MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 52 fifty-two tripods

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◎Liberation (two more in one)◎

Song Dingding vaguely heard someone talking.

- Right ventricular double outlet, with pulmonary artery stenosis, atrial septal defect.

- The patient requires emergency surgery, in which the right ventricle is incised as an intraventricular tunnel, and blood from the left ventricle is introduced into the aorta.

The calm voice became clearer and clearer, Song Dingding looked confusedly at the doctor in a white coat standing in front of the hospital bed, and the parents who were lying in front of the hospital bed with tears on their faces.

She was stunned for a long time, wanting to fly up and hug her mother's waist.

The breathing mask tightly fastened to her face was yanked violently, she covered her face, and withdrew her teeth.

Song Dingding was about to say something, but when he looked up, he found that the mother in front of him was much younger, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes were gone, and she had sassy short hair, which looked astonishingly young at the age of 30.

She froze for a moment and looked down at her body, only to realize that her chest was flat and her limbs were short, as if she had not developed at all.

Song Dingding was confused and puzzled, but before she could figure it out, someone lifted her to another bed, and then the nurse pushed her out of the hospital bed, shouting something, and rushed into the operating room.

She wanted to speak, but there was no sound in her throat, as if she was caught in a fine web of spider silk, she gradually lost her breath, opened her mouth wide, and gasped.

She could clearly hear the voice of someone who was about to die. One, two, her chest was heaving and her ears were filled with the cry of her mother. The sound of breathing was drowned out.

- Can't breathe, it's so painful, it's better to die.

A childish voice suddenly appeared in Song Dingding's mind, she was stunned for a moment, and she remembered the idea in a trance, which seemed to come from her seven-year-old.

Seven years old was like a clear line. She could not remember the memory before the age of seven, but the memory after that became especially clear because of the heart disease.

On her seventh birthday, she suddenly fainted. After she was sent to the hospital, the doctor said words she could not understand, her mother cried in grief, and her father communicated with the doctor as calmly as possible.

Only she, with an oxygen tube and a mess of instruments all over her body, wrinkled her facial features in pain, she was like a drowning person, unable to grasp the driftwood, and kept sinking towards the bottom of the sea.

With a soul in her twenties, she experienced this pain again, but she still couldn't bear it, and the voice became stronger and stronger in her mind.

- I really want to die, just die like this.

- Freed, will be freed soon.

Song Dingding shook his head desperately, not to die, to live, to live well.

She tried hard to break free, like a little flying insect stuck on a spider's web struggling desperately, fighting against fate with insignificant strength.

A cloud of light exploded in her mind. She seemed to have passed out, but she still had a vague consciousness. She fluttered her eyelashes, vaguely feeling as if she had fallen into a pool of blood.

The sticky and warm blood wrapped her, she moved her fingers, and in the **** eyes, she saw a young man with long silver hair.

He walked towards her, squatted down slowly, and picked up the soft drooping strands of hair on her forehead: "Does it hurt?"

She couldn't see his face clearly, but she felt a vague sense of familiarity. She opened her mouth and heard a young and hoarse voice: "It hurts, I hurt..."

"Can I help you out?"

"No, I don't want to die... I haven't waited for my brother to come back."

He looked at her dismembered body, was silent, and said slowly after a long time, "But, I can't save you."

His voice gradually became blurred, like an echo from a distant mountain, becoming ethereal and long.

She couldn't hear what he was saying next, but her thin lips moved slightly to let her know that he was still talking.

There was a pain in the stomach and intestines from all over her body, and her facial features were twisted into a ball, like green duckweed floating on the lake.

She felt her heart beating slower and slower, and the numbness of dying made her try her best to open her eyes, and in the blood-filled eyes, the man with long silver hair was vaguely reflected, and he raised a hand with a cold light. 's short sword.

Her body trembled slightly, and it was because the sharp weapon was pierced into the flesh and blood, and the body instinctively shrank.

Life was passing by quickly, and the vivid sense of death and suffocation made Song Dingding clench her fists hard. She desperately told herself, fake, these fakes.

She was tricked into a secret passage by that woman. This should be in a secret realm. She is already in her twenties. How could she go back to feeling the threat of death when she was seven?

And the current scene is completely a scene that she has never seen before in her memory. All of this is an illusion, a fabricated illusion!

After realizing this, the pain in her body disappeared, and the life-threatening suffocation was also gone.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and the gradually regained consciousness made her feel the endless darkness in front of her.

