MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 277 Shennong, die!

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   Chapter 277 Shennong, die!


   Shennong watched Feiduan lick his own blood with a solemn expression, and a strong ominous premonition rose in his heart, but he did not know where this sense of crisis came from.

   For a while, Shennong had the intention of retreating, after all, he would not have an advantage in a one-to-two match.

   But there seemed to be a voice screaming in his mind. Years of experience told him that the best way to break the game at this time was not to escape, but to…

   "It's you, the guy exudes a dangerous aura!"

   Shennong roared and rushed towards Feiduan, who seemed to be performing some unknown ritual.

   Although he doesn't understand, his experience and intuition tell him that no matter what the enemy wants to do, he can't let the opponent succeed!

   "Give me death!"

   Shennong glared angrily, the sense of crisis in his heart reached the extreme!

   "Did you forget you still have me?"

  Orochimaru's gloomy voice came from the side, and countless poisonous snakes were biting away at Shennong.

   But Shennong completely ignored Orochimaru. Even if his whole body was bitten with blood and venom was injected into his blood vessels, his target was still the laughing Feiduan!

  A giant python wrapped around Shennong and restrained Shennong tightly, causing his footsteps to stop. His muscles were constantly being squeezed and torn by the giant python's strangulation, and all the cells in his body seemed to be whining.


The life potential in the    cells was stimulated and released again. Shen Nong's whole body seemed to swell a few times.

   But at this time, there was no joy in his heart, because Feiduan had already swung his scythe.

   "Pfft, it's going to hurt a lot."

   Feiduan showed a nervous smile: "Be patient and don't cry!"


   In Shennong's unbelievable gaze, Feiduan stabbed the sickle blade into his chest, and stabbed it on his stitched heart: "Ha!"


  Shen Nong's eyes snapped, and a lot of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. His throat trembled slightly, but he couldn't make a sound. He covered his heart and fell down!



   Shennong's breath quickly weakened, but Feiduan took a deep breath, pulled out the sickle from his heart, and smeared the blood overflowing from his chest on his body, feeling the stimulating warmth.

   "Hahahaha, ah, hahahaha!"

   Feiduan laughed and said, "This feeling is so painful, but it's so cool!"

   After saying that, he was about to quit the dead division with blood, but before that, Orochimaru reached out and stopped him.


   Feiduan looked at Orochimaru with a puzzled face: "Why?"


  Orochimaru shook his head and looked at the "corpse" of Shennong on the ground with a sneer: "I don't think that Teacher Shennong, who taught me the art of regeneration, would die so easily, do you think so, Teacher Shennong?"


   "Hey, what nonsense are you talking about?"

  Fei Duan squinted his eyes, put the blood sickle against his shoulder, and stared at Shennong on the ground: "Except for the fact that I have the blessings of adults to get immortality, the heart of ordinary people is a fatal injury, right?"

   "But Teacher Shennong is not an ordinary person."

  Orochimaru chuckled: "Using superb medical ninjutsu, at the moment when the heart is penetrated, a replacement organ is temporarily condensed with Chakra, and at the same time, the heart is quickly repaired.

   In this way, the effect of suspended animation can be easily achieved. When I relax my vigilance and walk up to you to take the scroll, I am afraid you will instantly explode and give me a fatal blow, right? "


   "Look, Orochimaru, he ignores you."

   Feiduan yawned: "What are you going to do?"

   "Feed the snake."

  Orochimaru smiled sinisterly: "A piece of meat that will regenerate quickly, it is estimated that it will be very popular with the snake group, but when his chakra is exhausted, it may not be able to continue to regenerate."


   Shennong opened his eyes and stood up with a gloomy expression: "I admit, this old man fell into your hands this time, but even if you want to kill me, it is not so easy.

   It's better for everyone to take a step back and cooperate with each other..."

   "You really didn't die?!"

