MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 83 【transition

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This sentence does not sound outrageous, Qiu Ci gave him a puzzled look.

people pick up.

The next day, Chen Yun was ten minutes late because of an accident, she hurried over and looked at the waiter who delivered the breakfast outside the door.

"Is no one opening the door?" Chen Yun asked.

"Mr. Qiu said let me wait outside for a while." The waiter smiled, in fact he had been waiting here for almost ten minutes, he was worried that the breakfast on the plate would be cold.

This time, they waited for another three minutes before Qiu Ci came to open the door lazily.

He helped the waiter push the dining cart in. Chen Yun didn't see Ran Dongling in the small living room and asked, "Xiao Ling hasn't got up yet? Is he still going to the production today?"

Today all the actors are going to audition, and the film will officially start tomorrow.

Yesterday Ran Dongling was tricked by Ouyang Ou, and temporarily arranged a small role for him - the bride in the assassin's ghost dream.

Chen Yun later went back to read the script and found such a sentence on the penultimate page of the script.

[Ghost dreamed of marrying someone else. 】

It's such a simple sentence, Director Ouyang Ou said that he could expand it, and then expanded this sentence into one minute, but the actual scene in the film does not know if there are 30 seconds.

There is no need to audition for this kind of "running dragon" style, so Ran Dongling can go or not.

"No, let Xiao Chen follow me today, you stay with him in the hotel." Qiu Ci seemed to be in a good mood, he put the plate on the table, and asked Chen Yun to sit down together Eat breakfast.

Chen Yun was not polite to him either, scooping a bowl of jade shredded chicken porridge to drink, "When he wakes up, I'll order him another breakfast."

"Well, choose a few light ones, don't go in and call him, let him sleep more, call me when he wakes up, I'll be back at noon." After a while, he continued. Said: "He has a cold and a sore throat, don't talk to him too much."

Chen Yun responded one by one, heard that Ran Dongling had a cold, and asked him if he had taken medicine or not, if he wanted to call a doctor.

Qiu Ci shook his head and said no, it was just a small cold, just let Ran Dongling sleep for two days.

He screamed too loudly last night, I guess his voice is hoarse today.

Ran Dongling slept until she didn't know what time she woke up. When she woke up, she found that her stomach was stuffy and painful, and she was still gurgling.

He groped with his eyes closed, a dog doll on the left, and a cat doll on the right.

What about brother Qiu Ci?

Opening his eyes, he met a simple and honest white-haired fox, where did so many dolls come from?

Standing up, Ran Dongling found himself sleeping in the middle of the bed, surrounded by a circle of dolls, surrounding him.

The room was silent, the curtains were half opened, and the sunlight shone through the glass window at the foot of the bed, but Qiu Ci was not in the room.


The stomach growled again, Ran Dongling was so hungry that his stomach hurt, but he didn't want to move, so he retracted back into the quilt.

Thoughts gradually emerged in his mind, and he vaguely remembered that brother Qiu Ci seemed to have said something to him in the morning.

【Sleep so soundly, did you hear what I just said, little idiot. 】

[Sleep, I'm leaving. 】

Have breakfast...what time is it?

He found his phone on the bedside table, and the time was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Two hours ago.

Chou Ci took time to go back to the hotel at noon. When he entered the room, Chen Yun was standing in the corner of the living room, arguing with a colleague in a low voice, and seeing Qiu Ci coming back, she simply said After chatting later, I hung up the phone with my colleague.

I glanced at my watch, it's not twelve o'clock yet, the speed of Qiu Ci's audition is a bit too fast.

"You haven't woken up yet?"

"I didn't see him come out, and I didn't hear any sound inside. I don't know if Xiao Ling woke up or not." Plush dolls, there are a few doll styles she has seen before. Ran Dongling brought these dolls with her before she appeared on the show.

They only stopped in the middle of the night last night, Ran Dongling hadn't slept enough for eight hours now, and he didn't wake up as expected by Qiu Ci.

He took the two bags of dolls, carried them into the room, and closed the door with his backhand, preventing the two outsiders from seeing the scene in the room.

Qiu Ci went out of the room in the morning, what he was like now, Ran Dongling on the bed did not change his movements, and slept soundly with the quilt.

Meeting, looking full of security.

Thinking that he would wake up and see so many dolls, he didn't know what his expression would be, Qiu Ci touched Ran Dongling's flushed cheeks, smiled dotingly, and put a white fox put it by his face.

If he didn't wake up, he then let him sleep until he woke up naturally. Qiu Ci had seen people and rushed back to the crew with Xiao Chen for the audition. At this point, he can't have breakfast. Chen Yun will order breakfast. Cancelled and booked another light lunch.

Time passed slowly, from twelve noon to two o'clock in the blink of an eye.

Afraid of disturbing the people in the room to sleep, Chen Yun moved the computer to the corner of the living room and tapped the keyboard, out of the corner of the eye saw that the closed door of the room suddenly opened from the inside, after a while, Ran Dongling Peeked out.

