MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 75 Second watch

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Lin Ling stood in a hidden corner and stared at the people who were entangled with Xia Mo. There were five people in the other party, all of them were men. They wore shabby clothes and looked like homeless people.

She frowned in disgust. Lin Ling, who had dealt with homeless people a few times, had no good impression of these people at all. There may be a few of them who simply do not want to be controlled by the safe zone, but most of them have done bad things , People who have no moral bottom line.

How bad luck? How did you meet a homeless man again?

Could it be calculated? Lin Ling thought about the few people she had traded with today, which one would it be?

Just when Lin Ling was thinking about how to deal with these people, he saw one of the tall and thin people trying to catch Xia Mo, and said to him: "Come back with us!"

Xia Mo avoids the opponent's hand and says no very resistingly.

The tall and thin man said: "You can't live outside as a child, you come back with us, we can still protect you and live."

If it was Xia Mo who just ran out, he might still believe the other party's nonsense, but he has been with Lin Ling for more than half a year, and he knows a lot of things: "The apocalypse is over long ago, I can live alone, and I can still live very well." it is good."

"Who told you that the end of the world is over?" The tall and thin man interrupted Xia Mo's words: "These are all lies made up by the safe zone. They need people to plant land to provide food, and they specially trick fools like you into doing coolies. of."

If it wasn't for the fact that he could eat to his full stomach every day at the end of summer, and he could occasionally eat meat, he might have really believed the other party's words: "You are talking nonsense."

The tall and thin man said solemnly: "How many small bases have been annexed by the safe zone over the years? How many people do they have to support? The safe zone has long been out of food, and they can't support these hundreds of thousands of people, so they are anxious to weave a doomsday End the lie, let everyone come out and farm."

"The people in the safe zone are cunning, you must not be brainwashed."

He is not brainwashed! Xia Mo said angrily, "You guys have been brainwashed!"

"The end times are clearly over, and you still want to lie."

"Although there are no zombies here, it doesn't mean that there are no other places." Another person said: "Besides zombies, there are many mutant beasts. You are lucky if you didn't see them."

Xia Mo doesn't care whether it's his luck or what happened, anyway, he won't listen to these people: "Go away, I won't go back to help you work, and I won't let you continue to oppress me."

The tall and thin man: "Heh, little brat, do you still know what oppression is? This is what your family owes us! If you hadn't been crying, so many people wouldn't have died!"

"Why are you talking nonsense with him?" One of them said coldly, "I don't know what my last name is after half a year in the wild, so I'll just arrest him."

Lin Ling felt something was wrong after hearing a few words, she picked up a stone and threw it at the person who grabbed Xia Mo's arm: "What? Snatch the child?"

As soon as the tall and thin man let go, Xia Mo ran towards Lin Ling, hid behind her, and stared at the five people warily.

The tall and thin man looked at Lin Ling vigilantly: "It has nothing to do with you, get out of the way."

Another person said: "Yes, this kid is from our base, he is losing his temper and doesn't want to go home."

"Why do these words sound like what a human trafficker would say?" Lin Ling held a baseball bat in his hand, "Do you think I can believe it?"

The expression of the tall and thin man cracked: "We are not human traffickers, how can children be sold in the last days."

"So you want to tie him back and eat him?" Lin Ling picked up a baseball bat and tapped his palm: "Then you can't allow him to be taken away."

"We're not bums," said the tall, thin man.

"We really know each other." One of them reached out his hand towards Xia Mo, "Xia Mo, come here!"

"I don't know them, they just want to kidnap me." Xia Mo hid behind Lin Ling: "I'm not called Xia Mo, sister, save me..."

The five of them froze for a moment, they didn't expect that brat, Mo Xia, to dare to resist.

"So... you guys are not abductions, what are you?" Lin Ling looked at them with a sullen face, "Leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

The tall and thin man froze for a moment, "What are you busy with?"

I managed to raise a child who gained some weight, but I can't be abducted by others! Lin Ling said in a deep voice, "I'll take care of this business!"

"Then don't blame us for beating women." Several men rolled up their sleeves and were about to strike.

"Do you think I'm alone?" Lin Ling picked up the whistle and blew vigorously, "Wait for me!"

The few people didn't know whether what Lin Ling said was true or not, but they saw that Lin Ling was very clean and tidy, and he should not be an ordinary person. After weighing it, they felt that there was no need to offend a group of people because of a child.

Several people glanced at the end of Xia, then turned around and ran away.

Before the few people could react, Lin Ling turned around and ran towards the truck: "Run."

Xia Mo and Brother Chou also followed quickly. After getting into the car, Lin Ling quickly drove out of the city.

Lin Ling didn't stop until he was far away from the city.

She leaned on the car seat, picked up the water bottle and took a sip of water, then looked sideways at Xia Mo: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Xia Mo's face froze, not knowing what to say.

Lin Ling took another sip of water, "You still don't want to talk?"

In the past, Lin Ling thought that Xia Mo was the child of a homeless person, but now it seems that he is not a homeless person, and there are many things behind him.

