry up after you're done, unlucky, paralyzed, and you'll all run into this group of unlucky people when you drive a car." Liu Biao cursed and grinned.

"We want to check the jeep!" The policeman looked angry.

"Hurry up, check and check, ***, don't hold the guy in your hand, don't throw anything like powder ecstasy in my car to frame us for drug trafficking ..." Liu Biao was impatient.

"Check, check carefully!" The police vomited blood, and turned around and spoke to several subordinates.

Two policemen immediately climbed into the car, and the other two policemen began to knock on the shell of the jeep carefully, not even the chimneys and fuel tanks, and searched inch by inch.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the leading policeman stared at the four people all the time. He always felt that these four people were a little weird, but he didn't know where the weirdness was, which made him very uncomfortable.

In fact, as a law enforcement policeman, he usually has a high sense of superiority. Although Zhang Yang now cooperates with their inspections, he has a deep contempt in his expression. This is the main reason that makes him unhappy. .

Of course, this policeman doesn't know that the four are masters who are not afraid of bullets, not to mention that three of them have reached the realm of the strong, and the remaining one is a master who can compete with the strong. If he knew, he would not Feeling despised.

In fact, the four Zhang Yang did not deliberately reveal the attitude of looking down, but because of a strong instinctual superiority. In their eyes, the common people are like ants, and everyone will not put a few border police in their eyes.

"Report to the sir, nothing was found!"

"Report sir, we didn't find it!"

"Hey ..." Liu Biao sneered, the laughter was like acupuncture, which made the police even more upset.

"Can we go?" Zhang Yang said lightly.

"... Yes ..." The police were a bit helpless. After all, they had identification documents and they cooperated with the inspection. They could not be detained because of their arrogant attitude.



Four people got into the car and there was a sound of closing.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the policeman went to the cab again.

"My uncle, what the **** do you want to do? Uncle is busy, and has no time to flicker with you!" Liu Biao was furious immediately, a fierce expression made the police step back.

"Show me your driver's license!" The police finally remembered that he started to look at his ID card and vehicle's driving license, but he hadn't seen Liu Biao's driving license.

"You really want to see?" Liu Biao stared at the police car's eyes.

"It depends!"

"Really?" Liu Biao asked again.

"Look!" The policeman was a little annoyed.

"***, I'll show you!"

"Hey!" Liu Biao got out of the car, and the policeman was taken aback and took a step back. Liu Biao's figure was too threatening. With his arrogant expression, it was even more imposing, as if it were a god. Be down to earth.

"Zhang Yang, do you have a driver's license?"


"Aze, do you have it?"


"What about little plums?"

"I don't have a driver's license ..."

"What are you waiting for? Run ...!"


Liu Biao shouted, and suddenly punched the policeman with a punch, his teeth fell to the ground, and the blood was soaring. He was already upset with this policeman who had deliberately sought out his wife.




Zhang Yang, Az, and Xiaoli moved at the same time, with several muffled sounds in succession, and several frontier soldiers with submachine guns had been punched on the ground by the three.

"Goodbye, police uncles!"

The sound of Liu Biao's wild laugh was floating in the air, and his huge figure rose up in the night sky and disappeared into the vast darkness.

When the three disappeared into the night, a group of unprepared policemen was a little flustered, and they had relaxed their alert. After all, the other party was not a dangerous person, had an identity document, a driving permit, and no prohibited items. They did not expect the four of them at all. Will suddenly flew away, this one is beyond their scope of thinking.


"Hmm ...!"



A burst of gunfire pierced the night sky. When a group of policemen responded and fired, the four had disappeared without a trace.

"***, it's so cool for the police!" Liu Biao laughed as he ran.

"The police are hostile to you?" Little Li Zi disagreed. He had a good impression of the police. Remember that when he came out of the country, Little Li Zi also received help from several police officers.

"That ... hey, no ... it feels like, they are soldiers, we are bandits, what kind of that, what ... what the ideological form of that ... what ..."

"Opposition!" Zhang Yang said.

"Uh-huh, opposition ..." Liu Biao nodded again and again.

"However, you drive without a license and attack the police. Although the plot is slight and has no serious consequences, the impact is extremely bad. You must be in prison for more than half a year and less than three years ..." Zhang Yang laughed.

"So serious?" Liu Biao was shocked. He had phobias about going to jail. He remembered that he had been in prison for 24 hours at the police station, and that he could not die in the cell for three years!

"Well, it could be more serious."

"What about you?"

"We are accomplices, we can be sentenced to a maximum of a few months, or a small penalty ..."

"I said, why should I go to jail alone, next time I won't drive."



The four of you say a word to me, running all the way to the border, every mountain and every mountain, every water and every water, all four are masters, all eyes are like a torch in the dark night, there is no need to worry about being invisible.

However, Liu Biao was still very upset about buying some of the wild daily necessities, and spent more than 30,000 on the purchases for the bastards.

"You see, it's almost here, that's the boundary stone!"

The four followed the gaze, and saw a majestic boundary monument standing in the night. The position of the boundary monument is on a slope, so it looks extraordinarily magnificent from a distance.

Several people were overjoyed, rushed to the past, took a closer look, and it turned out to be the boundary monument. The upper part of the monument was engraved with the two "China" characters, red, even at night, it also felt extremely bright. This psychological effect is like the mentality that your child is the most beautiful.

Inexplicably, the four had a sacred and solemn feeling.

Although the four saw the Chinese boundary monument on television several times, they saw it for the first time in their lives.

This is China's territory.

There is a foreign country ...

(To be continued)