MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 17 my emblem

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  Chapter 17 17. My badge is vibrating, there must be one around here

   "A high-level alchemical compound has been detected and is being analyzed. This item is 'Legendary Item Perfect Recovery Potion'. The effect is to immediately heal all injuries except [death] and purify all curses and negative states after drinking.

  Alchemy branch high-level creation.

  Drinkable times【1/3】

  The complete recipe requires alchemy Lv7 to be parsed, and the recipe for 'Recovery Potion·Primary' has been included. "

  The beating reminder appeared in the translucent light curtain in front of Mason's eyes, making his eyes reflect the colorful streamer of light refracted by the amber liquid in the crystal bottle.

  Perhaps this thing represents the background of the C-level personnel of the Stars Club, but the trump card used by the old K for a desperate comeback has already been held by the young people.

   "Hagrid? Who's that?"

   Kneeling on the ground in front of him, Old K, who was weak and disarmed, gritted his teeth and asked.

  His crossbow and hand crossbow were damaged in the battle, the giant hunting knife was still stuck in the head of the acromantula, and the one-handed sword he carried was already held by Mason.

  He knew he was screwed, but he wanted to be a fool.

   "You just killed Hagrid's family with Hagrid's knife, and you're still asking who Hagrid is? You're a cold-blooded person."

  Mason put away the crystal bottle in his hand and said something faintly, but Old K completely understood at this moment. He coughed, covered his chest pierced by the poisonous spider leg with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice:

   "The giant zombie on the magic platform? It turns out that he is you, Hagrid! You knew it when you exchanged this knife for me! When you stepped here, you had already made a plan to be able to carry out this step.

   You know them!

Professor McGonagall who turned into a cat, Mr. Potter with an invisibility cloak, Hagrid who raised monsters but died in a foreign land, Maomao, Aragog, Yaya. You knew this world before you came here. You know this world better than the stars .

  Hehe, I actually personally recruited Reaper into my team.

  I am really honored and deserve it! "

  The old hunter coughed up black blood. He stared at Mason who had picked up his golden saber, and said hoarsely:

   "You, Mason Cooper, who the **** are you? What the **** are you doing hiding in Gotham disguised as a 17-year-old high school student? For a new life?


   You monster! "

   "I'm not the monster you said, I know all this is just a good blessing that comes with a new life."

  Mason stepped forward with a sword in hand, and he said to Old K:

   "We really have no grievances, but I have to kill you now. Frankly speaking, taking a life is not something that makes me feel happy."

   "Then feel free to ridicule me, as a loser should."

  Old K lowered his head and let out a deep laugh.

   Seeing him holding something hanging on his chest with his **** hand, Mason stepped forward and pressed the old hunter's shoulder with a change in his eyes.

  The one-handed sword decorated with the handle of the golden eagle in his hand crossed the blind streamer, pierced the old hunter's heart with a puff, and smashed the weak and beating thing into pieces while turning his wrist.

  But in the next moment, his hand was clasped by old K's fingers like a vise, pressing him to prevent him from drawing out his sword.

"You are very good."

  The old hunter whispered like a flash of light:

   "But piercing the heart can't kill a witcher who has survived the trial of green grass. Maybe you should be more cold-blooded next time. This will allow you to go further on this road."

  Mason felt that the old guy was going to drag him to death, so he gritted his teeth and pulled out the double-barreled hand cannon on his waist, and fired two shots at the old K's abdomen, almost tearing the old K's body apart.

   But old K did not fight back.

   Instead, he pulled down with the other hand, and he pulled off the thing that had been hidden in his clothes, and handed it tremblingly to Mason.

   Fingers spread.

   It's not a bomb, nor is it a weapon that can destroy everything. It's just a **** black pendant strung together with delicate chains.

   is like some kind of mystical symbol.

  The thing swings between old K and Mason, allowing the young man to see clearly its carved pattern, which is a black panther-like carved decoration.

   "It's 'cat'."

  Blood gushed from the corner of Old K's mouth.

  He held Mason's sword hand tightly, coughed and said:

   "And I'm the last cat. Those stories are destined to be forgotten after I die. One less person to remember the lost homeland. Take it, Mason Cooper.

  Help them when they come to you.

   You beat me, you are stronger than me, they need you more than me.



   Never trust anyone in Stellaris!

  Don't trust those hounds.

   Don't be a hound.

   Remember me as a loser, this is the end of the Hound! "

  The old hunter's blood-stained and toxin-distorted ferocious face showed an indescribable smile at Mason. Then, he lowered his head and completely lost his breath.

   "Successfully executes a humanoid special creature, and the proficiency of fighting skills improves."

  The cold prompt jumping into Mason's light curtain confirmed the death of old K, but the old hunter's last whisper made the young man full of doubts.

