MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 61 Marshal's traitor lover

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Ye Ye returned to his system space with a blink of an eye. He sighed: "My son must have a psychological shadow."

888 voice said coldly: "He didn't have anything, he didn't come up."

Ye Wei: "...this is not like your style."

888 asked: "What style should I be?"

Ye Hao wants to say that you are simply a teacher of three senses of kindness and justice. I thought you were going to spray me.

However, he was afraid to say that the world after 888 gave him shoes, so he coughed: "I think you are still full of compassion..."

888 said: "I am only a rational analysis, although he came up to see the psychological shadow is greater, but the probability that he came up with this matter is difficult to control, nor is it caused by you artificially, for this kind of irregular event Sympathy doesn't make any sense."

Ye Wei: " seem to make a lot of sense."

He understands his family system, the nature of the data is the data, there is no such feelings as human beings. Before he spit, he probably just couldn’t understand the style of his work and nothing to find things. It’s not really sympathetic to those Raiders. .

Ye Hao decided not to ask for fun at 888. He smiled and said: "What is the next world?"

The data flow on the wall flowed for a few minutes, and 888 said: "The election is now available."

Ye Hao stood up and "walked up!"

[叮, the transfer is complete. 】

Ye Hao felt the feeling of a falling soul, and knew that the transfer was over.

But he wants to open his eyes and look at his current situation, but he accidentally finds that he can't open his eyes. He seems to be in a very strange state. He can't move, can't talk, can't blink, or even breathe. ... as if it is in the cold and dead chaotic mother.

Wait, how can you breathe and still be alive?

Ye Hao felt that his situation was not very good. He decided to read the memory first and see which world he returned to.

This is a future interstellar world, very large, with countless stars in countless races. Human beings are the largest race in the world. In addition to human beings and many other peace-loving races, they have formed the "human federation" and ruled countless territories.

The royal family, the parliament, and the military are checks and balances. They are the actual controllers of the human federation. It is reasonable to say that the human federation dominates the universe so powerfully that it is enough to have nothing to fight. But this world is not like this. Human beings are still United because humans have a common terrible enemy - alien animals.

In this almost endless universe, in addition to human beings, there are many ferocious lives like beasts. They are powerful, bloodthirsty, engulfing humans, planets, minerals, destroying almost everything like locusts, and cannot be tamed. They have always tried to occupy more fertile territory belonging to mankind, treating human beings as food, destroying all rules, and ruling everything with primitive blood.

They are the greatest enemy of mankind. In order to stop the invasion of these alien animals, the human federation has built a huge front!

Although the beasts are strong, they are many people, they are scattered, they do not create and use high-tech weapons, and they are like the reproduction of primitive animals... All these make them not invulnerable and have been suppressed by the human federation, although they are ferocious, For humans, the danger is still controllable, until the emergence of one of the most powerful alien animals, changing the status quo.

They call it the lord Hicks.

The lord Hicks is a unique and unique life born of the universe. No one knows that its body is there, and no one knows what it is, but its powerful mental control makes it lead almost the whole animal. Ethnic groups, the vast majority of alien animals have begun to be instructed by it. They no longer sporadically fight, but know how to cooperate and begin to have a smart strategy.

This made them suddenly tricky.

Under the leadership of the lord Hicks, the aliens began to invade the front line of the human federation and successfully defeated several bases where human soldiers were stationed, until one day they were occupied without any thought. The outermost steel fortress in the Federation - the fortress of Laris!

The human federation suffered heavy losses. In this battle, people knew that Hicks had a terrible ability to plunder humans and transform them, turn them into controlled descendants, and then put them back. The human federation became a spy, and it should be external.

His Royal Highness Crown of Saan also sacrificed on the day when the fortress of Laris was destroyed. The border line of the human federation was almost completely defeated. Countless human beings became food. People finally realized the horror of the lord Hicks, and the beasts are no longer just Stupid and brutal beasts, they are powerful and pervasive.

That fierce battle was eventually named - Laris Destruction Day.

After Saan’s sacrifice, the military’s Marshal Cossen turned the tide and took the lead, finally repelling Hicks’ offense and blocking it from the second line of defense.

Corson was the first **** of war in the army. He killed thousands of different animals by himself. He was almost invincible. After that desperation, he regained the hope of human beings and let people know that those terrible beasts could be Repulsed, the human army is still strong.

