MTL - The System Asks to Uninstall: The Male God is Poisonous-Chapter 1983 The Strongest Dragon Race, The Rise of the Scrap Summoner 71

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After the figure appeared, he raised his sword without any pause, targeting the back of the white-haired boy in front of him.


The jet-black long sword collided with the silver-white long spear, and dazzling fireworks flickered.

Luo Bai did not turn around, but just held the silver-white long spear behind him.

The pupils of the man in black who attacked her shrank, as if he couldn't believe Luo Bai could find his whereabouts.

He was about to attack again, but the black-eyed boy in front of him no longer wanted to give him another chance.

It turned very, three thousand long white hair was blown by the wind, the white figure swept away like lightning, and pulled out an afterimage, and when she reappeared, she was already seven or eight meters away .

Luo Bai raised his eyes.

But when her eyes touched the black dragon who just attacked her, her black eyes trembled slightly.

The man holding the black sword had a face she was familiar with.

The owner of this face rolled on the bed with her just last night, and her face was exactly the same.

But Luo Bai was just stunned for a moment, then she recovered.

Although the face is the same, the temperament is completely opposite.

The temperament of the black dragon is too fierce and too sinister, and the feeling brought out by the temperament is different.

Heilong noticed the strangeness on Luo Bai's face, and immediately hooked his lips into a smile, with a very proud smile, "How is it, are you satisfied with this face?"

Luo Bai put the spear on his shoulder, "Did you think I wouldn't want to kill you like this?"

Luo Bai raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why do you think I can't do it?"

The black dragon raised the long sword in his hand, his eyes were even more fierce, "Then let's try it"

One after another magic circles appeared around the two of them. The colors were black and white. The two were mixed together, as if ink and milk were blended.

But the very center of the battlefield is not as beautiful as it looks from a distance.

The terrifying magic power is overwhelming, and there is even a spiral space crack in a large space around it.

The rocks flew up, the sawdust flew, and the things that fell into the cracks in the space disappeared.

The black light and the white light in the mid-air interlace each other, pulling out one after another image, making it unreal.

Suddenly, Sora two figures stopped.

Seeing from below, the two shadows that were destroyed by most of the sky city were very close to each other.

And if you have good eyesight, you can find that behind the black figure

A spear was revealed.

The spear pierced him

Luo Bai grabbed the blade of the black dragon with her bare hands, her jade white fingers changed at this moment, and there were very obvious scales in the finger pulp.

The beautiful white scales like works of art formed the hardest armor, which tightly protected Luo Bai's hands.

Heilong lowered his head stiffly, looking at the spear that passed through his chest in disbelief, "You..."

Luo Bai smiled, "Even if you wear the same skin, you are not him after all."

What Luo Bai didn't tell Hei Long was that that guy used to play role-playing, and Luo Bai didn't recognize people by skin.