MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 87 borrow kiss

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Ran Dongling can have children.

This news was like a bomb on Qiu Ci's head, which made him unable to recover for a long time.

Lin Yuan on the other end of the phone noticed something wrong from his two questions, and hesitated: "Don't you know about this?"

How could Qiu Ci know, no one ever told him.

Chou Zhenghao knew, but he felt that it was not good for him, an old man, to tell his grandson, so he thought that Lin Yuan and his wife would talk to Qiu Ci.

Lin Yuan also knew, but she was not optimistic about the marriage between Qiu Ci and Ran Dongling at first, and did not want to intervene, thinking that since it was the marriage plan made by Qiu Zhenghao, it should be he and Qiu Ci said clear.

In short, one thought, the other thought, and the rest all agreed that Qiu Ci knew, in fact, no one in the Qiu family had ever told Qiu Ci.

If Ran Feng hadn't used this incident to threaten Ran Dongling this time, and Ran Dongling misunderstood this secret as a secret that he had passed over, would he not know until the children have all.

"I thought your grandfather told you. Xiaoling has a special physique. The doctor has checked him. He can get pregnant or have children, but the pregnancy rate will be relatively low." explain.

"Uh..." Qiu Ci didn't speak for a while, and Lin Yuan was at a loss for words.

"Suddenly know that this kind of thing is really unacceptable, but both you and Xiaoling..."

Chou Ci couldn't hear Lin Yuan's voice. In just a few dozen seconds, he imagined a little child in his mind. The child was as cute as Ran Dongling, almost A replica of his childhood, with chubby hands and feet, sweetly calling his father.

Will they have children?

"Hello? Qiu Ci, are you listening? Calm down for a while, don't be too..."

Lin Yuan's shouts brought Qiu Ci back from his imagination, and he quickly thought about whether Ran Dongling would be afraid and accept it if he knew that he could have a child.

"Do you know about this?" He interrupted Lin Yuan and asked.

After asking, I felt that this question was too idiotic. Ran Dongling told himself last night that he was a brother when he was in Yunchao, and the brother could have children, and this Ran Dongling happened to be able to have children.

It turned out that when he said he wanted to have a child with himself, it was not to seduce/seduce himself, but that he really wanted to have a child with himself.

Lin Yuan on the other end of the phone was even more stunned to hear what he said.

No, doesn't Ran Dongling know about this? Hasn't the Ran family ever told him?

"I know, he knows. Mom, I have something to do, so hang up first." He simply hung up the phone, Qiu Ci didn't even change his clothes, and asked Xiao Chen to drive back to the hotel now, He wanted to see Ran Dongling very much.

"Hello? Enemy?" Lin Yuan wanted to say a few more words, the phone had no sound, and the screen showed that the phone was hung up.

Qiu Zhenghao was laying the soil in the flowerpot on the side. He couldn't hear what Qiu Ci said. He guessed their conversation based on Lin Yuan's few words, and asked casually: "I Is this about to have a great-grandson again?"

In a hotel room.

Ran Dongling and myna have big eyes to small eyes, and the little fat bird who is ignored is sleeping in the bird cage.

"Do you remember everything I said to you? What do you say when you see someone?"

Myna nodded and said.

"The old Xu family in the west of the city."

Very good, myna is really normal this time, Ran Dongling showed a satisfied smile and covered the bird cage with black cloth.


Someone was swiping the door card, Ran Dongling turned to look at the door, and found that Qiu Ci came back early today, still wearing the clothes from the movie.

"Brother Qiu Ci, how are you..." Before he finished speaking, Qiu Ci closed the door with his backhand and walked straight over to hug him.

Qiu Ci buried his head on Ran Dongling's neck and sniffed the faint scent of shower gel on his body to relieve his irritability.

The two held this posture for a while, Ran Dongling looked confused, and said what she had not finished, "Why did you come back so early today?"

Qiu Ci hugged him tightly, his throat was dry and hoarse, and he muttered: "You can have a baby."

This sentence is endless, Ran Dongling doesn't know what he wants to express.

"Yeah, yeah."

Taking a deep breath, Qiu Ci raised his head, looked into Ran Dongling's eyes, saw himself reflected in his pupils, and said, "So this is the secret."


Ran Dongling was stunned, thinking for a while before she understood this sentence.

Qiu Ci means that the secret that Ran Feng said is that he can have children.

What a secret, it's not a secret at all!

In his brother's mind, it was a normal thing for a man to have a child. Ran Feng also used this to scare him and cheat him of money. Ran Dongling was going to be furious.

Now he lost his wife and lost his army, not only told his secret to Qiu Ci, but also lost three million.

Three million can buy meat buns for a lifetime!

The secret can't be taken back, but he wants to take back the three million.

Ran Dongling broke free from Qiu Ci's arms, found her mobile phone angrily, and called Ran Feng.

The phone was connected almost immediately, and before Ran Dongling spoke, Ran Feng first said thank you yin and yang.

