MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 752 Caught (3)

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During this period of time, Xiaogongzhi seems to be stimulated. The realm of strength is breaking out and soon broke through the prefecture level. This is a terrible progress, and Ye Lang feels very unexpected results.

Originally, Ye Lang was still worried about the eruption of the little princess, what would be left for her in the future, let her slow down the progress, and carefully check her realm. What surprised him was that he found that the realm of the little princess was stable, even better than some people. People who have been practicing for a long time must also be stable.


This seems to be the only explanation. Besides saying that this little princess is a genius, what else can I explain?

Sometimes, God is so unfair, some things have to learn for a lifetime to learn, even for a lifetime, but some people have learned in an instant, or can be said to be comprehensible.

If you follow this speed, no less than three years, this little princess will be advanced to the heavens, of course, this is said to have been at this rate.

It is very difficult to follow this speed, because there will definitely be a difficult problem in the middle, and sometimes it will stand still in front of a difficult situation.

It depends on the temperament of the person, and with the talent of the little princess, it seems that it should not be blocked for too long, but this thing is difficult to say clearly, maybe she will stop because of a very simple problem.

Sometimes, a stupid person can think of a problem, but some smart people can't figure out how to understand it. It's not that who is smart, who is talented, who can understand first, sometimes maybe an ordinary person. Even a stupid person must first understand.

This is what the saying goes. If you want to see the chance, some things will come to an end. Then everything will pass.

There is still no problem, then Ye Lang is just a reminder to the little princess to pay attention to, and she went with her. "Let her continue to break through, he really wants to see now, when the little princess can break through the heavens.

At this time, the little princess is at most nine-year-old appearance, but it has the strength of the prefecture level. This believes that after going out, it will definitely make people feel shocked, and they are all unimaginable.

And perhaps this is the case, no one else would think of any threat to the little princess. If there is any change happening, the little princess may have an unexpected effect.

Ye Lang is still thinking about the little princess's unexpected things at this time. In fact, he does not know that the most unexpected thing is his own.

Not to mention Ye Lang’s so-called big project, Ye Lang only cultivated three current-level masters in this year. This is absolutely shocking. No, it should be said that people dare not believe.

Three of today's masters, still within a year, if the time is a little more, then it will be, and in the near future, he can dominate the world.

A master of today's level can top the 100,000 army. Of course, this is an exaggerated statement, but the effect is almost the same.

This matter was quickly known. The big mouth was to explain the thoughts of these people. They didn't believe it, they couldn't believe it! !

However, at that time, there was not much time to be surprised, because they still had urgent things to deal with, which also allowed Ye Lang's leisurely graduate life to leave him, and let him fall into the vortex of the mainland situation.

At that time, Ye Lang was in the whirlpool, but it seems that he himself did not participate...

On this day, Ye Lang continued to build his boat, and suddenly, a tool at his waist began to make a sound, let him stop the matter.

"What's wrong?" What happened? Ye Lang jumped off the boat, took a boat and went ashore.

"Teacher, what's wrong?" Xiao Xiao saw Ye Lang, and he followed, and asked curiously, Ye Lang never left this way.

Xiao Xiao also knows that this thing must be related to the sound of Ye Lang waist.

Xiao Xiaoying also discovered this problem. She even knew Ye Lang’s thoughts. Her understanding of Ye Lang was far better than that of other people. She did not even ask questions, and she followed Ye Lang to see the situation.

"There was an emergency signal from outside. It seems that something happened. I have to go out and see it!" Ye Lang replied, while he was still striding forward, because of this urgent signal, he felt that there was A bad feeling.

Ye Lang’s emergency signal was left to the Ye family, and he was notified at a critical juncture. With the character of Ye Chengtian and others, if he did not go to a last resort, he would never send such a signal to Ye Lang. Will let Ye Lang come out like this. ”

Although they miss Ye Lang, they also know the size and know that Ye Lang is doing things inside, and will never bother.

"Brother, what happened?"

On the way out, Ye Lanyu and others just happened to practice together, including Ye Yuqing and the little princess. They recently liked to practice together, perhaps because they all broke through the heavens, so they have to learn from each other.

Magic and martial arts to the end, in fact, are the same, there is no special difference, this is Ye Lang's statement, and they also think this is correct.

"There was someone calling me urgently. I went out to see what happened." Ye Lang replied.

"Emergency call? That must have happened, go, I will look at you in the past." Ye Lanyu is serious, she can think of the seriousness of the problem, at this time, she will be very calm, will not make anything special Things.

Needless to say, the seven princesses and Ye Yuqing are as quiet as following Ye Lang to see what happened and what can be done to help them.

Not to mention the little princess, immediately flashed behind Ye Lang, followed by Ye Lang.

In this way, Ye Lang, the owner of the Yueyue Lake, passed together and arrived near the exit. They saw that Ye Chengtian and others were waiting anxiously outside.

These people include Ye Yi and his wife, Long Anqi, the third brother, the seventh brother, and some members of the Ye family. They are all relatively good people with Ye Chengtian.

In the heart of Ye Lang and others, Ye Chengtian has always been very calm, even if he was chased by Zhao Yarou in Xiangkong, under such circumstances, Ye Chengtian did not.

This also shows that this thing is definitely very serious! !

Ye Lang casually took a few sights nearby, and determined that there were no other people nearby. After the trap, he immediately opened the exit and walked out from it.

"Thirteen came out!!" The seventh brother is the one that responds the fastest, shouting.

After the screaming of the Seven Brothers, everyone looked at Ye Lang and others. There was a little surprise in the eyes, and there was a little bit of relief. However, it was only a little bit, and more was still sad.

Especially in the eyes of Long Anqi, that kind of worry, that kind of worry, is still very strong and strong!

What's going on here? Why is Long Anqi like this?

Ye Lang frowned, he seems to think of some possible "(to be continued)

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