Corson defended the frontier defense line. He issued a series of regulations to build the human army into iron barrels, strictly investigate all kinds of spies, conduct strict tests on each army soldier, and implement a series of confidential measures.

To resist Hicks, you can't let it have the opportunity to infiltrate the minions into the human army.

Later, people who were controlled by Hicks were called as infected people.

Although the infected person was originally a human being, but after being transformed, there is no memory as a human being. The appearance and physique may change. It is already an individual controlled by Hicks. They do not have the powerful body of the alien beast. The body looks like It is completely like human beings, and the only role is to be released by Hicks as a spy.

For humans, the infected person is no longer a member of human beings from the body to the heart, and the tragic cost makes people hate it.

Once the infected person is discovered, kill it!

The body name that Ye Hao passed through is called Harvey, which is such an infected person.

His body is also human, but after being controlled by Hicks, there is no memory of the original human being, and then given a new identity, being thrown back and become a small soldier of the human army.

Hicks' command to Harvey was to let him infiltrate the human army and get as much information as possible, as well as a higher status, to prepare for its next attack.

Ye Hao, this body was controlled by Hicks to a certain extent, and it was a bit helpless. He decided to complete his task while he was with Hicks. After all, Hicks made so many descendants that he had no time to stare at him.

However, after a period of time, it was not entirely unhelpful to find out the identity of Ye Hao who found out the situation. On the contrary, it was very useful. He quickly developed a wonderful plan for himself.

Ye Hao’s strategic goal is the human **** of war, the military marshal, Cossen.

As a small soldier, it is not an easy task to get Coson's attention, but it is not the same if Hicks' help is given. Presumably Hicks is also happy to see that he can get close to Cossen and get Cossen's favor, so that he can better help Hicks, with higher utilization value, Ye Hao intends to use Hicks's A mentality.

The one-minded and one-of-a-kind alien monsters reached a consensus.

Hicks has a lot of infected people, different quality, many will reveal the original shape in the middle, become a monster of half man and half beast, exposed identity was killed, and a large part of it was not killed by testing and screening, only A small part can penetrate, but it is difficult to get into a higher position under Corson's iron law.

Because humans have learned the lesson and have a very strict and accurate identification mechanism, Hicks's plan is not going very smoothly.

However, Ye Hao’s body is obviously a rare and successful individual. He has a perfect human shape, the gene sequence is very stable, has not been discovered, and even after several strict tests, he finally gained a foothold in the human army. And mixed into a major position.

Hicks has high hopes for him.

Ye Hao thought that he had enough negotiating capital. He began to ask Hicks to give him more help, so that he could get close to Cossen and get the favor of Cossen. Hicks decided to agree.

It sent an alien group to attack a base, because it was planned in advance, just to help Ye Hao play... Ye Hao performed very well in the raid, the first to find the enemy and saved many compatriots. Because of his excellent record, his rank has once again improved, and he has received the attention of Cossen for the first time.

Just two years later, because of the help and cooperation of Hicks, Ye Hao began to pacify... Hicks did not hesitate to sacrifice a large number of compatriots to pave the way for Ye Hao, becoming a stepping stone for him to gain military exploits, and to make Ye Hao a human army. The star of tomorrow.

He is smart, fearless, strong, courageous, and handsome. From a small soldier to a big school, it is a hot presence in the military. It is also the most popular military officer in addition to Cossen. There are always many people showing love to him.

Cossen and Ye Hao have seen several times, and they appreciate his bravery and ability to carry this young and promising younger generation.

With the growing status of Ye Hao, Hicks is getting more and more invested in him. He thinks he is the perfect creation of his own.

Hicks loved Ye Hao very much and ordered Ye Hao to continue to approach Cosson, close to the core of the federal army.

This request and Ye Hao can be described as a hit, he immediately expressed the hope that Hicks can create more opportunities for him.

So Hicks once again planned a large-scale attack on humans. This time it was not a small fight. It not only sent a large number of main troops, but also exposed the identity of several middle-level infected people who had penetrated before. The attack was very dangerous and once caused several bases to be in danger of desperation.

