MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 20 Look at the big battle outside! You also said you were a

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  Chapter 20 20. Look at the big battle outside! You still say you are an ordinary person?

   It was night time.

  In the remote area near the river outside the post-modern-style wasteland settlement-like neighborhood of Naihe Island in downtown Gotham, a few people in strange costumes are busy here.

   "It's hard to imagine that there is a magically protected building in such a chaotic place."

A black lady wearing a tuxedo, a magician's high hat, and bold fishnet black socks and high heels on her lower body. The whole body is so shiny that she looks like she is going to perform on stage at any time. floor apartment.

  She waved the magic wand in her hand and exclaimed:

   "It's almost as magical as a hanging garden in the middle of the Sahara Desert."

   "What's even more amazing is that the 'omnipotent' Batman didn't even notice that there were such 'dangerous objects' in his city before that."

  Behind the beautiful and trendy girl, a guy with a cigarette in his trouser pockets put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said something in a deliberately elongated voice.

   While speaking, the **** was squinting at Batman standing beside him like a statue.

   Obviously, he was provoking the night knight.

   "All right, John."

  Hearing that her ex-boyfriend was so rude to the local heroes of Gotham, the girl Hei Changzhi sighed helplessly, then turned around and said:

   "If you have time to complain, why don't you come and help me dismantle the enchantment in front of me. It is protected by magic that I have never seen before. I need some time to study it."

   "Xiao Zha, now is not the academic time, please restrain your desire for research."

  Smoking a cigarette, a man with an unshaven beard and messy hair stepped forward, and the night wind blew his khaki windbreaker jacket, making the red tie around the guy's neck flutter with the wind.

He walked up to the girl who was like a magician, took off the cigarette and held it in front of him with two fingers. The moment he let go of his fingers, the burning cigarette fell into the two sides as if being swallowed by an invisible object. in front of people.

  He shook his head and said:

   "Look, this ward is dangerous, and it's still on. I suggest we just blow it up instead of trying to find a safe way.

   Don't you see that Lord Batman is getting impatient?

  There must be something in this house that he must get, I can smell his nervousness standing here. "

   "There's a kid in that house."

   Facing this guy's ridicule, Batman, who had been silent all along, explained:

   "Five days ago, a young man I followed was captured here by unknown forces, and I also discovered this 'hidden' building at that time.

  Before the arrival of the two of you, I tried many ways but couldn't get into it. There are still foggy monster guards like a maze.

  I don't know much about magic, but I believe the child is still alive. "

   "No wonder."

  The black long straight girl nodded.

  She seems to have known Batman before, and this will stroke her hair and say with a smile:

   "I just said that Batman, who has never welcomed outsiders into Gotham, would take the initiative to contact me? I thought you were here to expel me and John."

   Facing the sweet smile of the beautiful mage, the master replied blankly:

   "You were invited by Bruce Wayne to perform magic tricks for the annual city charity gala, Zatanna, you are a guest of this city, and you are also my friend.

  Me and the kid need your help right now. "

"What's the meaning?"

  The man beside Zatana suddenly became upset. He took out a pack of Sika cigarettes and popped one in his mouth, saying:

   "Xiao Zha is a guest, am I not?"

   "You are not a guest anywhere, John Constantine."

   Batman said indifferently:

   "I warned you a year ago when you summoned **** demons in my city, don't set foot in Gotham again!"

   "Okay, both of you, stop arguing."

  Black long straight female mage Zatanna saw that her ex-boyfriend and her childhood friend, who is now a close superhero friend, were about to quarrel, so she immediately stretched out her hands to block between the two men.

  The charismatic lady tossed her hair and said to Constantine emphatically:

   "John, come and help me rescue that child! I still have to prepare for the performance at Wayne Manor tomorrow night. If you want to be my assistant, please listen to me, otherwise I have to ask you to leave."

   "Humph, Fuck Batterman!"

  Jack Kang gave Batman a hard look, and cursed in a low voice when he turned around, but facing the glaring glare of his beautiful and capable ex-girlfriend, he had no choice but to step forward to help break the magic barrier.

  Of course, as the world's leading magic master and troublemaker, Zha Kang is capable, and it's not much weaker than his infuriating tongue skills.

  With his assistance, Zatana quickly figured out the flow of magic power outside the building in front of her.

  The female magician's long black hair whirled and fluttered in the wind in the casting state, resembling the transformation of a magical girl.

