MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 104 Second watch

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Although Xu Yao was left behind, it didn't mean that Lin Ling trusted her very much. In private, he let the starlings keep an eye on Xu Yao's mother and daughter.

The starling flapped his wings: "Don't worry, boss, we promise to complete the task."

Lin Ling: "Be careful not to be found out, I don't care if someone turns it into a roasted bird."

"Boss, you underestimate me." The starling flapped its wings and flew out of the wall in the dark.

Xiaolu jumped on Lin Ling's shoulder: Just drive her away.

Lin Ling pushed Xiaolu away, "You're useless, so I have to rely on others to do the work."

Little Green shook the leaves angrily: I usually help you with the work.

"What else do you do besides picking and binding things?" Lin Ling poked Xiaolu's leaves, "As long as you have a little use, I will not leave anyone else."

Xiaolu, who is getting more and more disgusted, wraps herself in leaves: Oh, so angry! unhappy!

"I'm holding back even if I'm not happy." Lin Ling picked up her phone and logged on to the forum, clicked on a series of messages sent by Duan Hu, all asking: Are you busy? What are you doing? have you eaten? What did you eat? The weather is fine today...

She was a little irritable and didn't want to reply to him, so she silently turned off the chat history of the short message, and then started to read Zhao Xiaoling's news. Zhao Xiaoling just sent her some photos of Zhao Ping'an, some were sleeping peacefully, and some were crying. There are also photos of playing with mud with little fingers hooked.

The two-month-old child has grown a lot, looking white and tender, so cute.


Zhao Xiaoling replied quickly: "I also think it's cute."

"The only downside is that he eats more and more, pees after eating, and has to wash dozens of diapers every day, which is annoying."

Lin Ling thought that the safety zone would provide diapers, "Why not?"

Zhao Xiaoling: "His **** turns red every time I use it, and I didn't use it for him afterwards."

Lin Ling: "Are you allergic?"

Zhao Xiaoling: "The doctor also said so."

"But now there is only one manufacturer producing diapers, and there is no other choice for the time being, but to use cloth to make diapers for him."

"I don't know why I urinate so much!" Zhao Xiaoling was obviously a little annoyed, "If I urinate again in the future, I won't wear it at all, just put him in the basket and wait for him to urinate casually."

Lin Ling couldn't help laughing, "Your son will hate you in the future."

Zhao Xiaoling: "He's still young, he doesn't understand."

Lin Ling: "That's true."

"My son is crying, I'm going to see him first." After Zhao Xiaoling sent this sentence, she turned off her phone, Lin Ling also quit the chat with her, and saw another new message, which was sent by 1200: "Busy? "

"No." Lin Ling, who has double standards, quickly replied to 1200's message, "Is your phone ready?"

1200 did not reply to her, but said something else: "Recently, there have been cavemen in many places who are unwilling to accept the arrangement of the safe zone. Be careful."

Lin Ling's slender fingers tapped on the screen and sent it: "I met you."

"I kept her here."

1200: "..."

"Ask about your identity."

"Remember to register her information."

Lin Ling: "I asked."

"But where is the registration information?"

After Lin Ling's message was sent, 1200 didn't reply, and they didn't know what to do.

After waking up the next day, Lin Ling picked up the phone and checked the time, and suddenly found that there were a few more red dots in the information center.

I clicked in and took a look, and found that I don’t know when there was an additional population application registration section.

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows, and then clicked directly into this section. There are two options in it, one is to apply, and the other is to register.

In the application, you need to fill in information such as how many people you need, what capabilities you need the other party to have, and so on. You will get a reply within five days after the application is submitted, and the safe zone will push suitable candidates. The applicant has the right to choose, but once you choose, you need to make arrangements. The person in charge is responsible, and regular return visits will also be made.

The registration section needs to register the name, age, ability, experience, photos and other information of the person taken in. The safe area needs to check the past experience of the person taken in to avoid some risks. For the sake of safety, the safe area will also regularly return visit.

It still looks decent.

Lin Ling quit the phone, went downstairs and took a few boiled potatoes, planting tools and other things and went outside the fence.

When she walked to the earthen wall yard temporarily built in the late summer, she saw Xu Yao and her daughter were packing up the things in the house, keeping what could be used, and clearing out all the things that could not be used.

When Xu Yao saw her, she immediately walked out and said respectfully, "You are here."

Lizi also ran out, stood shyly behind Xu Yao, and poked out a small head: "Big sister."

After calling out, he looked at Xia Mo again: "Little brother."

Xia Mo, who was called brother for the first time, was also a little shy, and hid behind Lin Ling with red ears. This little sister spoke very softly.

