MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 15

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Not to mention six hundred cents, when Du Hehua was in the hands, Lu Guhua had to be beaten for six cents.

Once he had a cold, and it took several days for him to get better. The whole body was hot, so he asked Wang Langzhong to prescribe a pair of very cheap medicines. He timidly asked his father Lu Daxiang for a few cents. Du Hehua found out, and after he recovered, he beat and scolded him for a reason.

Du Hehua is also ruthless. He doesn't hit him in the face, he just picks his thighs and arms and twists them, and greets him with a stick on his back. When someone looked at his thighs and arms, his innocence was gone.

Now that he has spent more than 600 pennies, Lu Gu looked up tremblingly at Shen Xuanqing's face.

Shen Xuanqing didn't have so many copper plates, so he took out a few pieces of silver from his arms.

Upon seeing this, Wang Langzhong took the family's nickname, said that he had enough six money and received fifty copper coins, so he paid it off.

Lu Gu took the medicine that Grandma Wang had packaged and handed over to him. Seeing that Shen Xuanqing's expression did not change after he took out the money, his uneasy eyes became a little calmer.

When the two of them went out and walked from the trail to Qingxi Village, he heard the low and steady voice.

"It's alright if the injury is healed." Shen Xuanqing thought about it, and then said: "The money is spent and then earned back, it's just that it won't get better if it drags on, so it's really necessary to spend a lot of money."

Although there is no relationship with Lu Gu, they can live together later. Shen Xuanqing didn't want him to be so frightened and cowering, that he didn't dare to breathe, and if he didn't dare to even say a word, then if the two of them went into the mountain, they would be with him. What is the difference between a person in the mountains.

Lu Gu was stunned for a moment. He thought that even if Shen Xuanqing didn't hit him, he would still blame him, but what he heard was these kind words.

"I'll work." He murmured, wanting to show his loyalty, but because he looked too weak and timid, he didn't have any confidence.

Shen Xuanqing, who has been diligent in the Shen family these days, sees in his eyes, and whispers, "Well, I know."

After getting the answer, Lu Gu even made up his mind to work hard. Wei Lanxiang spent 80 wen for him in front of him. Today, the medicine cost is 650 wen. When his mother was still alive, he taught him how to count money. , but because he hadn't dealt with money-related matters for a long time, he thought about it for a while before he figured it out. It cost him a total of 730 wen, and it didn't count as food and drink in the Shen family.

Seven hundred dollars was an amount he had never seen before when his mother was there.

After walking out of Anjia Village, there is another village two miles ahead. There is a gentle **** on the left of the two of them. Go up the gentle **** and then go down to the cemetery of Anjia Village, where Lu Gu Niang's grave is located.

His footsteps were obviously slow, and he glanced at the gentle slope. Fifteen today, I actually passed by here again, and I have to help with my work when I go back, so I might not be able to get out of it like this again.

After spending so much money, Lu Gu had to go to the grave to delay the journey. Lu Gu was afraid of being told that the matter would be too much trouble.

Shen Xuanqing, who was still walking beside him, noticed that his expression was gradually sluggish, and asked lightly, "What's wrong?"

As soon as Lu Gu looked up, he saw that he was frowning slightly, as if unhappy. He couldn't even make up a lie for a while, so he stuttered and said truthfully: "My mother, my mother's grave is there."

Shen Xuanqing stopped and asked, "Want to go over?"

Seeing that he showed no signs of being angry, Lu Gu said carefully: "I want to go and have a look. It won't take much time and I'll be right back."

Shen Xuanqing didn't embarrass him, and Lu Gu was extremely grateful, but he was stupid and couldn't say nice things.

When he walked down the gentle **** and could no longer see his figure, Shen Xuanqing remembered that he didn't bring anything to the grave, but after thinking about it, he said he was going to have a look, not going to the grave.

The two of them had only been together for a few days, and they couldn't even talk about familiarity, and Shen Xuanqing couldn't say more and more intimate words, so he suppressed the matter.

before the grave.

Lu Gu knelt down and put a handful of small wild fruits on the ground, which he picked from the thorny grass under the **** when he came over.

Others burn paper money when they go to their graves, but he doesn't have a single penny in these years except for Lu Daxiang who will give him three copper coins to buy them during Chinese New Year.

Now that he arrived at the Shen's house, he was still penniless, he couldn't take out a single copper coin, and he couldn't buy yellow paper candles, so he put some wild fruits as sacrifices as before.

"Mother, I'm married." Lu Gu said in a low voice, holding back tears, saying that the person he married was a good one, and now that he could eat and clothe himself, the person even bought him Baiyun cake, which he held in his hand.

After saying a few words, he didn't dare to delay any longer, kowtowed three times and left.

Shen Xuanqing was still waiting for him on the side of the road. When Lu Gu was going uphill, he patted the dirt off his body and wiped away his tears. Except for the red eyes, there was nothing else.

The sweetness of the white cloud cake made the Shen family smile, and Lu Gu also ate a slice. The sweet taste made him feel better.

Shen Yan was so happy, her brows and eyes were smiling, she pulled Lu Gu's hand and said, "Brother Lu Gu, next time we earn money, we will buy this to eat."

"Hmm." Lu Gu nodded slightly in response to her, but he knew in his heart that they couldn't decide what to buy, because neither of them made any money.

