MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 18 Ex-boyfriend who was broken up

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Qin Yi’s hand holding the phone shook slightly because of excessive force. For a long time, he let go and the phone slipped to the ground.

Ye Hao’s watched the mobile phone falling on the ground, the brain seemed to be completely unable to think, and did not know how long it took, he felt a shadow shrouded.

Looking up, I saw Qin Yi standing in front of him.

Ye Hao was pale, his eyes were full of complex emotions, and finally opened his lips and made a hoarse voice, breaking the suffocating silence. "You...have heard..."

The sorrow and pain in Qin Yi’s eyes were deep and he did not see the bottom. He slowly said: “You never told me, you have seen my mother.”

Ye Hao did not look at his eyes. "I don't think it is necessary."

"Yes? Isn't it because I am more dissatisfied with her?" Qin Yi suddenly laughed, and the laughter had a bit of tragic meaning. "So... you refused the check she gave, but took it away. There are a million in that area. You hide your illness and prepare a person to die outside, but only leave me a letter like this. This is what you call betrayal..."

Ye Hao looked at the appearance of Qin Yi, and the pain in his heart was spreading.

He thought that Qin Yi could let him down, forget him, the despicable villain who betrayed him, and return home to become the Qin family who was admired by everyone. He thought that Qin Yi could do it...

This is probably the most wrong thing he has done in his life.

Qin Yi’s eyes were red, and he looked at Ye Hao. He seemed to see his soul in this way. He said, “You still have to say... You don’t love me at all, don’t care about me?”

Ye Hao tried to squint hard, and he was afraid that his tears would fall.

Qin Yi said: "You still have to say, you don't want me, want to leave?"

Ye Hao can't speak.

After a long time, Ye Hao slowly opened his mouth, only three words: "I'm sorry."

I did not ask your opinion, selfishly made such a decision for you, so that you are so painful... Sorry.

Qin Yi shook his head. His tone was low and his eyes were painful. "The one who said that I am sorry is me."

"I promised you, I will protect you anyway, not let you be hurt, but I don't even know if you are sick..."

"I don't know if you want to see me like this. If I knew earlier, I would find you even if I turned the whole world over. I don't know, you still love me if I know..."

"I'm sorry... I didn't do what I should, it was my fault, sorry."

Qin Yi raised his arm, and he paused. He slowly and firmly pushed Ye Hao into his arms and closed his eyes. It seemed that something salty things had flowed down.

Now I finally know why you have to choose this way to leave, I finally know... because you don't want me to have nothing at all.

[叮, Qin Yi blackening value -5, current blackening value 5]

Ye Hao was held in his arms by Qin Yi, feeling the temperature of this embrace. This temperature made his cold heart re-heating and hot, bringing him unprecedented courage and facing all difficulties.

Just as he was, he was standing in front of him without hesitation, facing all difficulties for him.

Why are you so good to me, I obviously can't give you anything...

Qin Yi bowed his head and kissed Ye Hao’s eyes gently. He said, “You said that you are coming back, just to look at me, don’t say that you have to leave.”

Ye Hao sucked his nose and did not speak.

Qin Yi added: "I am already very strong. My mother does not object to us. I will not lose anything for you because of you, so... don't say anything more."

Ye Wei felt a sob in his throat.

Qin Yi finally said: "If you don't want me to be sad, don't say it again..."

Ye Hao suddenly looked up and kissed Qin Yi's lips. He stared at the other's eyes and looked at himself from the pupil's pupil. They hugged them together. This kiss does not have any color of desire, but simply touches it together, but despite this, it is so nostalgic.

As many years ago.

Ye Hao’s black scorpion showed a firm look. He said, “I will never leave you again.”

I have made a wrong decision. I have tried it. I have worked hard and hurt you, but it is useless. If you still need me...

Then, from then on, I will never leave you again.

I will accompany you to the last moment of my life.

Qin Yi held Ye Hao tightly and forced him to put this person into his body. This time, he will never lose him again, never again.


