MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 81 one more

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1200 A hint of doubt appeared in Qingjun's eyebrows, "Are you jealous?"

Lin Ling quickly tapped on the screen: "Of course it's jealous!"

1200 felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart: "What?"

Lin Ling replied quickly: "If you like to be jealous, I can try to do it, and I can share some with you then."

1200 gritted his teeth, "Want to find a prescription?"

Lin Ling hummed: "I made some vermicelli today, and I want to make some vinegar to make hot and sour noodles."

"Could you help me find it?" Lin Ling paused, and then offered the exchange: "Two catties of crayfish."

1200 hesitated for a moment, and replied: "Have you raised it?"

Lin Ling: "I've raised it."

"it's OK?"

1200 did not refuse, but said: "The manufacturing industry will be gradually resumed in the safe zone, and they can be exchanged directly at that time."

In fact, research on agriculture, industry, manufacturing, and scientific and technological medicine has always been carried out in the safe zone, but they are all carried out on a small scale and cannot take into account everyone in the safe zone.

After the end of the world, the country immediately sent people to clean up the land, spread out from the center of the safe zone, arranged for ordinary people to plant, gradually restored the most important agriculture, and stabilized people's hearts.

The second step is to help restore experienced industrial manufacturing personnel to industrial construction. The state is responsible for heavy industry or secret industry, and ordinary experienced people are responsible for small manufacturing.

With a two-pronged approach, society will soon return to normal.

Lin Ling was puzzled: "How do you know?"

1200: "I heard."

Heard? Lin Ling pursed her lips, thinking that this person was quite well informed, "Is the land you allotted not far from the safe zone?"

1200 returned a word of "um".

"Then when will you be able to do it well when you get back?" Lin Ling would be happy to save trouble if she could really buy ready-made ones.

1200 said: "Within half a year."

"So long?" Lin Ling felt that it was too long, and it would affect her future plans to make hot and sour potato shreds, sweet and sour pork ribs, etc. Yes, it would be better if there was sugar and soy sauce.

1200: "It's not too long, we have to take our time."

"I will look for it when I go back, and if I can find it, I will give it to you."

"Thank you." Lin Ling looked at the word 'Go back', "It's midnight and you haven't finished your work yet?"

1200 paused for a long time before replying with the word "um".

"Then keep busy."

Lin Ling paused, and added: "If you can find it, look for it. If you can't find it, forget it. I will find a way here."

Thinking of the busy chatting and staying up late at night to farm and work, Lin Ling thought it would be better to go to X City by herself, to find more relevant materials and books when the time comes, and try not to delay the business of chatting.

After dawn the next day.

Lin Ling and Xia Mo moved the vermicelli that was hanging in the house to the yard to dry in the sun. After a few days in the sun, they dried up. They weighed about 30 catties when they were packed up, and nearly 50 catties of other dried starch. , stored enough to eat for a year or two.

"It's all ready to dry?" Mynah landed on the shelf, "Can I have this cake again tonight?"

Lin Ling refused very simply: "No."

The chicken ancestor patted his wings dissatisfied: why not?

Lin Ling: "It's out of gas."

Chicken ancestor: Then cook without oil.

Little Lu gave Ji Zuzu a look: Vegetables without oil are not tasty at all.

The chicken ancestor said: Then make oil.

"There are no peanuts, beans, or rapeseed for oil extraction. How can I extract oil? Can I use you to cook chicken oil?" Lin Ling stared at the chicken ancestor's fat and big chicken leg, which was thick and big, comparable to a turkey leg, let alone Outsiders looked at her with envious eyes, and she was also very envious.

Ancestor Ji noticed Lin Ling's malicious gaze, and flapped his wings in dissatisfaction: "Look at it?" Have you ever seen such beautiful thighs?

"..." Lin Ling shifted her gaze to Chun Mian's chicken legs, wondering if Chun Mian will grow so fat in the future?

Chun Mian silently took back her big chicken leg, moved it behind the mynah and hid: Dad, blame auntie for looking at my thigh.

Starling raised his wings and patted Chun Mian: "Don't be afraid, she can see but not touch."

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows: "Who said I can't touch it?

The starling spread his wings and approached Lin Ling, his eyes shining brightly: "Boss, do you want to touch it? I'll let you touch it."

Mynah leaned closer again: "Boss, touch me, I'm easy to touch..."

Lin Ling looked at the rogue bird with disgust: "I'm not interested in you."

The starling said again: "If you touch it, you will be interested."

Xiaolu jumped up and beat the starling violently: touch your sister! rogue!

The starling was beaten and ran around, and several feathers were knocked off: "Help me..."

Such a farce would happen every three to five times. Lin Ling went out with a blank expression, and took the filtered potato dregs to boil for a while, and cooked them for the chicken and two piglets.

Piglets are not picky eaters and have a good appetite. They can eat whatever they are fed, and they are easy to feed.

At the end of Xia Xia, he helped flush the pigsty with water, and after finishing his work, he lay down on the edge of the fence, "Sister, Jiu Jie and Ten Commandments seem to have grown up a little bit."

Lin Ling looked carefully, but didn't notice it: "It's only half a month, how can it be so fast."

"It's really grown up." Xia Mo raised his hand, using his thumb and forefinger to make a gap the size of a bean, "So many."

"It's not easy to see if it grows a little." Lin Ling fed the piglets another two scoops of pig food, "Wait for them to grow slowly, at least when they grow to more than two hundred catties."

"But we can't eat them when they grow up. We need them to give birth to piglets." Lin Ling studied the breeding method and knew that the piglets will go into heat in the first half of the year. At that time, try to let them conceive and give birth as soon as possible, and wait for the next batch Piglets are born and raised before they can be eaten.