Ye Hao was very heroic in this war, and once again shined, he risked serious injuries to support Cossen into a critical army. Although Ye Hao didn't go to Corson and finally broke out alone, it must have suffered heavy losses. It was Ye Hao who saved the base... saved their comrades and many innocent people.

Although Cossen had already noticed Ye Hao, the performance of Ye Hao was still amazing to him.

Cossen brought the seriously injured Ye Hao back to his house to best treat him, and asked if Ye Hao would like to work for his squadron.

Ye Hao certainly agreed. He said that Corson is his idol, the goal he fought for, and a standard small fan.

Corson was very happy and left Ye Hao with his side.

It’s too convenient to brush up near the water floor. As long as you get to Cossen’s side, are you afraid of making him?

So in the next few years, they were born and died together. The two gradually changed from a simple subordinate to a comrade-in-arms comrade, and they developed from a comrade-in-arms to a mutual crush, and they were filled with emotions. Finally, the water was confessed to Cossen.

Ye Hao accepted the confession with pleasure and confirmed the relationship. Cossen’s goodwill was also full.

It’s a pity that Ye Hao had to leave. He was finally full of good feelings. When he was thinking about how to start, he received a long-lost order from Hicks.

Hicks thinks that his status is already high enough. He is a major general of the military, and the lover of the military's actual controller, Cossen, can finally help him.

Hicks ordered Ye Hao to steal important military secrets from the Frederick Fortress, deploying and constructing drawings, and asked him to squash in his own raids, opening the side entrance and exit to allow his troops to enter.

It is best to take the opportunity to assassinate or drag Cossen.

Ye Hao remembered that he had been using this monster for a long time. Now the other party has to pay interest, and the mouth of the person is short... but he is a personal class, although he has been playing around before, but he is not helping those. Eat a monster to beat yourself?

He can not care whether he betrayed Cossen, but let him put hundreds of millions of human beings into the flames of war and let him slaughter, that is, playing games can not be so mad.

Ye Hao did not intend to cooperate with Hicks, and if you feel full, you can cross the river to remove the bridge! You can't take me anymore.

However, this incident made Ye Hao’s chance to move, and decided to count it! Although he won't really sell secrets, he can let Corson know his identity, so he won't love himself.

Killing every infected person is the order of Cossen himself!

It is also the foundation for maintaining the integrity of the human army and confronting Hicks. It is an insurmountable bottom line!

On the second night of the order, Ye Hao copied a military secret backup and then quietly fled, so that Corson found himself disappearing with the secret, and soon he knew that he was a spy of Hicks.

But as soon as he fled to the outside of the unmanned star field, he was intercepted by a group of people.

It was not the people of Corson who intercepted him, but he was also a member of the human army, a 100% human being - Major Roy.

As a human being, Roy was betrayed and betrayed mankind and turned to Hicks.

He has always loved Cossen, and he can get Cossen's full appreciation and love, and he also has the trust and favor of Hicks... He twisted his heart.

Hicks realized that Ye Hao did not intend to act according to its requirements, and escaped in the opposite direction, so he immediately ordered people to intercept, and Roy took the initiative to ask for the arrest of Ye Hao because he hated the leaves.

Ye Hao actually dared to betray Hicks, he will lose everything! Roy simply wanted to laugh at the sky three times, really digging the grave.

If I am still afraid of the district Roy? But now he is going to leave, and this body doesn't matter. If you are caught, you will be caught.

So the last memory he had left before was that he was captured by Roy and dedicated to Hicks.

[Ye Wei: ... I think Hicks probably won't let me go. 】 The terrible monster is not so fooled. I used it and betrayed it. I will definitely not let go of myself. But what is the situation now?

[Ye Wei: Why haven't I died yet? Didn't it peel me cramps? 】

[888: Probably Hicks is still a bit reluctant to kill you. After all, it has created tens of thousands of infected people, and you have successfully mixed a major general, and also deceived Cossen to die. Think about it, you have a 10,000 sons, and train them with painstaking efforts. Finally, there is one of the most promising and most capable. As a result, he suddenly becomes disobedient. You directly killed or taught him to let him know. obedient? 】

[Ye Wei: Then let's use it again...]