When he saw someone else in the living room, he looked at Chen Yun for two seconds, then suddenly retracted his head, not forgetting to bring the door.

Chen Yun stopped typing on the keyboard, first sent a message to Qiu Ci, and knocked on the door.

"Xiao Ling, are you awake? Are you hungry? Do you want lunch?"

The people inside did not speak. After a while, the door was gently pushed open, only a crack was exposed, and a hoarse voice came from inside, "Sister Chen Yun, I want to eat inside."

This voice does not sound like a small cold, Chen Yun is a little worried, maybe the cold is getting worse.

The booked lunch was delivered quickly, along with a glass of warm water and a cold medicine.

Chen Yun asked Ran Dongling to take medicine after dinner, go to bed and sleep for a while when she is sleepy, Qiu Ci didn't come back so soon, just call her if there is anything, she is in the living room.

The medicine is capsule-shaped, small, red and white.

This is the first time that Ran Dongling has to take medicine after doing those things. Didn't it take brother Qiu Ci to take it by himself? Why does he have to take medicine now?

There was a big doubt in his big eyes.

Sister Chen Yun should not know what happened to them last night, that is what brother Qiu Ci ordered her.

Ran Dongling looked at the medicine and fell into contemplation.

Chou Ci and several protagonists finished the audition, just put on makeup, took a few scene photos, and was busy until seven o'clock in the evening before returning to the hotel.

As soon as he entered, there was only Chen Yun in the living room. Chen Yun packed up the laptop on the table and told him that Ran Dongling woke up at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, ate in the room, and never came out.

"Is it because I was outside and he was embarrassed to come out?" Chen Yun packed up his things and walked out, suddenly thought of something, and said to Qiu Ci, "By the way, I think Xiaoling's cold seems to be getting worse. , just give him a cold medicine, you should pay more attention at night, if..."

Chou Ci interrupted her, "Did you give him cold medicine?"

The door was violently pushed open, and Qiu Ci saw the person lying on the bed at a glance.

Ran Dongling slept soundly in the dark room, and slept so soundly that Qiu Ci felt panic in his heart.

A cold medicine won't cause any problems, so I comforted myself in my heart.

He walked quickly to the bed, dragged Ran Dongling up, and tried to wake him up.

Ran Dongling swayed softly like a piece of glutinous rice cake, his mind gradually became clearer, he slowly opened his eyes, saw that the person shaking him was Qiu Ci, and slapped him on the chest.

"Brother Qiuci, why did you come back!" He waited in the room for an afternoon, and said that he would eat breakfast with him, now it's time to eat late.

Qiu Ci looked at him nervously and asked, "Are you feeling any discomfort? Did you take the medicine Chen Yun gave you?"

Ran Dongling answered his question obediently, saying that after sleeping for a day, her body was not so sore, only her throat was uncomfortable.

As for the medicine, he tugged on the quilt tightly, hesitatingly, ", eat."

He didn't take that pill.

If you take medicine, there will be no baby. If you don't take medicine, there will be a baby. This little medicine determines his fate.

Brother Qiu Ci asked him to take medicine, did he not want to have a baby with him?

Ran Dongling thought for a long time after eating in the afternoon, then picked up the medicine and put it in his mouth.

He thought that it would be good to swallow it in one breath, and he would not regret it, but he underestimated the difficulty of swallowing the capsule. The capsule got stuck in his throat and was spit out by him.

The will of God is inviolable.

Ran Dongling quickly made a major decision in her heart, wrapped the medicine in paper and threw it into the trash can.

His eyelashes blinked so fast, Qiu Ci could see that he was lying, and asked in a serious tone: "Do you really eat?"

The eyelashes blinked faster and began to avoid his sight, Ran Dongling nodded, "I really ate it!"

Chou Ci couldn't tell whether he took medicine or not, and didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell Ran Dongling that he should not take medicine randomly in the future, and thought that he had told Chen Yun that he had a cold first. The fault is ultimately his own fault.

Probably his eyes were too serious, Ran Dongling was guilty of a thief, pushed him out of bed, and called himself hungry and wanted to eat.

Chen Yun was still outside, but when he saw Ran Dongling come out, he asked cautiously, "Do you need me to order dinner for you?"

The two were outside ordering the dishes for tonight. Qiu Ci put the doll on the bed and walked towards the door. Halfway through, he stopped.

The trash can beside the wall is very clean, there is only a ball of paper in it, like a ghost, Qiu Ci took out the ball of paper.

Ran Dongling finished ordering food and found that Qiu Ci was still in the room, so he went back to find him.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qiu Ci spread out a piece of paper in his hand, and on the paper was a red and white medicine.

Ran Dongling was completely empty, standing by the door and didn't dare to move. He was afraid that his brother Qiu Ci would ask him why he didn't take medicine, and he was afraid that Qiu Ci would give him a new medicine again.

Qiu Ci took a long sigh of relief, threw the medicine back into the trash can, and stepped forward to hug Ran Dongling.

"Fortunately you didn't eat."

The author has this to say:

& nbsp;

Ling Ling: ! (What does he mean!)

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