Although Ran Feng did not borrow money from Ran Dongling, Ran Dongling also helped him indirectly. He was disciplined by Ran's family, and his parents used their own money to help him block the company lack of liquidity.

He doesn't care about the middle process, as long as the result is what he wants.

"I don't accept your thank you, please return the money to me!"

"Yo, Ran Dongling, you are so embarrassed to say, you sent me that little money to insult me, how come you still want to take it back after the insult? many means."

No matter how stupid Ran Dongling was, he could understand what he meant. He said so much, but he didn't want to pay back his money!

"If you owe money and don't pay it back, be careful to be struck by lightning." Such a good-natured person Ran Dongling was also provoked by him.

"If you want to chop, chop." Just as he finished speaking, a thunder struck in the clear sky.

Two minutes later, Ran Dongling's mobile phone received a bank text message.

Ran Feng gave him a thousand yuan with the profit, and the profit quadrupled in one day, giving him enough face.

Borrowed three million and only repaid one thousand yuan. This is simply an insult to myself.

Qiu Ci found that something was wrong, and after asking why he was angry, he quickly cooled him down. He stopped Ran Dongling from asking Ran Feng for the remaining money, and told him that he only called Ran Feng twice yesterday. One hundred and fifty dollars.

I only gave Ran Feng 250 yuan...then I also earned 750 yuan.

Ran Dongling looked at the extra money and pondered, and asked Qiu Ci to help him refund 750 yuan to Ran Feng.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I don't want his money. If he asks me to borrow money in the future, I won't give it to him." Ran Dongling knew very well that he didn't want to have anything to do with Ran Feng, so Ran Feng gave him more money, but he didn't want a penny.

After calling the money back, Qiu Ci helped him block Ran Feng's phone.

"If he calls you again, you will be like this." He demonstrated to Ran Dongling how to block others.

Ran Dongling learned the one-on-one tutorial very quickly, he planned to try it out by himself, asked Qiu Ci to make a call, and then blocked Qiu Ci on the spot.

The consequence of pulling the black hatred is that he resisted at night to no avail, and drank an extra bowl of pork ribs soup.

After knowing Ran Dongling's special physique, Qiu Ci called Li Yin twice to ask about Ran Dongling's previous physical condition.

Li Yin's lab was busy and didn't have time to talk to him so much. He found the phone number of the foreign doctor who was in charge of examining Ran Dongling's body on his mobile phone, and sent it directly, asking him to find a doctor if he had something to do.

Qiu Ci called the doctor again and asked a few questions, and the doctor answered him one by one.

When it came to the last question, he paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Although Xiaoling has a low pregnancy rate, there is still a chance of pregnancy. If you don't want a child now, Mr. Chou, I will I suggest you pay more attention, take precautions at ordinary times, and take medicine afterwards."

At the end of the chat, Qiu Ci made an appointment with the doctor. After the recording of the last episode of "Always You", he will take Ran Dongling to go abroad for a physical examination.

These Ran Donglings don't know all about them. Originally, he didn't have any foreign memory and didn't know the doctor.

And he also has an inexplicable sense of rejection towards the hospital, so Qiu Ci plans to tell him after the program is finished.

In the following days, when Ran Dongling got up in the morning, he went to the studio with Qiu Ci; if he couldn't get up and wanted to stay in bed, he slept until noon after eating and then went to the studio with Chen Yun, Or not at all, and the two of them strolled around the hotel.

Song Xi finished filming his part and will soon leave the crew. Before leaving, he found Ran Dongling, had a serious talk with him, and once again stated that he was not his third brother.

He didn't want Ran Dongling to mistake him for someone else, or he would be disappointed when he understood one day. That feeling of hope and disappointment is unbearable.

But he didn't say it so deadly, saying that the two can be friends, and if there is a chance in the future, they will meet again.

Unexpectedly, Ran Dongling didn't respond to this, he nodded and took a box from his schoolbag.

"Third brother, for you."

Song Xi opened the box in front of him and found a few tea cakes inside.

Each piece of tea cake was individually wrapped with a piece of old oil paper. Song Xi did not understand tea and could not see the speciality of this tea.

What does it mean to send tea, implying that I am a green tea?

"I told grandpa that you like drinking tea, and grandpa gave me a few tea cakes. Third brother, I will give you all."

Some are soft.

"This, this is too expensive, I can't have it." Song Xi closed the tea box and returned it to Ran Dongling.

Ran Dongling didn't pick it up, saying that Grandpa still had a lot of tea, so he ran away with his schoolbag.

Where did Song Xi dare to take these pieces of tea, carefully holding the tea box and chasing after him, the two circled the crew twice, only then did Song Xi realize that he had been with him for a long time, and changed When Ran Dong Linghua was overwhelmed, his mind didn't turn around for a while, he stopped and approached Chen Yun.

"Sister Chen Yun, please help me return this box to Xiaoling, it's too precious, I dare not ask for it."

Chen Yun smiled, waved her hand but didn't answer, and told him, "It's okay, just take it. He knew you were leaving last night, so he secretly prepared for a long time, and he was crying."

