MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 142 Extra 1

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The whole family had a simple New Year, simply eating a la carte, paired with a little wine, the wine is not intoxicating and everyone is drunk, everyone is a little confused in the second half, and Xiaolu is lying on the ugly brother Sleep soundly.

Lu Yu carried Lin Ling who was sleeping on his shoulder back into the room, trying to make her sleep more comfortably.

Lu Yu pinched the corner of the quilt for her, turned around and was about to leave, the slightly drunk Lin Ling opened her eyes, her voice was hoarse, "Don't you want to stay?"

Lu Yu touched his itchy Adam's apple, "Are you awake?"

"I was a little dizzy just now, but now I am sober." Lin Ling reached out to hold Lu Yu's hand, "Do you want to stay?"

Lu Yu's Adam's apple twitched, "Think."

A little wine to cheer up the mood, a night of absurdity.

Xiaolu, who tasted the little wine for the first time, woke up the next day and the whole green vine was not well. Why did she sleep in the kennel all night? Why didn't Lin Ling bring it into the house to sleep?

The annoyed little green ran away, wanting to question Lin Ling, but when he got to the door, he found that the room was sealed and he couldn't get in at all.

Based on the principle of not destroying the structure of the house, Xiaolu opened her mouth and yelled: Come on, come on, the door cannot be opened, is something wrong with her?

At the end of Xia, Starlings and the others also rushed over after hearing the news, knocking on the door: "Sister?"

"Boss, boss, get up..."

Xia Mo said, "Xiaolu, why don't you knock on the door?"

Little Green makes room: You go.

Xia Mo: "Aren't you together?"

Little Green shook the leaf, thinking that it would be scolded if it was damaged and smelled later, so it said: I am too small and have no strength, you go.

Xia Mo didn't think much about it, and went straight to bang bang bang on the door, bang it again and again, and when he was trying to use the ability, the door suddenly opened.

The little ones were taken aback, and when they looked up, they saw Lu Yu with an irritable face.

Xia Mo backed away in fright: "You... why are you in sister's room?"

"Sister?" Mo Xia worriedly looked inside, fearing that her sister would be bullied.

Lu Yu blocked the little boy's sight with a face full of irritability, "Where are you going to look?"

Xia Mo looked at Lu Yu warily, "What are you doing? Are you bullying my sister?"


If that counts, the bullying was indeed quite ruthless. Lu Yu, who had been disturbed before, suddenly felt much better. He lowered his voice: "Your sister is still sleeping, don't disturb her."

"You want to care?" Xia Mo stared at Lu Yu without blinking, for fear of missing the key clue: "You sneaked into my sister's room to watch my sister sleep?"

Xia Mo thought about it carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong: "Are you trying to steal my sister's things?"

Xiaolu jumped onto Lin Ling's shoulder and put her waist on it: You hand it over quickly, or don't blame us for being rude.

The starling was about to dive in, "Boss, we are here to save you..."

Lu Yu lowered his face and tied all of them to the tree trunk outside the yard. After his ears were cleared, he said to the defensive Xia Mo: "Don't disturb your sleep, you go feed the chickens and ducks."

At the end of Xia, he wanted to resist, but he didn't have the strength, so he could only obediently listen to Lu Yu's words and feed the chickens and ducks. When his sister wakes up, he must sue!

When Lin Lingshui woke up, he saw a few noisy little guys locked in a steel cage with their mouths covered, looking miserable and funny.

"Oh, what's going on?" Lin Ling released the little green ones, and the little green ones started to complain as soon as they ran out: Wuwuwu, you drive away the surname Lu, I hate him...

Lin Ling suppressed a smile: "Two days ago you said good things about him, but today you hate him?"

Xiaolu said angrily: That scoundrel surnamed Lu locked us up and didn't allow us to speak...

The starling also blah blah and said: "Boss, the surname Lu sneaked into your house to do bad things, you go back to the house and see if there is anything missing..."

Lin Ling looked at the starlings with an uneasy expression, "Don't talk nonsense, there is nothing wrong."

"Sister, he's gone too far. He blocked the door and didn't allow us to enter your house. This is obviously our home." Xia Mo couldn't help but said.

Lin Ling sighed, "This is the home of all of us."

Xiaolu said angrily: I don't want him to be my brother-in-law anymore, you drive him away.

Lin Ling sighed helplessly, "Didn't you always look forward to your brother-in-law to take you through the level? Why do you want to drive him away now? After the game is cleared, you will cross the river and destroy the bridge?"

At the end of Xia, he didn't admit that he crossed the river and demolished the bridge. He was just unhappy that Lu Yu always occupied his sister, and sneaked into her house today. Wouldn't he want to sleep in her bed in the future?

What he didn't expect was that Lu Yu had not only slept in her sister's bed, but also slept with his sister.

Xia Mo was very dissatisfied, "Sister, I don't want him to be my brother-in-law anymore, he is too annoying."

Lu Yu came back from the outside and saw Mo Xia and the others complaining: "What's wrong?"

Lin Ling smiled and said, "I'm suing."

The starling said angrily: "Boss, my brother-in-law is too disgusting. We are locked up and we are not allowed to talk. You should drive him away quickly."

Xiaolu also said: If it is really impossible to drive him away, he will not be allowed to sleep in our house, but let him sleep in a house with an earthen wall outside the fence.

Isn't it driving away by going outside the fence?

Lu Yu moved his wrist: "I'm afraid that won't work."

Starling: "Why?"

Xia Mo who came back couldn't help asking: "This is my sister and our home, why do you have the final say?"

"How old are you, and you still sneak into your sister's room?" Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling, "From now on, they are not allowed to enter the house, especially Xiaolu."

Xiaolu was so angry that she wanted to make a sound: Why is it especially me?

Starling: "Because you have to go to the boss's room to sleep every day."

"Every day?" Lu Yu lowered his eyes, picked out Xiaolu and said to Lin Ling, "Is it male?"

Xiaolu struggled vigorously: You are the public.

The starling was the first to be stunned: "Aren't you male?"

Dahei: Isn’t Big Brother Big Brother or Big Sister?

Xiaolu snorted: You are the eldest sister.

Xia Mo was also confused: "So you are not male or female?"

Xiaolu was very angry: You are not fair or motherly.

Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu who was still waiting for his explanation: "Xiaolu should be hermaphrodite, strictly speaking, she can be gender-neutral."

"That's not okay." Lu Yu put Xiaolu on the fence, and said to Lin Ling solemnly: "Don't let them in in the future, and no one else can touch that bed except me."

Lin Ling smiled helplessly: "Captain Lu, you are really domineering."

Lu Yu: "Is there a problem?"

"No." Lin Ling coughed lightly, "You will move in after that?"

"Okay." Lu Yu said and immediately went to move his things, since he officially entered the hall.

Xiaolu was stunned, why did this happen? Just a year later, the wild man moved into Lin Ling's room? It's fine if he moves in, why doesn't it even have a place to live? God, is there any justice left?

Except for Xiaolu, Xia Mo stared at Lu Yu in disbelief: "Brother-in-law, you are going too far. You can just rob my sister, but you still want to rob my sister's bed?"

The belated starling giggled: "What do you know, kid? Don't you want a nephew you want? Only in this way can you have a cute baby."

Xia Mo looked at mynah dubiously: "Really?"

The starling swore, "Really."

Although Xia Mo wanted her little nephew very much, she always felt that something was wrong. Isn't it enough to say that kissing is enough?

Although Xiaolu objected, it was of no use. From then on, it could only live in the same room with Xia Mo and the others as aggrieved.