MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 31 (two more)

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With the bench as the table and the gate as the blackboard, the simple and simple classroom starts officially.

In the first class, Lin Ling explained the rules of the class, and then did a simple entrance test. The test was very simple, and the purpose was to see if there was any problem with IQ.

Lin Ling's eyes wandered around Xia Mo and the others. There must be no problem with their IQs. This step can be skipped directly. The next step is to test everyone's mastery of arithmetic.


Xia Mo rushed to answer: "6."

The mutant dog also barked six times.

Little Green was slower, but still answered the correct answer.

Lin Ling hummed, "Very good, next question."


At the end of Xia, he was relieved when he heard the title. His mother taught him these things, "11."

Brother Chou also barked eleven times.

This time, Xiaolu was still the slowest.

Xiaolu, who was a little behind, slapped the bench unhappily: Can you let me talk first?

Brother Chou and Mo Xia turned their heads to look at Xiaolu, with reluctance on their faces, why did you ask you to speak first?

Xiaolu jumped onto the bench in dissatisfaction, pointed at Xia Mo and Brother Chou and complained: You just bully me for not having a mouth?

After the heart-to-heart talk last night, Xia Mo changed from an outsourced employee who would be kicked out at any time to a full-time employee, and his mentality has also changed a lot, so he is not so afraid of Xiaolu stumbling him: "Obviously it is slow .”

Little Green bared her teeth and cursed ferociously, but it didn't have vocal cords and couldn't make any sound at all.

Lin Ling frowned and glanced at Xiaolu: "Do you want to be punished to stand?"

Of course Little Green didn't want to, but it still wanted to play tricks: Then you tell them not to speak.

Lin Ling's face darkened, "This is a class, you must follow the rules."

Xiaolu doesn't want to obey the rules: you are eccentric.

Lin Ling ignored Xiaolu's complaint: "If you don't want to abide by the rules and don't want to go to class, then you can go outside by yourself and don't disturb us."

Of course Xiaolu refused, so why did she only take the little kid to play with them? Won't you play with me? Angrily, she shouted at Lin Ling with her hips on her hips: "I don't!" I'm going to be here.

"Then be honest, don't force me to talk about it!" Lin Ling then retested everyone's arithmetic level. After more than ten rounds of fierce fighting, finally found that the highest level was Xia Mo, who could add and subtract within 100 Law.

But Chouge and Xiaolu can only add and subtract within thirty.

In addition, apart from being able to do basic arithmetic, Brother Chou and Little Green Characters don’t even know each other. Xia Mo is a little better at writing numbers and his name, which his family should have taught him.

Xiaolu didn't expect Xia Mo to be able to write, and suddenly felt that she was being compared, and turned her head to see Lin Ling looking at Xia Mo with admiration, and her heart was desperately sour.

But he didn't dare to say anything, afraid of being scolded by Lin Ling, so he could only secretly ask Xia Mo: Did you go to learn behind our backs? Is it to please her? I didn't expect you to be such a person.

Brother Chou turned his head to look at Mo Xia, his gray-brown eyes showed some curiosity: Why do you do this?

Lin Ling also looked at Xia Mo, wondering if he would say anything.

Xia Mo glanced at Lin Ling in a panic, raised her head just in time to meet Lin Ling's gaze, then quickly lowered her head, and touched the faded hat on her head uneasily.

Seeing that Xia Mo didn't want to say more, Lin Ling coughed softly, "Today's test results are out, and the one who knows the most is Xia Mo, and Brother Chou and Xiaolu are tied for second place."


Xiaolu shook the leaves in satisfaction, the second place is not too bad!

The mature ugly brother really doesn't understand why Xiaolu is so happy? There are only three of them in the class, isn't the second place the last one?

Lin Ling didn't want to hurt Xiaolu, so she started the class directly: "Since everyone can count, let's learn how to write these numbers directly."

Lin Ling now wrote ten numbers from 0 to 9 on the gate, and then told them how to read them and what they represented. After spending two minutes explaining clearly, she took a sip of water to moisten her throat: "You are all so smart , should you remember? Next, I will test you.”

At the end of Xia, Brother Chou and Xiaolu all showed bewildered expressions, and they still have to be tested? And how to take the test? What if I fail the exam?

Lin Ling looked at the little guys sitting upright, with expressions of resistance on their faces, and couldn't help laughing in his heart. This feeling was really refreshing. No wonder the teachers used to like to ask questions, and abuse is good for physical and mental health.

