MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 66 December 10 rain

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It has been raining non-stop at Hogwarts, which has just entered December. Colin, who kept taking pictures with Harry, was petrified, and there was a line of blood on the wall that read "The secret room is open, and the heir is the enemy, beware!".

Although Zhu Yi always felt that this line of writing was really ugly, like a mollusk crawling out, but the words "secret room" and "successor" made many students begin to inexplicably fear stand up.

"I really don't understand, what the **** is the Chamber of Secrets!" Jue and Fred squatted in Myrtle's bathroom, practicing the fiery spell she had just learned from the diary.

The spell was so difficult that her wand made only a tiny flame. And Myrtle had been crouching beside them chatting endlessly.

Fred was very dissatisfied with the dating environment, but they really couldn't find a better place to practice a spell that might catch fire. Ask him to say that Lockhart and that notebook might be bragging, and that the spell might be a trick.

"There's always a lot of weird people showing up to me." Myrtle circled around Joey and Fred a few times, stopped over their heads and said, "For example, the two of you, a young couple hid here and whispered spells. And last winter, a snake ran in. I tried to drive it away, but then I forgot."

Myrtle paused, she really wanted these two to ask why she forgot, but Zhu Yi was fighting with his wand, and Fred was always worried about whether there would be Girls come here to use the toilet.

"Can't you ask me why?" Myrtle screamed, her voice sharp like a piercing tweeter, making Zhu Yi's brain almost explode.

"I asked me, why why why!" Zhu Yi hurriedly asked, covering her ears.

Myrtle immediately turned pink, she squeezed her throat contentedly and said, "Oh, because not long after the snake came in, another Slytherin boy came in, looking like He is very handsome and speaks nicely. He was very interested in whether I could walk from this bathroom to the Black Lake, so I showed it to him, ha, he admires me very much!"

"Where's the snake? You don't care about it anymore?" Zhu Yi asked with a little interest. She didn't expect a ghost to turn pink!

"I don't know, I haven't seen it since I came back from Black Lake." Myrtle held her face with a fascinated smile, and said, "Who cares about that snake, I only I don't care if that boy says I'm very good, sigh, if I'm still alive, maybe I can fall in love like you guys!"

Myrtle looked at Zhu Yi and Fred sadly. She had followed many couples and observed them. This little couple is usually sweet and greasy, especially enviable... Zhu Yi and Fred's hair almost stood on end at the look in her eyes.

At this time, Peeves staggered in and laughed loudly at Myrtle: "Look at your ugly appearance, you still want to fall in love and dream like Ms. Zhu Yi. Go!"

Myrtle angrily threw the water from the toilet on Peeves and then plunged her head into the toilet and disappeared. As a result, the water passed through Peeves and poured on Joey. Fred It was also affected a bit. Joie is going crazy with the new sweater she just bought! Fred reluctantly wiped a handful of water from his face, thankful that no one here has ever squatted on the toilet.

"It's disgusting!" Zhu Yi took off the dripping sweater and said irritably, "I really want to know if there is any other place where I can practice this **** spell successfully! Myrtle is so annoying!"

Fred looked at her wearing only a white shirt that was half wet with water, and took off his sweater and put it on her without a word. The white shirt is a bit see-through... His ears are red, but the pink underwear that he had vaguely seen just now kept flashing in his mind... There seems to be a little broken flower...

Ju Yi was immersed in the depression that she never learned the spell, and she was in a better mood after being put on a warm sweater obediently.

"Maybe ma'am can try a room on the eighth floor!" Peeves flattered Jue, "There's a troll stick across from the tapestry of Barnabas, in that section. Walk up and down the wall three times and a mysterious room will appear! I've seen a lot of students do this!"

"Wow! Really?" Zhu Yi's expression became very excited, she believed that Peeves would not dare to lie to her, and looked at Fred eagerly.

Fred is very interested in all mysterious things, and the two of them immediately decided to try it tomorrow!

The atmosphere in the Gryffindor lounge was a bit strange, Jue and Fred found Harry very depressed sitting alone on the cushion by the fireplace, Ron and Hermione were overwhelmed Standing behind him, there were several second-year boys in the lounge who kept pointing at Harry.

"What's the situation?" Fred asked George, who was smoking Lee's nose.

Oh, they've recently become obsessed with the penalty of sniffling with cards when they lose, saying whoever gets the nosebleed first is the last player. George kept saying that Fred would definitely win this game, all it took was Joey to wear a miniskirt once.

A snake, Harry said a Parseltongue and was turned by the snake. Now these little fools think Harry is the heir to the Chamber of Secrets."

"Wow! Cool! Harry, can you talk to snakes?!" After listening, Zhu Yi immediately ran over and patted Harry on the shoulder and said excitedly, "That group of Slytherins are Aren't you mad? Hahahaha! Parseltongue is the unique skill of the founder of their academy!"