[888: Yes, Hicks has punished you after you were caught. I kindly remind you that peeling cramps and this ratio are really nothing. 】

888 said that he directly placed an image in Ye Hao's brain, which is his body in this world. He was covered in red fruit, his eyes closed like asleep, and numerous tiny blood vessels like tiny pores pierced his skin. The whole figure was penetrated by countless blood lines, and surrounded by darkness, it seemed to be muddy liquid and muscle. mixture.

Ye Hao feels horrible and disgusting... He is not in the body of the monster, ah!

[Ye Wei: Although it looks terrible... But what is this punishment? It doesn't hurt and it doesn't itch, like sleeping. 】

[888: Hehehehe...]

[Ye Wei: What are you laughing at? 】

[888: If you are not afraid of your sudden painful soul flying directly back to the system space, I will cancel the pain mask to let you feel the sour taste. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[888: If a woman has a child of ten, then you are at least 100. Those blood lines are the neurons of Hicks, which can make you indulge in endless nightmares and suffer eternal life. It has been three years since I calculated the time. Three years have been suffering in a nightmare. I think it is really angry that you are not obedient. Hehehehe. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: Brother, you must be steady! The pain mask must not be accidentally cancelled! 】

[888: You beg me, if you ask me, I will not shake hands. 】

[Ye Wei: I beg you! ! ! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ】

Forget it, 888 feels that there is no sense of accomplishment in threatening this spicy chicken.

[888: You are stuck here and there is no memory. I have packaged it for you in the past three years. You have a good look. 】

Ye Hao was shocked at first sight.

After he was taken back by Hicks, it wasn't long before Hicks launched the offense according to the original plan.

Although he destroyed the copied information when he fled, Roy sold the human federation and used the leafhopper and iris and fingerprints to steal secrets and hand it to Hicks.

Under Roy's betrayal, Hicks's attack defeated thousands of human bases in one fell swoop. The entire big Reddrich fortress was occupied by Hicks. The human defense line retreated 100,000 light years, in that war. Among them, 300 million civilians and 60 million soldiers died.

Its tragic extent is not lost to the day of Laris ruin.

After a lapse of eight years, the Frederick Fortress stepped on the dust and smashed it in the cosmic dust with the Larry Fortress...

And Ye Hao (Harvey) is thoroughly famous in the interstellar world.

The identity of Ye Wei (Harvey) infected was confirmed. He just fled before Hicks launched an attack, and his authority to steal military secrets, this ironclad proof that he is the traitor!

The famous Major General Harvey, the most trusted of Corson, his comrades, his lover betrayed him.

Betrayed mankind.

Harvey’s name is the same as that of His Majesty, but Saan’s prince is a prince, sacrificed for humanity, and the audience admires... but he is the most famous and despicable traitor in history, and he is reviled. Because of his business, people are more hateful and fearful of infected people.

It is because of the controlled traitor monsters that humans have repeatedly paid a heavy price.

They must die! The human army has once again undergone a major cleansing. People would rather be missed and killed. For a time, people are guilty, and even a tragedy of fratricidalism has occurred just because of suspicion.

Finally, Cossen ordered that this absurd behavior be prevented.

If the panic spreads, and Hicks does not attack again, they will destroy themselves.

In a critical moment, Cossen could not care for the sorrow and pain of betrayal, and withstood the pressure to lead the army to fight, and finally stabilized the last line of humanity, blocking Hicks’s army outside! Then he returned to the capital star to accept the question, because of the involvement of Ye Hao, someone proposed to remove his position and investigate him.

For this reason, he suffered a series of tortures against the upper-level officers, and confessed to the confession.

Finally, the royal family came out to support Corson, saying that he was only deceived and deceived. It is absolutely impossible for Corson to betray human beings. He was finally released.

However, the struggle for rights is not a matter of time. There are always people who cannot understand Cossen. They want to weaken his power in the military and continue to attack him by using Ye Hao (Havi) to betray him and discredit his reputation.

The huge death and injury caused the people to be extremely dissatisfied with Cossen. They thought that Cossen, as the actual controller of the military department, fell in love with an infected person and questioned his ability. Some people even suspected that he was actually an infected person. Not also betraying humans. All kinds of unfounded absurd speculations, and every rumor has people behind it.

Although Corson finally saved his position with the support of the royal family, this incident still caused him an irreparable blow. He was obviously a human hero who was born and died, but he was ridiculed and ridiculed because he fell in love with someone who should not love.