Lin Ling pursed her lips, tried not to laugh out loud, and cleared her throat: "Who will I call first?"

At the end of Xia, the others buried their heads deeply, extremely unwilling to be called.

Lin Ling looked down at the backs of the heads, tried hard to press down the corners of his raised mouth, coughed and said, "There will be rewards for those who answer correctly."

Xiaolu was the first to raise her head: Is there a reward? What is the reward?

"I'll find out later." Lin Ling looked at Mo Xia and the others, "Did anyone take the initiative to answer?"

Little Green jumped onto the long bench, shaking the leaves vigorously: I'm coming!

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

For the reward, Xiaolu fought hard: I'll come!

"Since you signed up on your own initiative, Xiaolu will be yours." Lin Ling called Xiaolu's name, pointed to the '5' on the door and asked it, "What is this?"

Little Green stared at the row of numbers on the door, counted from beginning to end, and then just counted to five, it said: 5.

Lin Ling didn't realize Xiaolu's cautiousness, so she pointed to '8' and asked it, and Xiaolu answered it smoothly.

Shouldn't it? Looking at Xiaolu's appearance just now, she didn't seem to remember it. Lin Ling felt strange, and pointed to '3' and asked again, and Xiaolu still answered smoothly.

But this time Lin Ling insisted on Xiaolu's every move, which really made him see the clues, good guy, it turned out to be like this.

Xiaolu didn't know that her actions were seen through, so she put her hands on her hips triumphantly: I got all the answers right, give me a reward quickly, I want a big piece of rabbit meat.

"It's not over yet." Lin Ling wiped off a row of numbers on the wall with a damp cloth, and then washed a '7' casually. She asked Xiaolu: "What is this?"

Xiaolu was confused, what is this? It looks familiar, it seems to be that...

Lin Ling looked at Xiaolu in a daze, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly again: "Do you know him?"

The two leaves of Little Green hugged its small body tightly, what is this?

Lin Ling said again, "Guess one?"

Xiaolu tentatively said: 2?

Lin Ling: "I'll give you another chance."

Isn't it right? Xiaolu guessed a few more: 4? 6? 9?

Well, a perfect escape from the correct answer. Lin Ling sighed, then called Xia Mo who was beside her: "Come here."

Xia Mo who was suddenly called was taken aback, but he had learned this before and replied directly: "7."

"That's right." Lin Ling wrote another '4' casually, and asked Xia Mo to say.

Late summer: "4."

Lin Ling knew about Xia Mo, and nodded in satisfaction. This is what a good student should look like, "Change the ugly brother next."

The ugly brother who thought he had nothing to do had already started to wander, and when he suddenly heard his new name, he was frightened and fell off the small bench.

Xiaolu looked at the ugly brother who fell on all fours, and laughed: Hahahahahaha, you deserve it!

Lin Ling smiled: "I'm going to answer the question, so why are you so excited?"

Brother Chou didn't speak, obviously trying to avoid talking about this issue.

Lin Ling wrote a '9' casually: "Since you are so excited, what do you think it is?"

The ugly brother barked, how does it know what it is?

Xia Mo glanced at Lin Ling, and whispered to it, "9."

Brother Ugly had keen ears and barked nine times.

"That's right, Brother Chou got the answer right too." Lin Ling turned to look at Xiaolu, "Out of all three students, you are the only one who didn't answer."

As soon as Xiaolu quit, she immediately exposed Brother Chou and Xia Mo for cheating: he told it.

"Really?" Lin Ling didn't see Xia Mo and Brother Chou whispering to each other, thinking that Xiaolu was lying, "Do you have evidence?"

Xiaolu thought for a while: You ask Brother Chou again.

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to threaten Xia Mo: You are not allowed to tell it again, or I will not allow you to see monkeys tonight.

Xia Mo's complexion changed, and he wanted to help Brother Chou, but he also wanted to watch Journey to the West, what should I do?

Seeing that Xia Mo didn't dare to make a sound, Xiaolu shook the leaves triumphantly, and arched Lin Ling's wrist: "Quickly test it."

Brother Ugly yelled at the little green bark who had entrapped him several times, and was very dissatisfied with its operation: You can't see the monkey even if I don't generate electricity.

Little Green was stunned for a moment, and shook the leaves angrily, how could it forget such a stubble?

Lin Ling couldn't help laughing when she saw that Xiaolu had been sent to the army, "Okay, okay, Brother Chou, you can read the numbers again."