   Shennong was interrupted by Feiduan's roar before he could finish his words: "If you are not dead, wouldn't it be a joke that I prayed silently in my heart just now?

  Sir heard my faithful prayers and was ready to meet the death of my tribute, but in the middle of the ceremony, you told me that you don’t want to die? !

   Then what have I become, and what will adults think of me? Unforgivable! "

   "I don't believe..."

   Fei Duan smiled and put the sickle on his neck: "So you're not dead yet?!"

   "Calm down! What do you want to do!"

   Shennong's pupils shrank: "If you have something to say, we can discuss... negotiate..."

   Shennong stopped talking abruptly as if he was being strangled by the neck.

  He lowered his head tremblingly, and saw a bloodline appearing on his neck, his mouth opened and closed weakly, and his eyes were full of madness and unwillingness.


   The headless corpse fell.


  Fei Duan's head was facing the sky, his eyes moved down frantically, trying to get a glimpse of Shen Nong's appearance. Although he couldn't see the whole picture, it didn't prevent him from hearing the other party's corpse separated and collapsed to the ground.

   "Hahahaha, you continue to heal, use your chakra to grow a head for yourself, hahahaha!"


   Hearing that there was no answer, Feiduan laughed wildly, his vision suddenly became dazed, and his head was lifted by Orochimaru.

   "Too impulsive."

  Orochimaru shook his head: "Get rid of him so quickly, I haven't even asked about the technique of Zero-tail."

   "Stop crap!"

   Feiduan's face was full of disdain: "You just looked like you were watching a good show, but you didn't see any intention of stopping me, and now you are accusing me again?"

   "Because he knows that even if the other party dies, I can get the information I want."

   The space was like a ripple on the surface of the water, Yu walked out slowly and turned to look at Shennong's corpse.

   lightly hooked his hand, held his soul in his hand, and read the information.

   "Well, regeneration technique, zero tail technique, medical ninjutsu..."

   Yu nodded: "The harvest is good, with this perfect regeneration technique, the matching plan between Variety Monster and Guiya Luo is even more perfect.

   As for the zero tail of the record, it is also a good thing..."

   "Sir True God!"

  Fei Duan saw Yu's appearance, and immediately exclaimed excitedly: "Your faithful followers and servants offer you a sincere tribute..."


  Yu turned his head to look at Feiduan, sighed, and waved lightly, a thought force lifted the opponent's fallen body, and then used thought power to grab Feiduan's head and connect it to the opponent's neck.

   "The Art of Regeneration..."

   Yu murmured softly, and performed the surgery that had just arrived intact.


  Fei Duan stretched his neck and felt the existence of his limbs again. He touched his neck and it was intact. He instantly reacted and knelt down to thank you: "Praise you, Lord True God!"

   "It seems that the effect is not bad."

   Yu frowned and looked at Feiduan: "But because it is immortal, the requirements for the technique are not very high, and it cannot be treated as a standard. I still need to practice more..."

   "Can you..."

Orochimaru looked at Yu and sensed the unfathomable terrifying aura on the other side. He hesitated, lowered his head and said softly, "Master Yu, can you also show me the full version of the Regeneration Technique, I am very interested in it. Very curious..."

"take it."

   Yu's voice suddenly sounded, making Orochimaru overjoyed, he raised his head suddenly, but it was a pair of calm kaleidoscopes.

   Too late to react, Orochimaru's expression froze, and it took some time before he regained consciousness.

   He stared at the scroll that had already reached his arms in a trance, Yu's voice sounded in his mind: "You have performed well recently, let's continue to work hard, as a reward, you have unlocked one-third of your soul blockade,

   Well, you can try to escape with this third of your soul. "


  Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then reacted, shook his head and looked at Yu, showing a sincere smile: "I know I can't escape, and even if you really let me go, I don't want it now."


   "If I leave you..."

  Orochimaru shook his head and looked up at the sky, with emotion on his face: "I may never have the chance to touch the higher sky again."

   (end of this chapter)