MTL - The Strongest Arms Dealer-Chapter 1066 : The pressure of public opinion came to the other side

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"The strongest arms dealer (!


The Copperfield Hotel.

The Salvator Company and the legendary magician David Copperfield have invested more than 12 million pounds in the Life Hotel, which is one of the company's money-making plans.

They intend to cooperate with 50 celebrities from all over the world.

Find an influential figure in each region.

The money was actually paid by the savior company, and the co-signer was only authorized, and occasionally came out to stand on the platform. When this plan was proposed, it was considered a fantasy.

Because old guys are not liked by young people at all.

David Copperfield?

The Jew?

Come on, he's out of date.

But the facts have proved that the excellent service attitude and good publicity channels make this hotel still make a certain profit, plus the sales service (bundled) of the tourism subsidiary of the Savior Group.

Make money without playing hooligans?

That's called losing money!

How can capitalists not play hooligans?

As long as you give money, this hotel can even find you the most beautiful "pearl" in the Maldives. Why? Do whatever you want.

Lying on the balcony on the top floor, enjoying the laziness brought by the sunshine, Tang Dao held a USB flash drive in his hand and slowly turned it around.

"If the things inside are released, I'm afraid many people will die."

It was like asking, and talking to himself, but the teasing, curiosity, and even a little bit of excitement in his tone did not hide at all.

The boss is increasingly feeling like a villain behind the scenes.

"Where's Leopold Ben?"

Boss Tang changed his subject and asked, "We can't let such people down on the society."

"He agreed to cooperate with us, but we need to provide him with security and basic expenses." Hurst said.

"This is what it should be. Arrange him to go to Europe, and give him 100,000 US dollars a month in living expenses. If he needs more funds for activities, promise him. I want to see how the Pentagon will react."

Tang knife is very generous.

He didn't know how Leopold Ban felt when he found out that the woman he had slept with for so long had such an identity, but it must have been difficult, but the other party was also a smart person.

No fuss on the plane!

On the contrary, he behaved very calmly, and after recovering, he talked about the cause and effect and immediately understood that he was just a **** being calculated.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Anna Karin: "You can cooperate with us, but now, I'm afraid you can only cooperate with us."

Leopold Ban was silent for a while, and agreed.

He didn't want to die, or to say such a useless death, this world has not left his own voice, this is not what he wants.

Cooperation may allow him to be passed down through the ages, but it may also leave him with a bad reputation, but these are not important, he has no right to choose.

"In the NSA, there are many of your people."

Anna Karin shook her head: "I don't know either. The intelligence department doesn't know the identity of my colleagues. I'm just facing you."

"Capital has been swallowed by bigger capital from the very beginning, Earth? It's just piles of money piled up in space and rubbish!" Leopold Ban's words sounded like he was complaining.

Anna Karin did not answer.

But the plane did not fly to the destination the other party wanted. After turning around in mid-air, it went to Italy.

This USB flash drive was sent to Boss Tang overnight.

He didn't know everything that happened inside, thrilling? Appalling? It doesn't matter, I'm just a spectator behind the scenes.

"Let Leopold Ban send it out, and proceed with the next step." Tang Dao handed the USB flash drive to Hurst and said.

The latter took over and sorted out his words, "If this artificial genetic person is sent out, it will have a great impact on our company. I am afraid that the stock market will fluctuate immediately."

"Hurst, the fluctuations in the capital market do not come from fear, but from regression and inability to go deeper. Our company has a qualified and complete genetic process. What do we need to be afraid of?"

"In this respect, even Eagle Sauce, which has been studied for hundreds of years, is fundamentally different from us."

This is true, even if the hooligans did research in the Middle Ages, what Tang Dao obtained was a summary of the research results of thousands of years later.

The picker of the last fruit of history is not necessarily the one who planted it. Did the person who planted the apple tree know that Newton discovered gravity? He might just be greedy at first.