She had never asked about Xia Mo's past, she thought that Xia Mo would take the initiative to tell her when Xia Mo trusted her enough, but she didn't expect that the child's inner line of defense was still so heavy.

Lin Ling sighed, "It's up to you."

Xia Mo was sensitive to Lin Ling's emotional changes, he shook his head: "I don't want to say it."

Lin Ling looked sideways at him, waiting for him to speak.

Xiaolu and Brother Chou also raised their ears, waiting for Lin Xiamo to speak.

Xia Mo took a deep breath and looked at Lin Ling pitifully: "Sister, will you not want me anymore?"

Lin Ling looked at Xia Mo suspiciously, not understanding why he said that.

At the end of Xia, he hesitated to speak, and it took a long time before he uttered the worry buried deep in his heart: "I am a disaster star, I killed my parents..."

Killed mom and dad? Lin Ling froze for a moment, "What's going on?"

Xia Mo told Lin Ling about his life experience with red eyes.

His father and mother were originally a couple, and they had a very good relationship. After the end of the world, the two of them unintentionally awakened their abilities. Although the abilities were not strong enough, they were enough to support them to survive together. Later, the two joined a The small base has temporarily settled down.

After joining the base, Xia Mo's father joined the base's search for food, and his mother was in charge of some light planting work in the base. Although Xia Mo's father did very dangerous things, he could earn a lot of rations. The couple had a good time because of this.

In the second year of the apocalypse, Xia Mo's mother became pregnant, and gave birth to him in the third year. Originally, having a newborn in the apocalypse was something to be happy about, but because the child couldn't stop crying, it attracted the dissociation in the world. Zombies outside the city walls.

In order to resist the zombies and survive for him and his mother, Xia Mo's father finally jumped into the tide of zombies.

Because of that zombie wave, the base was destroyed, and Xia Mo's mother took him and moved underground with the survivors, becoming a member of the cave people.

Cave people, as the name suggests, are people who live in underground caves. They all have to move underground to avoid zombies and mutant beasts that move on the ground. Most of these people are ordinary humans who have no superpowers or are not strong in combat. They can't enter the safe zone, and they don't want to be dominated by ferocious homeless people. That's why such a group of people gathered underground.

Because it is safe to live underground, except for those who go out to find supplies and supplies, the rest will basically not go out. The cave people who live underground all the year round are pale and have poor resistance because they have not seen the light all the year round. Several of them should have been out frequently, so their faces were dark and yellow.

Xia Mo continued: "Because my crying attracted zombies, we had to move to live underground. Everyone didn't like us. In order to protect me and make up for everyone, my mother did the hardest and most tiring work." Every time I go out to find supplies, I rush to the forefront."

"Later we met zombies again, and they all ran away. My mother hid me to keep me alive, and she was alone..." Mo Xia wiped away tears, "It's all my fault, if I didn't Me, mom and dad, they won't die..."

Although Xia Mo lightly used two sentences to convey the years of living in the underground cave, but Lin Ling could imagine how much sadness and oppression Xia Mo and his mother had endured.

When Lin Ling saw Xia Mo for the first time, she guessed from his dark and melancholy eyes that there was a sad story hidden in his heart, but after listening to it now, she felt that the child had shouldered too much, and these were not what he should do.

At the end of Xia, he sobbed softly: "It would be fine without me..."

Lin Ling didn't know how to comfort the child. If he really wasn't there, maybe his parents would have survived, but time can't go backwards, and it can't be restarted. It's useless to regret.

She pursed her lips, looked at the hat that the child was clutching tightly in his hand, which was left to him by his parents, and sighed softly, "Your parents love you very much, and they will do their best to protect you , if they are alive in heaven, they will definitely be sad when they hear you say 'without you'."

Xia Mo froze for a moment, "Can they still see me?"

Lin Ling hesitated for a moment, then said, "Yes."

"They have been guarding you where you can't see." Lin Ling reached out and rubbed Xia Mo's head, "They knew that you were bullied underground, so they protected you and escaped there, and finally came to the by my side."

At the end of Xia, when Lin Ling said that his parents were still guarding him, his eyes became moist again: "Sister, I miss them so much... when can I see them..."

"In a dream." Lin Ling rubbed Xia Mo's head again, "Although they are gone, we will meet in another way in a few years, so now we have to live a good life and work hard every day One day, we will have an explanation to them when we meet later."

Xia Mo nodded heavily, and said in a strong nasal voice: "I will not let Mom and Dad down."

"Okay, come on." Lin Ling turned her head to look at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, her eyes were also slightly red.

Just now I heard Xia Mo say that he misses his parents so much, why doesn't she want to? After the apocalypse, she hurried home, but at that time, her parents and younger brother were gone, leaving only a piece of blood and some incomplete fabrics in the house.

It would be nice if she got home sooner.

If only she hadn't lived outside alone.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

The author has something to say: a bit of a breakdown,

The pipes in the house are leaking.

Need someone to repair the floor~

I probably don't have time to code in the afternoon.

If the update is interrupted tomorrow, it must be because I was driven crazy...