[888: Why is the blackening value not finished yet? I think he has completely accepted your nonsense. 】

[Ye Wei: Why is it nonsense? 】

[888: You are not talking nonsense? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: I told you that it is wrong for you to be prejudiced against people, hehe! 】

[888: I am a serious and responsible senior system. My data is very stable and accurate, and I will not be biased against anyone. 】

Ye Hao’s expression was stiff for a while, and she always felt that she was being smashed by 888. Is this his illusion?

[888: So why are there 5 points left? 】

[Ye Wei: The reason why there are still 5 points left, but he still has a little bit of caution, the desire is not satisfied, it does not damage his love for me, but there is still a little obsessiveness in the bottom of the heart, take some time to get it. . 】

[888: Oh. 】

Human feelings are really troublesome and boring.

Since the day of the announcement, all misunderstandings between the two have been completely eliminated.

Qin Yi simply lived in the hospital. They just returned to the same place. There was no barrier. They used each day as the last day.

Ye Hao has to eat a lot of medicine every day and hit a lot of needles. This process is very painful, but in order to Qin Yi, he has worked hard to adhere to the treatment, he no longer wants Qin Yi to be disappointed.

He wants to live for Qin Yi, and even if he wants to be jealous, he will not give up easily.

In order to have more time to accompany Ye Hao, Qin Yi almost moved the office. Unless he was forced to leave, the time was so precious to him.

Gradually, people in the hospital know that this is a pair of loving couples, but unfortunately one of them has a terminal illness, which is embarrassing.

On the same floor, there is a middle-aged female patient, Zhao Ayi, who is also hospitalized for cancer. Her husband and son often come to visit her and can see that she is a very loving family. After she met Ye Hao, she soon became with Ye Hao. friend.

Aunt Zhao’s son and Ye Hao are almost old, so she is very concerned about Ye Hao, just like her elders. This day her son and husband came to visit him again and brought her a gift. She immediately took her family happily. Ye Hao’s ward is in the door.

When Zhao Ayi went, Qin Yi was feeding Ye Wei to eat.

Ye Hao felt that it was unnecessary, but Qin Yi must feed him like this. He was very embarrassed to get it. When he saw a guest coming, he was dissatisfied with Qin Yi.

Qin Yi smiled and put down the spoon in his hand. He also knew Zhao Auntie. She was very grateful that she often accompanied Ye Hao. The polite way: "You are here."

Aunt Zhao looked at their little two greasy look and couldn't help but laugh. He pushed his son and said, "Go, put things down."

Aunt Zhao’s son is a tall, thin and smiling young man who is modest and filial. He obeys the things in his hands and puts them in the ward.

Ye Hao reluctantly smiled: "You have to bring a gift to do something, and you have said no."

Aunt Zhao smiled, "Hey, my child went to the province for business trips. I heard that the local snacks are very good. I bought them back. I can’t eat so much, I will send you some."

Aunt Zhao’s son showed an embarrassed smile and scratched his head.

Ye Hao looked at their family's happy appearance, and couldn't help but reveal the envious look. He gratefully said: "How nice this is."

Aunt Zhao said: "What is embarrassing, it is not something worthwhile."

Ye Hao is not good to say anything.

Qin Yi grabbed his hand and smiled at Zhao Ayi: "Thank you."

Aunt Zhao’s look at Qin Yi is also pleasing to the eye. This young man is not only handsome, but also a gentle and considerate affection for Ye Hao. Just like Ouba in the idol drama, she immediately looks back at her husband. Ruan said, "Look at the people Xiao Qin, you are not handsome, you are not too handsome, not as good as Xiao Qin half of the thoughtful, really should learn more with people."

Mr. Zhao has a flawless face. In fact, he is also very gentle and considerate. The key reason may be because he does not have Qin Yishuai.

Ye Hao couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Aunt Zhao, who sat for a while and said that they would not bother their young couples, they took their husband and son away. One big, one small and two men cautiously stared at her. It’s no wonder that they are still so old and able to keep This kind of childlike heart is really enviable.