"It can be occasionally revealed through public opinion that the savior company has the qualifications to develop superpowers!"

Although this is bullshit.

Everyone's DAN is different, and even the lesion elimination performed by genetic equipment may not be universal, let alone this "sci-fi artificial superman", everyone has this dream.

But not everyone is unique!

For example, Yu Jin and his [Corps] members spent about 700,000 U.S. dollars per capita just from the initial selection and training!

It cost a lot of money, but only less than 20 people were gathered.


Nothing more than powerful ordinary people.

The one who can really fly is called Superman!

In many aspects, ordinary people can also achieve it after rigorous, scientific, and long-term training, but genetic modification only shortens this time.

Mass production!

After listening to Tang Dao's words, Hurst seemed to feel something, and nodded to express his understanding, but he still put forward his own opinion.

"I think we can release the fighting scene of Yu Jin and others, which will be more explanatory."

Tang Dao thought for a while and agreed to his suggestion.

"Have someone work on the pixels and language, not too blurry but not too clear."

"Do you need a press conference?"

"No, we do not recognize, do not reject, do not oppose, do not agree, and will always remain neutral."

Old *** player.

The Savior Company has a complete black market system.

Even if it's a fart, you can smuggle it to Europe in Latin America, as long as someone wants the fart and can afford the price.

And the night before Leopold Ban released the news, a video suddenly appeared on the global black market. The voices of the people in it have been processed, but they can be heard clearly. This is two groups of people fighting, isn't it The key point, from which they found a lot of **** news.





These unfamiliar names are beginning to be available to the public. The black market itself is not much hidden, especially in the Internet age, is it not easy to find them?

And the battle scene with a lightsaber in hand in the back ignited everyone even more, and many people began to spontaneously edit and send them to various Internet forums or chat software.

Yahoo alone has 700,000 more posts in one day!

TMD, this made the IT staff who observed the data a little bit at a loss, and many people began to explain this video in a serious way, saying that it was a screenshot of a certain game, or a fragment of a movie.

This assertive tone met with rebuttals from many people.

"This is impossible!"

All kinds of views are used to refute. Some people introduce evidence, and some people continue to overturn it, and it slowly begins to ferment.

The frying pan has already begun to heat up, just waiting to drop a bomb in it.

the next day.

Burke Bruno hummed a ditty and got out of the car. Facing the car window, he still had his hair straightened. Looking at the crow's feet inside, but still looking handsome, he smiled confidently.

Just turned around!

I was shocked immediately.

He jumped back and hit the hood of the car.

I saw someone standing suddenly behind me. Fortunately, it was a woman. Otherwise, Burke Bruno would have scolded, but he still patted his chest, "Ma'am, you almost scared me to death like this."

The woman was a white man, and smiled, "I'm sorry, Mr. Burke Bruno." She slightly parted her red lips, took a step forward, and stretched out her hand to grab the tie of the other party.

This shit!

Burke Bruno felt that his breathing was a little messed up.

He turned his head in embarrassment, trying to hide his panic.

"This is important news. I am your fan. I will provide you with a source of information. If possible, please publish it." The woman said as she stuffed an envelope into the other's jacket pocket, and then stepped on her high heels to leave. After walking a few steps, she turned her head and blinked, and blew a kiss.

Burke Bruno looked at the short skirt of the other party, rubbed his tie, and couldn't move his eyes away. After the other party walked away, he came back to his senses, opened the envelope, and his pupils gradually widened when he saw the information inside!

I started to sweat all over my body.

Trembling, he took out his mobile phone and called the big boss, "Mr. Mark, I think... I got the last bombing news of the 20th century! It's definitely only a little smaller than World War I and World War II."

Eight in the morning.

All the leaders are already in the conference room, including the boss, Mark Twain. The new president of the "Guardian" is very young, and at the age of 40, he is ready to do something big.

