MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 140

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This year's New Year's Eve in Sujia Village is not only a day to wash sloppy messes, but also a day to kill the big fat pigs that have been raised for a whole year. In previous years, they were killed on New Year's Eve. This year, the brigade obtained the consent of the commune and raised several more Pigs, Yang Nanhuai is erudite and talented. I don’t know which breeding book to see how to raise pigs, but he fattened each pig by a few tens of kilograms and exceeded the task. In addition to the number of kilograms that must be handed in, the commune also gave the production team Save two more for everyone to eat for the New Year.

Although it may be a matter of a few kilograms of meat to be distributed to every household, what is the old farmer who faces the loess and his back to the sky, isn't it that he can eat a few more bites of meat while filling his stomach? For some families in difficulty who look forward to dividing pork for the Chinese New Year without the meat and fishy smell all year round, a few catties of pork wax can be eaten slowly for several months, which is already a big fat year.

In fact, everyone didn't believe in Yang Nanhuai at first, thinking that he was a useless scholar, who would raise pigs, but Su Weimin believed him and said that the worst result would be to raise pigs the same as last year, as long as they don't raise pigs There is no loss in losing weight and raising to death. It doesn't hurt to give it a try. If it succeeds, it will be a great achievement. Anyway, he is responsible for it, and it will not affect other members.

Since the captain has already said this, there is nothing to object to. Mr. Yang and his wife are not young. Mr. Dong is not in good health and usually does not go to work very much. They are busy with household chores at home. Su Weimin assigned two young men. The strong and honest young man raised pigs with Mr. Yang, and let them follow Mr. Yang's instructions. Mr. Yang tried not to let him do heavy work when he was old.

Raising pigs is a relatively easy job, at least not exposed to the sun and rain, no matter how you can take all the centimeters, the two big guys naturally can’t get what they want. Anyway, they do the physical work, and Teacher Yang does the mental work. How tired.

No, this year, he has become a well-known pig-raising pacesetter in the commune. He went to the commune with the captain to receive the award. It should have been Yang Nanhuai as the representative, but he made an excuse not to go, so the two of them went with Su Weimin and got the prize. The leader's praise, and one person also rewarded an enamel pot and an enamel cup to return to the village with a beautiful scenery, which made everyone envious.

This is the first time these two guys have seen this kind of "big scene". When they came back, they walked with floating footsteps, as if they were floating back. They could not wait to thank Teacher Yang immediately.

Of course, Su Weimin didn't forget Teacher Yang's reward, and gave it to him in a high-profile manner.

In addition, Yang Lin has been helping the brigade to record centimeters for the past two years. He is also an honest person. When the office is not busy, he often goes to the field to help with farm work. Although he didn't understand anything at first, he was willing to learn, and the big guys taught him. After he was done, he worked hard, and after finishing the work in the field, he had to go back to the brigade to help me record the centimeters.

So after the two years of getting along, everyone knows who Mr. Yang's family is, and their attitudes have improved a lot, but Yang Nanhuai and Yang Lin are both pragmatic people, and they won't be involved, let alone talk to the big guys. After getting together, Dong Mingyue lived in a secluded place and didn't interact much with other people, let alone greet everyone. The members knew that they had nothing in common with these high-level intellectuals, so although their attitudes had changed, they got along the same as before.

This year's task of slaughtering pigs is heavier than in previous years. Su Weimin was worried that he would not be able to do it in one day, so he called all the young and strong guys in the team to slaughter the pigs one day earlier.

Su Xiaoxiao hadn't eaten pig blood enema for many years, so she wanted to try it. In the morning, she explained to her father that she wanted a plate of pig blood and a pair of pig intestines, and it didn't matter if she wanted a little less meat.

In previous years, these pigs were brought into the water by people who helped to kill the pigs and brought them back to eat. Su Weimin didn't want them in previous years. When he picked people, he chose those people with difficult families to help. .

Since the niece wanted to eat pig blood enema this year, Su Weimin told them early that he wanted pig blood and pig intestines for the first pig's water. Because the niece wanted to eat it, he could exchange the meat with them. Several members followed Su Weimin for a while. In 2009, I knew what he was like, and I said no, they took it away in previous years, and this year he should have taken some.

The first pig had been killed at five in the morning, and before six, Su Zhenhua had returned with a plate full of pig blood and pig intestines.

Su Zhenhua put the things down: "Mother, Xiaoxiao is going to make blood sausages. I put pig blood and large intestines in the kitchen. When she gets up, tell her, I'll go back and help."

The children like to eat scallion pancakes. Li Yufeng was pulling scallions in the small vegetable garden to prepare some scallion pancakes. When he heard his son came back, he said, "The porridge in the pot is ready. You can eat a bowl to warm yourself up before you go."

Su Zhenhua said, "Dad cooked pork liver and rice porridge in the restaurant. We'll eat it together when we're done."

Li Yufeng had forgotten about this, and the practice in previous years was the same. In the early morning, he would go to work before he had time to eat breakfast. Usually, he would cut some pigs and cook porridge on the spot.

Li Yufeng took the shallots and handed them to him: "Then you can bring some shallots over there, and chop some chopped green onions into the porridge to make it fragrant and remove the fishy smell."

Su Zhenzhong nodded, took the spring onion that Li Yufeng handed over, turned around and left.

