MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 19 I did prove the BSD conjecture

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Pierre Deligne, Princeton University and Princeton Advanced Institute, is the Fields Award, Crawford Award, Wolf Award, Abel Grand Slam winner, and a representative of the Grothendieck School He has profound attainments in the fields of algebraic geometry and number theory. Among the living mathematicians, the top three exist.

"Tao, have you proved the BSD conjecture?" Deligne smiled slightly surprised.

"No, it's not me, it's one of my students Pang Xuelin. You should still have an impression on him. He published the" Polarized Abelian Cluster André-Oort Conjecture Proof "in the annual mathematics book half a year ago. The reviewer is you. ! "

Deligne hesitated for a while. He heard the name of Pang Xuelin. In recent years, he has made certain achievements in analyzing number theory and additive combinations, especially the paper six months ago, which has further advanced the proof of the BSD conjecture. A small step is a rising star in mathematics, with the potential for the Fields Award in the future.

But to say that he can prove the BSD conjecture, Deligne has some doubts.

There are many mathematicians who have the potential to win the Fields Award, but there are not many mathematicians in the world who can prove the seven major problems of the Millennium.

In the past thirty years, in addition to Andrew Wiles and Poincaré's conjecture that proved Fermat's Last Theorem, they have also revolutionized the core problems in the arithmetical geometry of Langlands and Motive in recent years. Sexual contributions, known as Peter Schultz, a German deity, showed similar potential.

Even the famous Tao Zhexuan is still a short way behind.

The BSD conjecture is of great significance. Once proved, it means that a lot of related inferences in the field of algebraic geometry and number theory will become theorems, which is of great significance to the development of algebraic geometry and number theory.

If Pang Xuelin proves the BSD conjecture, he will book the next Fields Award three years in advance, and there is no problem in competing for the Abel Prize early next year.

"Tao, send me the paper first."

Deline Road.

Tao Tao Zhexuan laughed and said, "Okay, I'll send it to you right away. Besides, Pang has already submitted the paper to the" Mathematics Yearbook ", and maybe I will find you as a reviewer this time."

Gadlinier laughed: "That's right, if Pang really proves the BSD conjecture, it will be my honor to be a reviewer of this paper."

Then, Tao Zhexuan contacted the maths in the mathematics world such as Faltings, Andrew Wiles, John Coates, and Kolyvagin, and asked them to help verify.

This is the benefit of having a great instructor. The deep-water bomb dropped by Pang Xuelin in the mathematical world has not yet exploded, and it has already caused waves in the top circle of the mathematical world.

And this wave will soon turn into a tsunami.

Uh ...

Pang Xuelin was completely unaware of all that happened in the mathematical world.

一点 At 1:30 in the afternoon, Pang Xuelin was woken up by the harsh cellphone ringtone.

Pu Pang Xuelin opened his eyes stupidly, took a look at the phone, quickly pressed the answer button, and said, "What's wrong, grandma?"

"Kobayashi, remember to eat at home at night, grandma made you your favorite sweet and sour fish."

"Okay, grandma."

Xi Pang Xuelin agreed, and talked to her grandma a few times before hanging up.

Later, Pang Xuelin got up to wash, changed his clothes, opened the door directly, ready to go to the cafeteria to eat something, and then went to the grandparents' home.

At this time, the door of Room 801 opposite was also opened.

"Professor Pang, so clever, you go out too." Qi Xin said with a smile, seeing Pang Xuelin.

"Hello, Qi ... Qi Xin, I haven't seen you in a long time!" Pang Xuelin thought for a long time before recalling the name of his beautiful neighbor.

I spent more than three months in the three-body world, and he was almost impressed.

"It's been a long time?" Qi Xin said for a moment, "Did we not meet yesterday?"

Su Pang Xuelin reacted suddenly and smiled a little awkwardly: "Sorry, I remember wrong ..."


Qi Qixin didn't know what to do. Is the so-called genius so strange?

Xu and Qi Xin talked a few words, the two went downstairs together and said goodbye to each other.

After eating in the cafeteria, Pang Xuelin drove to the retired teacher's apartment on Yuquan Road Campus of Jiangcheng University.

He said it was an apartment, in fact, they were all small villas, which were specially allocated to some senior retired professors of Jiangcheng University. Pang Xuelin's grandfather Pang Shaoan lived there.

Pang Shao'an is a professor in the Department of Mathematics of Jiangcheng University, and studied under the famous mathematician Mr. Chen Jiangong.

1952 Faculty adjustment, Jiangda Mathematics Department was merged into Fudan, and a large number of Master Jiang students led by Chen Jiangong and Su Buqing joined Shanghai, and the Fudan School of Chinese mathematics was born and has continued to this day.

In 1956, Mr. Chen Jiangong was transferred back to Jiangcheng as vice president of Jiangda University.

Pang Shao'an also entered Jiangda University at that time and became a student of Mr. Chen Jiangong.

After graduating, Pang Shao'an stayed on to teach at the university and did not leave Jiangda University until retirement.

Pang Shao'an has always had the dream of Fuxing Jiang University, but the Department of Mathematics of Jiangda University was seriously injured after the adjustment of the faculties of that year, and it has not been ranked in the domestic mathematics community.