Corson doesn't care about the attacks of political opponents, nor does he care about the ridicule of others.

What aggravates him is that his favorite person betrayed him, and the price is the life of the 300 million innocent civilians and 60 million soldiers. Their blood is always swayed in the depths of the universe.

It is integrated with the Frederick Fortress, which is now the territory of the dark world.

Regret, pain, and torture for him all the time.

In order to save the mistake, Cossen personally issued a reward for the return of Ye Hao (Havi), as long as he lives in any part of the universe, every human should kill him!


[888: What happened? 】

[Ye Wei: If I go back, I can drown me by one person. I am afraid, I will stay here first. 】

[888: Do you know now? Did I stop you at the time? Nothing to pretend to be a traitor, now it’s really a traitor. If you stay there, you will find that killing is better than it is now, at least not let Roy have the opportunity to use you. 】

[Ye Ye: I am wrong...]

[Ye Wei: I knew this early. At that time, I kicked the **** of Roy. I am just playing with the feelings. He is betraying his compatriots! Also special to blame me! 】

[888: Well, he is worse than you. 】

[Ye Wei: ...] 888 actually did not mock him, saying that others are worse than him! Sure enough, no contrast, no harm, just take this garbage for comparison, 888 will think he is good! This is called the elf in the dwarf...

[888: But I definitely don't mean you are fine. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: Let’s not say those things, the mission of this world is not easy to carry out... I am notorious now, whoever sees me will kill me, there is no way to go back and eliminate the blackening value, it is estimated that entering the human federation It was smashed into meat, and even the face of Cossen could not be seen. Even if he saw him, he might have to annihilate QAQ... and I am now trapped here, and I can’t live without it. 】

[888: It’s not completely impossible, just look at the time you know it. 】

[Ye Wei: You said that Hicks is going to use my business again? 】

[888: If it feels that you are completely useless, why still keep you, so torture you are hoping that you will surrender. 】

[Ye Ye: This is what I said, but it is difficult to operate...]

Ye had a bit of a grind, and Hicks was blocked by the human army after he captured the Frederick Fortress.

Cosson has been personally stationed on the first front. He is very difficult. Hicks has no way to take him. The battle is once again in a deadlock.

Because of the betrayal of the human army, the human army’s investigation of the infected person is more strict. Hicks is hard to penetrate the hand. The person who was sent before has been killed before entering the army. After all, the descendants like Harvey are very Hard to manufacture.

If it weren't his own preciousness, Hicks must have killed him directly.

[Ye Wei: I have a way! 】

[888: Oh? 】

[Ye Wei: I want to pretend to surrender! First think of ways to escape here and say! (⊙v⊙)]

Ye Hao began to meditate in his heart every day, so painful and uncomfortable, he didn't want to insist on giving up, he was going crazy... and let 888 pass him through the nerves that Hicks implanted into his body, and 888 saw that he was so hard. I just managed to cooperate.

After more than a month of this, suddenly one day, Ye Hao felt a wriggling around, and then ‘wow’ he was spit out like a vomit.

888 immediately reminded him in his ear to scream! How to call it, don't stay hard.

So Ye Hao made a screaming scream from the beginning of his discovery. He curled up and squatted there, his voice hoarse, and he could open his eyes for a long time. He was all sticky and disgusting mucus, and he seemed to be in a huge On the meat pad, blurring his eyes, he saw that everything around him was huge, like a tentacle, and they closed together to form an airtight cage. The suction cup on the top was bigger than his head.

Ye Hao was so hard to restrain herself from spitting out, but it was trembling, not painful... but it felt so terrible and disgusting!

[Ye Wei: What is this special thing? Is the universe super tentacles strange? ? ? 】

[888: This is the body of Hicks. 】

[Ye Wei: I was spit out from where I just came... forget it, don’t tell me! 】

[888: No, it is the spit in your head, you have been in one of its hands before. 】

[Ye Wei: ...] I can't eat in the trough! Ah!

Just as Ye Hao shivered, he saw the huge tentacle in front of him slowly splitting to the sides, revealing a gap, and then a huge golden eye appeared in front of the gap, the yellow eyeball had a vertical pupil. Because it is too big, even the lines above are clearly visible and very horrible.

A thick, low voice appeared in Ye Hao’s mind out of thin air: "My child, do you want to understand?"