Li Yufeng went into the kitchen and saw such a large plate of pig blood. After thinking about it, she changed her mind and decided not to make scallion pancakes today, and went back to the small vegetable garden to cut a handful of leeks.

Li Yufeng boiled a pot of water, put a lot of shredded ginger, a little salt, a little sugar and a few drops of peanut oil in the pot and boiled the water with a high fire, then removed the fire, leaving only the charcoal fire, and then cut a piece of pig red and cut it into small pieces Put it down, put a few drops of white wine on it, cover the lid, and use the residual temperature to simmer the pig red until it is cooked. At this time, the fire cannot be turned on. Once the fire is turned on, the pig red will become old, and it will not taste good when it is old.

Today, the five cubs got up together, and came out of the house with a small rice ball and asked, "What are you doing today, grandma? Why is it so delicious?"

Li Yufeng said: "Today, the brigade killed pigs, and my grandmother made pig red soup. Come and wash up and eat."

The cubs "woohoo" and go to wash hand in hand.

Li Yufeng put the chopped leeks on the bottom of the bowl, put a few pieces of pig red in each bowl, and then poured it down with a spoonful of hot soup, the aroma of the leeks instantly merged with the pig red, and the pig red and the leeks were perfect. Smells drooling.

Li Yufeng put the bowls on the small table, and then turned out the baked sweet potatoes from the stove, placed one on the side of each bowl, and placed a plate of pickled radishes in the middle. It was a delicious and appetizing meal. breakfast is ready.

The children washed up as fast as they could and came to sit in a row for breakfast.

The weather is cold, and eating pig red will burn your mouth just out of the pot. It is just right to eat it for a short time. Li Yufeng also filled a bowl and ate it standing up: "Be careful that pig red will burn your mouth, you eat the pork bun slowly. ."

The cubs said: "It's not hot anymore, it's just right."

Xiaodoubao sat on the edge of Xiaoroubao, he spooned up a piece of pig red and blew it, took a bite and passed it to his brother to eat first.

Several big cubs have eaten pig red soup, only the small meat bun is the first time to eat, he took a bite of the slippery pig red with his little brother's hand, and it melted in the mouth. , this taste and texture hit the taste buds of Xiaoroubao directly, he opened his eyes and nodded at his grandmother: "Grandma~~ Haozi~~"

A few big brothers Li Yufeng were not worried, but they were afraid that the small meat buns would be scalded. The little guy would not let others feed them, but wanted to eat them by himself. Li Yufeng had to keep staring at him, and the smart little guy folded his hands and spooned a piece into his mouth and began to bite. Take a small bite, make sure it is not hot, it is the food that is easy to swallow before starting to take a big bite. Li Yufeng is already very sure that eating anything will not be difficult for this little guy.

"If it's delicious, eat it slowly. There is only one bowl per person. After eating, there will be no more." Li Yufeng cut the pig red into a big piece. The weight of the small pork bun is the same as that of several brothers. Eat more.

Xiaoroubao understood, and began to slow down the speed of eating, and even reached out to grab a piece of radish and eat it.

When it comes to eating, Xiaoroubao has absolute talent. He really eats more deliciously than others. In his eyes, there is no bad food, only delicious and more delicious.

The sweet potatoes dug up yesterday are also delicious when roasted today. A few cubs waited until the pig's blood was almost eaten before they ate the sweet potatoes with the soup.

Dabao Xiaobao and Xiaodoubao were full, only the small rice **** who especially like to eat roasted sweet potatoes were not enough to eat another one.

After they were full, the three big cubs were in charge of washing the dishes. Xiaodoubao led his younger brother back to the house. At this time, Su Xiaoxiao and Xiaotangyuan got up.

The foodie Xiaoroubao hurriedly reported to his mother: "Mama, Honghong, Haozi~~"

Xiaodoubao squinted his eyes and added, "Mama, grandma made a very delicious pig red soup, you and your sister should go eat it."

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed the heads of the two cubs: "Okay, mother will eat after washing up."

Li Yufeng took the small dumplings from Su Xiaoxiao's hand: "You go to wash first, this year's 28th to wash the sloppy, grandma will help Xiaotangyuan tie two beautiful little buns."

When Su Xiaoxiao was a child, Li Yufeng liked to help her with all kinds of pigtails. Until Su Xiaoxiao was in her twenties, she would sometimes help her with braids. Now it's her little granddaughter's turn.

Zhang Chunying also got up with Yaobao. The four of them had eaten pig red soup together, and Li Yufeng had washed the pig's large intestine.

Li Yufeng said: "Why do you suddenly think of eating blood sausage? This thing is multi-tasking and complicated, and it is not very delicious. It is delicious to eat pig large intestines."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Braised large intestine often has the opportunity to eat, such fresh pig red is rare, and it may not be eaten once in a few years. It is enough to adjust the taste of pig blood and pour it in. It is not complicated."

Li Yufeng knew that her daughter liked to fiddle with food, so she didn't care about her: "You do it in the kitchen, wait for Zhenzhong to come back in the afternoon and then wash the kitchen, I will take Dabao Xiaobao and rice **** to move the small things in the house to the river to wash, and the big ones will be washed. Let's wait for Zhenzhong Zhenhua to move at home in the afternoon, Xiaodoubao takes care of his younger siblings at home, Chunying cleans up the cobwebs on the roof, and you two keep an eye on the children at home."

Su Xiaoxiao and Zhang Chunying said in unison, "I know mother."