Brother Chou immediately arched his back, and lightly touched Xia Mo's arm with his forefoot, signaling that he needed his help.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ling's eyebrows twitched, cheating in front of her was really embarrassing to her, she coughed lightly: "At the end of Xia, I'm going to take the school exam now Progress, I can only know if it has learned it by answering it by itself, you don’t want to help, understand?”

Xia Mo let out an oh, and moved the small stool to the side, expressing that he would never interfere with Lin Ling's school entrance exam.

Brother Chou turned his head to look at the brother who abandoned him, doesn't your heart ache?

Xia Mo was also in a difficult situation, but he couldn't help it, "Brother Chou, come on."

The ugly brother whined, and it didn't want to answer the question at all.

Lin Ling didn't care if Brother Chou was willing or not, so he wrote a '6' and asked Brother Chou to answer: "How much is this? If the answer is correct, we can go to Journey to the West after class."

Xiaolu shook the leaves: Is the answer wrong?

Lin Ling said, "Then continue with the class."

Xiaolu panicked when she heard this, and immediately put pressure on Brother Chou: You must answer correctly!

The ugly brother who shoulders the heavy responsibility looked at the 6 written on the door, why did he feel so familiar? It tilted its head to look left and right, huh? Isn't this the upside-down 9?

Brother Chou consciously found the answer, barked nine times, jumped off the bench after barking, and invited Xia Mo to call Xiaolu to walk into the living room: I got the answer right, let's go to see the monkeys.

Xiaolu followed excitedly, only Xia Mo covered her face, this is obviously 6!

Lin Ling didn't know what to say, "Where are you going? Go back and sit down for me!"

Xiaolu, who was lying on the ugly brother's head, put her hands on her hips in dissatisfaction: You don't mean what you say?

Lin Ling was speechless: "You guys want to watch Journey to the West if you got the answer right?"

Xiaolu shook the leaves in doubt, and asked Brother Chou: Brother Chou, did you get the answer right?

Brother Chou moved his ears, it must have answered correctly.

"You two scumbags." Lin Ling was so angry that his blood pressure rose, "Go back and sit down for me!"

Xiaolu reluctantly jumped onto the bench and urged impatiently: Hurry up, it's time to watch the monkeys.

"Why panic?" Lin Ling wrote down the ten numbers from 0 to 9 on the door again, and taught it again, "Do you remember now?"

Xiaolu felt that Lin Ling was so wordy, so she said impatiently: Remember it.

Lin Ling didn't believe that it really memorized it, but as the sky gradually darkened, she didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so she distributed the three homework books and three pencils that she had prepared a long time ago to the three at the end of Xia: "Today you are in class. Seriously, I will reward you with a notebook and a pen respectively."

Xiaolu looked at this, isn't it the notebook in the toilet? What do you give them?

Lin Ling saw Xiaolu's doubts, and explained with a notebook: "I'm going to assign homework now. You need to use this notebook to copy every number on the door ten times. I will check it in class tomorrow."

Xiaolu is confused, there is still homework? It doesn't do it.

It silently pushes the book to Brother Chou, it doesn't want this reward, whoever wants it will do it.

Lin Ling saw Xiaolu's actions, she smiled, and didn't remind it, anyway, she has an exam tomorrow, and if she can't remember, she will be punished, what will she do if she sees it then?

"Everyone take care of your notebooks and pens. If you lose them, you have to go out and find the notebooks yourself." Lin Ling reminded again, "Have you remembered at the end of Xia?"

Xia Mo nodded obediently: "I remember it all."

"Okay, then clean up and watch cartoons." As soon as Lin Ling opened the door, Xiaolu rushed into the room and lay down on the sofa, while Brother Chou skillfully picked up the power strip Start generating electricity.

"Okay, I've been waiting, right?" Lin Ling turned on the TV and began to play Journey to the West. As the music played, everyone began to watch the second episode attentively. In one episode, Sun Wukong was named Bi Ma Wen, and after knowing that he became a groom, he returned to Huaguo Mountain in a rage.

The whole plot is very compact, without any pee point, Xia Mo felt a cold sweat for Sun Wukong, and silently shouted for him from the bottom of his heart.

Xiaolu waved the leaves angrily: "It's too bullying!" hit them! Kill them all!

Xiaolu's movements were big, kicking Lin Ling a few times from time to time, Lin Ling gritted his teeth because of the headache from being kicked: Do you want to hit Xiaolu once in the evening to enjoy yourself?

Lin Ling sighed, forget it, it's not good for him to cry and howl at night, and he will cry when he checks and does his homework tomorrow!