MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 588 54. Mutant + Alien =?

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  Chapter 588 54. Mutant + Alien=?

  When Mason grumbled and brought his own weapons into the room where the space treadmill was located, everyone else was ready.

  The young version of Luthor put on a set of green power armor for himself, behind him was his adjutant old Luthor, and all members of the newly formed "Legion of Doom".

  In addition to the original members of the Legion of Doom, there are also super villains brought back from the world of Lords.

Black Manta, Giant Girl, Metal Man, Parasite, Silver Banshee, Leopard Girl, Poison Ivy, Live Wire, etc. are all well-armed and lined up in a row, with dead faces on their faces. The look of waiting for the expedition.

  To be honest, the most worrying thing about taking such a group of guys to implement the rescue strategy is not the vicious enemy, but whether these guys will suddenly jump back at a certain moment and give the captain a big job.

   But the two Luthors looked confident, the two Deathstrokes were still joking, and Deadshot, Bane, and Shark King beside them were expressionless.

  They are the supervisory team, and they must be ruthless in order to calm down other vicious bastards.

  So probably the survival rule in the new Legion of Doom is "control evil with evil".

   "Has your real leader not come yet?"

  Mason glanced at the time on his watch and asked, but the next moment, the sound of the door opening sounded behind him, and the old man in a mechanical bat suit strode in.

  The two Luthors immediately stood up straight, and the villains of the Legion of Doom also shrank their necks, which shows the threat of the old man in this regard.

  Mason threw out the special anti-mutant bullets and the fear grenade box. While the others were changing into special weapons, he said to Little Flash who was warming up beside him:

   "I will give you a message. After receiving the confirmation, I will start the hyperspace transmission, so as not to let in people who shouldn't come."

   "I will identify."

  Xiao Shan made an OK gesture and said:

   "This time, I have Mercury and Horus to help me share the pressure. You can send at least 20 times in six hours. Try to gather your compatriots together.

  Also, the good news is that the space-time blockade on the Utopia side is disturbed by the brewing shock, and I can now send you directly to a place close to the mutant capital, so that you don't have to travel long distances. "

   "This is really good news."

  Mason nodded, and then Xiao Shan boarded the space treadmill and started to accelerate,

  The flickering lights flew on the runway of the treadmill, hooking the phantom of time and space to open the rift, and those lights also illuminated everyone's eyes.

  The swordsman holding the demon helmet was still complaining beside him.

  She knew that anything related to the shock would not be simple, but to be honest, she didn't expect to encounter such an exciting situation before the shock officially started.

  But when the captain was about to leave, he suddenly received a private communication request from the old green goblin. As soon as Mason activated the communication, he heard Norman complaining on the other side:

   "I'm sorry for arguing with you just now, and I'm sorry for trying to help you make a decision without your permission. I hope this will not affect our cum-only partnership.

   Well, I actually knew it was futile to stop you from doing something like this, ever since Peter Parker, who knows only bad things, reported his damned discovery.

I know what kind of person you are, and I also know what stupid choices you make when faced with others asking for help. You never seem to learn to reject others, just like you helped the people in the shelter on that rainy night attack my city.

  No chance of winning

  You always like to do this kind of nonsense to others, but maybe this is why we can trust you and rally around you.

   But Mason.”

  The old green goblin said in a deep voice:

  "It's not so easy for you to drop the pick at the last moment. You have to come back before the impact begins! The career that you have poured your enthusiasm and energy into is coming to an end, and it will not be so complete without you at that moment.

   Maybe I'm old.

  I didn't expect that I would say such a thing at this time.

   But Mason, a new era without you is not perfect for all. "

   "Ah, Norman, I'm about to cry, these words are really heart-warming, not to mention it's coming from you, an old guy who wants to become the overlord of the universe."

  The captain made a gesture to let the team members jump into the opened space-time rift.