  She was slightly suspended in the air, not caring about the spring light leaking out when the hem of her tuxedo skirt flew up. While sensing the change in the enchantment in front of her, she said to Batman:

   "You made the right choice not rushing in rashly, Batman, this enchantment is connected to the ancient magic of Gotham underground, once you break in by force, it is likely to trap you inside forever.

   But the good news is that this enchantment is currently unhosted.

   With the magic of me and John, it can be opened completely, it just needs a little preparation. "

   "It's better to explode faster."

   With a cigarette in his mouth, Kang Kang stared at the apartment in the mist before him, and whispered:

   "God knows when the owner of this enchantment will come back. Why are you looking at me like this? Although there is a risk of losing control of the magic power, as far as I know, the island is full of liars, robbers and fugitives.

  Does anyone really care about them? "


  Zatana is really getting a little angry, and Batman has a batarang ready to kill Zakone when he messes around.

   A few minutes later, at the same time that Zatana and Constantine were dismantling the barrier, the door embedded in the wall on the top floor of Old K's third-floor apartment was slammed open.

   Mason, surrounded by red light, and Charles the kite hugged each other and smashed to the ground in embarrassment. Behind them, the energy stone on the cat's eye of the World Gate shattered with a click, and then the door closed automatically.

   "Hot! It's so hot, it's like magma pouring in."

  The kite man screamed and got up with his head in his arms, and Mason was not much better.

  He would feel drowsy and feel a cold nostril, and when he reached out to touch it, he found that his hand was covered with blood.

   In the dizzying field of vision in front of him, the light curtain of the character card was shining red as if it had been invaded by a virus. Mason looked at the translucent light curtain, and his personal information was changing:

   Name: Mason Cooper

  Status: Minor Injury · Mental Stress · Curse of Soul is being applied (The effect of the curse is unknown, the trigger method is unknown, and the danger is extremely high.)

  Identity: Betrayer Penguin, Class E member of the Stars Club, and captain of "Squad K"

  Traits: Cold-blooded gunner, skillful engineer, self-harming first aider

  Mason tried hard to see the text in front of him. He shook his head and pulled a chair to sit on it. While pulling out a handkerchief to wipe the blood under his nostrils, he looked around. His entire field of vision seemed to be on fire.

   There are phantoms of ashes hovering everywhere in the eyes, and there are screaming phantom sounds in the ears, as described by the kiteman, as uncomfortable as swallowing magma.

  This group of stars is really evil, even the ceremony to join it is so weird.

  He looked at his left arm.

  The circular logo on it has converged into a weird thing like a black ghost claw tattoo.

   This should be the sign of an official member of the Stars Club.

   But what made Mason feel strange was that a black card appeared strangely in his hand at the same time that the bad feeling in his body eased up.

  The thing is between virtual and real, it is the size of an ordinary playing card, with a pattern of stars all over the sky printed on the back, and a few lines of information are listed on the front like an ID card.

   That is not any text known to humans, but Mason can understand the meaning of it when he looks at it:

  The stars will be under the K team.

  Members: 2 people.

  Captain: Mason Cooper, Class E personnel.

  Crew: Charles "Chuck" Brown, E-Class Personnel.

  Currently assigned exploration tasks: None.

  Currently holding reward missions: 1, not over yet.

  Current base world: super-time flow multiverse N52 system Earth 41 [A-level world · Dangerous degree: extremely high, it is not recommended for people below C-level to enter the exploration]

  Current team status: lost contact with Fort Stars, please wait patiently for the superiors to reconnect

   "It's still quite formal. Even the 'employee card' is issued over time and space?"

  Mason complained about this thing, let go of his fingers to let it dissipate into a twilight ball, and rested for a few minutes, feeling himself regained consciousness.

  He stood up from the chair and kicked the kite man lying there as if dead. The latter raised his head and took a sharp breath, which felt like a suffocated person breathing air again.

  When the kite man got up, he also had an "ID card" in his hand like Mason's, but the information on it was relatively simple, not as comprehensive as the information card of the captain Mason.

   "We're back, right?"

  The kite man stood up panting, walked to the window and opened it to see the familiar night view of Gotham.

  But as soon as the window was opened, there was a loud bang from outside, like a heavy punch on the kite man, sending the unlucky guy flying out and hitting the wall a few more times.

  Afterwards, Mason heard a very magnetic woman screaming from outside the window:

   "No, the master of the barrier is back, and the power of the barrier is growing! It's trying to engulf us, Batman, get behind me! John, hurry up!"

   Rush up and blow it up! "

   "Hey, I'm your boyfriend! I heard that dark guy likes to mess with bats, stay away from him, Zha, and watch out for some **** animal virus."