Juey's words aroused the approval of many senior Gryffindor students, and Fred also laughed and responded: "That's right, heir to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, hey, This is really exciting!"

Harry was in a really bad mood at first, but after being teased by Joey and Fred, he didn't feel so bad.

"Yes! That's right! Listen, Harry, no one thinks you are a monster, as for those who like to spread rumors!" A few classmates who were still whispering, "You just let them talk! Sooner or later, they will have a rotten tongue!"

Although Hermione did not agree with Ron's rude expression, she still recognized his meaning.

Juey finally took the opportunity to squeeze Harry's face, and returned to Fred's side contentedly. Harry is really a sensitive child, and Jue thinks he lives more carefully than all the Gryffindor students put together, which inspires Jue's motherhood. Merlin, does she actually have maternal feelings? terrible!

Fred is now no stranger to Zhu Yi’s behavior of eating Harry’s tofu from time to time, and even fortunately it’s Harry, if someone else can’t do it well, Zhu Yi will be reported harassed.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhu Yi rummaged through the boxes and found the notebook she didn't know where to put it. She promised Fred to take this little thing to that mysterious room tomorrow to study it together of!

The notebook was found under the bed. When Zhu Yi took it out, the surface was covered with a thin layer of ash. Zhu Yi patted it on the bedside table in disgust. Take it out. Angelina hasn't come back yet, she's very bored now, let's chat with this gadget!

Ju Yi took out a brand new quill, the one that had been bitten out by her before has been eliminated. She wrote in her notebook: Long time no see! do you miss me?

Notebook immediately replied: It’s been a long time, what have you been busy with recently?

Hey, what a quick response! She smiled and wrote: I've been trying the fiery fire spell you mentioned recently, but it has never been successful.

The beautiful handwriting on the notebook slowly emerged: The tone of this spell should be sharp, not too soft, if you can bring a little anger, it may be easier to succeed. I believe you will be able to learn it, and then I will teach you other interesting spells.

This little thing is a good teacher! Zhu Yi smiled secretly for a while and continued to write: I remember everything you said, but it is said that the secret room has been opened, and it is difficult for me to find a safe and suitable place to practice when people are panicking outside.

The notebook stopped for three seconds, and replied in very sharp handwriting: Impossible! The Chamber of Secrets cannot be opened!

Juey was amused by its reaction, she laughed twice and wrote: Yes, I also think it is very interesting, and now everyone says that Harry is the heir of the Chamber of Secrets, I think This is the person who dislikes Harry by making a prank about someone petrifying!

The notebook was silent for a while, and then slowly wrote: The secret room is real, but no one can open it now.

This notebook is talking big again, Zhu Yi now suspects that this is something made by a very poor Slytherin, otherwise why would he like to brag to express himself? Zhu Yi shook his head and wrote in disapproval: What do you know about a gadget, the professors say they don't know where the secret room is, you seem to be more powerful than the professors! Stop bragging about the little things.

The notebook was absolutely angry, it kept appearing and disappearing in an instant, reappearing and disappearing again, so many times, Zhu Yi couldn't see any word that appeared. But she suspected that the notebook was scolding her, although she had no proof.

In the end, the notebook finally recovered, and a line of words slowly emerged: Do you want to know the story of the secret room? I can take you to see fifty years ago, when the Chamber of Secrets was opened once.

"Juey! Are you writing a diary again? Merlin, you are not writing your love story!" He took off a red scarf and threw it on the bed, and asked with a smile.

Juey heard Angelina's voice, turned her head and saw the red scarf and asked curiously, "A new scarf? You didn't bring a scarf when you went out!"

"Oh, a Hufflepuff boy gave it to me." Angelina loosened the braid, and the magic comb that Fumira gave her immediately floated up and gently pressed her scalp, she He narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Zhu Yi doesn't like this comb, it always makes her feel like a pet cat or a pet dog. She avoided the comb's intention to comb her hair, sitting next to Angelina and asked cautiously, "Is someone chasing you? Hufflepuff? Not Ravenclaw?"

Angelina didn't open her eyes, and said with a hmmm: "Yeah, what's wrong? He even asked me to go to Hogsmeade on the weekend, and I told him that if it was still raining, Go, I don't want to be slapped in the face by the ice rain."

Zhu Yi forced back her laughter and said "oh", she felt that it was necessary to tell someone in Ravenclaw this good news, hehe! It's fun to watch again!

She has completely forgotten the notebook that is still spoofing...

Notebook: Why didn't you answer? Are you not interested? Hey! What about people? are you still there? Hey! What happened 50 years ago can tell you a lot of the truth! Are you really not interested? Hello! What about people? Answer me now! You really don't want to know? Hello!

The author has something to say:

Juey and Tom's second duel, Juey KO!

The unread and unreturned messages are even more annoying, hahahaha!

By the way, did you peek at my manuscript box? woo woo woo- (the writer who was spoiled by the reader collapsed to the ground)

I thought my setting was very good...

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