  He glanced back at the still calm sky of Osborne Tower and the eye of time and space that was still spinning above his head, and said to the old green goblin:

   "I didn't intend to be absent, so please wait for me to come back before saving the world. If you don't speak, I will take it as your consent."

  The moment he hung up the communication and turned to walk into the space-time rift, Mason reached out and pressed the hat on his head. He could see the scorched earth of Utopia covered by the flames of war from the flash of speed and power in front of his eyes.

He said:

   "Hat, I find that you are becoming more and more silent."

   "Because you don't need my help, Mason, you can already fly by yourself."

  The Sorting Hat said faintly:

  "To tell you the truth, I'm already thinking about retirement. Rather than wandering around with you all day to experience those horrible things, maybe it's more suitable for me to go back to those little wizards and continue to be a crazy hat."

   "Then you have to wait to see the sunset of Utopia with your own eyes, right?"

  Mason pulled out the pistol at his waist, jumped into the space-time rift in front of him, and said:

   "On the day of Hogwarts revenge, don't you have any feelings and are willing to talk about it?"

  The hat was silent for a long time, and did not speak on it again.

  Mason could feel the hat's complex emotions. They had all been changed by experience, and the Sorting Hat who was clamoring for revenge all day long seemed to have become a long memory.

  The surrounding team members spread out to observe the environment, and the team leader raised his head and circled around.

  He saw several sonic boom channels rising in the ruined city covered in smoke and dust in front, and in the chaotic sky in the distance, the spaceships of the Predators with unique shapes were leaving the atmosphere of this world.

  These guys didn't know what they used to poison the world, causing problems with the atmospheric structure of Utopia, and the refraction of the stars showed a weird red glow.

   Looks oddly ominous.

   "The conquerors here have begun to evacuate."

  Young Luthor leaned over and said to Mason:

   "I estimate that they have completed the search and destruction of cities on the edge of this world. This is good news. It means that as long as we don't take the initiative to attack, we don't have to bear the accidental attrition caused by fighting with them.

   The goal is just to get back those mutant civilians who are trapped, so I mean, we're going in and out. "

  Mason nodded and looked back at the guide behind him. The Supreme Cable popped up a topographic map of the world from his mechanical arm, explaining:

  "After the alien army broke through the second line of defense, the civilians who had no time to evacuate were placed in three underground fortresses near the capital and the abandoned test site space.

  Our landing point is still a little far away, but there is no need to check the outer area.

  The civilians here have been sent to various planes before the war started, and we dispatched the apostles lurking in each plane in advance to guide them to the predetermined refuge.

   As for the warriors here"

  Supreme Cable was silent for a while and finally did not come to a conclusion, but the people who came to help looked around, and even the ground was torn and baked by the manic force. It is basically impossible for any life to exist here.

   "No! There are life activities underground ahead, and there are many."

  The old death knell is holding a beeping life detector, and the screen shows that there are still considerable biological signals in the wreckage of the falling sky fortress ahead.

   But Cable waved his hands bitterly, and explained:

   "It's those monsters! The Jagged Legion releases their war pets into the battlefield, and those monsters will look for powerful mutants as their hosts and give birth to special mutants.

   We were able to destroy their nests in time at first, but those guys were multiplying too fast.

   Especially after getting the X gene, the evolution is more destructive. "

   "I never thought that the Predator would use aliens as a weapon of war, but I'm not surprised at all about the Sentinel's mutiny.

   Mutants and sentinel robots have always been antonyms, and sooner or later something will happen if they are pinched together. "

  Mason complained:

   "Liana, can you open the underground fortress directly leading to the capital of the X royal family?"

   "Okay, I've been there."

  The swordsman wearing a full set of **** armor said something in a deep voice.

  Although she doesn't like Utopia, she also feels very uncomfortable seeing the once beautiful mutant country reduced to the scorched land in front of her in a few days.

  I really want to find a few monsters to chop off to vent the fire.