Hearing the news of Burke Bruno, he got up from the bed of the seventh mistress, his legs were still shaking, he took a sip of coffee, and signaled the other party to start.

"Gentlemen, my informant gave me the exclusive news." Burke Bruno stood up and turned the woman's matter into an informant, which was to demonstrate his ability in front of the boss.

Look, our relationship is very hard!

Burke Bruno handed it to the following shareholders and leaders, "This is a plan about the implementation of genetic artificial humans by the Eagle Sauce military."

Everyone looked at the information in their hands in various gestures.

Either frowning, or taking a deep breath, or meditating, or not saying a word, and some people are communicating with the people next to them and expressing their views.

"Do you think this news should be published?" Mark Twain put the document in his hand, crossed his hands, and asked while looking at the people below.

If this broke out, it would definitely offend a large group of people, especially the most barbaric civilized people in the world.

But press freedom!

Banknotes are innocent!

Moreover, this will bring The Guardian to a higher level. Anyway, this is Europe. Even if people all over the world know about it, the Pentagon probably won’t arrest them.

Everyone is doing it for money, so the passage went smoothly.

No one can resist the picture of fame and fortune, and shareholders are already thinking about where to travel.

"Okay, let's add another issue and prepare 700,000 copies!"

Mark Twain issued an order in high spirits.

The carriage of public opinion began to move slowly, and finally accelerated directly.

"I'm going to be on the front page for a day!"

The fanfare of the "Guardian" finally aroused the speculation of some colleagues, and many phone calls came in. Of course, Mark Twain would not give up his profits at this juncture.

Vaguely prevaricated, but everyone is a thousand-year-old bastard, how could it be possible that they didn't have a B number, and they knew that the other party must be holding a king bomb, but what can the other party do if they don't take you to eat meat?

Can only watch helplessly.

And on the last day of the 20th century!

Today is destined to be remembered.

"The Eagle Sauce Army Is Illegally Carrying Out Genetic Human Transformation!" "

"Creator God? "

Shocking news with various headlines began to take off from London, instantly overshadowing the empire on which the sun never sets, and other big companies, including "The Times" and "Daily Telegraph", looked at it and said, "Fuck!" !

NTMD doesn't even know how to take me with this big news?

Isn't this looking down on me?

Also follow up immediately.

In fact, the relationship between John Bull and Eagle Sauce is very complicated. Everyone knows that the latter was founded by a gang of hooligans and bandits from the former. Dad level, but now, after all, the sun never sets has been overthrown by someone, and the world pattern has finally changed.

John Bull felt that he was wrongly paid, and his personality became distorted. So, don't look at the two people who are making progress at the same time, but in fact, as long as there is a chance, they will kill you!

Often the ones who stab you are your own people.

But this lethality is still too great.

In just two hours, the popularity of this post exceeded five million. Around the millennium, even though computers began to be popularized all over the world, this popularity still exceeded many people's expectations!

Moreover, it is still rising.

This kind of public opinion was completely unimaginable before, and now it is in a new era.

And in this case, a multiple-choice question appeared on Yahoo's official website.

"Do you think the Eagle Sauce military needs to respond to this?"

"One, no need."

"Second, need!"

"Three, it doesn't matter."

It can be operated internally, as long as people who click one will be automatically assigned to two, and then...isn't this another piece of news?

The flames started to gas, and the gas stove started to explode!

This is just throwing out the first data.

At the beginning, the military was able to hold on, but when the second job started, the atmosphere gradually became uncomfortable.

What? !

Are mobile phones around the world monitored?

What, Apple's phone has a backdoor?

What? Your so-called Internet actually has a pair of eyes staring at you? Is this a conspiracy in itself?


You said Our boss is being watched? Even a phone call is monitored. National security is a hollow?

This news completely shocked the whole world.

European hooligans were silent.

African chiefs are silent...

Asia's elites were also quiet.

Only the melon-eating crowd... Roaring frantically!

Of course, there was a growl somewhere.

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