   "What is this doing?"

  Mason rushed to the window to look out, and then saw three people in the distance of the third-floor apartment.

  He immediately recognized that the girl suspended in the air, dressed like a magician, and casting spells like a beautiful girl with fluttering long hair, should be Zatana Zatara.

  A very powerful magician and superhero.

  Master needless to say.

  His signature outfit is the most eye-catching boy anywhere, and the guy in the yellow trench coat with a cigarette in his mouth is summoning dangerous magical energy to blow up the apartment.

   Isn’t that Zhakang?

  My lord, how could you allow such a dangerous scum to step into Gotham?

  This is a walking disaster!

   "Is that Batman?"

  The kite man felt his aching head and ran over to take a look outside. The three-tiered villain's eyes widened in an instant, and the two were fighting. He had never seen such a battle when he was with the clown!

   Batman, who has always been a loner, actually cooperates with two guys who seem to be very powerful?

   "Konstantin! Control your strength!"

  The master will be protected by Zatanna with magic, but he is still shouting at Zha Kang who cast the spell:

   "The child is still inside, don't hurt him!"

   "Batman and his magical friends are here for you? Boss."

  The kiteman was shocked when he heard the master's shout.

  He seemed to know Mason for the first time, looked him up and down, and said in amazement:

   "Can you make that terrible bat value you so much, and you still say that you are an ordinary 17-year-old high school student? Tell me, boss, are you Batman's illegitimate child?"

   But you are a yellow man

   So, did Batman meet your mother when he was on a mission? "

"Shut up!"

  Mason is not in the mood to joke.

  He is very grateful that the master has not given up looking for him after five days of his disappearance, and even broke Batman's rules of going alone to find Zatanna and Zack Kang for help.

  But if he meets someone outside, he will not be able to explain his current state clearly.

  Besides, the fact that the master found him so quickly made Mason wonder if the master had used some special tracking device on him?

  Batman has a criminal record in this regard, so we must guard against it.

  He squinted his eyes and thought for a while and soon came to a decision. He turned around and opened the magic suitcase, took out the blood-stained invisibility cloak and threw it to the kiteman, saying:

   "Put it on, I'll give you a signal later, you take my suitcase and leave, three days later, at six o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet on the seventh pier in Miller Harbor.


  Take out the magic books you found in the ruins, those alchemy tools, potions, etc., tear them apart and throw them away.

quick! "

  Under Mason's scolding, the kite man moved quickly, and it took the two of them half a minute to tear apart the Hogwarts spellbook and throw it everywhere.

   Then the kiteman put on the invisibility cloak, only showing one head, watching Mason squatting on the ground and opening the suitcase.

  He said curiously:

   "Boss, what is the signal you are talking about?"

"This is it!"

  Mason put his hand on the edge of the magic suitcase, and pulled a brass lock that looked like an ornament to activate the traceless extension spell in the box.

   There was a bang.

The entire third-floor apartment and the basement of the room seemed to be thrown into an invisible funnel whirling with magic power. In an instant, the entire three-story apartment was put into the small suitcase in Mason's hand, and was closed by the young man with a snap. He got up and pressed the lock of the box smoothly.

  The main body of the magic barrier covering the apartment suddenly disappeared, which directly caused the magic power in this area to go out of control.

   Created a weird smoke screen with little destructive power but very cool effects around it, and the visibility dropped to zero as the thick fog billowed like a burst of water vapor.

  Mason squatted at the bottom of the pit a few meters deep and threw the box in his hand to the stunned kite man beside him. While ripping off his tattered clothes, he wiped blood from his handkerchief all over his face.

  He seriously exhorted:

   "Don't open it casually! I kept Fang, Mao Mao and Mag in it, if you let them escape, the whole Gotham will be finished."

  The kite man who has experienced the Hogwarts incident certainly knows how dangerous these three harmless names represent.

  He nodded sharply, hugged the suitcase in his arms and waved to Mason, raised the invisibility cloak to wrap himself up and disappeared instantly.

   Half a minute later, Zha Kang, who was wielding a sharp sword made of magic, was the first to rush into the fog, but was almost shot in the head by an oncoming bullet.

   "Damn it! Just a little bit, just a little bit! There is one less evil in this troubled world."

  Lying on the ground holding an ordinary pistol, poor Mason complained regretfully in his heart, and then shouted hoarsely:

   "Come on! You crazy wizard! Come and kill me, I'm not afraid of you!"

  (end of this chapter)