  He broke old K's fingers and pulled out the sword, hesitated for a while and took the black iron pendant he called "cat" from old K's hand.

   It can be seen that old K cherishes this thing very much, and he keeps it close to his body all the time.

  Mason put the pendant in front of his eyes, and a second later, an information label popped up:

   Demon Hunter·Cat School Inheritance Badge

  Quality: Epic Item · Perfect Craft

  Trait: Non-[Demon Hunter] blood cannot be viewed

Effect: Most of the effects of this item are only open to official demon hunters, but the special magic power added during its forging can allow all wearers to sense the special magic power changes within 300 yards nearby, and immediately sense the approaching women to cast spells By.

  Item Description: Your badge is vibrating! I think you know what that means?

   "It really is this thing!"

   The corners of Mason's eyes twitched.

  In fact, the young man had already had a premonition when old K mentioned the "Trial of Green Grass". Now that he got old K's relic, he confirmed his guess.

  He couldn't help but glanced at the dead old K.

   This guy didn't tell his real name until his death, so Mason couldn't tell if he was one of some NPCs he was familiar with.

   But what is certain is that the Constellation has also been involved in the world of witchers and warlocks, and old K is from there, but the last words show that although this guy is a member of the Constellation, he does not seem to be of one mind with them.

  He seems to have a secret organization or something.

  With this kind of thinking in mind, Mason squatted down in front of Old K, reached out and took his magic storage bag from the old hunter's waist, and fumbled again.

   This guy is really poor.

  There is nothing but the sword and the tattered leather armor on his body.

   It should be that when his previous team was wiped out, he lost almost all of his collections. Even the perfect recovery potion had only one drink left to guess the tragedy of that battle.

   "You only gave the badge and the sword, what about your most important Gwent card as a demon hunter?"

  The young man complained, and when he was about to stand up, he reached out and grabbed the spider leg that pierced Old K's body, pulled it out vigorously and threw it into his backpack.

  He planned to start modifying the penguin's armed umbrella after returning. This thing can just replace the spear tip of the fighting spear, and it is also highly toxic, and it will kill you if you poke it.

Mason stood up and gave a victory gesture to the kiteman who was flying around in the sky as cover and vigilance. The latter let out wild laughter like howling ghosts and wolves in the air, but the next moment he was extremely happy and sad when the kite was blown by a gust of wind and made him go down. The trajectory of the flight and landing deviated, and it fell obliquely in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

  Mason watched speechlessly as his idiot brother screamed and fell into the black forest.

He breathed a sigh of relief and planned to pick him up by motorcycle, but before he left, he walked to the corpse of the acromantula, took off Hagrid's hunting knife, and searched for it in the acromantula's disfigured burnt abdomen. There are two poisonous sacs that are still intact and a large group of spider silk that has begun to solidify.

   These things may come in handy in the future.

  He returned to his flying motorcycle wearing an invisibility cloak, and took another look at the sword with the golden eagle hilt in his hand. This thing was also a relic of Old K.

  Mason put it in front of his eyes, and then took out a rag to wipe off the venom and blood on it. The blade was still bright, emitting bursts of gloom.

   Its info tab also pops up so Mason can see its name and effects:

  Sujie Eagle Assassin Warblade

  Quality: Legendary Forged Item·Perfect Craft

  Status: Extraordinary sharpness · lightness · deadly elegance · demon hunter forging skill steel sword transformation [toughness] · demon hunter enchantment enhancement [breakage]

  Effect: The light and deadly Assassin Blade ignores all armor when attacking, and has a chance to refract light every time it is swung, causing all surrounding enemies to enter the state of [Blindness] and [Dizziness].

  Infusion [Break] extends the effective attack range of the Assassin's Blade, and adds the effect of [Limb Break] to the attack.

  Manufactured by: Sujay of Saint-Denis

  Item description: Old K sacrificed six of his "teammates" to get this sword, which made him notorious in the organization, but it's all worth it, right?

  Mason narrowed his eyes when he saw the description of the sword.

  He probably guessed how old K's last team was wiped out, and also guessed where old K went to in the last world.

  If the gate of the world used by old K can be located, that means that as long as Mason goes back, he can enter at least three different worlds including the world under his feet through that gate?

  Don't forget that Old K is still a "VIP Guest" on the Queen Anne's Revenge.

   "You are really a 'great traveler', I can't help but start guessing about your magnificent story."

  Mason took out the last bit of fuel from his backpack and poured it on Old K's kneeling corpse, then poured some on the acromantula's corpse and ignited it.

  As the flames rose, the young man also stepped on the flying motorcycle and flew towards the Forbidden Forest with his harvest.