Song Dingding's chest was heaving violently. She looked like a dying person who was about to drown and was brought ashore. Her breathing sounded intermittent.

The slight tingling in her wrist made her realize that she was bound by someone, and she couldn't see because she was blind, but because her eyes were bound by some black cloth.

She felt a softness in her lower back, and she deduced that she was not lying on the ground of the cave now, and was probably moved into the vampire's coffin.

Song Dingding's hands were tied together, she put her thumb on the index finger storage ring, pressed it lightly, reached into the storage ring, and groped for the short sword that Pei Ming gave her.

Fortunately, she just used it two days ago, and the dagger was on the bright side. She groped for a while, and soon found mercy.

She held Mercy in her backhand, facing the double-edged dagger between her wrists, carefully and laboriously cutting the rope.

Song Dingding was always paying attention to the movement outside the coffin. She didn't know whether it was because the sound insulation of the coffin was too good, or there was no sound outside, so she couldn't hear any movement.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally cut the rope, with her hands freed, she pulled away the black cloth in front of her, and the messy ropes tied to her body.

As expected, she was locked in a coffin. The irregular hexagonal coffin was so small and uncomfortable that she was almost out of breath.

If she couldn't wake up again, she might be suffocated directly in the coffin if she was a little late.

Fortunately, this kind of coffin has a flip top like a violin box. Song Dingding raised his foot to the top, and the coffin lid was lifted up a gap.

Through this gap, she saw the colorful glass not far away. The dazzling sunlight came in through the long colored windows and sprinkled on the pine benches in the church, which looked mysterious and dreamy.

This is a church, a towering Gothic building, the spire piercing the sky, the vaulted ceiling with pointed ribs, and the slender beams, all of which suppress the gloomy feeling of lifelessness.

Song Dingding had never seen such a building in Qingping Mountain Villa. This church didn't match the green mountain villa at all, and it looked so abrupt.

The ethereal voice echoed in the church: "Have you woken up? My honorable guest."

Her movements on the coffin froze for a moment, and then returned to normal. With a soft 'squeak', she pushed open the coffin door, sat up directly, and walked out.

Song Dingding saw the pitch-black coffins placed in the aisle of the two rows of church pews. There were about five or six coffins. The rays of sunlight hit the floor through the rose window, reflecting magnificent colors.

The owner of the village sat on the bench in the first row. He lowered his head, his gentle brown short hair hung down, and his hands were folded, as if he was praying.

She walked over slowly, without avoiding, and sat beside the owner of the village: "What do you want?"

Her directness made the villa owner raise the corners of his lips and smiled softly: "Your personality is very similar to my wife."

With that said, he raised his head and looked at the holy altar under the portrait of Jesus, where an irregular hexagonal black patent leather coffin was placed. Compared with ordinary coffins, this coffin was more spacious and comfortable.

Inside the coffin lay a serene-looking woman who looked delicate, pale, and beautiful, like a fragile specimen of a butterfly.

"Let me guess." Song Dingding looked at the woman who seemed to be sleeping, and his voice did not fluctuate: "Your wife committed suicide."

Just as she was cutting the rope, it took some time to sort things out from beginning to end.

The owner of the villa does have a wife, as she already knew, this lady is a human who fell in love with the owner when he fled from the animal kingdom, and then migrated to Qingping Mountain Villa due to pregnancy.

The lady loves him as much as he loves the lady. He changed his introverted character for his wife, took in a large number of homeless humans, and established this paradise.

The two spent a good time for a long time, until some of the human men who were hungry and lustful turned their attention to the woman who worked diligently in the manor in order to repay her kindness.

At that time, the wife was in her second trimester, and the owner of the villa was distracted by taking care of the wife. When he noticed this, there was already a lot of commotion in the villa.

Many women committed suicide because they could not bear the humiliation, and a small number of women who survived also forbeared the incident.

Worst of all, Mrs.'s own sister was pregnant.

It was a girl who suffered brain damage due to violent beatings at a young age. Her IQ was only when she was seven or eight years old, and she didn't even know she was pregnant.

- In several chats, the "Madame" played by the owner of the village mentioned this poor sister. He mentioned the incident of her being violated in the middle, but only said that she died in childbirth, which made the "Madame" feel very depressed for a while.

From this, Song Dingding deduced that the owner of the villa should have executed the man involved in the villa himself, but he was a devout Christian, and his beliefs did not allow the wife's sister to have an abortion.

The younger sister is still young, and her physique is not suitable for having children. After many quarrels between the wife and the owner of the village, in anger, she climbed the rockery by flying a kite.