After lunch, everyone went to do their own work. Lu Gu washed the dishes and saw that there was nothing else to do at the moment, so he wanted to go back to the room to rest, but when he went in, he saw half a slice in the bowl on the table. White Cloud Cake.

After his own meal, others generally do not enter this room, only Shen Xuanqing's.

At this time, Shen Xuanqing was in Wei Lanxiang's house, talking about eight taels of silver.

Wei Lanxiang's eyes widened when she heard it. After receiving the seven taels of silver, she looked at so many scattered pieces of silver and recited directly to Buddha: "Amitabha, Amitabha, if you lose, you will gain. This is true."

She kept repeating: "People often say don't do bad things, good luck will come, and we will slowly earn back the money that we got trapped by the Lu family."

"I said, be nice to Lu Gu, look, people, you still have to do good things, and don't imitate Du Hehua to get your heart dirty." She babbled, and after she finished reading, she quickly hid the broken silver. .

Another three or two is enough to pay off the debt. As long as the debt is paid off, all the money they earn in the future will be theirs.

Shen Xuanqing came out when she was hiding the money. The 10 taels of silver were borrowed for him to marry his husband, and he should have paid it back, so he gave the money to Wei Lanxiang and handed it over to Gongzhong.

Not only did he spend these 12 taels of silver when he got married, half of the rest was from the private money he had saved himself, and the other half was paid by Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yaoqing. Since Shen Yaoqing paid the money, he could not ask his elder brother to help him repay the debt. , Now that he has earned eight taels of silver, he has no secrets, and has explained everything to his family.

He kept the remaining four pieces of silver and silver, because he often went to town to sell prey, and he bought most of the oil, salt and other things that were lacking at home, and he had some money in his hand.

When he returned to the room, he saw that Lu Gu was going out to wash the clothes he had changed last night. The two met at the door, and Lu Gu hurried to the side.

Shen Xuanqing glanced at the white cloud cake still on the table, lowered his voice and said, "I tasted it, it's not delicious, you can eat it."

In the yard, Shen Yan was shouted by Wei Lanxiang, and while the sun was hitting her robes, she flattened the rags and glued them together layer by layer.

Shen Xuanqing's voice was so low that no one else could hear it.

Apart from his own mother, no one else had left him anything good to eat. Lu Gu had an indescribable emotion, but this inexplicable feeling quickly dissipated. In his eyes, Shen Xuanqing was tall and cold, thinking about it. It must be really unpalatable, otherwise how could there be any leftovers.

Days passed quickly, Lu Gu Indigo's new clothes were ready, Wei Lanxiang held him tightly and made a new pair of shoes.

The Living Lu Guhui, who accepts the soles of shoes, and Wei Lanxiang each have one shoe, and the two of them can do it quickly.

The weather turned cold and the sun was no longer so hot. After dinner, he had time to spare. He wore new shoes and new clothes, was led by Wei Lanxiang, and went to visit Aunt Gu's house in the east of the village.

The Shen family was close to the mountain, in the innermost part. Going to the entrance of the village was almost like walking around the village.

"Aunt Lanxiang, the clothes on the second child's family are really beautiful."

A Jinnai and several other old maids were chatting and working under the big tree at the entrance of the village again, and they praised Lu Gu for wearing that indigo blue dress.

"People are handsome too."

Lu Gu was very embarrassed for such a compliment, while Wei Lanxiang laughed from ear to ear, and went into Gu's house after a few gossip with them.

Aunt Gu's son, Gu Sheng, is a businessman who walks the streets and alleys. He sells a little groceries. There is not enough needle and thread at home, so Wei Lanxiang came over to buy some.

When she entered, she saw Aunt Gu drying dried fish in the yard. The yard smelled of fish. She smiled and asked, "Ms. Sheng, do you still have any cotton threads?"

"Yes, the former son Shengzi just put some for the house." Aunt Gu said quickly, wiped her hands with the apron tied around her waist, and went into the house to take it.

Wei Lanxiang also bought a dotted thread and said that she would go back and embroider a few flowers on the shoes that Lu Gu and Shen Yan made behind. They are no different from wearing gold and silver in the countryside, and if they can embroider a few flowers on their clothes, they are very beautiful. .

It’s true that she came to buy the line, and it’s true that she brought Lu Gu to show off in front of people.

When Aunt Gu saw Lu Gu's new clothes and shoes, she naturally wanted to compliment her. Besides, Lu Gu's looks were indeed not bad, and her beauty was considered fair, but she was made even whiter by the indigo cloth.

Recently, Lu Gu ate well and slept well at Shen's house. He regained his complexion, and even the red mark between his eyebrows was a little red, and the white was rosy. Isn't he a handsome man.

Wei Lanxiang took him around the village, and then went back satisfied.

When the two of them got home, Lu Gu looked at the colorful embroidery threads in the needle and thread basket with a condensed expression, as if thinking about something, but a few barks from outside the door interrupted his thoughts.

Shen Xuanqing, who had been up the mountain for five days, came back and caught a few hares and pheasants. It was okay, they were common wild things, but when he took out the cloth bag at the bottom of the bamboo basket, Lu Gu saw what was in the cloth bag. The bar was moving, and he was startled, it looked like a snake no matter what!