   "This world is finished, and it may become a hunting ground or a recruit base for Predator in the future."

  Mason got up and sat on his Mobius chair, and said to the others:

   "After a while, I will restrain the sentry, you go down to save people, let's start."

  The captain gave an order, and the swordsman grabbed the soul sword and slashed downwards. After tearing open the space, he was the first to jump in, followed by the others.

   As soon as Mason drove the Moubis chair, he saw several twisted creatures rushing towards him, and then he was fixed in the air by the traction field of the Moubis chair.

These guys have the classic appearance of the alien, the black biological carapace and smooth elongated skull and eyeless structure and jagged tail are full of strange and evil beauty, while the sharp claws and fine pieces of the biological exoskeleton are completely covered. The ejection-type predatory mouthparts in the chaotic teeth add a touch of ferocity to it.

  Mason noticed that the bodies of these warriors were mutated to varying degrees. One of them had a carapace the color of flames and could spray flames from its mouth. Even its claws were covered with high temperature.

   This is probably the "X gene variant" that Cable just mentioned.

  In addition to the extraordinary physical attack, the method of energy attack has evolved. It seems that the combat effectiveness of the new alien hatched by the mutant as the host is indeed impressive.

  It's a pity that no matter how much it mutates, it can't grow a biological exoskeleton that blocks kinetic energy bullets.


  Shots at close range caused the three mutant heads in front of them to explode, and the retained deadly acid body fluids splashed all over the place, making the surrounding ground hiss with corrosion.

  The special variant observed by Mason actually used body fluids to explode with scorching heat.

  The villains of the Legion of Doom aren't afraid of the hell.

  They knocked the group of monsters to the ground in two or three strokes. Reckless as a shark king, they picked up the alien claws and tried to stuff them into their mouths to taste the salt, but they were knocked out by the dead shot next to them.

  He believed that no matter how powerful the Shark King's digestive system was, eating something like sulfuric acid directly would not end well.

  The movement transmitted by the commando quickly alarmed the nearby alien monsters, and these guys rushed out from the ruins of the dilapidated and obviously bombed buildings.

  They did not choose the stupid frontal sprint, but very cunningly passed through various weird areas enough to hide.

  Deadshot and Bloodsport two sharpshooters open fire immediately.

  But although the bullets they fired still accurately hit these black **** at a long distance, they couldn't have enough destructive power to break their exoskeletons.


   Mason on the Mobius chair grabbed the widow maker of the technological rifle, and said to the others who drew their weapons:

   "The heads of these things have sensory organs for hunting. That is the only place where they are not covered with bone helmets, but these guys move very fast. Don't waste bullets without super shooting skills."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger, and headshot several X-specific mutants who were hanging upside down from above the ruins to prepare for the "airborne raid" tactic. The corrosive body fluids spilled on the ground and made disturbing noises. Under No. 1's scolding, the **** of the New Doom Legion took out their deflagration flamethrowers one after another.

  Their thinking is quite accurate, as long as these things are still organisms, the flames can still cause considerable damage to them.


The swordsman who was looking for the entrance to the underground bunker suddenly moved his ears amidst the piercing sound of firefights, and then a flicker jumped to the side of the rookie Lingdie, slashing outward with the great sword of soul in his hand, and one end emerged from the invisible The gray alien easily decapitated and threw hellfire to spread around, forcing out several other monsters that were trying to flash and sneak attack.

   "It's a special variant of the Phantom Cat gene. What's going on with these guys?"

  The swordsman cursed:

   "Why do I feel that their mastery of the X gene is much better than these rookies? These monsters have only been hatched for a few days, right? Can they use their abilities to this extent?

   Is there any reason for this? "

   "It's just a different evolutionary route."

  Mason has already jumped off the mechanical chair and leaned over to extract a biological sample from the brain of a captured alien.