Coupled with the chaos in the domestic mathematics community these years, Pang Shaoan gradually lost his heart.

Until his grandson Pang Xuelin showed outstanding mathematical talents since childhood, Pang Shao'an put his mind on Pang Xuelin.

In recent years, Pang Shao'an has spared no effort to train his grandson, and Pang Xuelin has not let him down. From the IMO gold medal in high school to his Ph.D. graduation, he became famous in the international mathematics world and became one of the most outstanding mathematicians of the Chinese young generation.

Now Pang Xuelin returns to teach at Jiangda University, which is considered to have inherited Pang Shao'an's mantle.

Xi Pang Xuelin carried half of the watermelon bought on the road and entered the small courtyard where Pang Shao'an lived.

Under the grape stand in the courtyard, Pang Shao'an is playing chess with Professor Yao Jianzhong who lives next to him.

Yao Jianzhong is a theoretical physicist who is mainly engaged in the research of quantum field theory and basic particle physics theory. He and his collaborators have determined the upper limit of the mass of the elementary particle top quark and found that the three coupling constants of weak and strong electricity are unified under a supersymmetric framework. It has laid the foundation for accurately testing the standard model and exploring new physics, and has a lot of fame in the world.

He and Pang Shao'an have been friends for decades. They have been working at Jiangda University, and they have nothing to do after retirement. They play chess with Pang Shaoan from time to time, and occasionally invite the couple to travel.

When seeing Pang Xuelin coming in, Yao Jianzhong laughed and said, "Xiao Lin, you can come here. How about this time, is n’t it a big habit to return to Jiang? I heard that old Liu gave you a comment on a doctoral supervisor and professor, 23-year-old professor Jiang Dazheng, alas, I'm afraid it's all in the country. "

Xi Pang Xuelin laughed: "Hi Grandpa Yao, I'm okay, but I started late this year. I have already passed the final enrollment deadline for PhD students, so Dean Liu asked me to give abstract undergraduate classes first."

Pang Shaoan said: "This is a good thing. Don't think that you can be lazy when you are a professor. Now there is a bad atmosphere in domestic universities. I think that professors can do scientific research and can publish papers. Teaching can be left to their subordinates. Graduate students or lecturers do it. This is a very bad phenomenon. These graduate students and lecturers themselves are not sure about the content of the textbooks, and how to dispel the doubts of the students, let alone teach cutting-edge knowledge. Colleges and universities are training talents. Professors are set up to cultivate talents. Teaching and educating people is a natural duty. You must not skimp. "

"Grandpa, I understand!"

Yao Jianzhong laughed: "Lao Pang, you still like to preach. Xiao Lin, don't listen to him. Now is the time when your academic vitality is at its peak. You should still do research. I heard Lao Pang that you have recently studied BSD conjectures. I'm stuck in a bottleneck. If you really don't have a clue, you can consider changing your direction and put the BSD conjecture first. Sometimes scientific research and the combination of work and rest are the most important. Maybe there will be inspiration someday. "

Pang Shaoan also said, "Xiao Lin, your grandfather Yao is right. BSD guesses that such a topic is too difficult. If you are really clueless, it is time to consider changing your direction."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled a little embarrassed, and just wanted to say that he had solved the BSD conjecture, his cell phone ringing suddenly, the caller ID was Liu Tingbo, Dean of the School of Mathematics, Jiangcheng University.

"Grandpa, let me answer the phone first ~ ~ said, Pang Xuelin pressed the answer button.

廷 Liu Tingbo's surprised voice came from the other side of the phone: "Xiao Pang, do you prove that BSD guessed?"

"Dean Liu, how do you know?"

Pang Xuelin was a little surprised that it was less than ten hours after I uploaded arXiv. Did the news come out so quickly?

Liu Tingbo said: "Qiu Chengtong just called me and said that we had a genius at Jiangda University to prove the BSD conjecture. I heard that in the United States, Tao Zhexuan has initially verified your certificate, and this matter also shocked Faltings ArXiv, Denieri, Andrew Wiles, have been boiling, and mathematicians from all over the world are studying your thesis. Tell me, how much confidence do you have in the proof of the BSD conjecture? "

Pang Xuelin thought without thinking: "One hundred percent!"

This is the proof given by the system. After being certified by hundreds of other top mathematicians in the world, the whole proof process tends to be perfect. If there is a problem, then there is a ghost!


Liu Tingbo suddenly didn't know how to respond, this boy, what are you talking about? You say you are 90% sure, maybe you believe me, but one hundred percent, Liu Tingbo played a drum instead.

"Xiao Pang, where are you now, I'll go to you!"

Pang Xuelin said: "I'm here with my grandpa!"

"Okay, you wait, I'll be right there!"

Xi Pang Xuelin hung up the phone and ushered in two doubts with shocking eyes.

Pang Shaoan's mouth trembled slightly, and it was incredible: "Xiao Lin, what did Liu Tingbo tell you just now? Was the BSD guess proven by you?"

Pang Xuelin nodded: "Grandpa, you heard me right, I did prove the BSD conjecture!"