This is the wife's struggle. She doesn't want the village owner to ruin her sister's life because of her so-called beliefs.

However, the owner of the village was very firm, and even locked his wife in the bamboo garden, hoping that she could calm down.

But Madam not only did not calm down, but she was even more angry because of his actions. She escaped from the bamboo forest and jumped into the lake when others were unprepared.

By the time the village owner rescued her, she had already miscarried, the blood on her thigh was ticking, and her pale face seemed to die at any time.

The lady was depressed because of this. He didn't know how to blame her. Seeing her waning figure, he could only take care of her every day, hoping that she would recover as soon as possible.

However, before the relationship between the two men was restored, an accident happened to the lady's sister. She was born prematurely due to her frail body and died of heavy bleeding.

The owner of the village did not dare to tell his wife about this, because he was afraid that her wife would not be able to bear the blow, so he hid his sister and buried her sister in a hurry.

In order to prevent his wife from being suspicious, he said that he had changed his mind and asked the doctor to induce an abortion on his sister. He also said that he would let her leave the villa to recuperate for a while until she recovered before the two sisters could meet.

The owner of the village thought that as long as he concealed it well enough, he would take advantage of this time to repair the relationship between him and his wife, and have another child if the wife's body allowed.

When the child is born, she will have fetters, and then he will find a way to make her slowly accept the truth of her sister's death.

Everything was going smoothly according to the plan. In order to see her sister as soon as possible, Madam cooperated with the village owner to recuperate her body, and because the village owner agreed to let his sister have an abortion, she opened her heart to him again.

Just after his wife became pregnant again, the owner of the village ordered people to level the rockery and fill up the lake.

But the accident happened. Madam discovered the truth of her sister's death in advance when she was in the third trimester of pregnancy. She hated the villa owner and her stubborn and rigid beliefs.

So, Madam came to this church, dressed in decent clothes and left this dirty and beautiful world in the most painful way under the holy frescoes of Jesus.

Like a baby corpse interspersed on bamboo poles in a bamboo forest, she was penetrated by the cross, and the unborn child disappeared with the lie.

After that, Qingping Mountain Villa added a holy spring of the Zimu River, and all the male humans who were kept in the villa had to go there to be baptized.

Then they were forced to become pregnant and have children. They were bound by the faith of the village owner and could not have abortions. They could only give birth to children. It was like self-mutilation revenge, punishing them and punishing themselves.

It is because the lady has long since died, so the owner of the village controls other people's bodies and can only repeat the past of their acquaintance, acquaintance and love over and over again.

And now they are an unfilled blank.

Even if you create the illusion that the lady is still alive, she is no longer there, and the owner is deceiving himself.

Song Dingding walked to the sanctuary of the church and looked at the well-preserved corpse. Even though she had never seen his wife, she could guess her true identity from the stubbornness in her eyes.

"You are very smart." The village owner did not deny it. When he used that body to talk to them, he had already revealed the truth of the clues.

He smiled and said, "It's better to guess what I'm going to do next."

Song Dingding's eyes fell on the butterflies piled inside the coffin. They were beautiful, delicate, and agile. They just stopped breathing and became specimens of immortality.

What does the butterfly represent?

She didn't know, she only vaguely remembered the blue Morpho butterfly branded on her back shoulder blade, pursed her lips slightly, and lowered her eyes.

Looking down with her movements, Song Dingding saw a string of English letters engraved on the red velvet skin on the top of the coffin.

— "Psyche, revive."

soul, rebirth.

The owner of the village is a vampire, he has the ability to live forever, and he can also give his wife the first embrace, so that she can become a vampire like him.

She didn't know why he didn't do it when Madam was alive, but now he wanted to resurrect Madam, which was obviously an unlikely thing.

However, this is a secret realm, who knows how the creator set it up?

Song Dingding looked directly at the villa owner and asked, "Can you save your wife by sacrificing us?"

The owner of the village shook his head: "No, I'm waiting for someone."

He raised his head and looked at the rose window directly above the sanctuary. Song Dingding followed his gaze and saw a thin figure nailed to the sharp-ribbed vault beside the magnificent and colorful window. on the huge cross.

Pei Ming lowered his head, opened his palms, bare feet, a finger-long nail pierced into the flesh, and the sticky bright red blood slowly flowed down along the cross.

Tick, tick.

Right above where she was standing.

The flirtatious color condensed into a blood bead, which fell on her eyelashes with a clatter, and slowly penetrated into the slender eyelashes and flowed into her eyes.