MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 121 Second watch

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When Xiaolu was chasing after Lin Ling to explain, a rustling sound came from a hidden corner outside the wall.

Yan Mingchang was struggling to build the rattan ladder and climbed into the wall with difficulty. He found out that there are two exits in the wall, one is in the direction of their residence, and the other is on the other side. Except for the two exits, Lin Ling is in other places. Not going to check it out.

So he went around to the wall on the other side, which was a little far from where they lived, surrounded by mountains and forests, with no land, and basically no one passed by.

That's why he thought about entering the wall from here, intending to go in and see what rare and good things are inside, and after finding out the details of Lin Ling, take more things and leave, so that he can make a comeback.

Yan Mingchang can't swim, so he can only grow rattan to make a rattan ladder to climb in. He was trembling and climbing in with the rattan ladder. As he crawled, he found his back was cold. Looking back, there was someone ?

When did you come? Yan Mingchang was so frightened that he fell into the water directly. Just when he thought he was going to drown, he was pushed out by the **** fish that swam over.

"Help..." Yan Mingchang thought he was saved, but the next moment he was thrown into the water by the **** fish. He entered the water and then came out of the water, making Yan Mingchang dizzy and about to choke to death.

He Ming looked at Dahei who was playing vigorously, and kindly reminded him: "Dahei, don't play him to death, it won't be easy to do business later."

Dahei glanced at He Ming, then hunchbacked and Yan Mingchang swam towards the entrance.

He Ming cleaned up the rattan building and returned to the entrance and exit.

Lin Ling, who was pestered by Xiaolu and Starlings to explain, rushed to the exit of the fence as soon as she received the news. The first thing she saw at the exit was Lu Yu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

The two looked at each other, their gazes intersected, their gazes were gentle and affectionate, silently expressing some thoughts and hidden emotions.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Lin Ling pursed the corners of her lips, looked away, and her eyes fell on Yan Mingchang, who had become a drowned chicken, and frowned in disgust, "What's going on?"

He Ming reported to Lin Ling: "When we made a detour from that side, we saw him sneaking towards the other side of the wall from a distance. The captain was worried that he was an outsider, so he sent me to check it out. What happened? I know it's a thief."

Lin Ling was not surprised by what He Ming said, but she thought Yan Mingchang could be smarter, but she didn't expect it to be so useless.

Yan Mingchang, who was drenched all over, shivered, "I didn't do anything, I just went to plant trees, I was just curious to have a look..."

"Just curious? Then I'm also very curious about what kind of bean curds you're pretending to have in your mind?" Lin Ling glanced at the onlookers, determined to make an example of others, and kicked a banyan sapling beside Yan Mingchang, and the sapling grew instantly. High, the branches and leaves quickly extended around, directly penetrated Yan Mingchang's arm, and hung him on the tree.

Everyone watched in shock as a small seedling turned into a big banyan tree with a huge crown and luxuriant branches and leaves, like a huge parasol, covering everyone from the sweltering heat.

Most of Yan Mingchang's body was hung on the tree trunk, and one of his hands was also pierced by a side branch, and blood trickled down.

Yan Mingchang's face was rotten from the pain, and the pain made him more aware of what mistakes he had made. He had never seen what Lin Ling did. He thought that Lin Ling was just an ordinary woman who just occupied a good time at the best time. place.

Yan Mingchang looked at his pierced arm, the price of contempt was too painful.

Those who originally wanted to say a word to Yan Mingchang all shut their mouths. Given their absolute strength, they were all cannon fodder, so why bother to offend the village chief for someone who was not close to him?

Lin Ling took a panoramic view of the expressions on these people's faces, smiled slightly, and then looked sideways at Lu Yu: "Captain Lu, I'm sorry, I wanted to return the whole thing to the safe zone, but I didn't see it for a while. Hold on."

He Ming glanced at the person who was stuck on the branch. He didn't even think about returning the whole thing to the safe zone, did he?

Lu Yu said indifferently, "It's fine."

Lin Ling smiled, and it was more or less the same: "He was sent by the safe area. If he did such a thing, the safe area will be responsible for it?"

Lu Yu nodded, "Take it back and bring a new one over."