Lizi looked at Xia Mo who was hiding in wonder, what happened to the little brother?

"I brought you something." Lin Ling handed the boiled potatoes to Xu Yao, "It's boiled, and I'll give you food."

Xu Yao took the potatoes, and was hooked by the smell of the potatoes, screaming.

"Mom's stomach is growling." After Li Zi finished speaking, her stomach also started growling, and she patted her stomach with an oops, "My stomach is also growling, it's talking about it hungry."

Embarrassed by her daughter's words, Xu Yao's face suddenly became very hot and red, but because her skin was so dark that no one could see it, she took the potatoes and bowed to thank you: "Thank you."

Lin Ling said quietly: "You are hungry and have no strength to help me with work."

Although she spoke very ruthlessly, Xu Yao still looked at her gratefully. Xu Yao knew that food was precious, and she could prove to herself that she had a good heart and did not exploit her useless physical strength.

"This is drinking water." Lin Ling handed a bucket of water to the need, "It's enough for five days. If you run out of water, you can ask me to provide it."

"This is food." Lin Ling handed the small half box of potatoes to Xu Yao, "I lent you these, and you will return them to me later."

Lin Ling has a plan, but I don't want to talk to Xu Yao for the time being. I will wait for her to observe for a while, "The surrounding hillsides and stable land are mine."

"Now your task is to help me plant trees and vegetation, so that this place will be restored to verdure as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Lin Ling added, "But don't steal my leaves again."

Xu Yao was too ashamed to raise her head.

Lin Ling handed the **** and sickle to Xu Yao again, "I'll give you the tools. I'll start digging nests on the empty hillside here today. I'll plant trees later."

Xu Yao said yes.

"In addition, you are not allowed to get close to the fence. If I find you sneaking close, I will drive you away."

Lin Ling still didn't trust Xu Yao, so she didn't plan to let her enter the fence for the time being, and didn't let her do more work, only let her dig holes and plant trees.

Xu Yao answered honestly.

"Then you have breakfast first, and then dig a hole after eating. I'll send the saplings over later." Lin Ling explained and returned to the fence.

Before going back, she didn't forget to take a photo of Xu Yao and Lizi with her mobile phone.

Xia Mo asked curiously: "Sister, why are you photographing them?"

Lin Ling replied: "Our detainees need to notify the safe area, and they are not black/households after they are registered."

Xia Mo asked: "What is Hei/Hu?"

Lin Ling: "Black households are people without identity certificates, unable to go to school, unable to enjoy the welfare benefits in the safe zone, and if they are lost, they cannot be found. People / traffickers or bad guys who steal / organs / officials are the worst. What I like is Guai Hei/Hu."

On a hot day, Xia Mo couldn't help shivering: "What about me? Have I registered?"

Lin Ling hummed: "Registered."

Xiaolu also asked: What about me?

Xiaolu asked Brother Chou and he also asked: What about me?

After Brother Chou asked, Starling, Chun Mian and Ji Zuzu also asked: What about me?

The corner of Lin Ling's mouth twitched, "You are all black households."

As soon as Xiaolu heard that she was a black householder, the whole vine suddenly went bad: Hey, what should I do if my organs are dug up?

Lin Ling laughed: "What kind of organs does a green vine have?"

Little Green grinned, revealing a row of densely packed small teeth: my precious teeth.

Lin Ling said angrily, "No one wants teeth."

Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words: that's good!

Fortunately, Xiaolu still didn't forget to scare mynah, Chunmian and Jizuzu: "It's going to be miserable for you!"

The chicken ancestor shook his wings: This world is too scary, I want to go back to the forest!

The starling is also bad for the whole bird: "What should I do? What should I do? What if I get caught?"

Chun Mian was also scared and jumped onto mynah's body to seek a sense of security, yelling: Dad, help me, I don't want my heart to be ripped out! Hey, and my chicken liver! My chicken lungs! My chicken collarbone, my chicken thigh...

Lin Ling heard the chicken heart, chicken liver, and chicken collarbone, and suddenly thought of Juewei duck neck, and wanted to eat it!

When she was recalling Juewei Mute, the skinny starling was jumped on by a big fat chicken weighing more than ten kilograms, and was instantly pressed to the ground. It stuck out its tongue: Pawn!

Xia Mo heard a click, and hurried up to lift Chun Mian up, "Chun Mian, you crushed your father to death."

Chun Mian turned around and looked at the dying starling lying on the ground, clucking anxiously: Dad, don't die! You haven't told me where your food is stored!

At the end of Xia, he asked the starling with concern: "Mynah, are you okay?"

Mynah raised his wings vigorously: "My wings..."

The author has something to say: When I think about going to work tomorrow,

Just a little irritable,,,,