   After receiving the kiteman, they should go back to the ruins of Hogwarts to find the relics left by Mr. Potter, and then they can bid farewell to this dangerous world and return to the warm and peaceful Gotham.

   What the hell!

  Mason didn't expect that one day he would use words like "peace and friendship" to describe the **** place of Gotham.

   Just as he was complaining and heading towards the Forbidden Forest, a miserable scream suddenly sounded from the forest in front of him, causing the young man to frown and immediately twist the handlebar to speed up, rushing into the dark dense forest with a bang.

   He quickly saw the Kite Man.

  The guy's green coat made him very conspicuous here, but he was in a bad condition, just lying on a rock and maintaining a miserable posture of falling.

   Mason gasped when he saw the kite man when he jumped out of the car, the guy's stomach and legs were almost completely torn apart by something that looked like claws.

   "Run! Mason!"

  Seeing the young man rushing over, the dying kiteman waved his **** hand and shouted:

   "There's a dragon here! A fire-breathing dragon! It attacked me and it's still running around! Don't come! Tell my son his daddy loves him running!"

  The cries of the kite man made Mason's blood run cold.

  He stopped on the spot and looked back, and there was indeed a huge and terrifying shadow passing over the Forbidden Forest. The shriveled zombie wings were still ferocious, and when they unfolded, the shadow cast almost covered the sky.

  That was definitely not something Mason could deal with with the three different-sized crit shotguns in his hand. The young man turned around and rushed to the side of the motorcycle, turning and leaving under the gratified and regretful gaze of the kite man.

  Your Excellency, the third-line villain lying on the blood-stained stone is like a sacrifice to the zombie dragon. He must have regrets that he still couldn't set foot on the way back to his hometown after killing the old K.

   But in terms of a villain's career, his own ending can be regarded as a unique classic. Just ask those super villains in Gotham City, which one is qualified to die in the mouth of a legendary dragon?

   VIPs in Arkham Asylum don't have this kind of treatment.

  But soon, the kiteman who closed his eyes and waited to die heard the roar of the engine from far and near.

  He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Mason wearing an invisibility cloak going back and forth, jumping out of the car and striding over, dragging him and racing into the car.

"it's useless."

  The kite man struggled and said:

   "Look at my wounds, I'm dead, don't bother, run, go tell my son, me."

   Before the last words were finished, something hard, long, and warm was stuffed into his mouth, straight down his throat, blocking all his words.

   "You can tell your son what you want to say by yourself, don't evade this responsibility."

  Mason's eyes were full of distress and regret.

  He looked at the perfect recovery potion that was poured out of the crystal bottle inserted into the younger brother's mouth, and while twisting the handlebar and rushing outward, he said in a low voice:

   "Giving you something to drink would have made me as rich as Bruce Wayne. So, you owe me more than your life, Charles.

  Be prepared to work all your life to pay off your debts. "

   Seeing the "food" being taken away, the zombie dragon was obviously very angry. It took a deep breath in the air, and then spit out the zombie venom mixed with high-temperature flames towards the fleeing flying motorcycle.

   Before despair fell, Mason glanced at the conspicuous red button on the motorcycle dashboard.

  So, he pressed it without hesitation.


  In the next moment, amidst the screams of the two men, blue flames spewed out from the exhaust pipe of the flying motorcycle, and the speed exceeded several times the speed of sound in an instant.


  Two hours later, the kite man, who thought he was dead, woke up, and the first thing he did when he opened his eyes was touch his crotch.

  Well, this action is somewhat obscene.

  So the kiteman jumped up in surprise the next moment.

   Everything that happened before was like a nightmare.

   But now that Meng has woken up, not only does he feel full of strength all over his body, even some old injuries on his body have been completely healed.

  The whole person suddenly became several years younger, from an old man in his thirties to his golden state in his twenties.

Like a lunatic, he danced half-naked on the spot for a long time, then raised his head and yelled to release the joy of escaping from death. After going crazy for a while, he calmed down, and took his tattered kite wreck to cover his body View Ya's lower body left and right.

  He found that he had returned to the other side of the lake.

  It was already evening, and the blue flying motorcycle was quietly parked on the grass by the lake, while Mason Cooper lit a bonfire and was leisurely cooking dinner in a pot.

  Beside him, there is an old men's black suitcase from World War II.

   "I seem to be missing a lot of things."

  The kite man came over winkingly, sat cross-legged by the campfire, and said to Mason:

   "Have you found the relic left by the savior?"

   "Well, it's in the abandoned spire attic. It's not hard to find, and there aren't even any magic traps."

  Mason touched the badge of the Cat School hanging around his neck, patted the suitcase by his hand, and said to the kite man:

   "Let's rest here for the night, tomorrow morning. Let's go home."

  (end of this chapter)

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