This process is very long, and it will take at least a year, but everyone is looking forward to it. They come to the pig house several times a day, in case the two piglets are cold or hungry, and they must be allowed to grow comfortably. Dacheng pig.

After feeding the pigs, Lin Ling cleaned the chicken coop again. Now that there are a lot of chickens, the smell of the chicken coop is a bit strong. Every morning, I can smell a foul smell.

I thought about building it next to the yard for easy care, but now there are gradually disadvantages. Without much hesitation, Lin Ling decided to move the chicken coop away from the yard and build a new chicken coop farther away.

After tidying up the chicken coop, Lin Ling said to Xia Mo: "You stay at home and look after the house, I'll go out and bring back some bricks and tiles."

Xia Mo looked at Lin Ling wonderingly: "Are we going to build a house?"

"I'm going to rebuild a chicken coop." Lin Ling didn't elaborate, washed her hands and went to drive a pickup truck, "I'll be back in a while."

Lin Ling drove to the place where the bricks were moved, carried all the remaining bricks and tiles back home, and put them in a leeward place behind the bamboo forest.

Xia Mo came to help unload the bricks, "Sister, are we going to build now?"

"Don't worry, I'll talk about it when I find some bricks and tiles." Lin Ling vaguely remembered that there was a place on the way to X City where there were a lot of bricks and tiles, and she wanted to move them back together, "I'll go to X City tomorrow." trip."

Xia Mo immediately said: "Sister, I will accompany you."

Starling and Chicken Ancestor jumped out in dissatisfaction: "The last time I took you to G City, this time it's time to take us there."

Dahei echoed, "Master, I'm going too."

"You are a fish that will die if you are dehydrated, so don't join in the fun." Lin Ling looked at Dahei who kept spraying water to wet the fish, "This time at the end of summer, I will take care of the house with Brother Chou, and I will take myna and chicken ancestors there. City X, go in the morning and come back in the evening."

Xia Mo thought that he could take care of the little pig by staying, so he didn't bother to go, and obediently said yes.

Lin Ling asked: "I'll stop by the library in the city this time. Do you want any books, and I'll bring them back for you?"

"I want comic books." Xia Mo blurted out and felt that he didn't like studying too much. He looked at Lin Ling cautiously and asked tentatively, "Is it possible?"

"Yes." Lin Ling is not a strict dean, so she doesn't think there is any problem with reading extracurricular books, and she also wants to get some more novels and stories, so she can read them when she has nothing to do.

After explaining about his family, Lin Ling drove out the door before dawn the next day, and it was only nine o'clock in the morning when he arrived in City X.

Jizuzu and Chunmian, who came to the city for the first time, looked here and there, and felt that everything was very strange. They used to think that the outside world was just like the village, with desolate fields and two or three old houses. There are many houses, and it is better to find one than where they live.

The chicken ancestor clucked: I also want to live in such a good house.

"I'll live in it for you when I finish it." Lin Ling walked to the bookstore and began to search for the books she needed. When she started to work, she glanced at Ji Zuzong and Chun Mian who were wandering by the door: "Don't go around Run around and be caught and eaten later, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Ancestor Ji originally wanted to go for a walk, but when he heard Lin Ling's words, he immediately withdrew his thighs: Then I'd better not go out.

Chun Mian also retreated back, looking at the direction where the starling flew away: Ancestor, where did my father go?

The chicken ancestor turned around dissatisfied and walked towards the bookstore aggressively. Didn't he recognize the bird as his father's grandson?

Lin Ling searched the bookstore for a long time, found several boxes of comic books and novels, and also found some books on manufacturing techniques. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, anyway, I will take them back first.

After she carried the book back to the car, she went to the grocery store to look for some tools, and when it was almost noon, she hurried to the square in the city center and made another deal with the bearded man, "What do you want?" Batteries and power banks."

The bearded man checked the battery and charging treasure, and after confirming that the battery was full, he handed the ten catties of rapeseed he had prepared to Lin Ling: "The ones I just harvested are all fresh."

Lin Ling took the rapeseed and looked at it. They were in good condition: "How many did you plant?"

"Not much." The bearded man rubbed his chin, "The country only distributes a catty of seeds, and a few acres of land can be planted."

Lin Ling looked at the ten catties of rapeseed with satisfaction, and planned to plant all of them when she returned home, and then harvest them for oil extraction in the first half of the year: "That's still very good, and you don't have to pay taxes, so you can keep them all for yourself, which is pretty good." of."

"If you don't pay tax in the first year, you have to pay tax in the second year." The bearded man belongs to the fifteenth batch of the territory. He is exempt from tax for one year and has to pay tax in the second year. It is a trivial matter for those who produce food, "You also have to pay taxes next year, right?"

Lin Ling belonged to the top 1,000 people who took the initiative to take the initiative, and was exempted from paying taxes for the first five years, but she didn't deny it and nodded.

The bearded man said again: "Did you know that if you plant a lot of vegetation, you can get tax exemption."

Lin Ling shook her head, expressing that she didn't know.

"Then you can plant some trees when you go back." The bearded man shared the news without hesitation: "I learned about it from other people."

"You also know that the climate and the environment are not good, and solving environmental problems is also a top priority, so the country has proposed an incentive measure."

Lin Ling quite agrees with this measure. People in the last days will do everything in order to survive. Most people are selfish and distorted. They will definitely not be willing to cooperate with the country. Planting more, everyone is more motivated to get more rations.

"pretty good."

The bearded man hummed, packed up and was about to leave. Before he left, he heard a chicken crowing in Lin Ling's car.

He clucked like a chicken and crowed twice.

Ancestor Chicken poked his head out when he heard the movement, and yelled twice angrily: "Which fool imitates me?"

The bearded man looked at the fat body of the chicken ancestor, and swallowed subconsciously: "Is this fat chicken for sale?"