Song Xi was very moved, but she didn't expect Ran Dongling to regard him as the third brother from the bottom of her heart, and she was so ignorant.

He took the tea box and asked his manager to help him see how much the tea was worth. He would just give Ran Dongling a similar price.

The next day, he returned to Ran Dongling with the tea box again.

"Xiao Ling, I can't ask for this tea." This piece of tea is more expensive than his own watch, and he can't afford it.

Ran Dongling blinked to look at him, and was about to run with her schoolbag on her back, but was stopped by Song Xi's manager, "Xiaoling, he can't have this tea."

One of them grabbed the person and the other grabbed the schoolbag, put the box of tea back into Ran Dongling's schoolbag, and helped him put the schoolbag on his back.

The tea was not delivered. Ran Dongling was a little sad. In order not to waste the tea sent by his grandfather, he found a way to make tea eggs on the Internet. With the cooperation of Chen Yun and the hotel chef, he opened a Pack tea cakes, burn a pot of tea eggs worth six figures, and distribute them to the crew.

The tea came back to him in another way. Song Xi and his manager were squatting on the side of the road, each holding two eggs, not knowing whether they should knock them open and eat them.

I don't know if this egg is worth 300 yuan, Song Xi always felt that it was different from the one he usually bought on the street, as long as two tea eggs were different.

The egg looks bigger, the tea taste is stronger, and even the lines on the egg look neater.

Song Xi: "Can I eat it?"

Manager: "Yes, it's all boiled, don't eat it for nothing."

Song Xi: "It's the first time I've eaten such an expensive tea egg. I feel like I'm not eating an egg."

Broker: "It's money."

With the pot of tea eggs, Ran Dongling quickly mixed with the actors and staff in the crew, and she was like a duck to water.

Now he goes to the studio and doesn't revolve around hatred. He talks to this sister for a while, picks flowers with that sister for a while, and uses the flowers to make a big flower crown, wearing On the head of Ouyang Ou's cleverness.

The sadness of sending Song Xi away seemed to only exist for a while.

Not long after, Ran Dongling met Chen Yao in the crew.

I was surprised when I saw him, Chen Yao is a singer, why did he come here, then he came, is Xiao An also here?

"Don't look, I'm the only one here, An'an is at home. Seeing Ran Dongling pretending not to care, Chen Yao kept looking behind him, ruthlessly breaking his fantasy."

"Oh." Ran Dongling was not interested in him, so he turned and left.

Walking, he suddenly turned back and asked Chen Yao, "Who are you playing?"

Chen Yao has been waiting for people to ask him this question. On the surface, he doesn't care. In fact, he praises Ran Dongling for his wink and general knowledge.

"I play the sixth."

Lao Liu played for three minutes, and it was gone after singing a song.

Chen Yao had a good plan when he came. With only these three minutes, he had to shoot for a day or two, but it backfired.

Song Xi left, Chen Yao also left, Ran Dongling watched more and more people leave, and finally only a few protagonists were left.

The movie is about to be finished. The scene where Ouyang Ou lied to Ran Dongling and said that he was going to marry Qiu Ci was also scheduled. There were not many scenes in this scene. Just take a few back and profile shots.

Probably knowing that this was just a filming, not a real marriage, Ran Dongling did not feel the joy of marriage at all. After he put on his wedding clothes, he asked the stylist to braid his hair while sitting on a chair to eat Hamburger.

He eats hamburgers with bulging cheeks, looking from the side like a little squirrel.


Chou Ci's clothes are still the same black clothes, but a red hair band is tied around his head, and a red robe is added on the outside to show joy.

The two of them stood together, Qiu Ci looked at him and his eyes always became gentle, Ran Dongling's expression was smart, and he smiled and told him how delicious the hamburger just now was.

Tianyuan coincidentally, Chen Yun suddenly thought of the word, took out his mobile phone and took pictures of them.

This scene is very simple, Ran Dongling has no lines, just feels that he is being led by Qiu Ci for two laps, and the director shouts it to end.

The reason why it was a borrowed kiss was because Qiu Ci was afraid that Ran Dongling would be shy and could not let go, so he told him that it was just a borrowed kiss and would not kiss in front of everyone.

Ran Dongling was still shy, but promised him with a blushing face.

This is the last scene of the day. After this scene, everyone can finish work early and go back to the hotel to rest.

I heard that they were going to shoot a kiss scene, the actors who were resting elsewhere rushed over to join in the fun, the staff also silently watched them, and all eyes were on the two in the hall.

Ran Dongling heard the sound of hitting the board, which means that the recording has now been started, and he doesn't even need to make expressions, because his whole person is blocked by hatred.

Chou Ci's eyes fell from his eyes, and finally landed on his lips. .

He frowned, and a second before Qiu Ci was about to kiss him, he suddenly raised his hand to block Qiu Ci's mouth and made a vomit motion.


The author has this to say:

Almost the end 0+0