Lin Ling snorted softly, "He cast a serious shadow on my mind, the new ones will be carefully selected, right?"

Lu Yun hummed: "I have to choose."

He Ming took a peek at the captain, how could he have a feeling of being a husband and wife?

Xiaolu and Starling stared at Lu Yu intently, guarding against him giving their boss a cute fluffy bunny with ill intentions.

Lu Yu looked suspiciously at mynah and the green vines wrapped around its neck, looking for trouble?

The man was very imposing, and the starling hid behind Lin Ling. Although he was determined to attack, he also had self-knowledge. Why would he ask for trouble if he couldn't beat him?

Xiaolu looked at mynah with disgust: It's useless!

Lu Yu glanced at Xiaolu and then looked away. He looked at Lin Ling, "It just happened that something happened this time, and I brought some condiments and seeds by the way. Shall I send them in for you?"

He Ming rolled his eyes when he heard this sentence, what happened? What is by the way? Obviously it was the captain, you specifically picked the mission here, and after completing the mission, you made a special detour here.

Lu Yu gave He Ming a warning look, telling him not to talk nonsense.

He Ming took two steps back, let's go, let's say what you say, captain.

Lin Ling saw the interaction between Lu Yu and He Ming, and the corners of her lips moved slightly, "I'm sorry, Captain Lu."

He Ming stayed behind to deal with Yan Mingchang, and Lu Yu drove Lin Ling into the fence. On the way, Lin Ling asked Lu Yu: "Captain Lu has been busy recently?"

Lu Yun hummed, "I'll be done soon."

Lin Ling nodded, which means that she has not found the person who imprisoned her for the first year.

Lu Yu looked at the melancholy between Lin Ling's brows, and comforted him, "Don't worry, there are already clues, and they will be resolved."

Lin Ling hummed. Every time she thought of those things, she was very upset. She took a breath, suppressed the uneasiness and boredom in her heart, and turned to Lu Yu and said, "The pig I raised gave birth to 10 years old. Two little pigs, now the twelve little pigs are fat and fat, and in half a year, one should be killed and eaten."

Lu Yu nodded, expressing that he was very powerful.

Lin Ling went on to say: "The rabbit has also given birth to a baby rabbit, a total of six have been born, and now they are also fluffy."

Lu Yu listened to her carefully without interrupting.

Lin Ling didn't feel embarrassed, and said, "Peaches, pears, loquats, and cherries can also be eaten."

After she finished speaking, she added another sentence with a smile: "But we have already eaten it up."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, didn't he mean to wait for him to eat?

Lin Ling smiled and said, "I originally wanted to save some for you, Captain Lu, but there are too many wild birds. If you don't pick them up, they will be eaten up by wild birds."

"But if you still want to eat, I'll give you some more."

"No need." Lu Yu is not greedy for food and drink, and just now Lin Ling exhausted his physical strength in order to shock everyone, he doesn't want her to work hard: "Don't be too tired."

Lin Ling was a little moved, "I'm not tired."

"I'll eat it later." Lu Yu stopped the car, moved the condiments, daily necessities, seeds and other things from the car, and helped put them into the house.

Lin Ling looked at the seasoning brought by Lu Yu, "Captain Lu, did you bring all the salt you have used for several years?"

Lu Yu redeemed it with the points obtained from the mission, "With points, you can exchange a lot."

Lin Ling felt that this would mean emptying his family, "Don't you keep some self-defense?"

Lu Yu pursed his lips and smiled when he heard the words, "The monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away."

Lin Ling said, "I will close the door."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure you can prevent it?"

Lin Ling nodded, "That's true." A person who can become the captain must have extraordinary combat effectiveness, and it is even easier to climb over the wall.

"What do you want to eat later? Chicken or fish?" Lin Ling looked out the window at the gradually darkening sky, "If you are not in a hurry to leave, you can also eat fried chicken or roast chicken, but it takes longer to cook."

"Don't worry." Lu Yu hesitated for a moment, "The car light is broken, and the vision is not good when driving at night."

The author has something to say: When I think that tomorrow is Monday again,

I'm so against it...


Need a long vacation to catch up on sleep.