He planned to use Isu biological technology to produce a weapon that could quickly kill aliens, just like he did against the Skrulls. On the surrounding heated battlefield, the captain took out several sophisticated equipment and began to extract genetic samples on the spot. Casually explained to the aggrieved swordsman:

   "The gene chains of aliens are different from most carbon-based organisms. There is a blank area in their DNA helix, which is used to quickly combine the best gene fragments of the host to achieve almost unlimited evolutionary possibilities.

   This is the biological characteristic that allows them to continue to grow stronger.

  Theoretically speaking, if an alien egg can parasitize on Superman, then when it breaks out of the chest, it can get a Kryptonian alien.

  Hiss, this idea is a bit wonderful. "

  Mason looked at the separated sample in front of his eyes, added various alchemy liquids to compare the material effects, and said:

   "We'll have to try this idea when we get a badass Kryptonian, and General Zod's Kryptonian thugs are still roaming Gotham, right?

  If you don't find an opportunity for them to cooperate with the experiment, it will be considered as a contribution to the development of biology.

   Done! "

The captain took out the only discolored one among the five test tubes in his hand, and burned the other four with magic fire, and then used the components of the mixed sample that had undergone a violent reaction as a blueprint to infer a new alchemy formula within a few minutes .

  He took out a lot of raw materials and piled them together, took his alchemist gloves and put three weak magic stones into them to stabilize the alchemy process, and then put his hands together to launch the alchemy formation.

  With a flash of red light, several large boxes of liquid biodestroyer were produced.

Mason casually took the deflagration flamethrower from the hand of the rookie Psylocke next to him, picked up a liquid tank and installed it in the fuel tank of the flamethrower, and then took a few steps forward to aim at a group of screaming X-gene variants Pull the trigger.

  The gray-green mist was compressed and sprayed out, and in less than five seconds, the extremely vicious mutants and aliens in front of them let out strange screams.

   One by one, they lay on the ground and lost their strength, as if they had eaten something unclean.

  The strange smell from the mist made the surrounding aliens feel like they could smell snow. They wailed and retreated quickly, and quickly exited the corpse-strewn ruins.

  Mason nodded in satisfaction, threw the flamethrower in his hand to Psylocke, and shouted to the others:

   "All change to the alien destroyer! Don't waste time chasing and killing them, we are not here to help the world deworm."

  The swordsman witnessed the whole process, she exclaimed:

   "How did you do it? Is it some kind of witchcraft or magic?"

   "It's just a simple combination of biology and alchemy, and it's not worth mentioning."

  Mason waved his hand quite modestly and said:

  "These guys have seized the power of mutants and naturally have their weaknesses, plus they are sentient creatures, so it is not difficult to make biological agents that destroy senses and cause weakness.

  It may take a few days to make a special attack type plague, but the evolution speed of the aliens is very fast, and the biological agent will be ineffective against them after only one generation of reproduction.

   But for our operation, this is enough.

  Look at the way you've seen a ghost, what's the matter? Have you never seen an alchemist show off his might before? "

   "It's easy for you to say."

  Liana picked up the liquid jar at hand and shook it in her hand. Her tone was strange:

   "You just praised these aliens to the sky, but in a blink of an eye, the power they took countless years to evolve was defeated by your tinkering in a few minutes.

   So, who is the real monster? "

   "You've known me for so long, why would you ask such a boring question?"

  Mason took off the medical gloves and threw them on the alien corpse. He re-boarded the Mobius chair and replied:

  "Looking for deficiencies and targeting them doesn't really need to be stronger than the enemy, but as long as they are not perfect and I catch their weaknesses, then my chances of winning will be greatly increased.

   Isn’t this the way we craftsmen fight?

  Liana, if you want to develop your future life in **** and dominate after being unemployed from the stars, the easiest way is to bring me some more demons or demon biological samples.

   As for power?

   Tch, utterly boring stuff. "


  Add more tomorrow! 20+3!

  (end of this chapter)