Qin Yi opened the snacks sent by Zhao Ayi and looked at it. He was very interested in the opening and gave it to Ye Hao. He smiled and said, "How?"

Ye Hao said: "It's delicious."

Qin Yi took a bite from Ye Hao’s hand and said with a dignified look: “It’s really good, I have to think about what to buy for someone to return.”

Ye Hao is helpless: "Are you not busy? Do you worry about this kind of thing all day?"

Qin Yi is a serious saying: "This is a business! Small things can be handed over to the secretary, but your friends must be taken seriously."

Ye Haozhong waved his movements. He stunned Qin Yi and seemed to be impatient with his oily slippery tone, but turned his head and his eyes were touched by the touch of sadness and sadness.

If it can always be like this, how good is it...


Qin Yi went out in the afternoon and had an important meeting. He had to attend in person, but when he came back at night, he really remembered to buy a gift, and then went to the door with Ye Hao himself. The president of the Grand Group, beside Ye Hao. It’s just a normal boyfriend who’s all right.

This is the simple day.

In the evening, Qin Yi was holding Ye Hao lying on the bed, and they did not move. They embraced each other and felt the other's heartbeat. Time seemed to stop. They could forget those helplessness for a short time.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao couldn't sleep. He quietly opened his eyes, only to find that Qin Yi didn't sleep, but looked at him with his eyes open.

Ye Hao suddenly felt uncomfortable and said, "You peek at me."

Qin Yi’s black scorpion glowed softly under the night. He held Ye Hao’s hand tightly and tightly, his voice was low and dumb. “I just want to see more.”

Because I am afraid I will not see it in the future.

Ye Hao lowered his eyes and didn't want Qin to see the sad look in his eyes, even if he was very serious in treatment, but everyone knows... Time is still ruthless.

He was silent for a long time and suddenly said: "Aunt Zhao is very happy."

Qin Yi said: "Yes..."

Ye Hao buried her face on Qin Yi's chest and said softly: "In fact, I thought about it before. Maybe twenty years later, we will be like them. We love you, we can adopt a child. Have a home..."

Just like all the lovers in this world, there is a home of their own.

Qin Yi knows this angle. Ye Hao can't see the pain in his eyes. He said in a relaxed tone: "I think so too."

Ye Hao paused and said, "I am different from you. I have no father or mother since I was a child. They probably don't want me... but I think, I can't have them in the first half, but I can have them in the second half. You, I will definitely have a home, and I have the right to happiness."

Qin Yi affirmed: "You must be."

Ye Hao suddenly smiled. He looked up and said, "Yeah, I am very happy now, I have you."

"The only thing I feel embarrassed is that you... how happy you are, you can have twelve points of happiness, but you are no longer perfect because of me. You gave me everything I want, but I can’t give you anything. ""

Qin Yi looked at him and said seriously, "You gave me beyond your imagination."

Ye Hao’s eyes showed a little sad look. “Do you remember the letter I left for you...”

"Oh, that letter, I have been keeping it. I am holding the cone and thorns on it every day, just to wait for you to come back and let you see how powerful I am now, let you regret leaving." It’s easy to say: “I’m not going to use it now. I’m going to pick it up to show my vigilance and tell myself to be nice to you, lest you accidentally be run away.”

Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh. When he finished laughing, he looked at Qin Yi seriously and said, "I'm sorry, I was saddened by you."

Qin Yi said unsatisfactorily: "I have been in the past, how many times do you have to say sorry? Do you want to say a hundred times to the first, and then promise not to say it again?"

Ye Hao suddenly reached out and covered his mouth, slowly saying: "But there is a sentence inside that is my heart."

Qin Yiyi.

Ye Hao looked up and kissed him gently through the back of his hand. His eyes seemed to be affectionate. He said, "The sentence is... don't be so stubborn, go home."

Qin Yi suddenly felt that his eyes were a bit sour.

[叮, Qin Yi blackening value -3, current blackening value 2]